[8586] | 1 | %GENERIC cluster class definition
[8578] | 2 | %
| 3 | % Usage:
[8586] | 4 | % cluster=generic('name','astrid','np',3);
| 5 | % cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',3,'login','username');
[8578] | 6 |
| 7 | classdef generic
[13395] | 8 | properties (SetAccess=public)
| 9 | % {{{
[21341] | 10 | name = '';
| 11 | login = '';
| 12 | np = 1;
[22758] | 13 | npocean = 1;
[21341] | 14 | port = 0;
| 15 | interactive = 1;
| 16 | codepath = [IssmConfig('ISSM_PREFIX') '/bin'];
| 17 | etcpath = [issmdir() '/etc'];
| 18 | executionpath = [issmdir() '/execution'];
| 19 | valgrind = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'];
| 20 | valgrindlib = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/libmpidebug.so'];
| 21 | valgrindsup = [issmdir() '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'];
| 22 | verbose = 1;
| 23 | shell = '/bin/sh';
[13395] | 24 | %}}}
| 25 | end
| 26 | methods
| 27 | function cluster=generic(varargin) % {{{
[8586] | 28 |
[19105] | 29 | %Change the defaults if ispc
| 30 | if ispc,
| 31 | cluster.codepath = [issmdir() '\bin'];
| 32 | cluster.etcpath = [issmdir() '\etc'];
| 33 | cluster.executionpath = [issmdir() '\execution'];
| 34 | end
| 35 |
[13395] | 36 | %use provided options to change fields
| 37 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
[8586] | 38 |
[13395] | 39 | %get name
| 40 | cluster.name=getfieldvalue(options,'name',oshostname());
[8586] | 41 |
[13395] | 42 | %initialize cluster using user settings if provided
| 43 | if (exist([cluster.name '_settings'])==2), eval([cluster.name '_settings']); end
[8578] | 44 |
[13395] | 45 | %OK get other fields
| 46 | cluster=AssignObjectFields(pairoptions(varargin{:}),cluster);
| 47 | end
| 48 | %}}}
| 49 | function disp(cluster) % {{{
| 50 | % display the object
| 51 | disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' object ''%s'' = ',class(cluster),inputname(1)));
| 52 | disp(sprintf(' name: %s',cluster.name));
| 53 | disp(sprintf(' login: %s',cluster.login));
| 54 | disp(sprintf(' np: %i',cluster.np));
[22758] | 55 | disp(sprintf(' npocean: %i',cluster.npocean));
[13395] | 56 | disp(sprintf(' port: %i',cluster.port));
| 57 | disp(sprintf(' codepath: %s',cluster.codepath));
| 58 | disp(sprintf(' executionpath: %s',cluster.executionpath));
[20500] | 59 | disp(sprintf(' etcpath: %s',cluster.etcpath));
[13395] | 60 | disp(sprintf(' valgrind: %s',cluster.valgrind));
| 61 | disp(sprintf(' valgrindlib: %s',cluster.valgrindlib));
| 62 | disp(sprintf(' valgrindsup: %s',cluster.valgrindsup));
[17806] | 63 | disp(sprintf(' verbose: %s',cluster.verbose));
[18301] | 64 | disp(sprintf(' shell: %s',cluster.shell));
[13395] | 65 | end
| 66 | %}}}
| 67 | function md = checkconsistency(cluster,md,solution,analyses) % {{{
| 68 | if cluster.np<1
| 69 | md = checkmessage(md,['number of processors should be at least 1']);
| 70 | end
| 71 | if isnan(cluster.np),
| 72 | md = checkmessage(md,'number of processors should not be NaN!');
| 73 | end
| 74 | end
| 75 | %}}}
[21729] | 76 | function BuildQueueScript(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling) % {{{
[8578] | 77 |
[13395] | 78 | %write queuing script
[20500] | 79 | %what is the executable being called?
| 80 | executable='issm.exe';
| 81 | if isdakota,
| 82 | version=IssmConfig('_DAKOTA_VERSION_'); version=str2num(version(1:3));
| 83 | if (version>=6),
| 84 | executable='issm_dakota.exe';
| 85 | end
| 86 | end
[21729] | 87 | if isoceancoupling,
| 88 | executable='issm_ocean.exe';
| 89 | end
[20500] | 90 |
[13395] | 91 | if ~ispc(),
[12706] | 92 |
[13395] | 93 | fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w');
[18301] | 94 | fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell);
[13395] | 95 | if ~isvalgrind,
| 96 | if cluster.interactive
[16137] | 97 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'),
[21341] | 98 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s \n',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname);
[13395] | 99 | else
[21341] | 100 | fprintf(fid,'%s/%s %s %s %s ',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname);
[13395] | 101 | end
| 102 | else
[16137] | 103 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'),
[21341] | 104 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog &',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 105 | else
[21341] | 106 | fprintf(fid,'%s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog &',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 107 | end
| 108 | end
| 109 | elseif isgprof,
| 110 | fprintf(fid,'\n gprof %s/issm.exe gmon.out > %s.performance',cluster.codepath,modelname);
| 111 | else
| 112 | %Add --gen-suppressions=all to get suppression lines
| 113 | fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s \\\n',cluster.valgrindlib);
| 114 | if ismac,
[16137] | 115 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'),
[22758] | 116 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --dsymutil=yes --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',...
| 117 | cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname], modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 118 | else
[22758] | 119 | fprintf(fid,'%s --leak-check=full --dsymutil=yes --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',...
| 120 | cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname], modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 121 | end
| 122 | else
[16137] | 123 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_MPI_'),
[22758] | 124 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',...
| 125 | cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 126 | else
[22758] | 127 | fprintf(fid,'%s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',...
| 128 | cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 129 | end
| 130 | end
| 131 | end
| 132 | if ~io_gather, %concatenate the output files:
| 133 | fprintf(fid,'\ncat %s.outbin.* > %s.outbin',modelname,modelname);
| 134 | end
| 135 | fclose(fid);
[12706] | 136 |
[13395] | 137 | else % Windows
[12706] | 138 |
[13395] | 139 | fid=fopen([modelname '.bat'],'w');
| 140 | fprintf(fid,'@echo off\n');
[15396] | 141 |
[20500] | 142 | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_PETSC_MPI_'),
| 143 | warning('parallel runs not allowed yet in Windows. Defaulting to 1 cpus');
| 144 | cluster.np=1;
| 145 | end
[17806] | 146 |
[15396] | 147 | if cluster.np>1,
[22758] | 148 | fprintf(fid,'"C:\\Program Files\\MPICH2\\bin\\mpiexec.exe" -n %i "%s/%s" %s ./ %s ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,modelname);
[13395] | 149 | else
[22758] | 150 | fprintf(fid,'"%s/%s" %s ./ %s ',cluster.codepath,executable,solution,modelname);
[13395] | 151 | end
| 152 | fclose(fid);
| 153 | end
[8578] | 154 |
[13395] | 155 | %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file
| 156 | if cluster.interactive,
| 157 | fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 158 | fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 159 | end
| 160 | end
| 161 | %}}}
[20500] | 162 | function BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,dirnames,modelnames,nps) % {{{
| 163 |
| 164 | %some checks:
| 165 | if isempty(modelname), error('BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels error message: need a non empty model name!');end
| 166 |
| 167 | %what is the executable being called?
| 168 | executable='issm_slr.exe';
| 169 |
| 170 | if ispc(), error('BuildQueueScriptMultipleModels not support yet on windows machines');end;
| 171 |
| 172 | %write queuing script
| 173 | fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w');
| 174 |
| 175 | fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell);
| 176 |
| 177 | %number of cpus:
| 178 | mpistring=sprintf('mpiexec -np %i ',cluster.np);
| 179 |
| 180 | %executable:
| 181 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s/%s ',cluster.codepath,executable)];
| 182 |
| 183 | %solution name:
[21341] | 184 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s ',solution)];
[20500] | 185 |
| 186 | %execution directory and model name:
| 187 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('%s/%s %s',cluster.executionpath,dirname,modelname)];
| 188 |
| 189 | %inform main executable of how many icecaps, glaciers and earth models are being run:
| 190 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf(' %i ',length(dirnames))];
| 191 |
| 192 | %icecaps, glaciers and earth location, names and number of processors associated:
| 193 | for i=1:length(dirnames),
| 194 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf(' %s/%s %s %i ',cluster.executionpath,dirnames{i},modelnames{i},nps{i})];
| 195 | end
| 196 |
| 197 | %log files:
| 198 | if ~cluster.interactive,
| 199 | mpistring=[mpistring sprintf('2> %s.errlog> %s.outlog',modelname,modelname)];
| 200 | end
| 201 |
| 202 | %write this long string to disk:
| 203 | fprintf(fid,mpistring);
| 204 | fclose(fid);
| 205 |
| 206 | %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file
| 207 | if cluster.interactive,
| 208 | fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 209 | fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 210 | end
| 211 | end
| 212 | %}}}
[22758] | 213 | function BuildQueueScriptIceOcean(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota) % {{{
| 214 |
| 215 | %write queuing script
| 216 | %what is the executable being called?
| 217 | executable='issm_ocean.exe';
| 218 |
| 219 | fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w');
| 220 | fprintf(fid,'#!%s\n',cluster.shell);
[22822] | 221 | if ~isvalgrind,
| 222 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/%s %s %s %s : -np %i ./mitgcmuv\n',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,cluster.executionpath,modelname,cluster.npocean);
| 223 |
| 224 | else
| 225 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --dsymutil=yes --suppressions=%s %s/%s %s %s %s : -np %i ./mitgcmuv\n',...
| 226 | cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,executable,solution,cluster.executionpath,modelname,cluster.npocean);
| 227 | end
[22758] | 228 | fclose(fid);
| 229 |
| 230 | %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file
| 231 | if cluster.interactive,
| 232 | fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 233 | fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 234 | end
| 235 | end
| 236 | %}}}
[13395] | 237 | function BuildKrigingQueueScript(cluster,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof) % {{{
[12706] | 238 |
[13395] | 239 | %write queuing script
| 240 | if ~ispc(),
[12706] | 241 |
[13395] | 242 | fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w');
| 243 | fprintf(fid,'#!/bin/sh\n');
| 244 | if ~isvalgrind,
| 245 | if cluster.interactive
| 246 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/kriging.exe %s %s ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname);
| 247 | else
| 248 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s/kriging.exe %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',cluster.np,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
| 249 | end
| 250 | elseif isgprof,
| 251 | fprintf(fid,'\n gprof %s/kriging.exe gmon.out > %s.performance',cluster.codepath,modelname);
| 252 | else
| 253 | %Add --gen-suppressions=all to get suppression lines
| 254 | fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s \\\n',cluster.valgrindlib);
| 255 | fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -np %i %s --leak-check=full --suppressions=%s %s/kriging.exe %s %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog ',...
| 256 | cluster.np,cluster.valgrind,cluster.valgrindsup,cluster.codepath,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
| 257 | end
| 258 | if ~io_gather, %concatenate the output files:
| 259 | fprintf(fid,'\ncat %s.outbin.* > %s.outbin',modelname,modelname);
| 260 | end
| 261 | fclose(fid);
[11527] | 262 |
[13395] | 263 | else % Windows
[8578] | 264 |
[13395] | 265 | fid=fopen([modelname '.bat'],'w');
| 266 | fprintf(fid,'@echo off\n');
| 267 | if cluster.interactive
[21341] | 268 | fprintf(fid,'"%s/issm.exe" %s "%s" %s ',cluster.codepath,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname);
[13395] | 269 | else
| 270 | fprintf(fid,'"%s/issm.exe" %s "%s" %s 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog',...
[21341] | 271 | cluster.codepath,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' modelname],modelname,modelname,modelname);
[13395] | 272 | end
| 273 | fclose(fid);
| 274 | end
[8578] | 275 |
[13395] | 276 | %in interactive mode, create a run file, and errlog and outlog file
| 277 | if cluster.interactive,
| 278 | fid=fopen([modelname '.errlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 279 | fid=fopen([modelname '.outlog'],'w'); fclose(fid);
| 280 | end
| 281 | end
| 282 | %}}}
[20500] | 283 | function UploadQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist)% {{{
[8578] | 284 |
[15396] | 285 | if ~ispc,
[18301] | 286 |
[15396] | 287 | %compress the files into one zip.
| 288 | compressstring=['tar -zcf ' dirname '.tar.gz '];
| 289 | for i=1:numel(filelist),
[22758] | 290 | if ~exist(filelist{i},'file')
| 291 | error(['File ' filelist{i} ' not found']);
| 292 | end
[15396] | 293 | compressstring = [compressstring ' ' filelist{i}];
| 294 | end
| 295 | if cluster.interactive,
| 296 | compressstring = [compressstring ' ' modelname '.errlog ' modelname '.outlog '];
| 297 | end
| 298 | system(compressstring);
[11527] | 299 |
[17806] | 300 | if cluster.verbose, disp('uploading input file and queueing script'); end
[15396] | 301 | issmscpout(cluster.name,cluster.executionpath,cluster.login,cluster.port,{[dirname '.tar.gz']});
[20500] | 302 | end
| 303 | end %}}}
| 304 | function LaunchQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch)% {{{
[11527] | 305 |
[20500] | 306 | if ~ispc,
| 307 |
| 308 | %figure out what shell extension we will use:
| 309 | if isempty(strfind(cluster.shell,'csh')),
| 310 | shellext='sh';
| 311 | else
| 312 | shellext='csh';
| 313 | end
| 314 |
[17806] | 315 | if cluster.verbose, disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster'); end
[20500] | 316 |
| 317 | if ~isempty(restart)
| 318 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && cd ' dirname ' && source ' modelname '.queue '];
| 319 | else
| 320 | if ~batch,
| 321 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ...
| 322 | ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz && source ' modelname '.queue '];
| 323 | else
| 324 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ...
| 325 | ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz '];
| 326 | end
| 327 | end
[15396] | 328 | issmssh(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,launchcommand);
| 329 | else
| 330 | system([modelname '.bat']);
| 331 | end
[20500] | 332 |
[13395] | 333 | end %}}}
[22758] | 334 | function LaunchQueueJobIceOcean(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch)% {{{
| 335 |
| 336 | if ~ispc,
| 337 |
| 338 | %figure out what shell extension we will use:
| 339 | if isempty(strfind(cluster.shell,'csh')),
| 340 | shellext='sh';
| 341 | else
| 342 | shellext='csh';
| 343 | end
| 344 |
| 345 | if cluster.verbose, disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster'); end
| 346 |
| 347 | if ~isempty(restart)
| 348 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && cd ' dirname ' && source ' modelname '.queue '];
| 349 | else
| 350 | if ~batch,
| 351 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz && source ' modelname '.queue '];
| 352 | else
| 353 | launchcommand=['source ' cluster.etcpath '/environment.' shellext ' && cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ...
| 354 | ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz '];
| 355 | end
| 356 | end
| 357 | issmssh(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,launchcommand);
| 358 | else
| 359 | system([modelname '.bat']);
| 360 | end
| 361 |
| 362 | end %}}}
[13395] | 363 | function Download(cluster,dirname,filelist)% {{{
[11527] | 364 |
[13395] | 365 | if ispc(),
[12706] | 366 | %do nothing
| 367 | return;
[8578] | 368 | end
| 369 |
[12706] | 370 | %copy files from cluster to current directory
| 371 | directory=[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname '/'];
| 372 | issmscpin(cluster.name,cluster.login,cluster.port,directory,filelist);
[11527] | 373 | end %}}}
[8578] | 374 | end
| 375 | end