1 | /*!\file: SpawnCore.cpp
2 | * \brief: run core solution, according to analysis_type and sub_analysis_type
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include "config.h"
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #undef __FUNCT__
12 | #define __FUNCT__ "SpawnCore"
13 |
14 | #include "../objects/objects.h"
15 | #include "../io/io.h"
16 | #include "../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
17 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
18 | #include "./parallel.h"
19 | #include "../include/macros.h"
20 |
21 | void SpawnCore(double* responses, double* variables, char** variables_descriptors,int numvariables, FemModel* femmodels,ParameterInputs* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){
22 |
23 | int i;
24 |
25 | /*output from core solutions: */
26 | Vec u_g=NULL;
27 | Vec p_g=NULL;
28 |
29 | char** responses_descriptors=NULL;
30 | int numresponses;
31 | Param* param=NULL;
32 | char* string=NULL;
33 | int string_length;
34 | double* qmu_part=NULL;
35 | int qmu_npart;
36 |
37 | extern int my_rank;
38 |
39 | /*synchronize all cpus, as CPU 0 is probably late (it is starting the entire dakota strategy!) : */
40 | MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
41 |
42 | /*First off, recover the responses descriptors for the response functions: */
43 | param=(Param*)femmodels[0].parameters->FindParamObject("descriptors");
44 | numresponses=param->GetM();
45 | param->GetParameterValue(&responses_descriptors);
46 |
47 | /*Recover partitioning for dakota: */
48 | femmodels[0].parameters->FindParam((void*)&qmu_npart,"qmu_npart");
49 | femmodels[0].parameters->FindParam((void*)&qmu_part,"qmu_part");
50 |
51 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
52 | for(i=0;i<numresponses;i++){
53 | PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"descriptor %i: %s\n",i,responses_descriptors[i]);
54 | PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
55 | }
56 | #endif
57 |
58 | /*broadcast variables: only cpu 0 has correct values*/
59 | MPI_Bcast(&numvariables,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
60 | if(my_rank!=0)variables=(double*)xmalloc(numvariables*sizeof(double));
61 | MPI_Bcast(variables,numvariables,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
62 |
63 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
64 | for(i=0;i<numvariables;i++){
65 | PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"variable %i: %g\n",i,variables[i]);
66 | PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
67 | }
68 | #endif
69 |
70 | /*broadcast variables_descriptors: */
71 | if(my_rank!=0){
72 | variables_descriptors=(char**)xmalloc(numvariables*sizeof(char*));
73 | }
74 | for(i=0;i<numvariables;i++){
75 | if(my_rank==0){
76 | string=variables_descriptors[i];
77 | string_length=(strlen(string)+1)*sizeof(char);
78 | }
79 | MPI_Bcast(&string_length,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
80 | if(my_rank!=0)string=(char*)xmalloc(string_length);
81 | MPI_Bcast(string,string_length,MPI_CHAR,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
82 | if(my_rank!=0)variables_descriptors[i]=string;
83 | }
84 |
85 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
86 | for(i=0;i<numvariables;i++){
87 | PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"variable descriptor %i: %s\n",i,variables_descriptors[i]);
88 | PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
89 | }
90 | #endif
91 |
92 | /*Modify core inputs to reflect the dakota variables inputs: */
93 | inputs->UpdateFromDakota(variables,variables_descriptors,numvariables,qmu_part,qmu_npart);
94 |
95 | /*Run the analysis core solution sequence, with the updated inputs: */
96 | if(analysis_type==DiagnosticAnalysisEnum()){
97 |
98 | _printf_("Starting diagnostic core\n");
99 | diagnostic_core(&u_g,&p_g,femmodels,inputs);
100 |
101 | }
102 | else{
103 | throw ErrorException(__FUNCT__,exprintf("%s%i%s%i%s"," analysis_type ",analysis_type," and sub_analysis_type ",sub_analysis_type," not supported yet!"));
104 | }
105 |
106 | /*compute responses on cpu 0: dummy for now! */
107 | DakotaResponses(responses,responses_descriptors,numresponses,u_g,p_g,analysis_type,sub_analysis_type);
108 |
109 | /*Free ressources:*/
110 |
111 | //vectors
112 | VecFree(&u_g);
113 | VecFree(&p_g);
114 |
115 | //variables only on cpu != 0
116 | if(my_rank!=0){
117 | xfree((void**)&variables);
118 | for(i=0;i<numvariables;i++){
119 | string=variables_descriptors[i];
120 | xfree((void**)&string);
121 | }
122 | xfree((void**)&variables_descriptors);
123 | }
124 | //responses descriptors
125 | for(i=0;i<numresponses;i++){
126 | string=responses_descriptors[i];
127 | xfree((void**)&string);
128 | }
129 | //rest of dynamic allocations.
130 | xfree((void**)&responses_descriptors);
131 | xfree((void**)&qmu_part);
132 | }
133 |