1 | #ifndef _MESH_H_
2 | #define _MESH_H_
3 |
4 | #include "./include.h"
5 | #include "./BamgOpts.h"
6 | #include "./BamgMesh.h"
7 | #include "./BamgGeom.h"
8 | #include "./Triangle.h"
9 | #include "./VertexOnGeom.h"
10 | #include "./VertexOnVertex.h"
11 | #include "./VertexOnEdge.h"
12 | #include "./ListofIntersectionTriangles.h"
13 |
14 | namespace bamg {
15 |
16 | //classes
17 | class Geometry;
18 | class CrackedEdge;
19 | class BamgQuadtree;
20 | class SubDomain;
21 |
22 | class Mesh {
23 |
24 | public:
25 |
26 | Geometry & Gh; // Geometry
27 | Mesh & BTh; // Background Mesh Bth== *this =>no background
28 | BamgVertex *vertices;
29 | Triangle *triangles;
30 | Edge *edges;
31 | BamgQuadtree *quadtree;
32 | BamgVertex **orderedvertices;
33 | SubDomain *subdomains;
34 | long NbRef; // counter of ref on the this class if 0 we can delete
35 | long maxnbv,maxnbt; // nombre max de sommets , de triangles
36 | long nbv,nbt,nbe,nbq; // nb of vertices, of triangles, of edges and quadrilaterals
37 | long nbsubdomains;
38 | long nbtout; // Nb of oudeside triangle
39 |
40 | R2 pmin,pmax; // extrema
41 | double coefIcoor; // coef to integer Icoor1;
42 | ListofIntersectionTriangles lIntTria;
43 |
44 | long NbVerticesOnGeomVertex;
45 | VertexOnGeom *VerticesOnGeomVertex;
46 | long NbVerticesOnGeomEdge;
47 | VertexOnGeom *VerticesOnGeomEdge;
48 | long NbVertexOnBThVertex;
49 | VertexOnVertex *VertexOnBThVertex;
50 | long NbVertexOnBThEdge;
51 | VertexOnEdge *VertexOnBThEdge;
52 | long NbCrackedVertices;
53 | long *CrackedVertices;
54 | long NbCrackedEdges;
55 | CrackedEdge *CrackedEdges;
56 |
57 | //Constructors/Destructors
58 | Mesh(BamgGeom* bamggeom,BamgMesh* bamgmesh,BamgOpts* bamgopts);
59 | Mesh(int* index,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels);/*MeshConvert*/
60 | Mesh(double* x,double* y,int nods); /*BamgTriangulate*/
61 | Mesh(Mesh &,Geometry * pGh=0,Mesh* pBTh=0,long maxnbv_in=0 ); //copy operator
62 | Mesh(const Mesh &,const int *flag,const int *bb,BamgOpts* bamgopts); // truncature
63 | Mesh(long maxnbv,Mesh & BT,BamgOpts* bamgopts,int keepBackVertices=1);
64 | Mesh(long maxnbv,Geometry & G,BamgOpts* bamgopts);
65 | ~Mesh();
66 |
67 | //Operators
68 | const BamgVertex &operator[](long i) const { return vertices[i]; };
69 | BamgVertex &operator[](long i) { return vertices[i]; };
70 | const Triangle &operator()(long i) const { return triangles[i]; };
71 | Triangle &operator()(long i) { return triangles[i]; };
72 |
73 | //Methods
74 | void SetIntCoor(const char * from =0);
75 | double MinimalHmin();
76 | double MaximalHmax();
77 | I2 R2ToI2(const R2 & P) const;
78 | R2 I2ToR2(const I2 & P) const;
79 | void AddVertex(BamgVertex & s,Triangle * t,Icoor2 * =0) ;
80 | void Insert();
81 | void Echo(void);
82 | void ForceBoundary();
83 | void FindSubDomain(int OutSide=0);
84 | long TriangleReferenceList(long*) const;
85 | void TriangleIntNumbering(long* renumbering);
86 | void ShowHistogram() const;
87 | void CrackMesh(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
88 | void ShowRegulaty() const;
89 | void SmoothMetric(double raisonmax) ;
90 | void BoundAnisotropy(double anisomax,double hminaniso= 1e-100) ;
91 | void MaxSubDivision(double maxsubdiv);
92 | Edge** MakeGeomEdgeToEdge();
93 | long SplitInternalEdgeWithBorderVertices();
94 | void MakeQuadrangles(double costheta);
95 | int SplitElement(int choice);
96 | void MakeBamgQuadtree();
97 | void NewPoints(Mesh &,BamgOpts* bamgopts,int KeepVertices=1);
98 | long InsertNewPoints(long nbvold,long & NbTSwap) ;
99 | void TrianglesRenumberBySubDomain(bool justcompress=false);
100 | void VerticesRenumber(long * renu);
101 | void SmoothingVertex(int =3,double=0.3);
102 | Metric MetricAt (const R2 &) const;
103 | GeomEdge* ProjectOnCurve( Edge & AB, BamgVertex & A, BamgVertex & B,double theta, BamgVertex & R,VertexOnEdge & BR,VertexOnGeom & GR);
104 | long GetId(const Triangle & t) const;
105 | long GetId(const Triangle * t) const;
106 | long GetId(const BamgVertex & t) const;
107 | long GetId(const BamgVertex * t) const;
108 | long GetId(const Edge & t) const;
109 | long GetId(const Edge * t) const;
110 | BamgVertex* NearestVertex(Icoor1 i,Icoor1 j) ;
111 | Triangle* TriangleFindFromCoord(const I2 & ,Icoor2 [3],Triangle *tstart=0) const;
112 | void ReadMesh(int* index,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels);
113 | void ReadMesh(BamgMesh* bamgmesh, BamgOpts* bamgopts);
114 | void WriteMesh(BamgMesh* bamgmesh,BamgOpts* bamgopts);
115 | void ReadMetric(const BamgOpts* bamgopts);
116 | void WriteMetric(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
117 | void WriteIndex(int** pindex,int* pnels);
118 | void AddMetric(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
119 | void BuildMetric0(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
120 | void BuildMetric1(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
121 | void AddGeometryMetric(BamgOpts* bamgopts);
122 | int isCracked() const;
123 | void BuildGeometryFromMesh(BamgOpts* bamgopts=NULL);
124 | void ReconstructExistingMesh();
125 |
126 | //Inline methods
127 | inline void CreateSingleVertexToTriangleConnectivity(){
128 | for (int i=0;i<nbv;i++) vertices[i].IndexInTriangle=0, vertices[i].t=NULL;
129 | for (int i=0;i<nbt;i++) triangles[i].SetSingleVertexToTriangleConnectivity();
130 | }
131 | inline void UnMarkUnSwapTriangle(){
132 | for (int i=0;i<nbt;i++)
133 | for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
134 | triangles[i].SetUnMarkUnSwap(j);
135 | }
136 | inline void SetVertexFieldOn(){
137 | for (int i=0;i<nbv;i++) vertices[i].GeomEdgeHook=NULL;
138 | for (int j=0;j<NbVerticesOnGeomVertex;j++) VerticesOnGeomVertex[j].SetOn();
139 | for (int k=0;k<NbVerticesOnGeomEdge;k++ ) VerticesOnGeomEdge[k].SetOn();
140 | }
141 | inline void SetVertexFieldOnBTh(){
142 | for (int i=0;i<nbv;i++) vertices[i].GeomEdgeHook=NULL;
143 | for (int j=0;j<NbVertexOnBThVertex;j++) VertexOnBThVertex[j].SetOnBTh();
144 | for (int k=0;k<NbVertexOnBThEdge;k++ ) VertexOnBThEdge[k].SetOnBTh();
145 | }
146 |
147 | private:
148 | void TriangulateFromGeom1(BamgOpts* bamgopts,int KeepVertices=1);// the real constructor mesh adaption
149 | void TriangulateFromGeom0(BamgOpts* bamgopts);// the real constructor mesh generator
150 | void Triangulate(double* x,double* y,int nods);
151 | void Init(long);
152 | };
153 |
154 | /*Intermediary*/
155 | AdjacentTriangle CloseBoundaryEdge(I2 ,Triangle *, double &,double &) ;
156 | AdjacentTriangle CloseBoundaryEdgeV2(I2 A,Triangle *t, double &a,double &b);
157 | void swap(Triangle *t1,short a1,
158 | Triangle *t2,short a2,
159 | BamgVertex *s1,BamgVertex *s2,Icoor2 det1,Icoor2 det2);
160 | int SwapForForcingEdge(BamgVertex * & pva ,BamgVertex * & pvb ,
161 | AdjacentTriangle & tt1,Icoor2 & dets1,
162 | Icoor2 & detsa,Icoor2 & detsb, int & nbswap);
163 | int ForceEdge(BamgVertex &a, BamgVertex & b,AdjacentTriangle & taret) ;
164 | inline AdjacentTriangle Previous(const AdjacentTriangle & ta){
165 | return AdjacentTriangle(ta.t,PreviousEdge[ta.a]);
166 | }
167 | inline AdjacentTriangle Next(const AdjacentTriangle & ta){
168 | return AdjacentTriangle(ta.t,NextEdge[ta.a]);
169 | }
170 | inline AdjacentTriangle Adj(const AdjacentTriangle & a){
171 | return a.Adj();
172 | }
173 | inline void Adj(GeomEdge * & on,int &i){
174 | int j=i;i=on->AdjVertexIndex[i];on=on->Adj[j];
175 | }
176 | inline double qualite(const BamgVertex &va,const BamgVertex &vb,const BamgVertex &vc){
177 | double ret;
178 | I2 ia=va,ib=vb,ic=vc;
179 | I2 ab=ib-ia,bc=ic-ib,ac=ic-ia;
180 | Icoor2 deta=Det(ab,ac);
181 | if (deta <=0) ret = -1;
182 | else {
183 | double a = sqrt((double) (ac,ac)),
184 | b = sqrt((double) (bc,bc)),
185 | c = sqrt((double) (ab,ab)),
186 | p = a+b+c;
187 | double h= Max(Max(a,b),c),ro=deta/p;
188 | ret = ro/h;
189 | }
190 | return ret;
191 | }
192 |
193 | }
194 | #endif