[8926] | 1 | %PLANET class definition
| 2 | %
| 3 | % Usage:
| 4 | % md = planet(varargin)
| 5 |
| 6 | classdef planet < model
| 7 | properties (SetAccess=public) %Planet fields
[12706] | 8 | % {{{
[8926] | 9 | %Planet specific fields
| 10 | r=NaN;
| 11 | theta=NaN;
| 12 | phi=NaN;
| 13 | %}}}
| 14 | end
| 15 | methods
[12706] | 16 | function md=planetmesh(md,varargin) % {{{
[8926] | 17 | %PLANETMESH: build 2d shell mesh
| 18 | %
| 19 | % Usage: md=planetmesh(md,'method','mixed','radius',6378000,'angleresol',1);
| 20 | % md=planetmesh(md,'method','tria','shape','iso','radius',6378000,'refinement',5);
| 21 | %
| 22 |
| 23 | %recover options
| 24 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
| 25 |
| 26 | method=getfieldvalue(options,'method','mixed');
| 27 |
| 28 | if strcmpi(method,'mixed'),
| 29 | %recover radius and angleresol:
| 30 | radius=getfieldvalue(options,'radius',6378000); %earth radius as default
| 31 | angleresol=getfieldvalue(options,'angleresol',10); %10 degree resolution
| 32 |
| 33 | %call mixed mesh
| 34 | md=planetmixedmesh(md,radius,angleresol);
| 35 | else
| 36 | %recover radius, shape and level of refinmenet
| 37 | radius=getfieldvalue(options,'radius',6378000); %earth radius as default
| 38 | refinement=getfieldvalue(options,'refinement',5); %refine 5 times
| 39 | shape=getfieldvalue(options,'shape','ico');
| 40 |
| 41 | %call triangular mesh
| 42 | md=planettrimesh(md,shape,radius,refinement);
| 43 | end
| 44 |
| 45 | end
| 46 | % }}}
| 47 | end
| 48 | end