1 | /*!\file GEMB module from Alex Gardner.
2 | * \brief: calculates SMB
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "./SurfaceMassBalancex.h"
6 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
7 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
8 |
9 | const double Pi = 3.141592653589793;
10 | const double CtoK = 273.15; // Kelvin to Celcius conversion/ice melt. point T in K
11 | const double dts = 86400.0; // Number of seconds in a day
12 |
13 | /* Tolerances have to be defined for if loops involving some specific values
14 | like densitiy of ice or melting point temp because values are "rounded"
15 | (e.g rho ice = 909.99... instead of 910.0) and we don't always go into the right loop */
16 | const double Ttol = 1e-10;
17 | const double Dtol = 1e-11;
18 | const double Gdntol = 1e-10;
19 | const double Wtol = 1e-13;
20 |
21 | const double CI = 2102.0; // heat capacity of snow/ice (J kg-1 k-1)
22 | const double LF = 0.3345E6; // latent heat of fusion (J kg-1)
23 | const double LV = 2.495E6; // latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1)
24 | const double LS = 2.8295E6; // latent heat of sublimation (J kg-1)
25 | const double SB = 5.67E-8; // Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4)
26 | const double CA = 1005.0; // heat capacity of air (J kg-1 k-1)
27 | const double R = 8.314; // gas constant (mol-1 K-1)
28 |
29 | void Gembx(FemModel* femmodel){ /*{{{*/
30 |
31 | for(int i=0;i<femmodel->elements->Size();i++){
32 | Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
33 | element->SmbGemb();
34 | }
35 |
36 | } /*}}}*/
37 | void GembgridInitialize(IssmDouble** pdz, int* psize, IssmDouble zTop, IssmDouble dzTop, IssmDouble zMax, IssmDouble zY){ /*{{{*/
38 |
39 | /* This file sets up the initial grid spacing and total grid depth. The
40 | grid structure is set as constant grid length 'dzTop' for the top
41 | 'zTop' meters of the model grid. Bellow 'zTop' the gid length increases
42 | linearly with depth */
43 |
44 | /*intermediary:*/
45 | IssmDouble dgpTop=0.0;
46 | int gpTop=0;
47 | int gpBottom=0;
48 | int i=0;
49 | IssmDouble gp0=0.0;
50 | IssmDouble z0=0.0;
51 | IssmDouble* dzT=NULL;
52 | IssmDouble* dzB=NULL;
53 |
54 | /*output: */
55 | IssmDouble* dz=NULL;
56 |
57 | //----------------------Calculate Grid Lengths------------------------------
58 | //calculate number of top grid points
59 | dgpTop = zTop/dzTop;
60 |
61 | //check to see if the top grid cell structure length (dzTop) goes evenly
62 | //into specified top structure depth (zTop). Also make sure top grid cell
63 | //structure length (dzTop) is greater than 5 cm
64 | #ifndef _HAVE_ADOLC_ //avoid the round operation check!
65 | if (dgpTop != round(dgpTop)){
66 | _error_("top grid cell structure length does not go evenly into specified top structure depth, adjust dzTop or zTop");
67 | }
68 | #endif
69 | if(dzTop < 0.05){
70 | _printf_("initial top grid cell length (dzTop) is < 0.05 m");
71 | }
72 | gpTop=reCast<int,IssmDouble>(dgpTop);
73 |
74 | //initialize top grid depth vector
75 | dzT = xNew<IssmDouble>(gpTop);
76 | for (i=0;i<gpTop;i++)dzT[i]=dzTop;
77 |
78 | //bottom grid cell depth = x*zY^(cells from to structure)
79 | //figure out the number of grid points in the bottom vector (not known a priori)
80 | gp0 = dzTop;
81 | z0 = zTop;
82 | gpBottom = 0;
83 | while (zMax > z0){
84 | gp0= gp0 * zY;
85 | z0 = z0 + gp0;
86 | gpBottom++;
87 | }
88 | //initialize bottom vectors
89 | dzB = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(gpBottom);
90 | gp0 = dzTop;
91 | z0 = zTop;
92 | for(i=0;i<gpBottom;i++){
93 | gp0=gp0*zY;
94 | dzB[i]=gp0;
95 | }
96 |
97 | //combine top and bottom dz vectors
98 | dz = xNew<IssmDouble>(gpTop+gpBottom);
99 | for(i=0;i<gpTop;i++){
100 | dz[i]=dzT[i];
101 | }
102 | for(i=0;i<gpBottom;i++){
103 | dz[gpTop+i]=dzB[i];
104 | }
105 |
106 | /*Free ressouces:*/
107 | xDelete(dzT);
108 | xDelete(dzB);
109 |
111 |
112 | /*assign ouput pointers: */
113 | *pdz=dz;
114 | *psize=gpTop+gpBottom;
115 | } /*}}}*/
116 | IssmDouble Marbouty(IssmDouble T, IssmDouble d, IssmDouble dT){ /*{{{*/
117 |
118 | // calculates grain growth according to Fig. 9 of Marbouty, 1980
119 | // ------NO GRAIN GROWTH FOR d > 400 kg m-3 because H is set to zero------
120 | // ---------------this is a major limitation of the model-------------------
121 |
122 | // initialize
123 | IssmDouble F = 0.0, H=0.0, G=0.0;
124 | const IssmDouble E = 0.09; //[mm d-1] model time growth constant E
125 | // convert T from K to ºC
126 | T = T - CtoK;
127 |
128 | // temperature coefficient F
129 | if(T>-6.0) F = 0.7 + ((T/-6.0) * 0.3);
130 | if(T<=-6.0 && T>-22.0) F = 1.0 - ((T+6.0)/-16.0 * 0.8);
131 | if(T<=-22.0 && T>-40.0) F = 0.2 - ((T+22.0)/-18.0 * 0.2);
132 |
133 | // density coefficient F
134 | if(d<150.0) H=1.0;
135 |
136 | if(d>=150.0 & d<400.0) H = 1.0 - ((d-150.0)/250.0);
137 |
138 | // temperature gradient coefficient G
139 | if(dT >= 0.16 && dT < 0.25) G = ((dT - 0.16)/0.09) * 0.1;
140 | if(dT >= 0.25 && dT < 0.4) G = 0.1 + (((dT - 0.25)/0.15) * 0.57);
141 | if(dT >= 0.4 && dT < 0.5) G = 0.67 + (((dT - 0.4)/0.1) * 0.23);
142 | if(dT >= 0.5 && dT < 0.7) G = 0.9 + (((dT - 0.5)/0.2) * 0.1);
143 | if(dT >= 0.7 ) G = 1.0;
144 |
145 | // grouped coefficient Q
146 | return F*H*G*E;
147 |
148 | } /*}}}*/
149 | void grainGrowth(IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, IssmDouble* T,IssmDouble* dz,IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* W,IssmDouble smb_dt,int m,int aIdx,int sid){ /*{{{*/
150 |
151 | /*Created by: Alex S. Gardner, University of Alberta
152 |
153 | *Description*: models the effective snow grain size
154 |
155 | *Reference:*
157 | Brun, E., P. David, M. Sudul, and G. Brunot, 1992: A numerical model to
158 | simulate snow-cover stratigraphy for operational avalanche forecasting.
159 | Journal of Glaciology, 38, 13-22.
160 |
162 | Dry snow metamorphism:
163 | Marbouty, D., 1980: An experimental study of temperature-gradient
164 | metamorphism. Journal of Glaciology, 26, 303-312.
165 |
167 | Brun, E., 1989: Investigation on wet-snow metamorphism in respect of
168 | liquid-water content. Annals of Glaciology, 13, 22-26.
169 |
170 | INPUTS
171 | * T: grid cell temperature [k]
172 | * dz: grid cell depth [m]
173 | * d: grid cell density [kg m-3]
174 | * W: water content [kg/m^2]
175 | * re: effective grain size [mm]
176 | * gdn: grain dentricity
177 | * gsp: grain sphericity
178 | * dt: time step of input data [s]
179 |
181 | * re: effective grain size [mm]
182 | * gdn: grain dentricity
183 | * gsp: grain sphericity*/
184 |
185 | /*intermediary: */
186 | IssmDouble dt=0.0;
187 | IssmDouble* gsz=NULL;
188 | IssmDouble* dT=NULL;
189 | IssmDouble* zGPC=NULL;
190 | IssmDouble* lwc=NULL;
191 | IssmDouble Q=0.0;
192 |
193 | /*output: */
194 | IssmDouble* re=NULL;
195 | IssmDouble* gdn=NULL;
196 | IssmDouble* gsp=NULL;
197 |
198 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" grain growth module\n");
199 |
200 | /*Recover pointers: */
201 | re=*pre;
202 | gdn=*pgdn;
203 | gsp=*pgsp;
204 |
205 | /*only when aIdx = 1 or 2 do we run grainGrowth: */
206 | if(aIdx!=1 & aIdx!=2){
207 | /*come out as we came in: */
208 | return;
209 | }
210 |
211 | /*Figure out grain size from effective grain radius: */
212 | gsz=xNew<IssmDouble>(m); for(int i=0;i<m;i++)gsz[i]=re[i]*2.0;
213 |
214 | /*Convert dt from seconds to day: */
215 | dt=smb_dt/dts;
216 |
217 | /*Determine liquid-water content in percentage: */
218 | lwc=xNew<IssmDouble>(m); for(int i=0;i<m;i++)lwc[i]= W[i] / (d[i]*dz[i])*100.0;
219 |
220 | //set maximum water content by mass to 9 percent (Brun, 1980)
221 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)if(lwc[i]>9.0-Wtol) lwc[i]=9.0;
222 |
223 |
224 | /* Calculate temperature gradiant across grid cells
225 | * Returns the avereage gradient across the upper and lower grid cell */
226 |
227 | //initialize
228 | dT=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(m);
229 |
230 | //depth of grid point center from surface
231 | zGPC=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(m);
232 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
233 | for (int j=0;j<=i;j++) zGPC[i]+=dz[j];
234 | zGPC[i]-=(dz[i]/2.0);
235 | }
236 |
237 | // Take forward differences on left and right edges
238 | dT[0] = (T[1] - T[0])/(zGPC[1]-zGPC[0]);
239 | dT[m-1] = (T[m-1] - T[m-2])/(zGPC[m-1]-zGPC[m-2]);
240 |
241 | //Take centered differences on interior points
242 | for(int i=1;i<m-1;i++) dT[i] = (T[i+1]-T[i-1])/(zGPC[i+1]-zGPC[i-1]);
243 |
244 | // take absolute value of temperature gradient
245 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)dT[i]=fabs(dT[i]);
246 |
247 | /*Snow metamorphism. Depends on value of snow dendricity and wetness of the snowpack: */
248 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
249 | if (gdn[i]>0.0+Gdntol){
250 |
251 | //_printf_("Dendritic dry snow metamorphism\n");
252 |
253 | //index for dentricity > 0 and T gradients < 5 degC m-1 and >= 5 degC m-1
254 | if(dT[i]<5.0-Ttol){
255 | //determine coefficients
256 | IssmDouble A = - 2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
257 | IssmDouble B = 1e9 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
258 | //new dentricity and sphericity for dT < 5 degC m-1
259 | gdn[i] += A;
260 | gsp[i] += B;
261 | }
262 | else{
263 | // new dendricity and sphericity for dT >= 5 degC m-1
264 |
265 | //determine coefficients
266 | IssmDouble C = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt) * pow(dT[i],.4);
267 | gdn[i] +=C;
268 | gsp[i] +=C;
269 | }
270 |
271 | // wet snow metamorphism
272 | if(W[i]>0.0+Wtol){
273 |
274 | //_printf_("D}ritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
275 |
276 | //determine coefficient
277 | IssmDouble D = (1.0/16.0) * pow(lwc[i],3.0) * dt;
278 |
279 | // new dendricity and sphericity for wet snow
280 | gdn[i] -= D;
281 | gsp[i] += D;
282 | }
283 |
284 | // dendricity and sphericity can not be > 1 or < 0
285 | if (gdn[i]<0.0+Wtol)gdn[i]=0.0;
286 | if (gsp[i]<0.0+Wtol)gsp[i]=0.0;
287 | if (gdn[i]>1.0-Wtol)gdn[i]=1.0;
288 | if (gsp[i]>1.0-Wtol)gsp[i]=1.0;
289 |
290 | // determine new grain size (mm)
291 | gsz[i] = 0.1 + (1.0-gdn[i])*0.25 + (0.5-gsp[i])*0.1;
292 |
293 | }
294 | else{
295 |
296 | /*Dry snow metamorphism (Marbouty, 1980) grouped model coefficinets
297 | *from Marbouty, 1980: Figure 9*/
298 |
299 | //_printf_("Nond}ritic snow metamorphism\n");
300 | Q = Marbouty(T[i],d[i],dT[i]);
301 |
302 | // calculate grain growth
303 | gsz[i] += (Q*dt);
304 |
305 | //Wet snow metamorphism (Brun, 1989)
306 | if(W[i]>0.0+Wtol){
307 | //_printf_("Nond}ritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
308 | //wet rate of change coefficient
309 | IssmDouble E = 1.28e-8 + (4.22e-10 * pow(lwc[i],3.0))* (dt *dts); // [mm^3 s^-1]
310 |
311 | // calculate change in grain volume and convert to grain size
312 | gsz[i] = 2.0 * pow(3.0/(Pi * 4.0)*((4.0/ 3.0)*Pi*pow(gsz[i]/2.0,3.0) + E),1.0/3.0);
313 |
314 | }
315 |
316 | // grains with sphericity == 1 can not have grain sizes > 2 mm (Brun, 1992)
317 | if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)<Wtol && gsz[i]>2.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=2.0;
318 |
319 | // grains with sphericity == 0 can not have grain sizes > 5 mm (Brun, 1992)
320 | if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)>Wtol && gsz[i]>5.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=5.0;
321 | }
322 |
323 | //convert grain size back to effective grain radius:
324 | re[i]=gsz[i]/2.0;
325 | }
326 |
327 | /*Free ressources:*/
328 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(gsz);
329 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dT);
330 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(zGPC);
331 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(lwc);
332 |
333 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
334 | *pre=re;
335 | *pgdn=gdn;
336 | *pgsp=gsp;
337 |
338 | } /*}}}*/
339 | void albedo(IssmDouble** pa, int aIdx, IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble cldFrac, IssmDouble aIce, IssmDouble aSnow, IssmDouble aValue, IssmDouble adThresh, IssmDouble* TK, IssmDouble* W, IssmDouble P, IssmDouble EC, IssmDouble t0wet, IssmDouble t0dry, IssmDouble K, IssmDouble dt, IssmDouble dIce, int m,int sid) { /*{{{*/
340 |
341 | //// Calculates Snow, firn and ice albedo as a function of:
342 | // 0 : direct input from aValue parameter
343 | // 1 : effective grain radius (Gardner & Sharp, 2009)
344 | // 2 : effective grain radius (Brun et al., 2009)
345 | // 3 : density and cloud amount (Greuell & Konzelmann, 1994)
346 | // 4 : exponential time decay & wetness (Bougamont & Bamber, 2005)
347 |
348 | //// Inputs
349 | // aIdx = albedo method to use
350 |
351 | // Method 0
352 | // aValue = direct input value for albedo, override all changes to albedo
353 |
354 | // adThresh
355 | // Apply below method to all areas with densities below this value,
356 | // or else apply direct input value, allowing albedo to be altered.
357 | // Default value is rho water (1023 kg m-3).
358 |
359 | // Methods 1 & 2
360 | // re = surface effective grain radius [mm]
361 |
362 | // Methods 3
363 | // d = snow surface density [kg m-3]
364 | // n = cloud amount
365 | // aIce = albedo of ice
366 | // aSnow = albedo of fresh snow
367 |
368 | // Methods 4
369 | // aIce = albedo of ice
370 | // aSnow = albedo of fresh snow
371 | // a = grid cell albedo from prevous time step;
372 | // T = grid cell temperature [k]
373 | // W = pore water [kg]
374 | // P = precipitation [mm w.e.] or [kg m-3]
375 | // EC = surface evaporation (-) condensation (+) [kg m-2]
376 | // t0wet = time scale for wet snow (15-21.9) [d]
377 | // t0dry = warm snow timescale [15] [d]
378 | // K = time scale temperature coef. (7) [d]
379 | // dt = time step of input data [s]
380 |
381 | //// Output
382 | // a = grid cell albedo
383 |
384 | //// Usage
385 | // Method 1
386 | // a = albedo(1, 0.1);
387 |
388 | // Method 4
389 | // a = albedo(4, [], [], [], 0.48, 0.85, [0.8 0.5 ... 0.48], ...
390 | // [273 272.5 ... 265], [0 0.001 ... 0], 0, 0.01, 15, 15, 7, 3600)
391 |
392 | /*output: */
393 | IssmDouble* a=NULL;
394 |
395 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" albedo module\n");
396 |
397 | /*Recover pointers: */
398 | a=*pa;
399 |
400 | //some constants:
401 | const IssmDouble dSnow = 300; // density of fresh snow [kg m-3]
402 |
403 | if(aIdx==0 || (adThresh - d[0]<Dtol)){
404 | a[0] = aValue;
405 | }
406 | else{
407 | if(aIdx==1){
408 | //function of effective grain radius
409 |
410 | //convert effective radius to specific surface area [cm2 g-1]
411 | IssmDouble S = 3.0 / (0.091 * re[0]);
412 |
413 | //determine broadband albedo
414 | a[0]= 1.48 - pow(S,-0.07);
415 | }
416 | else if(aIdx==2){
417 |
418 | // Spectral fractions (Lefebre et al., 2003)
419 | // [0.3-0.8um 0.8-1.5um 1.5-2.8um]
420 |
421 | IssmDouble sF[3] = {0.606, 0.301, 0.093};
422 |
423 | // convert effective radius to grain size in meters
424 | IssmDouble gsz = (re[0] * 2.0) / 1000.0;
425 |
426 | // spectral range:
427 | // 0.3 - 0.8um
428 | IssmDouble a0 = fmin(0.98, 1 - 1.58 *pow(gsz,0.5));
429 | // 0.8 - 1.5um
430 | IssmDouble a1 = fmax(0, 0.95 - 15.4 *pow(gsz,0.5));
431 | // 1.5 - 2.8um
432 | IssmDouble a2 = fmax(0.127, 0.88 + 346.3*gsz - 32.31*pow(gsz,0.5));
433 |
434 | // broadband surface albedo
435 | a[0] = sF[0]*a0 + sF[1]*a1 + sF[2]*a2;
436 | }
437 | else if(aIdx==3){
438 |
439 | // a as a function of density
440 |
441 | // calculate albedo
442 | a[0] = aIce + (d[0] - dIce)*(aSnow - aIce) / (dSnow - dIce) + (0.05 * (cldFrac - 0.5));
443 | }
444 | else if(aIdx==4){
445 |
446 | // exponential time decay & wetness
447 |
448 | // change in albedo with time:
449 | // (d_a) = (a - a_old)/(t0)
450 | // where: t0 = timescale for albedo decay
451 |
452 | dt = dt / dts; // convert from [s] to [d]
453 |
454 | // initialize variables
455 | IssmDouble* t0=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
456 | IssmDouble* T=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
457 | IssmDouble* t0warm=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
458 | IssmDouble* d_a=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
459 |
460 | // specify constants
461 | // a_wet = 0.15; // water albedo (0.15)
462 | // a_new = aSnow // new snow albedo (0.64 - 0.89)
463 | // a_old = aIce; // old snow/ice albedo (0.27-0.53)
464 | // t0_wet = t0wet; // time scale for wet snow (15-21.9) [d]
465 | // t0_dry = t0dry; // warm snow timescale [15] [d]
466 | // K = 7 // time scale temperature coef. (7) [d]
467 | // W0 = 300; // 200 - 600 [mm]
468 | const IssmDouble z_snow = 15.0; // 16 - 32 [mm]
469 |
470 | // determine timescale for albedo decay
471 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)if(W[i]>0.0+Wtol)t0[i]=t0wet; // wet snow timescale
472 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)T[i]=TK[i] - CtoK; // change T from K to degC
473 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) t0warm[i]= fabs(T[i]) * K + t0dry; //// 'warm' snow timescale
474 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)if(fabs(W[i])<Wtol && T[i]>=-10.0-Ttol)t0[i]= t0warm[i];
475 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)if(T[i]<-10.0-Ttol) t0[i] = 10.0 * K + t0dry; // 'cold' snow timescale
476 |
477 | // calculate new albedo
478 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)d_a[i] = (a[i] - aIce) / t0[i] * dt; // change in albedo
479 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)a[i] -= d_a[i]; // new albedo
480 |
481 | // modification of albedo due to thin layer of snow or solid
482 | // condensation (deposition) at the surface surface
483 |
484 | // check if condensation occurs & if it is deposited in solid phase
485 | if ( EC > 0.0 + Dtol && T[0] < 0.0-Ttol) P = P + (EC/dSnow) * 1000.0; // add cond to precip [mm]
486 |
487 | a[0] = aSnow - (aSnow - a[0]) * exp(-P/z_snow);
488 |
489 | //----------THIS NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED AT A LATER DATE------------
490 | // modification of albedo due to thin layer of water on the surface
491 | // a_surf = a_wet - (a_wet - a_surf) * exp(-W_surf/W0);
492 |
493 | /*Free ressources:*/
494 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(t0);
495 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(T);
496 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(t0warm);
497 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(d_a);
498 |
499 | }
500 | else _error_("albedo method switch should range from 0 to 4!");
501 | }
502 |
503 | // Check for erroneous values
504 | if (a[0] > 1) _printf_("albedo > 1.0\n");
505 | else if (a[0] < 0) _printf_("albedo is negative\n");
506 | else if (xIsNan(a[0])) _error_("albedo == NAN\n");
507 |
508 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
509 | *pa=a;
510 |
511 | } /*}}}*/
512 | void thermo(IssmDouble* pEC, IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* swf, IssmDouble dlwrf, IssmDouble Ta, IssmDouble V, IssmDouble eAir, IssmDouble pAir, IssmDouble teValue, IssmDouble Ws, IssmDouble dt0, int m, IssmDouble Vz, IssmDouble Tz, IssmDouble thermo_scaling, IssmDouble dIce, int sid) { /*{{{*/
513 |
515 |
516 | /* Description:
517 | computes new temperature profile accounting for energy absorption and
518 | thermal diffusion.*/
519 |
520 | // INPUTS
521 | // T: grid cell temperature [k]
522 | // dz: grid cell depth [m]
523 | // d: grid cell density [kg m-3]
524 | // swf: shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2]
525 | // dlwrf: downward longwave radiation fluxes [W m-2]
526 | // Ta: 2 m air temperature
527 | // V: wind velocity [m s-1]
528 | // eAir: screen level vapor pressure [Pa]
529 | // Ws: surface water content [kg]
530 | // dt0: time step of input data [s]
531 | // elev: surface elevation [m a.s.l.]
532 | // Vz: air temperature height above surface [m]
533 | // Tz: wind height above surface [m]
534 | // thermo_scaling: scaling factor to multiply the thermal diffusion timestep (delta t)
535 |
536 | // OUTPUTS
537 | // T: grid cell temperature [k]
538 | // EC: evaporation/condensation [kg]
539 |
540 | /*intermediary: */
541 | IssmDouble* K = NULL;
542 | IssmDouble* KU = NULL;
543 | IssmDouble* KD = NULL;
544 | IssmDouble* KP = NULL;
545 | IssmDouble* Au = NULL;
546 | IssmDouble* Ad = NULL;
547 | IssmDouble* Ap = NULL;
548 | IssmDouble* Nu = NULL;
549 | IssmDouble* Nd = NULL;
550 | IssmDouble* Np = NULL;
551 | IssmDouble* dzU = NULL;
552 | IssmDouble* dzD = NULL;
553 | IssmDouble* sw = NULL;
554 | IssmDouble* dT_sw = NULL;
555 | IssmDouble* T0 = NULL;
556 | IssmDouble* Tu = NULL;
557 | IssmDouble* Td = NULL;
558 |
559 | IssmDouble z0=0.0;
560 | IssmDouble dt=0.0;
561 | IssmDouble max_fdt=0.0;
562 | IssmDouble Ts=0.0;
563 | IssmDouble L=0.0;
564 | IssmDouble eS=0.0;
565 | IssmDouble Ri=0.0;
566 | IssmDouble coefM=0.0;
567 | IssmDouble coefH=0.0;
568 | IssmDouble An=0.0;
569 | IssmDouble C=0.0;
570 | IssmDouble shf=0.0;
571 | IssmDouble ds=0.0;
572 | IssmDouble dAir=0.0;
573 | IssmDouble TCs=0.0;
574 | IssmDouble lhf=0.0;
575 | IssmDouble EC_day=0.0;
576 | IssmDouble dT_turb=0.0;
577 | IssmDouble turb=0.0;
578 | IssmDouble ulw=0.0;
579 | IssmDouble dT_ulw=0.0;
580 | IssmDouble dlw=0.0;
581 | IssmDouble dT_dlw=0.0;
582 |
583 | /*outputs:*/
584 | IssmDouble EC=0.0;
585 | IssmDouble* T=*pT;
586 |
587 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" thermal module\n");
588 |
589 | ds = d[0]; // density of top grid cell
590 |
591 | // calculated air density [kg/m3]
592 | dAir = 0.029 * pAir /(R * Ta);
593 |
594 | // thermal capacity of top grid cell [J/k]
595 | TCs = d[0]*dz[0]*CI;
596 |
597 | //initialize Evaporation - Condenstation
598 | EC = 0.0;
599 |
600 | // check if all SW applied to surface or distributed throught subsurface
601 | // swIdx = length(swf) > 1
602 |
603 | // SURFACE ROUGHNESS (Bougamont, 2006)
604 | // wind/temperature surface roughness height [m]
605 | if (ds < dIce-Dtol && fabs(Ws) < Wtol) z0 = 0.00012; // 0.12 mm for dry snow
606 | else if (ds >= dIce-Dtol) z0 = 0.0032; // 3.2 mm for ice
607 | else z0 = 0.0013; // 1.3 mm for wet snow
608 |
609 | // if V = 0 goes to infinity therfore if V = 0 change
610 | if(V<0.01-Dtol)V=0.01;
611 |
612 | // Bulk-transfer coefficient for turbulent fluxes
613 | An = pow(0.4,2) / pow(log(Tz/z0),2); // Bulk-transfer coefficient
614 | C = An * dAir * V; // shf & lhf common coefficient
615 |
616 | // THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (Sturm, 1997: J. Glaciology)
617 | // calculate new K profile [W m-1 K-1]
618 |
619 | // initialize conductivity
620 | K= xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(m);
621 |
622 | // for snow and firn (density < 910 kg m-3) (Sturn et al, 1997)
623 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) if(d[i]<dIce-Dtol) K[i] = 0.138 - 1.01E-3 * d[i] + 3.233E-6 * (pow(d[i],2));
624 |
625 | // for ice (density >= 910 kg m-3)
626 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) if(d[i]>=dIce-Dtol) K[i] = 9.828 * exp(-5.7E-3*T[i]);
627 |
629 |
630 | // A discretization scheme which truncates the Taylor-Series expansion
631 | // after the 3rd term is used. See Patankar 1980, Ch. 3&4
632 |
633 | // discretized heat equation:
634 |
635 | // Tp = (Au*Tu° + Ad*Td° + (Ap-Au-Ad)Tp° + S) / Ap
636 |
637 | // where neighbor coefficients Au, Ap, & Ad are
638 |
639 | // Au = [dz_u/2KP + dz_p/2KE]^-1
640 | // Ad = [dz_d/2KP + dz_d/2KD]^-1
641 | // Ap = d*CI*dz/Dt
642 |
643 | // and u & d represent grid points up and down from the center grid point
644 | // p and // u & d represent grid points up and down from the center grid
645 | // point p and ° identifies previous time step values. S is a source term.
646 |
647 | // u, d, and p conductivities
648 | KU = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
649 | KD = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
650 | KP = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
651 |
652 | KU[0] = UNDEF;
653 | KD[m-1] = UNDEF;
654 | for(int i=1;i<m;i++) KU[i]= K[i-1];
655 | for(int i=0;i<m-1;i++) KD[i] = K[i+1];
656 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) KP[i] = K[i];
657 |
658 | // determine u, d & p cell widths
659 | dzU = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
660 | dzD = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
661 | dzU[0]=UNDEF;
662 | dzD[m-1]=UNDEF;
663 |
664 | for(int i=1;i<m;i++) dzU[i]= dz[i-1];
665 | for(int i=0;i<m-1;i++) dzD[i] = dz[i+1];
666 |
667 | // determine minimum acceptable delta t (diffusion number > 1/2) [s]
668 | // NS: 2.16.18 divided dt by scaling factor, default set to 1/11 for stability
669 | dt=1e12;
670 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)dt = fmin(dt,CI * pow(dz[i],2) * d[i] / (3 * K[i]) * thermo_scaling);
671 |
672 | // smallest possible even integer of 60 min where diffusion number > 1/2
673 | // must go evenly into one hour or the data frequency if it is smaller
674 |
675 | // all integer factors of the number of second in a day (86400 [s])
676 | int f[45] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 30, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 60,
677 | 72, 75, 80, 90, 100, 120, 144, 150, 180, 200, 225, 240, 300, 360, 400, 450, 600, 720, 900, 1200, 1800, 3600};
678 |
679 | // return the min integer factor that is < dt
680 | max_fdt=f[0];
681 | for(int i=0;i<45;i++){
682 | if (f[i]<dt-Dtol)if(f[i]>=max_fdt-Dtol)max_fdt=f[i];
683 | }
684 | dt=max_fdt;
685 |
686 | // determine mean (harmonic mean) of K/dz for u, d, & p
687 | Au = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
688 | Ad = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
689 | Ap = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
690 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
691 | Au[i] = pow((dzU[i]/2.0/KP[i] + dz[i]/2.0/KU[i]),-1.0);
692 | Ad[i] = pow((dzD[i]/2.0/KP[i] + dz[i]/2.0/KD[i]),-1.0);
693 | Ap[i] = (d[i]*dz[i]*CI)/dt;
694 | }
695 |
696 | // create "neighbor" coefficient matrix
697 | Nu = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
698 | Nd = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
699 | Np = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
700 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
701 | Nu[i] = Au[i] / Ap[i];
702 | Nd[i] = Ad[i] / Ap[i];
703 | Np[i]= 1.0 - Nu[i] - Nd[i];
704 | }
705 |
706 | // specify boundary conditions: constant flux at bottom
707 | Nu[m-1] = 0.0;
708 | Np[m-1] = 1.0;
709 |
710 | // zero flux at surface
711 | Np[0] = 1.0 - Nd[0];
712 |
713 | // Create neighbor arrays for diffusion calculations instead of a tridiagonal matrix
714 | Nu[0] = 0.0;
715 | Nd[m-1] = 0.0;
716 |
718 |
719 | // energy supplied by shortwave radiation [J]
720 | sw = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
721 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) sw[i]= swf[i] * dt;
722 |
723 | // temperature change due to SW
724 | dT_sw = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
725 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) dT_sw[i]= sw[i] / (CI * d[i] * dz[i]);
726 |
727 | // Upward longwave radiation flux is calculated from the snow surface
728 | // temperature which is set equal to the average temperature of the
729 | // top grid cells.
730 |
731 | // energy supplied by downward longwave radiation to the top grid cell [J]
732 | dlw = dlwrf * dt;
733 |
734 | // temperature change due to dlw_surf
735 | dT_dlw = dlw / TCs;
736 |
738 | T0 = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(m+2);
739 | Tu=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
740 | Td=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
741 |
743 | for (IssmDouble i=1;i<=dt0;i+=dt){
744 |
746 | // store initial temperature
747 | //T_init = T;
748 |
749 | // calculate temperature of snow surface (Ts)
750 | // when incoming SW radition is allowed to penetrate the surface,
751 | // the modeled energy balance becomes very sensitive to how Ts is
752 | // calculated. The estimated enegy balance & melt are significanly
753 | // less when Ts is taken as the mean of the x top grid cells.
754 | Ts = (T[0] + T[1])/2.0;
755 | Ts = fmin(CtoK,Ts); // don't allow Ts to exceed 273.15 K (0 degC)
756 |
758 |
759 | // Monin-Obukhov Stability Correction
760 | // Reference:
761 | // Ohmura, A., 1982: Climate and Energy-Balance on the Arctic Tundra.
762 | // Journal of Climatology, 2, 65-84.
763 |
764 | // calculate the Bulk Richardson Number (Ri)
765 | Ri = (2.0*9.81* (Vz - z0) * (Ta - Ts)) / ((Ta + Ts)* pow(V,2.0));
766 |
767 | // calculate Monin-Obukhov stability factors 'coefM' and 'coefH'
768 |
769 | // do not allow Ri to exceed 0.19
770 | Ri = fmin(Ri, 0.19);
771 |
772 | // calculate momentum 'coefM' stability factor
773 | if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){
774 | // if stable
775 | coefM = 1.0/(1.0-5.2*Ri);
776 | }
777 | else {
778 | coefM =pow (1.0-18*Ri,-0.25);
779 | }
780 |
781 | // calculate heat/wind 'coef_H' stability factor
782 | if (Ri <= -0.03+Ttol) coefH = coefM/1.3;
783 | else coefH = coefM;
784 |
785 | //// Sensible Heat
786 | // calculate the sensible heat flux [W m-2](Patterson, 1998)
787 | shf = C * CA * (Ta - Ts);
788 |
789 | // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory
790 | shf = shf / (coefM * coefH);
791 |
792 | //// Latent Heat
793 | // determine if snow pack is melting & calcualte surface vapour pressure over ice or liquid water
794 | if (Ts >= CtoK-Ttol){
795 | L = LV; //for liquid water at 273.15 k to vapor
796 |
797 | //for liquid surface (assume liquid on surface when Ts == 0 deg C)
798 | // Wright (1997), US Meteorological Handbook from Murphy and Koop, 2005 Appendix A
799 | eS = 611.21 * exp(17.502 * (Ts - CtoK) / (240.97 + Ts - CtoK));
800 | }
801 | else{
802 | L = LS; // latent heat of sublimation
803 |
804 | // for an ice surface Murphy and Koop, 2005 [Equation 7]
805 | eS = exp(9.550426 - 5723.265/Ts + 3.53068 * log(Ts) - 0.00728332 * Ts);
806 | }
807 |
808 | // Latent heat flux [W m-2]
809 | lhf = C * L * (eAir - eS) * 0.622 / pAir;
810 |
811 | // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory (if lhf '+' then there is energy and mass gained at the surface,
812 | // if '-' then there is mass and energy loss at the surface.
813 | lhf = lhf / (coefM * coefH);
814 |
815 | //mass loss (-)/acreation(+) due to evaporation/condensation [kg]
816 | EC_day = lhf * dts / L;
817 |
818 | // temperature change due turbulent fluxes
819 | turb = (shf + lhf)* dt;
820 | dT_turb = turb / TCs;
821 |
822 | // upward longwave contribution
823 | ulw = - (SB * pow(Ts,4.0)* teValue) * dt ;
824 | dT_ulw = ulw / TCs;
825 |
826 | // new grid point temperature
827 |
828 | //SW penetrates surface
829 | for(int j=0;j<m;j++) T[j] = T[j] + dT_sw[j];
830 | T[0] = T[0] + dT_dlw + dT_ulw + dT_turb;
831 |
832 | // temperature diffusion
833 | for(int j=0;j<m;j++) T0[1+j]=T[j];
834 | for(int j=0;j<m;j++) Tu[j] = T0[j];
835 | for(int j=0;j<m;j++) Td[j] = T0[2+j];
836 | for(int j=0;j<m;j++) T[j] = (Np[j] * T[j]) + (Nu[j] * Tu[j]) + (Nd[j] * Td[j]);
837 |
838 | // calculate cumulative evaporation (+)/condensation(-)
839 | EC = EC + (EC_day/dts)*dt;
840 |
842 | //energy flux across lower boundary (energy supplied by underling ice)
843 | base_flux = Ad(-1)*(T_init()-T_init(-1)) * dt;
844 |
845 | E_used = sum((T - T_init) * (d*dz*CI));
846 | E_sup = ((sum(swf) * dt) + dlw + ulw + turb + base_flux);
847 |
848 | E_diff = E_used - E_sup;
849 |
850 | if abs(E_diff) > 1E-6 || isnan(E_diff)
851 | disp(T(1))
852 | _error_("energy not conserved in thermodynamics equations");
853 | */
854 | }
855 |
856 | /*Free ressources:*/
857 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(K);
858 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(KU);
859 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(KD);
860 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(KP);
861 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Au);
862 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Ad);
863 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Ap);
864 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Nu);
865 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Nd);
866 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Np);
867 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dzU);
868 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dzD);
869 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(sw);
870 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dT_sw);
871 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(T0);
872 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Tu);
873 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Td);
874 |
875 |
876 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
877 | *pEC=EC;
878 | *pT=T;
879 |
880 | } /*}}}*/
881 | void shortwave(IssmDouble** pswf, int swIdx, int aIdx, IssmDouble dsw, IssmDouble as, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble dIce, int m, int sid){ /*{{{*/
882 |
884 |
885 | // swIdx = 0 : all absorbed SW energy is assigned to the top grid cell
886 |
887 | // swIdx = 1 : absorbed SW is distributed with depth as a function of:
888 | // 1 : snow density (taken from Bassford, 2004)
889 | // 2 : grain size in 3 spectral bands (Brun et al., 1992)
890 |
891 | // Inputs
892 | // swIdx = shortwave allowed to penetrate surface (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
893 | // aIdx = method for calculating albedo (1-4)
894 | // dsw = downward shortwave radiative flux [w m-2]
895 | // as = surface albedo
896 | // d = grid cell density [kg m-3]
897 | // dz = grid cell depth [m]
898 | // re = grid cell effective grain radius [mm]
899 |
900 | // Outputs
901 | // swf = absorbed shortwave radiation [W m-2]
902 | //
903 |
904 | /*outputs: */
905 | IssmDouble* swf=NULL;
906 |
907 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" shortwave module\n");
908 |
909 | /*Initialize and allocate: */
910 | swf=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(m);
911 |
912 |
914 | if (swIdx == 0) {// all sw radation is absorbed in by the top grid cell
915 |
916 | // calculate surface shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2]
917 | swf[0] = (1.0 - as) * dsw;
918 | }
919 | else{ // sw radation is absorbed at depth within the glacier
920 |
921 | if (aIdx == 2){ // function of effective radius (3 spectral bands)
922 |
923 | IssmDouble * gsz=NULL;
924 | IssmDouble * B1_cum=NULL;
925 | IssmDouble * B2_cum=NULL;
926 | IssmDouble* h =NULL;
927 | IssmDouble* B1 =NULL;
928 | IssmDouble* B2 =NULL;
929 | IssmDouble* exp1 = NULL;
930 | IssmDouble* exp2 = NULL;
931 | IssmDouble* Qs1 = NULL;
932 | IssmDouble* Qs2 = NULL;
933 |
934 | // convert effective radius [mm] to grain size [m]
935 | gsz=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
936 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) gsz[i]= (re[i] * 2.0) / 1000.0;
937 |
938 | // Spectral fractions [0.3-0.8um 0.8-1.5um 1.5-2.8um]
939 | // (Lefebre et al., 2003)
940 | IssmDouble sF[3] = {0.606, 0.301, 0.093};
941 |
942 | // initialize variables
943 | B1_cum=xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
944 | B2_cum=xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
945 | for(int i=0;i<m+1;i++){
946 | B1_cum[i]=1.0;
947 | B2_cum[i]=1.0;
948 | }
949 |
950 |
951 | // spectral albedos:
952 | // 0.3 - 0.8um
953 | IssmDouble a0 = fmin(0.98, 1.0 - 1.58 *pow(gsz[0],0.5));
954 | // 0.8 - 1.5um
955 | IssmDouble a1 = fmax(0.0, 0.95 - 15.4 *pow(gsz[0],0.5));
956 | // 1.5 - 2.8um
957 | IssmDouble a2 = fmax(0.127, 0.88 + 346.3*gsz[0] - 32.31*pow(gsz[0],0.5));
958 |
959 | // separate net shortwave radiative flux into spectral ranges
960 | IssmDouble swfS[3];
961 | swfS[0] = (sF[0] * dsw) * (1.0 - a0);
962 | swfS[1] = (sF[1] * dsw) * (1.0 - a1);
963 | swfS[2] = (sF[2] * dsw) * (1.0 - a2);
964 |
965 | // absorption coeficient for spectral range:
966 | h =xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
967 | B1 =xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
968 | B2 =xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
969 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) h[i]= d[i] /(pow(gsz[i],0.5));
970 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) B1[i] = 0.0192 * h[i]; // 0.3 - 0.8um
971 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) B2[i]= 0.1098 * h[i]; // 0.8 - 1.5um
972 | // B3 = +inf // 1.5 - 2.8um
973 |
974 | // cumulative extinction factors
975 | exp1 = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
976 | exp2 = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
977 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) exp1[i]=exp(-B1[i]*dz[i]);
978 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) exp2[i]=exp(-B2[i]*dz[i]);
979 |
980 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
981 | IssmDouble cum1=exp1[0];
982 | IssmDouble cum2=exp2[0];
983 | for(int j=1;j<=i;j++){
984 | cum1 = cum1*exp1[j];
985 | cum2 = cum2*exp2[j];
986 | }
987 | B1_cum[i+1]=cum1;
988 | B2_cum[i+1]=cum2;
989 | }
990 |
991 |
992 | // flux across grid cell boundaries
993 | Qs1 = xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
994 | Qs2 = xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
995 | for(int i=0;i<m+1;i++){
996 | Qs1[i] = swfS[0] * B1_cum[i];
997 | Qs2[i] = swfS[1] * B2_cum[i];
998 | }
999 |
1000 | // net energy flux to each grid cell
1001 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) swf[i]= (Qs1[i]-Qs1[i+1]) + (Qs2[i]-Qs2[i+1]);
1002 |
1003 | // add flux absorbed at surface
1004 | swf[0] = swf[0]+ swfS[2];
1005 |
1006 | /*Free ressources: */
1007 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(gsz);
1008 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B1_cum);
1009 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B2_cum);
1010 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(h);
1011 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B1);
1012 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B2);
1013 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(exp1);
1014 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(exp2);
1015 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Qs1);
1016 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Qs2);
1017 |
1018 |
1019 | }
1020 | else{ //function of grid cell density
1021 |
1022 | /*intermediary: */
1023 | IssmDouble* B_cum = NULL;
1024 | IssmDouble* exp_B = NULL;
1025 | IssmDouble* Qs = NULL;
1026 | IssmDouble* B = NULL;
1027 |
1028 | // fraction of sw radiation absorbed in top grid cell (wavelength > 0.8um)
1029 | IssmDouble SWs = 0.36;
1030 |
1031 | // SWs and SWss coefficients need to be better constranted. Greuell
1032 | // and Konzelmann 1994 used SWs = 0.36 and SWss = 0.64 as this the
1033 | // the // of SW radiation with wavelengths > and < 800 nm
1034 | // respectively. This, however, may not account for the fact that
1035 | // the albedo of wavelengths > 800 nm has a much lower albedo.
1036 |
1037 | // calculate surface shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2]
1038 | IssmDouble swf_s = SWs * (1.0 - as) * dsw;
1039 |
1040 | // calculate surface shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2]
1041 | IssmDouble swf_ss = (1.0-SWs) * (1.0 - as) * dsw;
1042 |
1043 | // SW allowed to penetrate into snowpack
1044 | IssmDouble Bs = 10.0; // snow SW extinction coefficient [m-1] (Bassford,2006)
1045 | IssmDouble Bi = 1.3; // ice SW extinction coefficient [m-1] (Bassford,2006)
1046 |
1047 | // calculate extinction coefficient B [m-1] vector
1048 | B=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
1049 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) B[i] = Bs + (300.0 - d[i]) * ((Bs - Bi)/(dIce - 300.0));
1050 |
1051 | // cumulative extinction factor
1052 | B_cum = xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
1053 | exp_B = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
1054 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)exp_B[i]=exp(-B[i]*dz[i]);
1055 |
1056 | B_cum[0]=1.0;
1057 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
1058 | IssmDouble cum_B=exp_B[0];
1059 | for(int j=1;j<=i;j++) cum_B=cum_B*exp_B[j];
1060 | B_cum[i+1]= cum_B;
1061 | }
1062 |
1063 | // flux across grid cell boundaries
1064 | Qs=xNew<IssmDouble>(m+1);
1065 | for(int i=0;i<m+1;i++) Qs[i] = swf_ss * B_cum[i];
1066 |
1067 | // net energy flux to each grid cell
1068 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) swf[i] = (Qs[i]-Qs[i+1]);
1069 |
1070 | // add flux absorbed at surface
1071 | swf[0] += swf_s;
1072 |
1073 | /*Free ressources:*/
1074 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B_cum);
1075 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(exp_B);
1076 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Qs);
1077 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(B);
1078 | }
1079 | }
1080 | /*Assign output pointers: */
1081 | *pswf=swf;
1082 |
1083 | } /*}}}*/
1084 | void accumulation(IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble** pd, IssmDouble** pW, IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, int* pm, int aIdx, IssmDouble T_air, IssmDouble P, IssmDouble dzMin, IssmDouble aSnow, IssmDouble dIce, int sid){ /*{{{*/
1085 |
1086 | // Adds precipitation and deposition to the model grid
1087 |
1088 | // Author: Alex Gardner, University of Alberta
1089 | // Date last modified: JAN, 2008
1090 |
1091 | /* Description:
1092 | adjusts the properties of the top grid cell to account for accumulation
1093 | T_air & T = Air and top grid cell temperatures [K]
1094 | dz = topgrid cell length [m]
1095 | d = density of top grid gell [kg m-3]
1096 | P = precipitation [mm w.e.] or [kg m-3]
1097 | re = effective grain radius [mm]
1098 | gdn = grain dentricity
1099 | gsp = grain sphericity*/
1100 |
1102 | // specify constants
1103 | const IssmDouble dSnow = 150; // density of snow [kg m-3]
1104 | const IssmDouble reNew = 0.1; // new snow grain size [mm]
1105 | const IssmDouble gdnNew = 1.0; // new snow dendricity
1106 | const IssmDouble gspNew = 0.5; // new snow sphericity
1107 |
1108 | /*intermediary: */
1109 | IssmDouble* mInit=NULL;
1110 | bool top=true;
1111 | IssmDouble mass=0;
1112 | IssmDouble massinit=0;
1113 | IssmDouble mass_diff=0;
1114 |
1115 | /*output: */
1116 | IssmDouble* T=NULL;
1117 | IssmDouble* dz=NULL;
1118 | IssmDouble* d=NULL;
1119 | IssmDouble* W=NULL;
1120 | IssmDouble* a=NULL;
1121 | IssmDouble* re=NULL;
1122 | IssmDouble* gdn=NULL;
1123 | IssmDouble* gsp=NULL;
1124 | int m=0;
1125 |
1126 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" accumulation module\n");
1127 |
1128 | /*Recover pointers: */
1129 | T=*pT;
1130 | dz=*pdz;
1131 | d=*pd;
1132 | W=*pW;
1133 | a=*pa;
1134 | re=*pre;
1135 | gdn=*pgdn;
1136 | gsp=*pgsp;
1137 | m=*pm;
1138 |
1139 | // determine initial mass
1140 | mInit=xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
1141 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++) mInit[i]= d[i] * dz[i];
1142 | massinit=0.0;
1143 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++)massinit+=mInit[i];
1144 |
1145 | if (P > 0.0+Dtol){
1146 |
1147 |
1148 | if (T_air <= CtoK+Ttol){ // if snow
1149 |
1150 | IssmDouble z_snow = P/dSnow; // depth of snow
1151 |
1152 | // if snow depth is greater than specified min dz, new cell created
1153 | if (z_snow > dzMin+Dtol){
1154 |
1155 | newcell(&T,T_air,top,m); //new cell T
1156 | newcell(&dz,z_snow,top,m); //new cell dz
1157 | newcell(&d,dSnow,top,m); //new cell d
1158 | newcell(&W,0.0,top,m); //new cell W
1159 | newcell(&a,aSnow,top,m); //new cell a
1160 | newcell(&re,reNew,top,m); //new cell grain size
1161 | newcell(&gdn,gdnNew,top,m); //new cell grain dendricity
1162 | newcell(&gsp,gspNew,top,m); //new cell grain sphericity
1163 | m=m+1;
1164 | }
1165 | else { // if snow depth is less than specified minimum dz snow
1166 |
1167 | IssmDouble mass = mInit[0] + P; // grid cell adjust mass
1168 |
1169 | dz[0] = dz[0] + P/dSnow; // adjust grid cell depth
1170 | d[0] = mass / dz[0]; // adjust grid cell density
1171 |
1172 | // adjust variables as a linearly weighted function of mass
1173 | // adjust temperature (assume P is same temp as air)
1174 | T[0] = (T_air * P + T[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
1175 |
1176 | // adjust a, re, gdn & gsp
1177 | if(aIdx>0)a[0] = (aSnow * P + a[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
1178 | re[0] = (reNew * P + re[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
1179 | gdn[0] = (gdnNew * P + gdn[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
1180 | gsp[0] = (gspNew * P + gsp[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
1181 | }
1182 | }
1183 | else{ // if rain
1184 |
1185 | /*rain is added by increasing the mass and temperature of the ice
1186 | of the top grid cell. Temperatures are set artifically high to
1187 | account for the latent heat of fusion. This is the same as
1188 | directly adding liquid water to the the snow pack surface but
1189 | makes the numerics easier.*/
1190 |
1191 | // grid cell adjust mass
1192 | mass = mInit[0] + P;
1193 |
1194 | // adjust temperature
1195 | // liquid: must account for latent heat of fusion
1196 | T[0] = (P *(T_air + LF/CI) + T[0] * mInit[0]) / mass;
1197 |
1198 | // adjust grid cell density
1199 | d[0] = mass / dz[0];
1200 |
1201 | // if d > the density of ice, d = dIce
1202 | if (d[0] > dIce+Dtol){
1203 | d[0] = dIce; // adjust d
1204 | dz[0] = mass / d[0]; // dz is adjusted to conserve mass
1205 | }
1206 | }
1207 |
1208 | // check for conservation of mass
1209 | mass=0; for(int i=0;i<m;i++)mass+=d[i]*dz[i];
1210 |
1211 | mass_diff = mass - massinit - P;
1212 |
1213 | #ifndef _HAVE_ADOLC_ //avoid round operation. only check in forward mode.
1214 | mass_diff = round(mass_diff * 100.0)/100.0;
1215 | if (mass_diff > 0) _error_("mass not conserved in accumulation function");
1216 | #endif
1217 |
1218 | }
1219 | /*Free ressources:*/
1220 | if(mInit)xDelete<IssmDouble>(mInit);
1221 |
1222 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
1223 | *pT=T;
1224 | *pdz=dz;
1225 | *pd=d;
1226 | *pW=W;
1227 | *pa=a;
1228 | *pre=re;
1229 | *pgdn=gdn;
1230 | *pgsp=gsp;
1231 | *pm=m;
1232 | } /*}}}*/
1233 | void melt(IssmDouble* pM, IssmDouble* pR, IssmDouble* pmAdd, IssmDouble* pdz_add, IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble** pd, IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble** pW, IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, int* pn, IssmDouble dzMin, IssmDouble zMax, IssmDouble zMin, IssmDouble zTop, IssmDouble dIce, int sid){ /*{{{*/
1234 |
1235 | //// MELT ROUTINE
1236 |
1237 | // Description:
1238 | // computes the quantity of meltwater due to snow temperature in excess of
1239 | // 0 deg C, determines pore water content and adjusts grid spacing
1240 |
1241 | /*intermediary:*/
1242 | IssmDouble* m=NULL;
1243 | IssmDouble* maxF=NULL;
1244 | IssmDouble* dW=NULL;
1245 | IssmDouble* exsW=NULL;
1246 | IssmDouble* exsT=NULL;
1247 | IssmDouble* surpT=NULL;
1248 | IssmDouble* surpE=NULL;
1249 | IssmDouble* flxDn=NULL;
1250 | IssmDouble ER=0.0;
1251 | IssmDouble* EI=NULL;
1252 | IssmDouble* EW=NULL;
1253 | IssmDouble* M=NULL;
1254 | int* D=NULL;
1255 |
1256 | IssmDouble sumM=0.0;
1257 | IssmDouble sumER=0.0;
1258 | IssmDouble addE=0.0;
1259 | IssmDouble mSum0=0.0;
1260 | IssmDouble sumE0=0.0;
1261 | IssmDouble mSum1=0.0;
1262 | IssmDouble sumE1=0.0;
1263 | IssmDouble dE=0.0;
1264 | IssmDouble dm=0.0;
1265 | IssmDouble X=0.0;
1266 | IssmDouble Wi=0.0;
1267 |
1268 | IssmDouble Ztot=0.0;
1269 | IssmDouble T_bot=0.0;
1270 | IssmDouble m_bot=0.0;
1271 | IssmDouble dz_bot=0.0;
1272 | IssmDouble d_bot=0.0;
1273 | IssmDouble W_bot=0.0;
1274 | IssmDouble a_bot=0.0;
1275 | IssmDouble re_bot=0.0;
1276 | IssmDouble gdn_bot=0.0;
1277 | IssmDouble gsp_bot=0.0;
1278 | IssmDouble EI_bot=0.0;
1279 | IssmDouble EW_bot=0.0;
1280 | bool top=false;
1281 |
1282 | IssmDouble* Zcum=NULL;
1283 | IssmDouble* dzMin2=NULL;
1284 | IssmDouble zY2=1.025;
1285 | bool lastCellFlag = false;
1286 | int X1=0;
1287 | int X2=0;
1288 |
1289 | int D_size = 0;
1290 |
1291 | /*outputs:*/
1292 | IssmDouble mAdd = 0.0;
1293 | IssmDouble dz_add = 0.0;
1294 | IssmDouble Rsum = 0.0;
1295 | IssmDouble* T=*pT;
1296 | IssmDouble* d=*pd;
1297 | IssmDouble* dz=*pdz;
1298 | IssmDouble* W=*pW;
1299 | IssmDouble* a=*pa;
1300 | IssmDouble* re=*pre;
1301 | IssmDouble* gdn=*pgdn;
1302 | IssmDouble* gsp=*pgsp;
1303 | int n=*pn;
1304 | IssmDouble* R=NULL;
1305 |
1306 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" melt module\n");
1307 |
1309 |
1310 | /*Allocations: */
1311 | M=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1312 | maxF=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1313 | dW=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1314 |
1315 | // store initial mass [kg] and energy [J]
1316 | m=xNew<IssmDouble>(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) m[i] = dz[i]* d[i]; // grid cell mass [kg]
1317 | EI=xNew<IssmDouble>(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)EI[i] = m[i] * T[i] * CI; // initial enegy of snow/ice
1318 | EW=xNew<IssmDouble>(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)EW[i]= W[i] * (LF + CtoK * CI); // initial enegy of water
1319 |
1320 | mSum0 = cellsum(W,n) + cellsum(m,n); // total mass [kg]
1321 | sumE0 = cellsum(EI,n) + cellsum(EW,n); // total energy [J]
1322 |
1323 | // initialize melt and runoff scalars
1324 | Rsum = 0.0; // runoff [kg]
1325 | sumM = 0.0; // total melt [kg]
1326 | mAdd = 0.0; // mass added/removed to/from base of model [kg]
1327 | addE = 0.0; // energy added/removed to/from base of model [J]
1328 | dz_add=0.0; // thickness of the layer added/removed to/from base of model [m]
1329 |
1330 | // calculate temperature excess above 0 deg C
1331 | exsT=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1332 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) exsT[i]= fmax(0.0, T[i] - CtoK); // [K] to [degC]
1333 |
1334 | // new grid point center temperature, T [K]
1335 | // for(int i=0;i<n;i++) T[i]-=exsT[i];
1336 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) T[i]=fmin(T[i],CtoK);
1337 |
1338 | // specify irreducible water content saturation [fraction]
1339 | const IssmDouble Swi = 0.07; // assumed constant after Colbeck, 1974
1340 |
1342 | // check if any pore water
1343 | if (cellsum(W,n) >0.0+Wtol){
1344 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" pore water refreeze\n");
1345 | // calculate maximum freeze amount, maxF [kg]
1346 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) maxF[i] = fmax(0.0, -((T[i] - CtoK) * m[i] * CI) / LF);
1347 |
1348 | // freeze pore water and change snow/ice properties
1349 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) dW[i] = fmin(maxF[i], W[i]); // freeze mass [kg]
1350 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) W[i] -= dW[i]; // pore water mass [kg]
1351 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) m[i] += dW[i]; // new mass [kg]
1352 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) d[i] = m[i] / dz[i]; // density [kg m-3]
1353 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) T[i] = T[i] + (dW[i]*(LF+(CtoK - T[i])*CI)/(m[i]*CI)); // temperature [K]
1354 |
1355 | // if pore water froze in ice then adjust d and dz thickness
1356 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(d[i]>dIce-Dtol)d[i]=dIce;
1357 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) dz[i]= m[i]/d[i];
1358 |
1359 | }
1360 |
1361 | // squeeze water from snow pack
1362 | exsW=xNew<IssmDouble>(n);
1363 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
1364 | Wi= (dIce - d[i]) * Swi * (m[i] / d[i]); // irreducible water content [kg]
1365 | exsW[i] = fmax(0.0, W[i] - Wi); // water "squeezed" from snow [kg]
1366 | }
1367 |
1369 |
1370 | // run melt algorithm if there is melt water or excess pore water
1371 | if ((cellsum(exsT,n) > 0.0 + Ttol) || (cellsum(exsW,n) > 0.0 + Wtol)){
1372 | // _printf_(""MELT OCCURS");
1373 | // check to see if thermal energy exceeds energy to melt entire cell
1374 | // if so redistribute temperature to lower cells (temperature surplus)
1375 | // (maximum T of snow before entire grid cell melts is a constant
1376 | // LF/CI = 159.1342)
1377 | surpT=xNew<IssmDouble>(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)surpT[i] = fmax(0.0, exsT[i]- LF/CI);
1378 |
1379 | if (cellsum(surpT,n) > 0.0 + Ttol ){
1380 | // _printf_("T Surplus");
1381 | // calculate surplus energy
1382 | surpE=xNew<IssmDouble>(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)surpE[i] = surpT[i] * CI * m[i];
1383 |
1384 | int i = 0;
1385 | while (cellsum(surpE,n) > 0.0 + Ttol){
1386 | // use surplus energy to increase the temperature of lower cell
1387 | T[i+1] = surpE[i]/m[i+1]/CI + T[i+1];
1388 |
1389 | exsT[i+1] = fmax(0.0, T[i+1] - CtoK) + exsT[i+1];
1390 | T[i+1] = fmin(CtoK, T[i+1]);
1391 |
1392 | surpT[i+1] = fmax(0.0, exsT[i+1] - LF/CI);
1393 | surpE[i+1] = surpT[i+1] * CI * m[i+1];
1394 |
1395 | // adjust current cell properties (again 159.1342 is the max T)
1396 | exsT[i] = LF/CI;
1397 | surpE[i] = 0.0;
1398 | i = i + 1;
1399 | }
1400 | }
1401 |
1402 | // convert temperature excess to melt [kg]
1403 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) M[i] = fmin(exsT[i] * d[i] * dz[i] * CI / LF, m[i]); // melt
1404 | sumM = cellsum(M,n); // total melt [kg]
1405 |
1406 | // calculate maximum refreeze amount, maxF [kg]
1407 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)maxF[i] = fmax(0.0, -((T[i] - CtoK) * d[i] * dz[i] * CI)/ LF);
1408 |
1409 | // initialize refreeze, runoff, flxDn and dW vectors [kg]
1410 | IssmDouble* F = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1411 | IssmDouble* R = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n);
1412 |
1413 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)dW[i] = 0.0;
1414 | flxDn=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(n+1);
1415 |
1416 | // determine the deepest grid cell where melt/pore water is generated
1417 | X = 0;
1418 | for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){
1419 | if(M[i]>0.0+Wtol || exsW[i]>0.0+Wtol){
1420 | X=i;
1421 | break;
1422 | }
1423 | }
1424 |
1425 | //// meltwater percolation
1426 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
1427 | // calculate total melt water entering cell
1428 | IssmDouble inM = M[i]+ flxDn[i];
1429 |
1430 | // break loop if there is no meltwater and if depth is > mw_depth
1431 | if (inM == 0.0 && i > X){
1432 | break;
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 | // if reaches impermeable ice layer all liquid water runs off (R)
1436 | else if (d[i] >= dIce-Dtol){ // dPHC = pore hole close off [kg m-3]
1437 | // _printf_("ICE LAYER");
1438 | // no water freezes in this cell
1439 | // no water percolates to lower cell
1440 | // cell ice temperature & density do not change
1441 |
1442 | m[i] = m[i] - M[i]; // mass after melt
1443 | Wi = (dIce-d[i]) * Swi * (m[i]/d[i]); // irreducible water
1444 | dW[i] = fmax(fmin(inM, Wi - W[i]),-1*W[i]); // change in pore water
1445 | R[i] = fmax(0.0, inM - dW[i]); // runoff
1446 | F[i] = 0.0;
1447 | }
1448 | // check if no energy to refreeze meltwater
1449 | else if (fabs(maxF[i]) < Dtol){
1450 | // _printf_("REFREEZE == 0");
1451 | // no water freezes in this cell
1452 | // cell ice temperature & density do not change
1453 |
1454 | m[i] = m[i] - M[i]; // mass after melt
1455 | Wi = (dIce-d[i]) * Swi * (m[i]/d[i]); // irreducible water
1456 | dW[i] = fmax(fmin(inM, Wi - W[i]),-1*W[i]); // change in pore water
1457 | flxDn[i+1] = fmax(0.0, inM - dW[i]); // meltwater out
1458 | R[i] = 0.0;
1459 | F[i] = 0.0; // no freeze
1460 | }
1461 | // some or all meltwater refreezes
1462 | else{
1463 | // change in density density and temperature
1464 | // _printf_("MELT REFREEZE");
1465 | //-----------------------melt water-----------------------------
1466 | m[i] = m[i] - M[i];
1467 | IssmDouble dz_0 = m[i]/d[i];
1468 | IssmDouble dMax = (dIce - d[i])*dz_0; // d max = dIce
1469 | IssmDouble F1 = fmin(fmin(inM,dMax),maxF[i]); // maximum refreeze
1470 | m[i] = m[i] + F1; // mass after refreeze
1471 | d[i] = m[i]/dz_0;
1472 |
1473 | //-----------------------pore water-----------------------------
1474 | Wi = (dIce-d[i])* Swi * dz_0; // irreducible water
1475 | dW[i] = fmin(inM - F1, Wi-W[i]); // change in pore water
1476 | if (dW[i] < 0.0-Wtol && -1*dW[i]>W[i]-Wtol ){
1477 | dW[i]= -1*W[i];
1478 | }
1479 | IssmDouble F2 = 0.0;
1480 |
1481 | if (dW[i] < 0.0-Wtol){ // excess pore water
1482 | dMax = (dIce - d[i])*dz_0; // maximum refreeze
1483 | IssmDouble maxF2 = fmin(dMax, maxF[i]-F1); // maximum refreeze
1484 | F2 = fmin(-1*dW[i], maxF2); // pore water refreeze
1485 | m[i] = m[i] + F2; // mass after refreeze
1486 | d[i] = m[i]/dz_0;
1487 | dW[i] = dW[i] - F2;
1488 | }
1489 |
1490 | F[i] = F1 + F2;
1491 |
1492 | flxDn[i+1] = inM - F1 - dW[i]; // meltwater out
1493 | T[i] = T[i] + ((F1+F2)*(LF+(CtoK - T[i])*CI)/(m[i]*CI));// change in temperature
1494 |
1495 |
1496 | // check if an ice layer forms
1497 | if (fabs(d[i] - dIce) < Dtol){
1498 | // _printf_("ICE LAYER FORMS");
1499 | // excess water runs off
1500 | R[i] = flxDn[i+1];
1501 | // no water percolates to lower cell
1502 | flxDn[i+1] = 0.0;
1503 | }
1504 | }
1505 | }
1506 |
1507 |
1509 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if (W[i] < 0.0 - Wtol) _error_("negative pore water generated in melt equations");
1510 |
1511 | // delete all cells with zero mass
1512 | // adjust pore water
1513 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)W[i] += dW[i];
1514 |
1515 | //calculate Rsum:
1516 | Rsum=cellsum(R,n) + flxDn[n];
1517 |
1518 | // delete all cells with zero mass
1519 | D_size=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(m[i]>0.0)D_size++;
1520 | D=xNew<int>(D_size);
1521 | D_size=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(m[i]>0.0){ D[D_size] = i; D_size++;}
1522 |
1523 | celldelete(&m,n,D,D_size);
1524 | celldelete(&W,n,D,D_size);
1525 | celldelete(&d,n,D,D_size);
1526 | celldelete(&T,n,D,D_size);
1527 | celldelete(&a,n,D,D_size);
1528 | celldelete(&re,n,D,D_size);
1529 | celldelete(&gdn,n,D,D_size);
1530 | celldelete(&gsp,n,D,D_size);
1531 | celldelete(&EI,n,D,D_size);
1532 | celldelete(&EW,n,D,D_size);
1533 | n=D_size;
1534 | xDelete<int>(D);
1535 |
1536 | // calculate new grid lengths
1537 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)dz[i] = m[i] / d[i];
1538 |
1539 | /*Free ressources:*/
1540 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(F);
1541 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(R);
1542 | }
1543 |
1544 | //Merging of cells as they are burried under snow.
1545 | Zcum=xNew<IssmDouble>(n);
1546 | dzMin2=xNew<IssmDouble>(n);
1547 |
1548 | Zcum[0]=dz[0]; // Compute a cumulative depth vector
1549 |
1550 | for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
1551 | Zcum[i]=Zcum[i-1]+dz[i];
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
1555 | if (Zcum[i]<=zTop+Dtol){
1556 | dzMin2[i]=dzMin;
1557 | }
1558 | else{
1559 | dzMin2[i]=zY2*dzMin2[i-1];
1560 | }
1561 | }
1562 |
1563 | // check if depth is too small
1564 | X = 0;
1565 | for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){
1566 | if(dz[i]<dzMin2[i]-Dtol){
1567 | X=i;
1568 | break;
1569 | }
1570 | }
1571 |
1572 | //Last cell has to be treated separately if has to be merged (no underlying cell so need to merge with overlying cell)
1573 | if(X==n-1){
1574 | lastCellFlag = true;
1575 | X = X-1;
1576 | }
1577 | else{
1578 | lastCellFlag = false;
1579 | }
1580 |
1581 | for (int i = 0; i<=X;i++){
1582 | if (dz[i] < dzMin2[i]-Dtol){ // merge top cells
1583 | // _printf_("dz > dzMin * 2')
1584 | // adjust variables as a linearly weighted function of mass
1585 | IssmDouble m_new = m[i] + m[i+1];
1586 | T[i+1] = (T[i]*m[i] + T[i+1]*m[i+1]) / m_new;
1587 | a[i+1] = (a[i]*m[i] + a[i+1]*m[i+1]) / m_new;
1588 | re[i+1] = (re[i]*m[i] + re[i+1]*m[i+1]) / m_new;
1589 | gdn[i+1] = (gdn[i]*m[i] + gdn[i+1]*m[i+1]) / m_new;
1590 | gsp[i+1] = (gsp[i]*m[i] + gsp[i+1]*m[i+1]) / m_new;
1591 |
1592 | // merge with underlying grid cell and delete old cell
1593 | dz[i+1] = dz[i] + dz[i+1]; // combine cell depths
1594 | d[i+1] = m_new / dz[i+1]; // combine top densities
1595 | W[i+1] = W[i+1] + W[i]; // combine liquid water
1596 | m[i+1] = m_new; // combine top masses
1597 |
1598 | // set cell to 99999 for deletion
1599 | m[i] = -99999;
1600 | }
1601 | }
1602 |
1603 | //If last cell has to be merged
1604 | if(lastCellFlag){
1605 | //find closest cell to merge with
1606 | for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){
1607 | if(m[i]!=-99999){
1608 | X2=i;
1609 | X1=n-1;
1610 | break;
1611 | }
1612 | }
1613 |
1614 | // adjust variables as a linearly weighted function of mass
1615 | IssmDouble m_new = m[X2] + m[X1];
1616 | T[X1] = (T[X2]*m[X2] + T[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new;
1617 | a[X1] = (a[X2]*m[X2] + a[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new;
1618 | re[X1] = (re[X2]*m[X2] + re[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new;
1619 | gdn[X1] = (gdn[X2]*m[X2] + gdn[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new;
1620 | gsp[X1] = (gsp[X2]*m[X2] + gsp[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new;
1621 |
1622 | // merge with underlying grid cell and delete old cell
1623 | dz[X1] = dz[X2] + dz[X1]; // combine cell depths
1624 | d[X1] = m_new / dz[X1]; // combine top densities
1625 | W[X1] = W[X1] + W[X2]; // combine liquid water
1626 | m[X1] = m_new; // combine top masses
1627 |
1628 | // set cell to 99999 for deletion
1629 | m[X2] = -99999;
1630 | }
1631 |
1632 | // delete combined cells
1633 | D_size=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(m[i]!=-99999)D_size++;
1634 | D=xNew<int>(D_size);
1635 | D_size=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)if(m[i]!=-99999){ D[D_size] = i; D_size++;}
1636 |
1637 | celldelete(&m,n,D,D_size);
1638 | celldelete(&W,n,D,D_size);
1639 | celldelete(&dz,n,D,D_size);
1640 | celldelete(&d,n,D,D_size);
1641 | celldelete(&T,n,D,D_size);
1642 | celldelete(&a,n,D,D_size);
1643 | celldelete(&re,n,D,D_size);
1644 | celldelete(&gdn,n,D,D_size);
1645 | celldelete(&gsp,n,D,D_size);
1646 | celldelete(&EI,n,D,D_size);
1647 | celldelete(&EW,n,D,D_size);
1648 | n=D_size;
1649 | xDelete<int>(D);
1650 |
1651 | // check if any of the top 10 cell depths are too large
1652 | X=0;
1653 | for(int i=9;i>=0;i--){
1654 | if(dz[i]> 2.0*dzMin+Dtol){
1655 | X=i;
1656 | break;
1657 | }
1658 | }
1659 |
1660 | int j=0;
1661 | while(j<=X){
1662 | if (dz[j] > dzMin*2.0+Dtol){
1663 |
1664 | // _printf_("dz > dzMin * 2");
1665 | // split in two
1666 | cellsplit(&dz, n, j,.5);
1667 | cellsplit(&W, n, j,.5);
1668 | cellsplit(&m, n, j,.5);
1669 | cellsplit(&T, n, j,1.0);
1670 | cellsplit(&d, n, j,1.0);
1671 | cellsplit(&a, n, j,1.0);
1672 | cellsplit(&EI, n, j,.5);
1673 | cellsplit(&EW, n, j,.5);
1674 | cellsplit(&re, n, j,1.0);
1675 | cellsplit(&gdn, n, j,1.0);
1676 | cellsplit(&gsp, n, j,1.0);
1677 | n++;
1678 | X=X+1;
1679 | }
1680 | else j++;
1681 | }
1682 |
1686 | // calculate total model depth
1687 | Ztot = cellsum(dz,n);
1688 |
1689 | if (Ztot < zMin-Dtol){
1690 | // printf("Total depth < zMin %f \n", Ztot);
1691 | // mass and energy to be added
1692 | mAdd = m[n-1]+W[n-1];
1693 | addE = T[n-1]*m[n-1]*CI + W[n-1]*(LF+CtoK*CI);
1694 |
1695 | // add a grid cell of the same size and temperature to the bottom
1696 | dz_bot=dz[n-1];
1697 | T_bot=T[n-1];
1698 | W_bot=W[n-1];
1699 | m_bot=m[n-1];
1700 | d_bot=d[n-1];
1701 | a_bot=a[n-1];
1702 | re_bot=re[n-1];
1703 | gdn_bot=gdn[n-1];
1704 | gsp_bot=gsp[n-1];
1705 | EI_bot=EI[n-1];
1706 | EW_bot=EW[n-1];
1707 |
1708 | dz_add=dz_bot;
1709 |
1710 | newcell(&dz,dz_bot,top,n);
1711 | newcell(&T,T_bot,top,n);
1712 | newcell(&W,W_bot,top,n);
1713 | newcell(&m,m_bot,top,n);
1714 | newcell(&d,d_bot,top,n);
1715 | newcell(&a,a_bot,top,n);
1716 | newcell(&re,re_bot,top,n);
1717 | newcell(&gdn,gdn_bot,top,n);
1718 | newcell(&gsp,gsp_bot,top,n);
1719 | newcell(&EI,EI_bot,top,n);
1720 | newcell(&EW,EW_bot,top,n);
1721 | n=n+1;
1722 | }
1723 | else if (Ztot > zMax+Dtol){
1724 | // printf("Total depth > zMax %f \n", Ztot);
1725 | // mass and energy loss
1726 | mAdd = -(m[n-1]+W[n-1]);
1727 | addE = -(T[n-1]*m[n-1]*CI) - (W[n-1]*(LF+CtoK*CI));
1728 | dz_add=-(dz[n-1]);
1729 |
1730 | // remove a grid cell from the bottom
1731 | D_size=n-1;
1732 | D=xNew<int>(D_size);
1733 |
1734 | for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) D[i]=i;
1735 | celldelete(&dz,n,D,D_size);
1736 | celldelete(&T,n,D,D_size);
1737 | celldelete(&W,n,D,D_size);
1738 | celldelete(&m,n,D,D_size);
1739 | celldelete(&d,n,D,D_size);
1740 | celldelete(&a,n,D,D_size);
1741 | celldelete(&re,n,D,D_size);
1742 | celldelete(&gdn,n,D,D_size);
1743 | celldelete(&gsp,n,D,D_size);
1744 | celldelete(&EI,n,D,D_size);
1745 | celldelete(&EW,n,D,D_size);
1746 | n=D_size;
1747 | xDelete<int>(D);
1748 | }
1749 |
1751 |
1752 | // calculate final mass [kg] and energy [J]
1753 | sumER = Rsum * (LF + CtoK * CI);
1754 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)EI[i] = m[i] * T[i] * CI;
1755 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++)EW[i] = W[i] * (LF + CtoK * CI);
1756 |
1757 | mSum1 = cellsum(W,n) + cellsum(m,n) + Rsum;
1758 | sumE1 = cellsum(EI,n) + cellsum(EW,n);
1759 |
1760 | /*checks: */
1761 | for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if (W[i]<0.0-Wtol) _error_("negative pore water generated in melt equations\n");
1762 |
1763 | /*only in forward mode! avoid round in AD mode as it is not differentiable: */
1764 | #ifndef _HAVE_ADOLC_
1765 | dm = round((mSum0 - mSum1 + mAdd)*100.0)/100.0;
1766 | dE = round(sumE0 - sumE1 - sumER + addE);
1767 | if (dm !=0 || dE !=0) _error_("mass or energy are not conserved in melt equations\n"
1768 | << "dm: " << dm << " dE: " << dE << "\n");
1769 | #endif
1770 |
1771 | /*Free ressources:*/
1772 | if(m)xDelete<IssmDouble>(m);
1773 | if(EI)xDelete<IssmDouble>(EI);
1774 | if(EW)xDelete<IssmDouble>(EW);
1775 | if(maxF)xDelete<IssmDouble>(maxF);
1776 | if(dW)xDelete<IssmDouble>(dW);
1777 | if(exsW)xDelete<IssmDouble>(exsW);
1778 | if(exsT)xDelete<IssmDouble>(exsT);
1779 | if(surpT)xDelete<IssmDouble>(surpT);
1780 | if(surpE)xDelete<IssmDouble>(surpE);
1781 | if(flxDn)xDelete<IssmDouble>(flxDn);
1782 | if(D)xDelete<int>(D);
1783 | if(M)xDelete<IssmDouble>(M);
1784 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(Zcum);
1785 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dzMin2);
1786 |
1787 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
1788 | *pM=sumM;
1789 | *pR=Rsum;
1790 | *pmAdd=mAdd;
1791 | *pdz_add=dz_add;
1792 |
1793 | *pT=T;
1794 | *pd=d;
1795 | *pdz=dz;
1796 | *pW=W;
1797 | *pa=a;
1798 | *pre=re;
1799 | *pgdn=gdn;
1800 | *pgsp=gsp;
1801 | *pn=n;
1802 |
1803 | } /*}}}*/
1804 | void densification(IssmDouble** pd,IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble* T, IssmDouble* re, int denIdx, IssmDouble C, IssmDouble dt, IssmDouble Tmean, IssmDouble dIce, int m, int sid){ /*{{{*/
1805 |
1807 |
1808 | //// FUNCTION INFO
1809 |
1810 | // Author: Alex Gardner, University of Alberta
1811 | // Date last modified: FEB, 2008
1812 |
1813 | // Description:
1814 | // computes the densification of snow/firn using the emperical model of
1815 | // Herron and Langway (1980) or the semi-emperical model of Anthern et al.
1816 | // (2010)
1817 |
1818 | // Inputs:
1819 | // denIdx = densification model to use:
1820 | // 1 = emperical model of Herron and Langway (1980)
1821 | // 2 = semi-imerical model of Anthern et al. (2010)
1822 | // 3 = physical model from Appendix B of Anthern et al. (2010)
1823 | // d = initial snow/firn density [kg m-3]
1824 | // T = temperature [K]
1825 | // dz = grid cell size [m]
1826 | // C = average accumulation rate [kg m-2 yr-1]
1827 | // dt = time lapsed [s]
1828 | // re = effective grain radius [mm];
1829 | // Ta = mean annual temperature
1830 |
1831 | // Reference:
1832 | // Herron and Langway (1980), Anthern et al. (2010)
1833 |
1834 | //// FOR TESTING
1835 | // denIdx = 2;
1836 | // d = 800;
1837 | // T = 270;
1838 | // dz = 0.005;
1839 | // C = 200;
1840 | // dt = 60*60;
1841 | // re = 0.7;
1842 | // Tmean = 273.15-18;
1843 |
1844 | //// MAIN FUNCTION
1845 | // specify constants
1846 | dt = dt / dts; // convert from [s] to [d]
1847 | // R = 8.314 // gas constant [mol-1 K-1]
1848 | // Ec = 60 // activation energy for self-diffusion of water
1849 | // // molecules through the ice tattice [kJ mol-1]
1850 | // Eg = 42.4 // activation energy for grain growth [kJ mol-1]
1851 |
1852 | /*intermediary: */
1853 | IssmDouble c0=0.0;
1854 | IssmDouble c1=0.0;
1855 | IssmDouble H=0.0;
1856 |
1857 | /*output: */
1858 | IssmDouble* dz=NULL;
1859 | IssmDouble* d=NULL;
1860 |
1861 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" densification module\n");
1862 |
1863 | /*Recover pointers: */
1864 | dz=*pdz;
1865 | d=*pd;
1866 |
1867 | // initial mass
1868 | IssmDouble* mass_init = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);for(int i=0;i<m;i++) mass_init[i]=d[i] * dz[i];
1869 |
1870 | /*allocations and initialization of overburden pressure and factor H: */
1871 | IssmDouble* cumdz = xNew<IssmDouble>(m-1);
1872 | cumdz[0]=dz[0];
1873 | for(int i=1;i<m-1;i++)cumdz[i]=cumdz[i-1]+dz[i];
1874 |
1875 | IssmDouble* obp = xNew<IssmDouble>(m);
1876 | obp[0]=0.0;
1877 | for(int i=1;i<m;i++)obp[i]=cumdz[i-1]*d[i-1];
1878 |
1879 | // calculate new snow/firn density for:
1880 | // snow with densities <= 550 [kg m-3]
1881 | // snow with densities > 550 [kg m-3]
1882 |
1883 |
1884 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
1885 | switch (denIdx){
1886 | case 1: // Herron and Langway (1980)
1887 | c0 = (11.0 * exp(-10160.0 / (T[i] * 8.314))) * C/1000.0;
1888 | c1 = (575.0 * exp(-21400.0 / (T[i]* 8.314))) * pow(C/1000.0,.5);
1889 | break;
1890 | case 2: // Arthern et al. (2010) [semi-emperical]
1891 | // common variable
1892 | // NOTE: Ec=60000, Eg=42400 (i.e. should be in J not kJ)
1893 | H = exp((-60000.0/(T[i] * 8.314)) + (42400.0/(Tmean * 8.314))) * (C * 9.81);
1894 | c0 = 0.07 * H;
1895 | c1 = 0.03 * H;
1896 | break;
1897 |
1898 | case 3: // Arthern et al. (2010) [physical model eqn. B1]
1899 |
1900 | // common variable
1901 | H = exp((-60.0/(T[i] * 8.314))) * obp[i] / pow(re[i]/1000.0,2.0);
1902 | c0 = 9.2e-9 * H;
1903 | c1 = 3.7e-9 * H;
1904 | break;
1905 |
1906 | case 4: // Li and Zwally (2004)
1907 | c0 = (C/dIce) * (139.21 - 0.542*Tmean)*8.36*pow(CtoK - T[i],-2.061);
1908 | c1 = c0;
1909 | break;
1910 |
1911 | case 5: // Helsen et al. (2008)
1912 | // common variable
1913 | c0 = (C/dIce) * (76.138 - 0.28965*Tmean)*8.36*pow(CtoK - T[i],-2.061);
1914 | c1 = c0;
1915 | break;
1916 | }
1917 |
1918 | // new snow density
1919 | if(d[i] <= 550.0+Dtol) d[i] = d[i] + (c0 * (dIce - d[i]) / 365.0 * dt);
1920 | else d[i] = d[i] + (c1 * (dIce - d[i]) / 365.0 * dt);
1921 |
1922 | //disp((num2str(nanmean(c0 .* (dIce - d(idx)) / 365 * dt))))
1923 |
1924 | // do not allow densities to exceed the density of ice
1925 | if(d[i] > dIce-Dtol) d[i]=dIce;
1926 |
1927 | // calculate new grid cell length
1928 | dz[i] = mass_init[i] / d[i];
1929 | }
1930 |
1931 | /*Free ressources:*/
1932 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(mass_init);
1933 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(cumdz);
1934 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(obp);
1935 |
1936 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
1937 | *pdz=dz;
1938 | *pd=d;
1939 |
1940 | } /*}}}*/
1941 | void turbulentFlux(IssmDouble* pshf, IssmDouble* plhf, IssmDouble* pEC, IssmDouble Ta, IssmDouble Ts, IssmDouble V, IssmDouble eAir, IssmDouble pAir, IssmDouble ds, IssmDouble Ws, IssmDouble Vz, IssmDouble Tz, IssmDouble dIce, int sid){ /*{{{*/
1942 |
1944 |
1945 | // Description:
1946 | // computed the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes [W m-2], this
1947 | // function also calculated the mass loss/acreation due to
1948 | // condensation/evaporation [kg]
1949 |
1950 | // Reference:
1951 | // Dingman, 2002.
1952 |
1953 | //// INPUTS:
1954 | // Ta: 2m air temperature [K]
1955 | // Ts: snow/firn/ice surface temperature [K]
1956 | // V: wind speed [m s^-^1]
1957 | // eAir: screen level vapor pressure [Pa]
1958 | // pAir: surface pressure [Pa]
1959 | // ds: surface density [kg/m^3]
1960 | // Ws: surface liquid water content [kg/m^2]
1961 | // Vz: height above ground at which wind (V) eas sampled [m]
1962 | // Tz: height above ground at which temperature (T) was sampled [m]
1963 |
1964 | /*intermediary:*/
1965 | IssmDouble d_air=0.0;
1966 | IssmDouble Ri=0.0;
1967 | IssmDouble z0=0.0;
1968 | IssmDouble coef_M=0.0;
1969 | IssmDouble coef_H=0.0;
1970 | IssmDouble An=0.0;
1971 | IssmDouble C=0.0;
1972 | IssmDouble L=0.0;
1973 | IssmDouble eS=0.0;
1974 |
1975 | /*output: */
1976 | IssmDouble shf=0.0;
1977 | IssmDouble lhf=0.0;
1978 | IssmDouble EC=0.0;
1979 |
1980 | if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" turbulentFlux module\n");
1981 |
1982 | // calculated air density [kg/m3]
1983 | d_air = 0.029 * pAir /(R * Ta);
1984 |
1985 | //// Determine Surface Roughness
1986 | // Bougamont, 2006
1987 | // wind/temperature surface roughness height [m]
1988 | if (ds < dIce-Dtol && fabs(Ws) < Wtol) z0 = 0.00012; // 0.12 mm for dry snow
1989 | else if (ds >= dIce-Dtol) z0 = 0.0032; // 3.2 mm for ice
1990 | else z0 = 0.0013; // 1.3 mm for wet snow
1991 |
1992 | //// Monin-Obukhov Stability Correction
1993 | // Reference:
1994 | // Ohmura, A., 1982: Climate and Energy-Balance on the Arctic Tundra.
1995 | // Journal of Climatology, 2, 65-84.
1996 |
1997 | // if V = 0 goes to infinity therfore if V = 0 change
1998 | if(V<0.01-Dtol)V=0.01;
1999 |
2000 | // calculate the Bulk Richardson Number (Ri)
2001 | Ri = (2.0*9.81* (Vz - z0) * (Ta - Ts)) / ((Ta + Ts)* pow(V,2));
2002 |
2003 | // calculate Monin-Obukhov stability factors 'coef_M' and 'coef_H'
2004 |
2005 | // do not allow Ri to exceed 0.19
2006 | Ri = fmin(Ri, 0.19);
2007 |
2008 | // calculate momentum 'coefM' stability factor
2009 | if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){
2010 | // if stable
2011 | coef_M = 1.0/(1.0-5.2*Ri);
2012 | }
2013 | else {
2014 | coef_M =pow (1.0-18*Ri,-0.25);
2015 | }
2016 |
2017 | // calculate heat/wind 'coef_H' stability factor
2018 | if (Ri <= -0.03+Ttol) coef_H = coef_M/1.3;
2019 | else coef_H = coef_M;
2020 |
2021 | //// Bulk-transfer coefficient
2022 | An = pow(0.4,2) / pow(log(Tz/z0),2); // Bulk-transfer coefficient
2023 | C = An * d_air * V; // shf & lhf common coefficient
2024 |
2025 | //// Sensible Heat
2026 | // calculate the sensible heat flux [W m-2](Patterson, 1998)
2027 | shf = C * CA * (Ta - Ts);
2028 |
2029 | // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory
2030 | shf = shf / (coef_M * coef_H);
2031 |
2032 | // Latent Heat
2033 | // determine if snow pack is melting & calcualte surface vapour pressure over ice or liquid water
2034 | if (Ts >= CtoK-Ttol){
2035 | L = LV; //for liquid water at 273.15 k to vapor
2036 |
2037 | //for liquid surface (assume liquid on surface when Ts == 0 deg C)
2038 | // Wright (1997), US Meteorological Handbook from Murphy and Koop, 2005 Appendix A
2039 | eS = 611.21 * exp(17.502 * (Ts - CtoK) / (240.97 + Ts - CtoK));
2040 | }
2041 | else{
2042 | L = LS; // latent heat of sublimation
2043 |
2044 | // for an ice surface Murphy and Koop, 2005 [Equation 7]
2045 | eS = exp(9.550426 - 5723.265/Ts + 3.53068 * log(Ts) - 0.00728332 * Ts);
2046 | }
2047 |
2048 |
2049 | // Latent heat flux [W m-2]
2050 | lhf = C * L * (eAir - eS) * 0.622 / pAir;
2051 |
2052 | // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory (if lhf '+' then there is
2053 | // energy and mass gained at the surface, if '-' then there is mass and
2054 | // energy loss at the surface.
2055 | lhf = lhf / (coef_M * coef_H);
2056 |
2057 | // mass loss (-)/acreation(+) due to evaporation/condensation [kg]
2058 | EC = lhf * dts / L;
2059 |
2060 | /*assign output poitners: */
2061 | *pshf=shf;
2062 | *plhf=lhf;
2063 | *pEC=EC;
2064 |
2065 | } /*}}}*/