1 | /*!\file: PetscOptionsFromAnalysis.cpp
2 | * \brief: change petsc options using analysis type and parameters
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "../../objects/objects.h"
12 | #include "../../Container/Parameters.h"
13 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
14 |
15 | void PetscOptionsFromAnalysis(Parameters* parameters,int analysis_type){
16 |
17 | int dummy;
18 | double* analyses=NULL;
19 | char** strings=NULL;
20 | int numanalyses;
21 | char* string=NULL;
22 | int found=-1;
23 | int i;
24 |
25 | numanalyses=0;
26 | parameters->FindParam(&strings,&numanalyses,PetscOptionsStringsEnum);
27 |
28 | #ifdef _SERIAL_ //do not take this away, because ISSM loads analyses as a Double Param instead of a DoubleVec Param when running with only 1 analysis
29 | if(numanalyses==1){ analyses=(double*)xmalloc(1*sizeof(double)); parameters->FindParam(analyses,PetscOptionsAnalysesEnum);
30 | }
31 | else parameters->FindParam(&analyses,&dummy,PetscOptionsAnalysesEnum);
32 | #else
33 | parameters->FindParam(&analyses,&dummy,PetscOptionsAnalysesEnum);
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | if(numanalyses==0)return; //we did not find petsc options, don't bother.
37 |
38 | /*ok, go through analyses and figure out if it corresponds to our analysis_type: */
39 | found=-1;
40 | for(i=0;i<numanalyses;i++){
41 | if (analyses[i]==analysis_type){
42 | /*found the analysis, get out of here: */
43 | found=i;
44 | break;
45 | }
46 | }
47 | if(found==-1){
48 | /*still haven't found a list of petsc options, go find the default one, for analysis type NoneAnalysisEnum: */
49 | for(i=0;i<numanalyses;i++){
50 | if (analyses[i]==NoneAnalysisEnum){
51 | /*found the default analysis, get out of here: */
52 | found=i;
53 | break;
54 | }
55 | }
56 | }
57 | if (found==-1){
58 | /*ok, we did not find anything, this is not good! error out: */
59 | _error_("%s%s","could find neither a default analysis nor analysis ",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));
60 | }
61 |
62 | /*ok, grab the petsc option string: */
63 | string=strings[found];
64 |
65 | /*now, reset the options database with this string. Taken from petsc/install/src/sys/objects/pinit.c. This
66 | *capability is not covered by Petsc!: */
67 |
68 | #if _PETSC_VERSION_ == 2
69 | PetscOptionsDestroy();
70 | PetscOptionsCreate();
71 | //PetscOptionsCheckInitial_Private();
72 | //PetscOptionsCheckInitial_Components();
73 | PetscOptionsSetFromOptions();
74 | PetscOptionsInsertMultipleString(string); //our patch
75 | #else
76 | PetscOptionsSetFromOptions();
77 | PetscOptionsClear();
78 | //PetscOptionsSetFromOptions();
79 | PetscOptionsInsertMultipleString(string); //our patch
80 | #endif
81 |
82 |
83 | /*Free ressources*/
84 | xfree((void**)&analyses);
85 | for(i=0;i<numanalyses;i++){
86 | string=strings[i];
87 | xfree((void**)&string);
88 | }
89 | xfree((void**)&strings);
90 |
91 | }