1 | #ifndef _TRIANGLE_H_
2 | #define _TRIANGLE_H_
3 |
4 | #include "./include.h"
5 | #include "TriangleAdjacent.h"
6 |
7 | namespace bamg {
8 |
9 | //classes
10 | class Mesh;
11 | class BamgVertex;
12 | class Triangle;
13 |
14 | class Triangle {
15 |
16 | friend class TriangleAdjacent;
17 |
18 | private:
19 | BamgVertex* TriaVertices[3]; // 3 vertices if t is triangle, t[i] allowed by access function, (*t)[i] if pointer
20 | Triangle* TriaAdjTriangles[3]; // 3 pointers toward the adjacent triangles
21 | short TriaAdjSharedEdge[3]; // number of the edges in the adjacent triangles the edge number 1 is the edge number TriaAdjSharedEdge[1] in the Adjacent triangle 1
22 |
23 | public:
24 | Icoor2 det; // determinant du triangle (2 fois l aire des vertices entieres)
25 | union {
26 | Triangle * link ;
27 | long color;
28 | };
29 |
30 | //Constructors/Destructors
31 | Triangle() {}
32 | Triangle(Mesh *Th,long i,long j,long k);
33 | Triangle(BamgVertex *v0,BamgVertex *v1,BamgVertex *v2);
34 |
35 | //Operators
36 | const BamgVertex & operator[](int i) const {return *TriaVertices[i];};
37 | BamgVertex & operator[](int i) {return *TriaVertices[i];};
38 | const BamgVertex * operator()(int i) const {return TriaVertices[i];};
39 | BamgVertex * & operator()(int i) {return TriaVertices[i];};
40 |
41 | //Methods
42 | void Echo();
43 | int swap(short a1,int=0);
44 | long Optim(short a,int =0);
45 | int Locked(int a)const { return TriaAdjSharedEdge[a]&4;}
46 | int Hidden(int a)const { return TriaAdjSharedEdge[a]&16;}
47 | int GetAllflag(int a){return TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 1020;}
48 | void SetAllFlag(int a,int f){TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] = (TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] &3) + (1020 & f);}
49 | double QualityQuad(int a,int option=1) const;
50 | short NuEdgeTriangleAdj(int i) const {return TriaAdjSharedEdge[i&3]&3;} // Number of the adjacent edge in adj tria
51 | TriangleAdjacent FindBoundaryEdge(int i) const;
52 | TriangleAdjacent Adj(int i) const {return TriangleAdjacent(TriaAdjTriangles[i],TriaAdjSharedEdge[i]&3);};
53 | Triangle* TriangleAdj(int i) const {return TriaAdjTriangles[i&3];}
54 | Triangle* Quadrangle(BamgVertex * & v0,BamgVertex * & v1,BamgVertex * & v2,BamgVertex * & v3) const ;
55 | void Renumbering(Triangle *tb,Triangle *te, long *renu){
56 | if (link >=tb && link <te) link = tb + renu[link -tb];
57 | if (TriaAdjTriangles[0] >=tb && TriaAdjTriangles[0] <te) TriaAdjTriangles[0] = tb + renu[TriaAdjTriangles[0]-tb];
58 | if (TriaAdjTriangles[1] >=tb && TriaAdjTriangles[1] <te) TriaAdjTriangles[1] = tb + renu[TriaAdjTriangles[1]-tb];
59 | if (TriaAdjTriangles[2] >=tb && TriaAdjTriangles[2] <te) TriaAdjTriangles[2] = tb + renu[TriaAdjTriangles[2]-tb];
60 | }
61 | void Renumbering(BamgVertex *vb,BamgVertex *ve, long *renu){
62 | if (TriaVertices[0] >=vb && TriaVertices[0] <ve) TriaVertices[0] = vb + renu[TriaVertices[0]-vb];
63 | if (TriaVertices[1] >=vb && TriaVertices[1] <ve) TriaVertices[1] = vb + renu[TriaVertices[1]-vb];
64 | if (TriaVertices[2] >=vb && TriaVertices[2] <ve) TriaVertices[2] = vb + renu[TriaVertices[2]-vb];
65 | }
66 | void SetAdjAdj(short a){
67 | a &= 3;
68 | register Triangle *tt=TriaAdjTriangles[a];
69 | TriaAdjSharedEdge [a] &= 55; // remove MarkUnSwap
70 | register short aatt = TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 3;
71 | if(tt){
72 | tt->TriaAdjTriangles[aatt]=this;
73 | tt->TriaAdjSharedEdge[aatt]=a + (TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 60 ) ;}// Copy all the mark
74 | }
75 | void SetAdj2(short a,Triangle *t,short aat){
76 | TriaAdjTriangles[a]=t; //the adjacent triangle to the edge a is t
77 | TriaAdjSharedEdge[a]=aat; //position of the edge in the adjacent triangle
78 | if(t) { //if t!=NULL add adjacent triangle to t (this)
79 | t->TriaAdjTriangles[aat]=this;
80 | t->TriaAdjSharedEdge[aat]=a;
81 | }
82 | }
83 | void SetSingleVertexToTriangleConnectivity() {
84 | if (TriaVertices[0]) (TriaVertices[0]->t=this,TriaVertices[0]->vint=0);
85 | if (TriaVertices[1]) (TriaVertices[1]->t=this,TriaVertices[1]->vint=1);
86 | if (TriaVertices[2]) (TriaVertices[2]->t=this,TriaVertices[2]->vint=2);
87 | }
88 | void SetHidden(int a){
89 | //Get Adjacent Triangle number a
90 | register Triangle* t = TriaAdjTriangles[a];
91 | //if it exist
92 | //C|=D -> C=(C|D) bitwise inclusive OR
93 | if(t) t->TriaAdjSharedEdge[TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 3] |=16;
94 | TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] |= 16;
95 | }
96 |
97 | void SetLocked(int a){
98 | //mark the edge as on Boundary
99 | register Triangle * t = TriaAdjTriangles[a];
100 | t->TriaAdjSharedEdge[TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 3] |=4;
101 | TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] |= 4;
102 | }
103 | void SetMarkUnSwap(int a){
104 | register Triangle * t = TriaAdjTriangles[a];
105 | t->TriaAdjSharedEdge[TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 3] |=8;
106 | TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] |=8 ;
107 | }
108 | void SetUnMarkUnSwap(int a){
109 | register Triangle * t = TriaAdjTriangles[a];
110 | t->TriaAdjSharedEdge[TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] & 3] &=55; // 23 + 32
111 | TriaAdjSharedEdge[a] &=55 ;
112 | }
113 | void SetDet() {
114 | if(TriaVertices[0] && TriaVertices[1] && TriaVertices[2]) det = bamg::det(*TriaVertices[0],*TriaVertices[1],*TriaVertices[2]);
115 | else det = -1; }
116 |
117 | //Inline methods
118 | double qualite() ;
119 | void Set(const Triangle &,const Mesh &,Mesh &);
120 | int In(BamgVertex *v) const { return TriaVertices[0]==v || TriaVertices[1]==v || TriaVertices[2]==v ;}
121 |
122 | };
123 |
124 | }
125 | #endif