%GENERIC cluster class definition % % Usage: % cluster=generic('name','astrid','np',3); % cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',3,'login','username'); classdef generic properties (SetAccess=public) % {{{ name = ''; login = ''; np = 1; npocean = 1; port = 0; interactive = 1; codepath = [IssmConfig('ISSM_PREFIX') '/bin']; etcpath = [issmdir() '/etc']; executionpath = [issmdir() '/execution']; valgrind = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind']; valgrindlib = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/libmpidebug.so']; valgrindsup = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp']; verbose = 1; shell = '/bin/sh'; %}}} end methods function cluster=generic(varargin) % {{{ %Change the defaults if ispc if ispc, cluster.codepath = [issmdir() '\bin']; cluster.etcpath = [issmdir() '\etc']; cluster.executionpath = [issmdir() '\execution']; end %use provided options to change fields options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); %get name cluster.name=getfieldvalue(options,'name',oshostname()); %initialize cluster using user settings if provided if (exist([cluster.name '_settings'])==2), eval([cluster.name '_settings']); end %OK get other fields cluster=AssignObjectFields(pairoptions(varargin{:}),cluster); end %}}} function disp(cluster) % {{{ % display the object disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' object ''%s'' = ',class(cluster),inputname(1))); disp(sprintf(' name: %s',cluster.name)); disp(sprintf(' login: %s',cluster.login)); disp(sprintf(' np: %i',cluster.np)); disp(sprintf(' npocean: %i',cluster.npocean)); disp(sprintf(' port: %i',cluster.port)); disp(sprintf(' codepath: %s',cluster.codepath)); disp(sprintf(' executionpath: %s',cluster.executionpath)); disp(sprintf(' etcpath: %s',cluster.etcpath)); disp(sprintf(' valgrind: %s',cluster.valgrind)); disp(sprintf(' valgrindlib: %s',cluster.valgrindlib)); disp(sprintf(' valgrindsup: %s',cluster.valgrindsup)); disp(sprintf(' verbose: %s',cluster.verbose)); disp(sprintf(' shell: %s',cluster.shell)); end %}}} function md = checkconsistency(cluster,md,solution,analyses) % {{{ if cluster.np<1 md = checkmessage(md,['number of processors should be at least 1']); end if isnan(cluster.np), md = checkmessage(md,'number of processors should not be NaN!'); end end %}}} function BuildQueueScript(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling) % {{{ %write queuing script %what is the executable being called? executable='issm.exe'; if isdakota, version=IssmConfig('_DAKOTA_VERSION_'); version=str2num(version(1:3)); if (version>=6), executable='issm_dakota.exe'; end end if isoceancoupling, executable='issm_ocean.exe'; end if ~ispc(), fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell); if ~isvalgrind, if cluster.interactive if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'), fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s \n',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname); else fprintf(fid,'%s/%s %s %s %s ',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname); end else if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'), fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog &',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname); else fprintf(fid,'%s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog &',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname); end end elseif isgprof, fprintf(fid,'\n gprof %s/issm.exe gmon.out > %s.performance',cluster.codepath,modelname); else %Add --gen-suppressions=all to get suppression lines fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s \\\n',cluster.valgrindlib); if ismac, if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'), fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --dsymutil=yes --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',... cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname], modelname,modelname,modelname); else fprintf(fid,'%s --leak-check=full --dsymutil=yes --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',... cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname], modelname,modelname,modelname); end else if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'), fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',... cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname); else fprintf(fid,'%s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',... cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname); end end end if ~io_gather, %concatenate the output files: fprintf(fid,'\ncat %s.outbin.* > %s.outbin',modelname,modelname); end fclose(fid); else % Windows fid=fopen([modelname '.bat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'@echo off\n'); if IssmConfig('_HAVE_PETSC_MPI_'), warning('parallel runs not allowed yet in Windows. Defaulting to 1 cpus'); cluster.np=1; end if cluster.np>1, fprintf(fid,'"C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2\\bin\\mpiexec.exe" -n %i "%s/%s" %s ./ %s ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,modelname); else fprintf(fid,'"%s/%s" %s ./ %s ',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,modelname); end fclose(fid); end %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file if cluster.interactive, fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); end end %}}} function BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,dirnames,modelnames,nps) % {{{ %some checks: if isempty(modelname), error('BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels error message: need a non empty model name!');end %what is the executable being called? executable='issm_slr.exe'; if ispc(), error('BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels not support yet on windows machines');end; %write queuing script fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell); %number of cpus: mpistring=sprintf('mpiexec -np %i ',cluster.np); %executable: mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s/%s ',cluster.codepath,executable)]; %solution name: mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s ',solution)]; %execution directory and model name: mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s/%s %s',cluster.executionpath,dirname,modelname)]; %inform main executable of how many icecaps, glaciers and earth models are being run: mpistring=[mpistring sprintf(' %i ',length(dirnames))]; %icecaps, glaciers and earth location, names and number of processors associated: for i=1:length(dirnames), mpistring=[mpistring sprintf(' %s/%s %s %i ',cluster.executionpath,dirnames{i},modelnames{i},nps{i})]; end %log files: if ~cluster.interactive, mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('2> %s.errlog> %s.outlog',modelname,modelname)]; end %write this long string to disk: fprintf(fid,mpistring); fclose(fid); %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file if cluster.interactive, fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); end end %}}} function BuildQueueScriptIceOcean(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota) % {{{ %write queuing script %what is the executable being called? executable='issm_ocean.exe'; fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell); fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s : -np %i ./mitgcmuv\n',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,cluster.executionpath,modelname,cluster.npocean); fclose(fid); %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file if cluster.interactive, fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); end end %}}} function BuildKrigingQueueScript(cluster,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof) % {{{ %write queuing script if ~ispc(), fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#!/bin/sh\n'); if ~isvalgrind, if cluster.interactive fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/kriging.exe %s %s ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname); else fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/kriging.exe %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname); end elseif isgprof, fprintf(fid,'\n gprof %s/kriging.exe gmon.out > %s.performance',cluster.codepath,modelname); else %Add --gen-suppressions=all to get suppression lines fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s \\\n',cluster.valgrindlib); fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --suppressions=%s %s/kriging.exe %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',... cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname); end if ~io_gather, %concatenate the output files: fprintf(fid,'\ncat %s.outbin.* > %s.outbin',modelname,modelname); end fclose(fid); else % Windows fid=fopen([modelname '.bat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'@echo off\n'); if cluster.interactive fprintf(fid,'"%s/issm.exe" %s "%s" %s ',cluster.codepath,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname); else fprintf(fid,'"%s/issm.exe" %s "%s" %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog',... cluster.codepath,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname); end fclose(fid); end %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file if cluster.interactive, fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid); end end %}}} function UploadQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist)% {{{ if ~ispc, %compress the files into one zip. compressstring=['tar -zcf ' dirname '.tar.gz ']; for i=1:numel(filelist), if ~exist(filelist{i},'file') error(['File ' filelist{i} ' not found']); end compressstring = [compressstring ' ' filelist{i}]; end if cluster.interactive, compressstring = [compressstring ' ' modelname '.errlog ' modelname '.outlog ']; end system(compressstring); if cluster.verbose, disp('uploading input file and queueing script'); end issmscpout(cluster.name,cluster.executionpath,cluster.login,cluster.port,{[dirname '.tar.gz']}); end end %}}} function LaunchQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch)% {{{ if ~ispc, %figure out what shell extension we will use: if isempty(strfind(cluster.shell,'csh')), shellext='sh'; else shellext='csh'; end if cluster.verbose, disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster'); end if ~isempty(restart) launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && cd ' dirname ' && source ' modelname '.queue ']; else if ~batch, launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ... ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz && source ' modelname '.queue ']; else launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ... ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz ']; end end issmssh(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,launchcommand); else system([modelname '.bat']); end end %}}} function LaunchQueueJobIceOcean(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch)% {{{ if ~ispc, %figure out what shell extension we will use: if isempty(strfind(cluster.shell,'csh')), shellext='sh'; else shellext='csh'; end if cluster.verbose, disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster'); end if ~isempty(restart) launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && cd ' dirname ' && source ' modelname '.queue ']; else if ~batch, launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz && source ' modelname '.queue ']; else launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ... ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz ']; end end issmssh(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,launchcommand); else system([modelname '.bat']); end end %}}} function Download(cluster,dirname,filelist)% {{{ if ispc(), %do nothing return; end %copy files from cluster to current directory directory=[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname '/']; issmscpin(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,directory,filelist); end %}}} end end