[5772] | 1 | /*!\file: ElementMatrix.h
| 2 | * \brief container for information needed to plug element matrix generated by elements
| 3 | * into the Kff and Kfs global matrices.
| 4 | * This object will hold the element matrix on the g-set, the internal as well as external
| 5 | * dof lists in the f and s sets.
| 6 | */
| 7 |
| 8 | #ifndef _ELEMENT_MATRIX_H_
| 9 | #define _ELEMENT_MATRIX_H_
| 10 |
| 11 | /*Headers:*/
| 12 | /*{{{1*/
| 13 | #include "../Object.h"
| 14 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 15 | /*}}}*/
| 16 |
| 17 | class ElementMatrix{
| 18 |
| 19 | public:
| 20 |
| 21 | int nrows;
| 22 | int ncols;
| 23 | double* values;
| 24 | bool symmetric;
| 25 | bool kff;
| 26 |
| 27 | //gset
| 28 | int* gexternaldoflist;
| 29 |
| 30 | /*row wise: */
| 31 | //fset
| 32 | int row_fsize;
| 33 | int* row_finternaldoflist;
| 34 | int* row_fexternaldoflist;
| 35 | //sset
| 36 | int row_ssize;
| 37 | int* row_sinternaldoflist;
| 38 | int* row_sexternaldoflist;
| 39 |
| 40 | /*column wise: */
| 41 | //fset
| 42 | int col_fsize;
| 43 | int* col_finternaldoflist;
| 44 | int* col_fexternaldoflist;
| 45 | //sset
| 46 | int col_ssize;
| 47 | int* col_sinternaldoflist;
| 48 | int* col_sexternaldoflist;
| 49 |
| 50 | /*ElementMatrix constructors, destructors {{{1*/
| 51 | ElementMatrix();
| 52 | ElementMatrix(int gsize,bool symmetric,int* gexternaldoflist);
| 53 | ElementMatrix(int gsize,bool symmetric,int* finternaldoflist,int* fexternaldoflist,int fsize,int* sinternaldoflist,int* sexternaldoflist,int ssize);
| 54 | ~ElementMatrix();
| 55 | /*}}}*/
| 56 | /*ElementMatrix specific routines {{{1*/
| 57 | void AddValues(double* Ke_gg);
| 58 | void AddToGlobal(Mat Kgg, Mat Kff, Mat Kfs);
| 59 | void Echo(void);
| 60 | /*}}}*/
| 61 | };
| 62 | #endif //#ifndef _ELEMENT_MATRIX_H_
| 63 |