1 | /*!\file PlapackInvertMatrix.cpp
2 | * \brief invert petsc matrix using Plapack
3 | */
4 |
5 | /* petsc: */
6 | #include "../../petsc/petscincludes.h"
7 |
8 | /*plapack: */
9 | #include "../plapackincludes.h"
10 |
11 | /* Some fortran routines: */
12 | #include "../../scalapack/FortranMapping.h"
13 |
14 | #undef __FUNCT__
15 | #define __FUNCT__ "PlapackInvertMatrix"
16 | void PlapackInvertMatrixLocalCleanup(PLA_Obj* pa,PLA_Template* ptempl,double** parrayA,
17 | int** pidxnA,MPI_Comm* pcomm_2d);
18 |
19 | int PlapackInvertMatrix(Mat* A,Mat* inv_A,int status,int con){
20 | /*inv_A does not yet exist, inv_A was just xmalloced, that's all*/
21 |
22 | /*Error management*/
23 | int i,j;
24 |
25 |
26 | /*input*/
27 | int mA,nA;
28 | int local_mA,local_nA;
29 | int lower_row,upper_row,range,this_range,this_lower_row;
30 | MatType type;
31 |
32 | /*Plapack: */
33 | MPI_Datatype datatype;
34 | MPI_Comm comm_2d;
35 | PLA_Obj a=NULL;
36 | PLA_Template templ;
37 | double one=1.0;
38 | int ierror;
39 | int nb,nb_alg;
40 | int nprows,npcols;
41 | int initialized=0;
42 |
43 | /*Petsc to Plapack: */
44 | double *arrayA=NULL;
45 | int* idxnA=NULL;
46 | int d_nz,o_nz;
47 |
48 | /*Feedback to client*/
49 | int computation_status;
50 |
51 | /*Verify that A is square*/
52 | MatGetSize(*A,&mA,&nA);
53 | MatGetLocalSize(*A,&local_mA,&local_nA);
54 |
55 | /*Some dimensions checks: */
56 | if (mA!=nA) throw ErrorException(__FUNCT__," trying to take the invert of a non-square matrix!");
57 |
58 | /* Set default Plapack parameters */
59 | //First find nprows*npcols=num_procs;
60 | CyclicalFactorization(&nprows,&npcols,num_procs);
61 | //nprows=num_procs;
62 | //npcols=1;
63 | ierror = 0;
64 | nb = nA/num_procs;
65 | if(nA - nb*num_procs) nb++; /* without cyclic distribution */
66 |
67 | if (ierror){
68 | PLA_Set_error_checking(ierror,PETSC_TRUE,PETSC_TRUE,PETSC_FALSE );
69 | }
70 | else {
71 | PLA_Set_error_checking(ierror,PETSC_FALSE,PETSC_FALSE,PETSC_FALSE );
72 | }
73 | nb_alg = 0;
74 | if (nb_alg){
75 | pla_Environ_set_nb_alg (PLA_OP_ALL_ALG,nb_alg);
76 | }
77 |
78 | /*Verify that plapack is not already initialized: */
79 | if(PLA_Initialized(NULL)==TRUE)PLA_Finalize();
80 | /* Create a 2D communicator */
81 | PLA_Comm_1D_to_2D(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nprows,npcols,&comm_2d);
82 |
83 | /*Initlialize plapack: */
84 | PLA_Init(comm_2d);
85 |
86 | templ = NULL;
87 | PLA_Temp_create(nb, 0, &templ);
88 |
89 | /* Use suggested nb_alg if it is not provided by user */
90 | if (nb_alg == 0){
91 | PLA_Environ_nb_alg(PLA_OP_PAN_PAN,templ,&nb_alg);
92 | pla_Environ_set_nb_alg(PLA_OP_ALL_ALG,nb_alg);
93 | }
94 |
95 | /* Set the datatype */
96 | datatype = MPI_DOUBLE;
97 |
98 |
99 | /* Copy A into a*/
100 | PLA_Matrix_create(datatype,mA,nA,templ,PLA_ALIGN_FIRST,PLA_ALIGN_FIRST,&a);
101 | PLA_Obj_set_to_zero(a);
102 | /*Take array from A: use MatGetValues, because we are sure this routine works with
103 | any matrix type.*/
104 | MatGetOwnershipRange(*A,&lower_row,&upper_row);
105 | upper_row--;
106 | range=upper_row-lower_row+1;
107 | arrayA=xmalloc(nA*sizeof(double));
108 | idxnA=xmalloc(nA*sizeof(int));
109 | for (i=0;i<nA;i++){
110 | *(idxnA+i)=i;
111 | }
112 | PLA_API_begin();
113 | PLA_Obj_API_open(a);
114 | for (i=lower_row;i<=upper_row;i++){
115 | MatGetValues(*A,1,&i,nA,idxnA,arrayA);
116 | PLA_API_axpy_matrix_to_global(1,nA, &one,(void *)arrayA,1,a,i,0);
117 | }
118 | PLA_Obj_API_close(a);
119 | PLA_API_end();
120 |
121 | #ifdef _ISSM_DEBUG_
122 | PLA_Global_show("Matrix A",a," %lf","Done with A");
124 | #endif
125 |
126 | /*Call the plapack invert routine*/
127 | PLA_General_invert(PLA_METHOD_INV,a);
128 |
129 | /*Translate Plapack a into Petsc invA*/
130 | MatGetType(*A,&type);
131 | PlapackToPetsc(inv_A,local_mA,local_nA,mA,nA,type,a,templ,nprows,npcols,nb);
132 |
133 | #ifdef _ISSM_DEBUG_
134 | PLA_Global_show("Inverse of A",a," %lf","Done...");
136 | #endif
137 |
138 | /*Free ressources:*/
139 | PLA_Obj_free(&a);
140 | PLA_Temp_free(&templ);
141 | xfree((void**)&arrayA);
142 | xfree((void**)&idxnA);
143 |
144 | /*Finalize PLAPACK*/
145 | PLA_Finalize();
146 | MPI_Comm_free(&comm_2d);
147 |
148 | }