1 | /*
2 | * GradJSearch.c:
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "../../../config.h"
6 |
7 | #if defined(_PARALLEL_) && defined(_HAVE_PETSC_)
8 |
9 | #include "../include/cielo.h"
10 | #include "../modules.h"
11 | #include "./parallel.h"
12 |
13 | #undef __FUNCT__
14 | #define __FUNCT__ "GradJSearch"
15 | #undef CLEANUP
16 | #define CLEANUP GradJSearchLocalCleanup();
17 |
18 | void GradJSearchLocalCleanup(void);
19 |
20 |
21 | int GradJSearch(double* search_vector,FemModel* femmodel,int step){
22 |
23 | /*Error management: */
24 | int noerr=1;
25 | int i,n;
26 | int dummy;
27 | ParameterInputs* inputs=NULL;
28 | int status;
29 |
30 | //status=GoldenSearch(search_vector,femmodel->workspaceparams->J+step,-1,1,femmodel->workspaceparams->tolx,(int)femmodel->workspaceparams->maxiter[step],
31 | // femmodel->workspaceparams->fit[step],femmodel->workspaceparams->optscal[step],&objectivefunctionC,femmodel); //do only one dimension search for now.
32 |
33 | status=BrentSearch(search_vector,femmodel->workspaceparams->J+step,-1,1,femmodel->workspaceparams->tolx,(int)femmodel->workspaceparams->maxiter[step],
34 | femmodel->workspaceparams->fit[step],femmodel->workspaceparams->optscal[step],&objectivefunctionC,femmodel); //do only one dimension search for now.
35 |
36 | TESTEXIT(noerr);
37 |
38 | return status;
39 | }
40 |
41 | void GradJSearchLocalCleanup(void){
42 | return;
43 | }
44 |
45 | int GoldenSearch(double* psearch_scalar,double* pJ,double xa, double xb, double tolerance, int maxiter, double fit,double optscal,double (*f)(double*,double,double,FemModel*,ParameterInputs*),FemModel* femmodel){
46 |
47 | double xc, xd, fc, fd;
48 | double oneminustau = 1 - (sqrt(5) - 1) / 2;
49 | int iter = 0;
50 | ParameterInputs* inputs=NULL;
51 | int status;
52 |
53 | inputs=NewParameterInputs();
54 |
55 | xc = xa + oneminustau * (xb - xa);
56 | fc = (*f)(&xc,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
57 | xd = xb - oneminustau * (xb - xa);
58 | fd = (*f)(&xd,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
59 | do {
60 | iter++;
61 | if (fc < fd) {
62 | xb = xd;
63 | xd = xc;
64 | xc = xa + oneminustau * (xb - xa);
65 | fd = fc;
66 | fc = (*f)(&xc,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
67 | }
68 | else {
69 | xa = xc;
70 | xc = xd;
71 | xd = xb - oneminustau * (xb - xa);
72 | fc = fd;
73 | fd = (*f)(&xd,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
74 | }
75 | _printf_(" iter# %i f(x) %g x %g toler %g/%g iter %i/%i\n",iter,(fc+fd)/2,(xa+xb)/2,fabs(xb-xa),tolerance,iter,maxiter);
76 | }
77 | while (fabs(xb - xa) > tolerance && iter < maxiter);
78 |
79 | if (fabs(xb-xa)<tolerance)status=0;
80 | else status=1;
81 |
82 | /*Assign output pointers: */
83 | *psearch_scalar=(xa+xb)/2;
84 | *pJ=(fc+fd)/2;
85 |
86 | return status;
87 | }
88 |
89 | int BrentSearch(double* psearch_scalar,double* pJ,double a, double b, double tolerance, int maxiter, double fit,double optscal,double (*f)(double*,double,double,FemModel*,ParameterInputs*),FemModel* femmodel){
90 |
91 | /* This routine is optimizing a given function using Brent's method
92 | * (Golden or parabolic procedure)*/
93 |
94 | /*optimization variable: */
95 | double si;
96 | double gold;
97 | double intervalgold;
98 | double oldintervalgold;
99 | double parab_num,parab_den;
100 | double distance;
101 |
102 | /*function values: */
103 | double fxmax,fxmin,fxbest,fval;
104 | double fx,fx1,fx2;
105 |
106 | /*x : */
107 | double xmax,xmin,xbest;
108 | double x,x1,x2,xm,xval;
109 |
110 | /*tolerances: */
111 | double tol1,tol2,seps;
112 |
113 | /*counters: */
114 | int iter,goldenflag,loop;
115 |
116 | /*inputs: */
117 | int status;
118 | ParameterInputs* inputs=NULL;
119 |
120 | /*Recover inputs: */
121 | inputs=NewParameterInputs();
122 |
123 | //initialize counter and boundaries
124 | iter=0;
125 |
126 | //get the value of the function at the first boundary
127 | fxmin = (*f)(&a,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
128 |
129 | //display result
130 | _printf_("\n Iteration x f(x) Tolerance Procedure\n\n");
131 | _printf_(" %s %12.6g %12.6g %s"," N/A",a,fxmin," N/A boundary\n");
132 |
133 | //get the value of the function at the first boundary b and display result
134 | fxmax = (*f)(&b,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
135 | _printf_(" %s %12.6g %12.6g %s"," N/A",b,fxmax," N/A boundary\n");
136 |
137 | //initialize the other variables
138 | seps=sqrt(DBL_EPSILON); //precision of a double
139 | distance=0.0; //new_x=old_x + distance
140 | gold=0.5*(3.0-sqrt(5.0)); //gold = 1 - golden ratio
141 | intervalgold=0.0; //distance used by Golden procedure
142 |
143 | //Compute initial point
144 |
145 | //1: initialize the value of the 4 x needed (x1,x2,x,xbest)
146 | x1=a+gold*(b-a);
147 | x2=x1;
148 | xbest=x1;
149 | x=xbest;
150 |
151 | //2: call the function to be evaluated
152 | fxbest = (*f)(&x,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
153 | iter=iter+1;
154 |
155 | //3: update the other variables
156 | fx1=fxbest;
157 | fx2=fxbest;
158 | //xm is always in the middle of a and b
159 | xm=0.5*(a+b);
160 | //update tolerances
161 | tol1=seps*sqrt(pow(xbest,2))+tolerance/3.0;
162 | tol2=2.0*tol1;
163 |
164 | //4: print result
165 | _printf_(" %5i %12.6g %12.6g %12.6g %s\n",iter,xbest,fxbest,pow(pow(xbest-xm,2),0.5)," initial");
166 |
167 | //Main Loop
168 | loop=1;
169 | while(loop){
170 |
171 | goldenflag=1;
172 |
173 | // Is a parabolic fit possible ?
174 | if (sqrt(pow(intervalgold,2))>tol1){
175 |
176 | // Yes, so fit parabola
177 | goldenflag=0;
178 | parab_num=(xbest-x1)*(xbest-x1)*(fxbest-fx2)-(xbest-x2)*(xbest-x2)*(fxbest-fx1);;
179 | parab_den=2.0*(xbest-x1)*(fxbest-fx2)-2.0*(xbest-x2)*(fxbest-fx1);
180 |
181 | //reverse p if necessary
182 | if(parab_den>0.0){
183 | parab_num=-parab_num;
184 | }
185 | parab_den=sqrt(pow(parab_den,2));
186 | oldintervalgold=intervalgold;
187 | intervalgold=distance;
188 |
189 | // Is the parabola acceptable
190 | if (( sqrt(pow(parab_num,2)) < sqrt(pow(0.5*parab_den*oldintervalgold,2))) &&
191 | (parab_num>parab_den*(a-xbest)) &&
192 | (parab_num<parab_den*(b-xbest))){
193 |
194 | // Yes, parabolic interpolation step
195 | distance=parab_num/parab_den;
196 | x=xbest+distance;
197 |
198 | // f must not be evaluated too close to min_x or max_x
199 | if (((x-a)<tol2) || ((b-x)<tol2)){
200 |
201 | if ((xm-xbest)<0.0){
202 | si=-1;
203 | }
204 | else{
205 | si=1;
206 | }
207 |
208 | //compute new distance
209 | distance=tol1*si;
210 | }
211 | }
212 | else{
213 |
214 | // Not acceptable, must do a golden section step
215 | goldenflag=1;
216 | }
217 | }
218 |
219 | //Golden procedure
220 | if(goldenflag){
221 |
222 | // compute the new distance d
223 | if(xbest>=xm){
224 | intervalgold=a-xbest;
225 | }
226 | else{
227 | intervalgold=b-xbest;
228 | }
229 | distance=gold*intervalgold;
230 | }
231 |
232 | // The function must not be evaluated too close to xbest
233 | if(distance<0){
234 | si=-1;
235 | }
236 | else{
237 | si=1;
238 | }
239 | if (sqrt(pow(distance,2))>tol1){
240 | x=xbest+si*sqrt(pow(distance,2));
241 | }
242 | else{
243 | x=xbest+si*tol1;
244 | }
245 |
246 | //evaluate function on x
247 | fx = (*f)(&x,fit,optscal,femmodel,inputs);
248 | iter=iter+1;
249 |
250 | // Update a, b, xm, x1, x2, tol1, tol2
251 | if (fx<=fxbest){
252 | if (x>=xbest){
253 | a=xbest;
254 | }
255 | else{
256 | b=xbest;
257 | }
258 | x1=x2; fx1=fx2;
259 | x2=xbest; fx2=fxbest;
260 | xbest=x; fxbest=fx;
261 | }
262 |
263 | else{ // fx > fxbest
264 | if (x < xbest){
265 | a=x;
266 | }
267 | else{
268 | b=x;
269 | }
270 | if ((fx<=fx2) || (x2==xbest)){
271 | x1=x2; fx1=fx2;
272 | x2=x; fx2=fx;
273 | }
274 | else if ( (fx <= fx1) || (x1 == xbest) || (x1 == x2) ){
275 | x1=x; fx1=fx;
276 | }
277 | }
278 | xm = 0.5*(a+b);
279 | tol1=seps*pow(pow(xbest,2),0.5)+tolerance/3.0;
280 | tol2=2.0*tol1;
281 |
282 | //print result
283 | if (goldenflag){
284 | _printf_(" %5i %12.6g %12.6g %12.6g %s\n",iter,x,fx,pow(pow(xbest-xm,2),0.5)," golden");
285 | }
286 | else{
287 | _printf_(" %5i %12.6g %12.6g %12.6g %s\n",iter,x,fx,pow(pow(xbest-xm,2),0.5)," parabolic");
288 | }
289 |
290 | //Stop the optimization?
291 | if (sqrt(pow(xbest-xm,2)) < (tol2-0.5*(b-a))){
292 | _printf_("\nOptimization terminated:\nthe current x satisfies the termination criteria using 'tolx' of %g \n", tolerance);
293 | loop=0;
294 | status=0;
295 | }
296 | else if (iter>=maxiter){
297 | _printf_("\nExiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded - increase 'maxiter'\n");
298 | loop=0;
299 | status=1;
300 | }
301 | else{
302 | //continue
303 | loop=1;
304 | }
305 | }//end while
306 |
307 | //Now, check that the value on the boundaries are not better than current fxbest
308 | if (fxbest>fxmin){
309 | xval=xmin;
310 | fval=fxmin;
311 | }
312 | else if (fxbest>fxmax){
313 | xval=xmax;
314 | fval=fxmax;
315 | }
316 | else{
317 | xval=xbest;
318 | fval=fxbest;
319 | }
320 |
321 | /*Assign output pointers: */
322 | *psearch_scalar=xval;
323 | *pJ=fval;
324 |
325 | return status;
326 | }
327 | #endif //#if defined(_PARALLEL_) && defined(_HAVE_PETSC_)
328 |