1 | %BOUNDARY class definition
2 | %
3 | % Usage:
4 | % boundary=boundary();
5 |
6 | classdef boundary
7 | properties (SetAccess=public)
8 | shppath = '';
9 | shpfilename = '';
10 | orientation = 'normal'; %other value is 'reverse'
11 | epsg = 4326; %EPSG number, default value is WGS 84 Lat,Long reference frame.
12 | end
13 | methods (Static)
14 | function self = loadobj(self) % {{{
15 | % This function is directly called by matlab when a model object is
16 | % loaded. Update old properties here
17 | end% }}}
18 | end
19 | methods
20 | function self = boundary(varargin) % {{{
21 | switch nargin
22 | case 0
23 | self=setdefaultparameters(self);
24 | otherwise
25 | self=setdefaultparameters(self);
26 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
27 |
28 | %recover field values:
29 | self.shppath=getfieldvalue(options,'shppath','');
30 | self.shpfilename=getfieldvalue(options,'shpfilename','');
31 | self.orientation=getfieldvalue(options,'orientation','normal');
32 | self.epsg=getfieldvalue(options,'epsg',4326);
33 | end
34 | end % }}}
35 | function self = setdefaultparameters(self) % {{{
36 | self.shppath='';
37 | self.shpfilename='';
38 | self.orientation='normal';
39 | self.epsg=4326;
40 | end % }}}
41 | function disp(self) % {{{
42 | disp(sprintf(' boundary parameters:'));
43 |
44 | fielddisplay(self,'shppath','path to filename for this boundary');
45 | fielddisplay(self,'shpfilename','shape file name');
46 | fielddisplay(self,'orientation','orientation (default is ''normal'', can be ''reverse'')');
47 | fielddisplay(self,'epsg','EPSG number defining projection for the shape file');
48 |
49 | end % }}}
50 | function output=name(self) % {{{
51 | output=self.shpfilename;
52 | end % }}}
53 | function output=edges(self) % {{{
54 |
55 | %read domain:
56 | [path,name,ext]=fileparts(self.shpfilename);
57 | if ~strcmpi(ext,'shp'),
58 | ext='shp';
59 | end
60 | output=shpread([self.shppath '/' name '.' ext]);
61 |
62 | %do we reverse?
63 | if strcmpi(self.orientation,'reverse'),
64 | output.x=flipud(output.x);
65 | output.y=flipud(output.y);
66 | end
67 | end % }}}
68 | function plot(self,varargin) % {{{
69 | %recover options
70 |
71 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
72 |
73 | %parse input:
74 | figurenumber=getfieldvalue(options,'figure',1);
75 | color=getfieldvalue(options,'color','r');
76 | linewidth=getfieldvalue(options,'linewidth',1);
77 | markersize=getfieldvalue(options,'markersize',1);
78 | unitmultiplier=getfieldvalue(options,'unit',1);
79 | epsg=getfieldvalue(options,'epsg',4326);
80 | radius=getfieldvalue(options,'radius',6371012);
81 | aboveground=getfieldvalue(options,'aboveground',1000);
82 | offset=getfieldvalue(options,'offset',.1);
83 | fontsize=getfieldvalue(options,'fontsize',10);
84 |
85 | %read domain:
86 | [path,name,ext]=fileparts(self.shpfilename);
87 | if ~strcmpi(ext,'shp'),
88 | ext='shp';
89 | end
90 | domain=shpread([self.shppath '/' name '.' ext]);
91 |
92 | %convert boundary to another reference frame: {{{
93 |
94 | for i=1:length(domain),
95 | try,
96 | [x,y] = gdaltransform(domain(i).x,domain(i).y,sprintf('EPSG:%i',self.epsg),sprintf('EPSG:%i',epsg));
97 | catch me
98 | disp(me.message());
99 | self.disp();
100 | end
101 | domain(i).x=x; domain(i).y=y;
102 | end
103 |
104 | for i=1:length(domain),
105 | hold on;
106 | if length(x)==1,
107 | p=plot(x,y,'k*');
108 | set(p,'MarkerSize',markersize);
109 | t=text(x,y,self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
110 | else
111 | p=plot(x,y,'k-');
112 | text(sum(x)/length(x),sum(y)/length(y),self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
113 | end
114 | set(p,'Color',color);
115 | set(p,'LineWidth',linewidth);
116 | end
117 | %}}}
118 | end % }}}
119 | function plot3d(self,varargin) % {{{
120 | %recover options
121 |
122 | options=pairoptions(varargin{:});
123 |
124 | %parse input:
125 | figurenumber=getfieldvalue(options,'figure',1);
126 | color=getfieldvalue(options,'color','r');
127 | linewidth=getfieldvalue(options,'linewidth',1);
128 | markersize=getfieldvalue(options,'markersize',1);
129 | unitmultiplier=getfieldvalue(options,'unit',1);
130 | epsg=getfieldvalue(options,'epsg',4326);
131 | radius=getfieldvalue(options,'radius',6371012);
132 | aboveground=getfieldvalue(options,'aboveground',1000);
133 | offset=getfieldvalue(options,'offset',.1);
134 | fontsize=getfieldvalue(options,'fontsize',10);
135 |
136 | %read domain:
137 | [path,name,ext]=fileparts(self.shpfilename);
138 | if ~strcmpi(ext,'shp'),
139 | ext='shp';
140 | end
141 | domain=shpread([self.shppath '/' name '.' ext]);
142 |
143 | if epsg==4326,
144 | %convert boundary to lat,long: {{{
145 |
146 | for i=1:length(domain),
147 | try,
148 | [lat,long] = gdaltransform(domain(i).x,domain(i).y,sprintf('EPSG:%i',self.epsg),'EPSG:4326');
149 | catch me
150 | disp(me.message());
151 | self.disp();
152 | end
153 | domain(i).x=long; domain(i).y=lat;
154 | end
155 |
156 | for i=1:length(domain),
157 |
158 | %make sure lat,long are what they are supposed to be:
159 | %if any(domain(i).x>90 | domain(i).x<-90),
160 | % long=domain(i).x; lat=domain(i).y;
161 | %else
162 | % long=domain(i).y; lat=domain(i).x;
163 | %end
164 |
165 | %project on x,y,z reference frame.
166 | [x,y,z]=AboveGround(domain(i).x,domain(i).y,radius,aboveground);
167 | [xt,yt,zt]=AboveGround(domain(i).x+offset,domain(i).y+offset,radius,300000);
168 | hold on;
169 | if length(x)==1,
170 | p=plot3(x,y,z,'k*');
171 | set(p,'MarkerSize',markersize);
172 | t=text(xt,yt,zt,self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
173 | else
174 | p=plot3(x,y,z,'k-');
175 | mid=floor(length(xt)/2);
176 | text(xt(mid),yt(mid),zt(mid),self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
177 | end
178 | set(p,'Color',color);
179 | set(p,'LineWidth',linewidth);
180 |
181 | end
182 | %}}}
183 | else
184 | %convert boundary to another reference frame: {{{
185 |
186 | for i=1:length(domain),
187 | try,
188 | [x,y] = gdaltransform(domain(i).x,domain(i).y,sprintf('EPSG:%i',self.epsg),sprintf('EPSG:%i',epsg));
189 | catch me
190 | disp(me.message());
191 | self.disp();
192 | end
193 | domain(i).x=x; domain(i).y=y;
194 | end
195 |
196 | for i=1:length(domain),
197 | hold on;
198 | if length(x)==1,
199 | p=plot(x,y,'k*');
200 | set(p,'MarkerSize',markersize);
201 | t=text(x,y,self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
202 | else
203 | p=plot(x,y,'k-');
204 | text(sum(x)/length(x),sum(y)/length(y),self.shpfilename,'FontSize',fontsize);
205 | end
206 | set(p,'Color',color);
207 | set(p,'LineWidth',linewidth);
208 | end
209 | %}}}
210 | end
211 | end % }}}
212 | end
213 | end