1 | /*
2 | * ParameterUpdate.c:
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "../../../config.h"
6 |
7 | #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && defined(_HAVE_PETSC_)
8 |
9 | #include "../include/cielo.h"
10 | #include "../modules.h"
11 | #include "./parallel.h"
12 |
13 | #undef __FUNCT__
14 | #define __FUNCT__ "ParameterUpdate"
15 | #undef CLEANUP
16 | #define CLEANUP ParameterUpdateLocalCleanup(&gradient);
17 |
18 | void ParameterUpdateLocalCleanup(double** pgradient);
19 |
20 | int ParameterUpdate(double* search_vector,int step,WorkspaceParams* workspaceparams,BatchParams* batchparams){
21 |
22 | /*Error management: */
23 | int noerr=1;
24 | int i,j;
25 | double* parameter=NULL;
26 | Vec* vec_gradient=NULL;
27 | double* gradient=NULL;
28 |
29 |
30 | //Go through parameters, and update along gradients, multiplying by search_vector.
31 | for(i=0;i<workspaceparams->num_control_parameters;i++){
32 | char* control_type=workspaceparams->control_types[i];
33 |
34 | /*Get parameter, and gradient for the parameter: */
35 | parameter=WorkspaceParamsGetParameter(workspaceparams,control_type);
36 | vec_gradient=WorkspaceParamsGetParameterGradient(workspaceparams,control_type);
37 |
38 | /*serialize gradient: */
39 | VecToMPISerial(&gradient,vec_gradient);
40 |
41 | /*Ok, for this parameter, we have a direction. Update the parameter along
42 | * the direction, using the search_vector value: */
43 | for(j=0;j<(int)(workspaceparams->gsize/6);j++){
44 | parameter[6*j+0]=parameter[6*j+0]-search_vector[i]*workspaceparams->optscal[step]*gradient[6*j+0];
45 | }
46 |
47 | /*Now, call on each parameter's self constraining routine: */
48 | WorkspaceParamsConstrain(workspaceparams,control_type);
49 | }
50 |
51 | /*Done, just return: */
52 | EXIT(noerr);
53 | }
54 |
55 | void ParameterUpdateLocalCleanup(double** pgradient){
56 | xfree((void**)pgradient);
57 | return;
58 | }
59 |
60 | #endif //#if defined(_PARALLEL_) && defined(_HAVE_PETSC_)
61 |