1 | function displayprognostic(md)
2 | %DISPLAYPROGNOSTIC - display solution parameters
3 | %
4 | % To avoid clobbering display.m with every field from model md,
5 | % we create this routine that displays the solution parameters
6 | % from model md, only if requested.
7 | %
8 | % Usage:
9 | % displayprognostic(md)
10 |
11 | disp(sprintf(' Prognostic solution parameters:'));
12 |
13 | disp(sprintf('\n transient:'));
14 | fielddisplay(md,' ','dt','time step [yr]');
15 | fielddisplay(md,' ','ndt','time span [yr]');
16 | fielddisplay(md,' ','artificial_diffusivity','yes->1, no->0');
17 |
18 | disp(sprintf('\n boundary conditions:'));
19 | fielddisplay(md,' ','gridondirichlet_prog','grid on dirichlet flags list');
20 | fielddisplay(md,' ','dirichletvalues_prog','values of the dirichlet [m]');
21 | fielddisplay(md,' ','segmentonneumann_prog','segments on ice front list');
22 | fielddisplay(md,' ','neumannvalues_prog','values of the Neumann [m/a]');