1 | function md=BasinConstrain(md,domain);
2 | %BASINCONSTRAIN - constrain basin
3 | %
4 | % Constrain basin using a constraint domain outline,
5 | % to dirichlet boundary conditions.
6 | % constraindomain is an Argus domain outline file enclosing
7 | % the geographical area of interest.
8 | %
9 | % Usage:
10 | % md=BasinConstrain(md,constraindomain)
11 | %
12 | % Example:
13 | % md=BasinConstrain(md,'DomainOutline.exp');
14 | % md=BasinConstrain(md,'~Iceshelves.exp');
15 |
16 | %now, flag grids and elements outside the domain outline.
17 | if ischar(domain),
18 | if isempty(domain),
19 | elementondomain=zeros(md.numberofelements,1);
20 | gridondomain=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);
21 | invert=0;
22 | elseif strcmpi(domain,'all')
23 | elementondomain=ones(md.numberofelements,1);
24 | gridondomain=ones(md.numberofgrids,1);
25 | invert=0;
26 | else
27 | %make sure that we actually don't want the elements outside the domain outline!
28 | if strcmpi(domain(1),'~'),
29 | domain=domain(2:length(domain));
30 | invert=1;
31 | else
32 | invert=0;
33 | end
34 | %ok, flag elements and nodes
35 | [gridondomain elementondomain]=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,expread(domain,1),'element and node',2);
36 | end
37 | if invert,
38 | gridondomain=~gridondomain;
39 | elementondomain=~elementondomain;
40 | end
41 | else
42 | error('BasinConstrain error message: domain type not supported yet');
43 | end
44 |
45 | %list of elements and nodes not on domain
46 | gridnotondomain=find(~gridondomain);
47 | elementnotondomain=find(~elementondomain);
48 |
49 | %all elements outside the constraint domain are equivalent to water. all grids outside are spc'd.
50 | md.gridondirichlet_diag(gridnotondomain)=1;
51 | md.dirichletvalues_diag(gridnotondomain,1)=md.vx_obs(gridnotondomain);
52 | md.dirichletvalues_diag(gridnotondomain,2)=md.vy_obs(gridnotondomain);
53 | md.elementonwater(elementnotondomain)=1;
54 |
55 | %now, make sure all elements on water have grids that are spc'd, otherwise, we'll get a singular problem.
56 | pos=find(md.elementonwater);
57 | grids=unique(md.elements(pos,:));
58 |
59 | md.gridondirichlet_diag(grids)=1;
60 | md.dirichletvalues_diag(grids,1)=md.vx_obs(grids);
61 | md.dirichletvalues_diag(grids,2)=md.vy_obs(grids);