1 | /*!\file FemModel.c
2 | * \brief: implementation of the FemModel object
3 | */
4 |
5 |
6 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
7 | #include "config.h"
8 | #else
9 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | #include "stdio.h"
13 | #include "../DataSet/DataSet.h"
14 | #include "../modules/FemModelProcessorx/FemModelProcessorx.h"
15 | #include "./objects.h"
16 | #include "../include/include.h"
17 | #include "../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
18 | #include "../modules/modules.h"
19 |
20 |
21 | /*Object constructors and destructor*/
22 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::constructor {{{1*/
23 | FemModel::FemModel(int in_nummodels){
24 |
25 | /*intermediary*/
26 | int i;
27 |
28 | nummodels=in_nummodels;
29 | analysis_counter=-1;
30 |
31 | /*Dynamically allocate whatever is a list of length nummodels: */
32 | analysis_type_list=(int*)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(int));
33 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)analysis_type_list[i]=NoneAnalysisEnum;
34 |
35 | Rmg=(Mat*)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(Mat));
36 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)Rmg[i]=NULL;
37 |
38 | Gmn=(Mat*)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(Mat));
39 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)Gmn[i]=NULL;
40 |
41 | nodesets=(NodeSets**)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(NodeSet*));
42 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)nodesets[i]=NULL;
43 |
44 | yg=(Vec*)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(Vec));
45 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)yg[i]=NULL;
46 |
47 | ys=(Vec*)xmalloc(nummodels*sizeof(Vec));
48 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++)ys[i]=NULL;
49 |
50 | }
51 | /*}}}1*/
52 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::destructor {{{1*/
53 | FemModel::~FemModel(){
54 |
55 | /*Intermediary*/
56 | int i;
57 |
58 | /*Delete all the datasets: */
59 | xfree((void**)&analysis_type_list);
60 | delete elements;
61 | delete nodes;
62 | delete vertices;
63 | delete constraints;
64 | delete loads;
65 | delete materials;
66 | delete parameters;
67 | delete partition;
68 | delete tpartition;
69 |
70 | for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++){
71 | Mat temp_Rmg=Rmg[i];
72 | MatFree(&temp_Rmg);
73 | Mat temp_Gmn=Gmn[i];
74 | MatFree(&temp_Gmn);
75 | NodeSet* temp_nodesets=nodesets[i];
76 | delete nodesets;
77 | Vec temp_yg=yg[i];
78 | VecFree(&temp_yg);
79 | Vec temp_ys=ys[i];
80 | VecFree(&temp_ys);
81 | }
82 |
83 | /*Delete dynamically allocated arrays: */
84 | delete Rmg;
85 | delete Gmn;
86 | delete nodesets;
87 | delete yg;
88 | delete ys;
89 |
90 | }
91 | /*}}}1*/
92 |
93 | /*Object management*/
94 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::Echo {{{1*/
95 | void FemModel::Echo(void){
96 |
97 | printf("FemModel echo: \n");
98 | printf(" number of fem models: %i\n",nummodels);
99 | printf(" analysis_type_list: \n");
100 | for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++)printf(" %i: %s\n",i,EnumAsString(analysis_type_list[i]));
101 | printf(" current analysis_type: \n");
102 | printf(" %i: %s\n",analysis_counter,EnumAsString(analysis_type_list[analysis_counter]));
103 |
104 |
105 | }
106 | /*}}}*/
107 |
108 | /*Numerics: */
109 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::AddAnalysis(ConstDataHandle FEMMODEL, int analysis_type) {{{1*/
110 | void FemModel::AddAnalysis(ConstDataHandle IOMODEL, int analysis_type){
111 |
112 | /*Set counter: */
113 | if (analysis_counter==-1)analysis_counter=0;
114 | else analysis_counter++;
115 |
116 | /*intermediary: */
117 | IoModel* iomodel=NULL;
118 |
119 | _printf_(" fill model with matlab workspace data\n");
120 | iomodel = new IoModel(IOMODEL);
121 |
122 | _printf_(" create datasets:\n");
123 | CreateDataSets(&elements,&nodes,&vertices,&materials,&constraints,&loads,¶meters,iomodel,IOMODEL,analysis_type,nummodels,analysis_counter);
124 |
125 | _printf_(" create degrees of freedom: \n");
126 | VerticesDofx( &partition,&tpartition,vertices,parameters);
127 | NodesDofx( nodes,parameters);
128 |
129 | _printf_(" create single point constraints: \n");
130 | SpcNodesx( &yg[analysis_counter], nodes,constraints,analysis_type);
131 |
132 | _printf_(" create rigid body constraints:\n");
133 | MpcNodesx( &Rmg[analysis_counter], nodes,constraints,analysis_counter);
134 |
135 | _printf_(" create node sets:\n");
136 | BuildNodeSetsx(&nodesets[analysis_counter], nodes);
137 |
138 | _printf_(" reducing single point constraints vector:\n");
139 | Reducevectorgtosx(&ys[analysis_counter], yg[analysis_counter],nodesets[analysis_counter]);
140 |
141 | _printf_(" normalizing rigid body constraints matrix:\n");
142 | NormalizeConstraintsx(&Gmn[analysis_counter], Rmg[analysis_counter],nodesets[analysis_counter]);
143 |
144 | _printf_(" configuring element and loads:\n");
145 | ConfigureObjectsx(elements, loads, nodes, vertices, materials,parameters);
146 |
147 | _printf_(" process parameters:\n");
148 | ProcessParamsx( parameters, partition->vector);
149 |
150 | _printf_(" free ressources:\n");
151 | delete iomodel;
152 | }
153 | /*}}}1*/
154 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::GetCurrentAnalysis {{{1*/
155 | int FemModel::GetCurrentAnalysis(){
156 | return analysis_type_list[analysis_counter];
157 | }
158 | /*}}}1*/
159 | /*FUNCTION FemModel::SetCurrentAnalysis {{{1*/
160 | void FemModel::SetCurrentAnalysis(int analysis_type){
161 | int found=-1;
162 | for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++){
163 | if (analysis_type_list[i]==analysis_type){
164 | found=i;
165 | break;
166 | }
167 | }
168 | if(found!=-1) analysis_counter=found;
169 | else ISSMERROR("Could not find analysis_type %s in list of FemModel analyses",EnumAsString(analysis_type));
170 | }
171 | /*}}}1*/
172 |