/*!\file GEMB module from Alex Gardner. * \brief: calculates SMB */ #include "./SurfaceMassBalancex.h" #include "../../shared/shared.h" #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h" #include "../modules.h" #include "../../classes/Inputs/TransientInput.h" const double Pi = 3.141592653589793; const double CtoK = 273.15; // Kelvin to Celcius conversion/ice melt. point T in K const double dts = 86400.0; // Number of seconds in a day /* Tolerances have to be defined for if loops involving some specific values like densitiy of ice or melting point temp because values are "rounded" (e.g rho ice = 909.99... instead of 910.0) and we don't always go into the right loop */ const double Ttol = 1e-10; const double Dtol = 1e-11; const double Gdntol = 1e-10; const double Wtol = 1e-13; const double Ptol = 1e-6; const double CI = 2102.0; // heat capacity of snow/ice (J kg-1 k-1) const double LF = 0.3345e6; // latent heat of fusion (J kg-1) const double LV = 2.495e6; // latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1) const double LS = 2.8295e6; // latent heat of sublimation (J kg-1) const double SB = 5.67e-8; // Stefan-Boltzmann constant (W m-2 K-4) const double CA = 1005.0; // heat capacity of air (J kg-1 K-1) const double R = 8.314; // gas constant (J mol-1 K-1) const double Delflag=-99999; void Gembx(FemModel* femmodel){ /*{{{*/ int count=0; IssmDouble time,dt,finaltime; IssmDouble timeclim=0.0; IssmDouble t,smb_dt; IssmDouble delta; bool linear_interp=true; femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&linear_interp,TimesteppingInterpForcingEnum); /*is interpolation requested*/ femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&time,TimeEnum); /*transient core time at which we run the smb core*/ femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&dt,TimesteppingTimeStepEnum); /*transient core time step*/ femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&finaltime,TimesteppingFinalTimeEnum); femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&smb_dt,SmbDtEnum); /*time period for the smb solution, usually smaller than the glaciological dt*/ //before starting loop, realize that the transient core runs this smb_core at time = time +deltaT. //go back to time - deltaT: time-=dt; IssmDouble timeinputs = time; /*Start loop: */ count=1; for (t=time;t<=time+dt-smb_dt;t=t+smb_dt){ for(Object* & object : femmodel->elements->objects){ Element* element=xDynamicCast(object); timeclim=time; if (linear_interp) timeinputs = t-time+timeclim; else timeinputs = t-time+timeclim+smb_dt/2; element->SmbGemb(timeinputs,count); } count=count+1; } } /*}}}*/ void GembgridInitialize(IssmDouble** pdz, int* psize, IssmDouble zTop, IssmDouble dzTop, IssmDouble zMax, IssmDouble zY){ /*{{{*/ /* This file sets up the initial grid spacing and total grid depth. The grid structure is set as constant grid length 'dzTop' for the top 'zTop' meters of the model grid. Bellow 'zTop' the gid length increases linearly with depth */ /*intermediary:*/ IssmDouble dgpTop=0.0; int gpTop=0; int gpBottom=0; int i=0; IssmDouble gp0=0.0; IssmDouble z0=0.0; IssmDouble* dzT=NULL; IssmDouble* dzB=NULL; /*output: */ IssmDouble* dz=NULL; //----------------------Calculate Grid Lengths------------------------------ //calculate number of top grid points dgpTop = zTop/dzTop; //check to see if the top grid cell structure length (dzTop) goes evenly //into specified top structure depth (zTop). Also make sure top grid cell //structure length (dzTop) is greater than 5 cm #ifndef _HAVE_AD_ //avoid the round operation check! if (dgpTop != round(dgpTop)){ _error_("top grid cell structure length does not go evenly into specified top structure depth, adjust dzTop or zTop\n"); } #endif if(dzTop < 0.05){ _printf_("initial top grid cell length (dzTop) is < 0.05 m\n"); } gpTop=reCast(dgpTop); //initialize top grid depth vector dzT = xNew(gpTop); for (i=0;i z0){ gp0= gp0 * zY; z0 = z0 + gp0; gpBottom++; } //initialize bottom vectors dzB = xNewZeroInit(gpBottom); gp0 = dzTop; z0 = zTop; for(i=0;i(gpTop+gpBottom); for(i=0;i 400 kg m-3 because H is set to zero------ // ---------------this is a major limitation of the model------------------- // initialize IssmDouble F = 0.0, H=0.0, G=0.0; const IssmDouble E = 0.09; //[mm d-1] model time growth constant E // convert T from K to degC T = T - CtoK; // convert dT from degC/m to degC/cm dT = dT/100; // temperature coefficient F if(T> -6.0+Ttol) F = 0.7 + ((T/-6.0) * 0.3); if(T<= -6.0+Ttol && T> -22.0+Ttol) F = 1.0 - ((T+6.0)/-16.0 * 0.8); if(T<= -22.0+Ttol && T> -40.0+Ttol) F = 0.2 - ((T+22.0)/-18.0 * 0.2); // density coefficient F if(d< 150.0-Dtol) H=1.0; if(d>= 150.0-Dtol && d <400.0-Dtol) H = 1.0 - ((d-150.0)/250.0); // temperature gradient coefficient G if(dT >= 0.16-Ttol && dT < 0.25-Ttol) G = ((dT - 0.16)/0.09) * 0.1; if(dT >= 0.25-Ttol && dT < 0.4-Ttol) G = 0.1 + (((dT - 0.25)/0.15) * 0.57); if(dT >= 0.4-Ttol && dT < 0.5-Ttol) G = 0.67 + (((dT - 0.4)/0.1) * 0.23); if(dT >= 0.5-Ttol && dT < 0.7-Ttol) G = 0.9 + (((dT - 0.5)/0.2) * 0.1); if(dT >= 0.7-Ttol) G = 1.0; // grouped coefficient Q return F*H*G*E; } /*}}}*/ IssmDouble gardnerAlb(IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble clabSnow, IssmDouble clabIce, IssmDouble SZA, IssmDouble COT, IssmDouble dPHC, int m){ /*{{{*/ //gardnerAlb(S1, c1, SZA, t, z1, S2, c2) //This is an implementation of the snow and ice broadband albedo // parameterization developed by Alex Gardner. //Created By: Alex S. Gardner, Jet Propulsion Laboratory [alex.s.gardner@jpl.nasa.gov] // Last Modified: June, 2014 //Full Reference: Gardner, A. S., and Sharp, M. J.: A review of snow and // ice albedo and the development of a new physically based broadband albedo // parameterization, J. Geophys. Res., 115, F01009, 10.1029/2009jf001444, // 2010. //INPUTS // ONE LAYER // - S1 : specific surface area of the snow or ice [cm^2 g-1] // - c1 : concentration of light absorbing carbon [ppm1] // - SZA : solar zenith angle of the incident radiation [deg] // - t : cloud optical thickness // TWO LAYER // - z1 : depth of snow suface layer [mm w.e.] // - S2 : specific surface area of bottom ice layer [cm^2 g-1] // - c2 : concentration of light absorbing carbon of bottom ice // layer [ppm1] IssmDouble c1=clabSnow; IssmDouble c2=clabIce; IssmDouble t=COT; IssmDouble a=0.0; //Single layer albedo parameterization //convert effective radius to specific surface area [cm2 g-1] IssmDouble S1 = 3.0 / (0.091 * re[0]); //effective solar zenith angle IssmDouble x = min(pow(t/(3*cos(Pi*SZA/180.0)),0.5), 1.0); IssmDouble u = 0.64*x + (1-x)*cos(Pi*SZA/180.0); // pure snow albedo IssmDouble as = 1.48 - pow(S1,-0.07); //change in pure snow albedo due to soot loading IssmDouble dac = max(0.04 - as, pow(-c1,0.55)/(0.16 + 0.6*pow(S1,0.5) + (1.8*pow(c1,0.6))*pow(S1,-0.25))); //Two layer albedo parameterization // do two layer calculation if there is more than 1 layer IssmDouble z1=0.0; int lice=0; for(int l=0;(l0 & lice Dtol){ // determine albedo values for bottom layer IssmDouble S2 = 3.0 / (0.091 * re[lice]); // pure snow albedo IssmDouble as2 = 1.48 - pow(S2,-0.07); // change in pure snow albedo due to soot loading IssmDouble dac2 = max(0.04 - as2, pow(-c2,0.55)/(0.16 + 0.6*pow(S1,0.5) + (1.8*pow(c2,0.6))*pow(S2,-0.25))); // determine the effective change due to finite depth and soot loading IssmDouble A = min(1.0, (2.1 * pow(z1,1.35*(1-as) - 0.1*c1 - 0.13))); dac = (as2 + dac2 - as) + A*((as + dac) - (as2 + dac2)); } // change in albedo due to solar zenith angle IssmDouble dasz = 0.53*as*(1 - (as + dac))*pow(1 - u,1.2); // change in albedo due to cloud (apart from change in diffuse fraction) IssmDouble dat = (0.1*t*pow(as + dac,1.3)) / (pow(1 + 1.5*t,as)); // Broadband albedo a = as + dac + dasz + dat; return a; } /*}}}*/ void grainGrowth(IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, IssmDouble* T,IssmDouble* dz,IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* W,IssmDouble smb_dt,int m,int aIdx,int sid){ /*{{{*/ /*Created by: Alex S. Gardner, University of Alberta *Description*: models the effective snow grain size *Reference:* DENDRITIC SNOW METAMORPHISM: Brun, E., P. David, M. Sudul, and G. Brunot, 1992: A numerical model to simulate snow-cover stratigraphy for operational avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, 38, 13-22. NONDENDRITIC SNOW METAMORPHISM: Dry snow metamorphism: Marbouty, D., 1980: An experimental study of temperature-gradient metamorphism. Journal of Glaciology, 26, 303-312. WET SNOW METAMORPHISM: Brun, E., 1989: Investigation on wet-snow metamorphism in respect of liquid-water content. Annals of Glaciology, 13, 22-26. INPUTS * T: grid cell temperature [K] * dz: grid cell depth [m] * d: grid cell density [kg m-3] * W: water content [kg/m^2] * re: effective grain size [mm] * gdn: grain dentricity * gsp: grain sphericity * dt: time step of input data [s] OUTPUTS * re: effective grain size [mm] * gdn: grain dentricity * gsp: grain sphericity*/ /*intermediary: */ IssmDouble dt=0.0; IssmDouble Ti=0.0; IssmDouble* gsz=NULL; IssmDouble* dT=NULL; IssmDouble* zGPC=NULL; IssmDouble* lwc=NULL; IssmDouble Q=0.0; /*output: */ IssmDouble* re=NULL; IssmDouble* gdn=NULL; IssmDouble* gsp=NULL; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" grain growth module\n"); /*Recover pointers: */ re=*pre; gdn=*pgdn; gsp=*pgsp; /*only when aIdx = 1 or 2 do we run grainGrowth: */ if(aIdx!=1 && aIdx!=2){ /*come out as we came in: */ return; } /*Figure out grain size from effective grain radius: */ gsz=xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m); for(int i=0;i9.0+Wtol) lwc[i]=9.0; /* Calculate temperature gradiant across grid cells * Returns the average gradient across the upper and lower grid cell */ //initialize dT=xNewZeroInit(m); //depth of grid point center from surface zGPC=xNewZeroInit(m); for(int i=0;i2){ dT[0] = (T[2] - T[0])/(zGPC[2]-zGPC[0]); dT[m-1] = (T[m-1] - T[m-3])/(zGPC[m-1]-zGPC[m-3]); } else if(m>1){ dT[0] = (T[1] - T[0])/(zGPC[1]-zGPC[0]); dT[m-1] = (T[m-1] - T[m-2])/(zGPC[m-1]-zGPC[m-2]); } //Take centered differences on interior points for(int i=1;i0.0+Gdntol){ if(W[i]<=0.0+Wtol){ //_printf_("Dendritic dry snow metamorphism\n"); //index for dentricity > 0 and T gradients < 5 degC m-1 and >= 5 degC m-1 if(fabs(dT[i])<=5.0+Ttol){ //determine coefficients IssmDouble A = - 2e8 * exp(-6e3 / Ti) * dt; IssmDouble B = 1e9 * exp(-6e3 / Ti) * dt; //new dentricity and sphericity for dT < 5 degC m-1 gdn[i] += A; gsp[i] += B; } else{ // new dendricity and sphericity for dT >= 5 degC m-1 //determine coefficients IssmDouble C = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / Ti) * dt) * pow(fabs(dT[i]),.4); gdn[i] +=C; gsp[i] +=C; } } else{ // wet snow metamorphism //_printf_("Dendritic wet snow metamorphism\n"); //determine coefficient IssmDouble D = (1.0/16.0) * pow(lwc[i],3.0) * dt; // new dendricity for wet snow gdn[i] -= D; // new sphericity for wet snow gsp[i] += D; } // dendricity and sphericity can not be > 1 or < 0 if (gdn[i]<=0.0+Gdntol)gdn[i]=0.0; if (gsp[i]<=0.0+Gdntol)gsp[i]=0.0; if (gdn[i]>=1.0-Gdntol)gdn[i]=1.0; if (gsp[i]>=1.0-Gdntol)gsp[i]=1.0; // determine new grain size (mm) gsz[i] = 1e-1*(gdn[i]/.99+(1-1*gdn[i]/.99)*(gsp[i]/.99*3+(1-gsp[i]/.99)*4)); } else{ //When wet-snow grains (class 6) are submitted to a // temperature gradient higher than 5 degC m-1, their sphericity // decreases according to Equations (4). When sphericity // reaches 0, their size increases according to the functions // determined by Marbouty. (Brun et al., 1992) if(gsp[i]>0.0+Gdntol && gsp[i]<1.0-Gdntol){ IssmDouble F = 0.0; if (fabs(dT[i])>5.0+Ttol){ F = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / Ti) * dt) * pow(fabs(dT[i]),.4); } else if (W[i]>0.0+Wtol){ F = (1.0/16.0) * pow(lwc[i],3.0) * dt; } else{ F = 1e9 * exp(-6e3 / Ti) * dt; } gsp[i] +=F; } if (gsp[i]<=0.0+Gdntol)gsp[i]=0.0; if (gsp[i]>=1.0-Gdntol)gsp[i]=1.0; /*Dry snow metamorphism (Marbouty, 1980) grouped model coefficents *from Marbouty, 1980: Figure 9*/ if(W[i]<=0.0+Wtol || (gsp[i]<=0.0+Gdntol && fabs(dT[i])>5.0+Ttol)){ //_printf_("Nondendritic snow metamorphism\n"); Q = Marbouty(Ti,d[i],dT[i]); // calculate grain growth gsz[i] += (Q*dt); } //Wet snow metamorphism (Brun, 1989) else{ //_printf_("Nondendritic wet snow metamorphism\n"); //wet rate of change coefficient IssmDouble E = (1.28e-8 + 4.22e-10 * pow(lwc[i],3.0))* (dt *dts); // [mm^3 s^-1] // calculate change in grain volume and convert to grain size gsz[i] = 2.0 * pow(3.0/(Pi * 4.0)*((4.0/ 3.0)*Pi*pow(gsz[i]/2.0,3.0) + E),1.0/3.0); } // grains with sphericity == 1 can not have grain sizes > 2 mm (Brun, 1992) if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)2.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=2.0; // grains with sphericity == 0 can not have grain sizes > 5 mm (Brun, 1992) if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)>=Wtol && gsz[i]>5.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=5.0; } //convert grain size back to effective grain radius: re[i]=gsz[i]/2.0; } /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(gsz); xDelete(dT); xDelete(zGPC); xDelete(lwc); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pre=re; *pgdn=gdn; *pgsp=gsp; } /*}}}*/ void albedo(IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** padiff, int aIdx, IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble cldFrac, IssmDouble aIce, IssmDouble aSnow, IssmDouble aValue, IssmDouble adThresh, IssmDouble* TK, IssmDouble* W, IssmDouble P, IssmDouble EC, IssmDouble Msurf, IssmDouble clabSnow, IssmDouble clabIce, IssmDouble SZA, IssmDouble COT, IssmDouble t0wet, IssmDouble t0dry, IssmDouble K, IssmDouble dt, IssmDouble dIce, int m,int sid) { /*{{{*/ //// Calculates Snow, firn and ice albedo as a function of: // 0 : direct input from aValue parameter // 1 : effective grain radius (Gardner & Sharp, 2009) // 2 : effective grain radius (Brun et al., 1992, Lefebre et al., 2003) // 3 : density and cloud amount (Greuell & Konzelmann, 1994) // 4 : exponential time decay & wetness (Bougamont & Bamber, 2005) //// Inputs // aIdx = albedo method to use // Method 0 // aValue = direct input value for albedo, override all changes to albedo // adThresh // Apply below method to all areas with densities below this value, // or else apply direct input value, allowing albedo to be altered. // Default value is rho water (1023 kg m-3). // Methods 1 & 2 // re = surface effective grain radius [mm] // Method 1, optional // clabSnow = concentration of light absorbing carbon [ppm1], default 0 // SZA = solar zenith angle of the incident radiation [deg], default 0 // COT = cloud optical thickness, default 0 // For TWO LAYER // clabIce = concentration of light absorbing carbon of first ice layer [ppm1], default 0 // Method 3 // d = snow surface density [kg m-3] // n = cloud amount // aIce = albedo of ice // aSnow = albedo of fresh snow // Method 4 // aIce = albedo of ice // aSnow = albedo of fresh snow // a = grid cell albedo from prevous time step; // T = grid cell temperature [k] // W = pore water [kg] // P = precipitation [mm w.e.] or [kg m-3] // EC = surface evaporation (-) condensation (+) [kg m-2] // t0wet = time scale for wet snow (15-21.9) [d] // t0dry = warm snow timescale [15] [d] // K = time scale temperature coef. (7) [d] // dt = time step of input data [s] //// Output // a = grid cell albedo //// Usage // Method 1 // a = albedo(1, 0.1); // Method 4 // a = albedo(4, [], [], [], 0.48, 0.85, [0.8 0.5 ... 0.48], ... // [273 272.5 ... 265], [0 0.001 ... 0], 0, 0.01, 15, 15, 7, 3600) /*output: */ IssmDouble* a=NULL; IssmDouble* adiff=NULL; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" albedo module\n"); /*Recover pointers: */ a=*pa; adiff=*padiff; //some constants: const IssmDouble dSnow = 300; // density of fresh snow [kg m-3] const IssmDouble dPHC = 830; //Pore closeoff density const IssmDouble ai_max = 0.58; //maximum ice albedo, from Lefebre,2003 const IssmDouble ai_min = aIce; //minimum ice albedo const IssmDouble as_min = 0.65; //minimum snow albedo, from Alexander 2014 if(aIdx==0 || (adThresh - d[0])(m); IssmDouble* T=xNew(m); IssmDouble* t0warm=xNew(m); IssmDouble* d_a=xNew(m); // specify constants // a_wet = 0.15; // water albedo (0.15) // a_new = aSnow // new snow albedo (0.64 - 0.89) // a_old = aIce; // old snow/ice albedo (0.27-0.53) // t0_wet = t0wet; // time scale for wet snow (15-21.9) [d] // t0_dry = t0dry; // warm snow timescale [15] [d] // K = 7 // time scale temperature coef. (7) [d] // W0 = 300; // 200 - 600 [mm] const IssmDouble z_snow = 15.0; // 16 - 32 [mm] // determine timescale for albedo decay for(int i=0;i0.0+Wtol)t0[i]=t0wet; // wet snow timescale for(int i=0;i=-10.0-Ttol)t0[i]= t0warm[i]; for(int i=0;i 0.0 + Dtol && T[0] < 0.0-Ttol) P = P + (EC/dSnow) * 1000.0; // add cond to precip [mm] a[0] = aSnow - (aSnow - a[0]) * exp(-P/z_snow); //----------THIS NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED AT A LATER DATE------------ // modification of albedo due to thin layer of water on the surface // a_surf = a_wet - (a_wet - a_surf) * exp(-W_surf/W0); /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(t0); xDelete(T); xDelete(t0warm); xDelete(d_a); } else _error_("albedo method switch should range from 0 to 4!"); //If we do not have fresh snow if (aIdx<3 && aIdx>0 && (adThresh - d[0])>=Dtol){ // In a snow layer < 10cm, account for mix of ice and snow, // after P. Alexander et al., 2014 IssmDouble depthsnow=0.0; IssmDouble aice=0.0; int lice=0; for(int l=0;(l=dPHC-Dtol){ aice = ai_max + (as_min - ai_max)*(d[lice]-dIce)/(dPHC-dIce); a[0]= aice + max(a[0]-aice,0.0)*(depthsnow/0.1); } if (d[0]>=dPHC-Dtol){ if (d[0] dIce (typically 910 kg m^-3, 920 is used by Alexander in MAR), //ai=ai_min + (ai_max - ai_min)*e^(-1*(Msw(t)/K)) //K is a scale factor (set to 200 kg m^-2) //Msw(t) is the time-dependent accumulated amount of excessive surface meltwater // before run-off in kg m^-2 (melt per GEMB timestep, i.e. 3 hourly) IssmDouble M = Msurf+W[0]; a[0]=max(ai_min + (ai_max - ai_min)*exp(-1*(M/200)), ai_min); } } } } // Check for erroneous values if (a[0] > 1) _printf_("albedo > 1.0\n"); else if (a[0] < 0) _printf_("albedo is negative\n"); else if (xIsNan(a[0])) _error_("albedo == NAN\n"); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pa=a; *padiff=adiff; } /*}}}*/ void thermo(IssmDouble* pshf, IssmDouble* plhf, IssmDouble* pEC, IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble* pulwrf, IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* swf, IssmDouble dlwrf, IssmDouble Ta, IssmDouble V, IssmDouble eAir, IssmDouble pAir, IssmDouble tcIdx, IssmDouble eIdx, IssmDouble teValue, IssmDouble dulwrfValue, IssmDouble teThresh, IssmDouble Ws, IssmDouble dt0, IssmDouble dzMin, int m, IssmDouble Vz, IssmDouble Tz, IssmDouble thermo_scaling, IssmDouble dIce, int sid, bool isconstrainsurfaceT, bool isdeltaLWup) { /*{{{*/ /* ENGLACIAL THERMODYNAMICS*/ /* Description: computes new temperature profile accounting for energy absorption and thermal diffusion.*/ // INPUTS // T: grid cell temperature [k] // dz: grid cell depth [m] // d: grid cell density [kg m-3] // swf: shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2] // dlwrf: downward longwave radiation fluxes [W m-2] // Ta: 2 m air temperature // V: wind velocity [m s-1] // eAir: screen level vapor pressure [Pa] // Ws: surface water content [kg] // dt0: time step of input data [s] // elev: surface elevation [m a.s.l.] // Vz: air temperature height above surface [m] // Tz: wind height above surface [m] // thermo_scaling: scaling factor to multiply the thermal diffusion timestep (delta t) // OUTPUTS // T: grid cell temperature [k] // EC: evaporation/condensation [kg] // ulwrf: upward longwave radiation flux [W m-2] /*intermediary: */ IssmDouble* K = NULL; IssmDouble* KU = NULL; IssmDouble* KD = NULL; IssmDouble* KP = NULL; IssmDouble* Au = NULL; IssmDouble* Ad = NULL; IssmDouble* Ap = NULL; IssmDouble* Nu = NULL; IssmDouble* Nd = NULL; IssmDouble* Np = NULL; IssmDouble* dzU = NULL; IssmDouble* dzD = NULL; IssmDouble* sw = NULL; IssmDouble* dT_sw = NULL; IssmDouble* T0 = NULL; IssmDouble* Tu = NULL; IssmDouble* Td = NULL; IssmDouble z0=0.0; IssmDouble zT=0.0; IssmDouble zQ=0.0; IssmDouble zratio=1; IssmDouble dt=0.0; IssmDouble max_fdt=0.0; IssmDouble Ts=0.0; IssmDouble L=0.0; IssmDouble eS=0.0; IssmDouble Ri=0.0; IssmDouble coefM=0.0; IssmDouble coefH=0.0; IssmDouble coefHT=0.0; IssmDouble coefHQ=0.0; IssmDouble An_num=0.0; IssmDouble An_den_T=0.0; IssmDouble An_den_Q=0.0; IssmDouble An=0.0; IssmDouble C=0.0; IssmDouble shf=0.0; IssmDouble ds=0.0; IssmDouble dAir=0.0; IssmDouble TCs=0.0; IssmDouble lhf=0.0; IssmDouble EC_day=0.0; IssmDouble lhf_cum=0.0; IssmDouble shf_cum=0.0; IssmDouble dT_turb=0.0; IssmDouble turb=0.0; IssmDouble ulw=0.0; IssmDouble dT_ulw=0.0; IssmDouble dlw=0.0; IssmDouble dT_dlw=0.0; /*outputs:*/ IssmDouble EC=0.0; IssmDouble* T=*pT; IssmDouble ulwrf=0.0; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" thermal module\n"); ds = d[0]; // density of top grid cell // calculated air density [kg/m3] dAir = 0.029 * pAir /(R * Ta); // thermal capacity of top grid cell [J/k] TCs = d[0]*dz[0]*CI; //initialize Evaporation - Condenstation EC = 0.0; // check if all SW applied to surface or distributed throught subsurface // swIdx = length(swf) > 1 // SURFACE ROUGHNESS (Bougamont, 2006) // wind/temperature surface roughness height [m] if (ds < dIce-Dtol && Ws < Wtol) z0 = 0.00012; // 0.12 mm for dry snow else if (ds >= dIce-Dtol) z0 = 0.0032; // 3.2 mm for ice else z0 = 0.0013; // 1.3 mm for wet snow //zT and zQ are percentage of z0 (Foken 2008) zratio=10; zT=z0/zratio; zQ=z0/zratio; // if V = 0 goes to infinity therfore if V = 0 change if(V<0.01-Dtol)V=0.01; // Bulk-transfer coefficient for turbulent fluxes An = pow(0.4,2); // Bulk-transfer coefficient C = An*V; // shf & lhf common coefficient An_den_T = (log(Tz/zT)*log(Vz/z0)); An_den_Q = (log(Tz/zQ)*log(Vz/z0)); // THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (Sturm, 1997: J. Glaciology) // calculate new K profile [W m-1 K-1] // initialize conductivity K= xNewZeroInit(m); // for snow and firn (density < 910 kg m-3) (Sturm et al, 1997) or (Calonne et al., 2011) if (tcIdx == 2){ for(int i=0;i= 910 kg m-3) for(int i=0;i=dIce-Dtol) K[i] = 9.828 * exp(-5.7e-3*T[i]); // THERMAL DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS // A discretization scheme which truncates the Taylor-Series expansion // after the 3rd term is used. See Patankar 1980, Ch. 3&4 // discretized heat equation: // Tp = (Au*Tuo+ Ad*Tdo+ (Ap-Au-Ad)Tpo+ S) / Ap // where neighbor coefficients Au, Ap, & Ad are // Au = [dz_u/2KU + dz/2KP]^-1 // Ad = [dz_d/2KD + dz/2KP]^-1 // Ap = d*CI*dz/Dt // and u & d represent grid points up and down from the center grid point // point p and o identifies previous time step values. S is a source term. // u, d, and p conductivities KU = xNew(m); KD = xNew(m); KP = xNew(m); KU[0] = Delflag; //Thermal conductivity of air = 0.025 W/m/K KD[m-1] = Delflag; for(int i=1;i(m); dzD = xNew(m); dzU[0]=Delflag; dzD[m-1]=Delflag; for(int i=1;i 1/2) [s] // NS: 2.16.18 divided dt by scaling factor, default set to 1/11 for stability dt=1e12; for(int i=0;i 1/2 // must go evenly into one hour or the data frequency if it is smaller // all integer factors of the number of second in a day (86400 [s]) int f[45] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 30, 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 60, 72, 75, 80, 90, 100, 120, 144, 150, 180, 200, 225, 240, 300, 360, 400, 450, 600, 720, 900, 1200, 1800, 3600}; // return the min integer factor that is < dt max_fdt=f[0]; for(int i=0;i<45;i++){ if (f[i]=max_fdt-Dtol)max_fdt=f[i]; } dt=max_fdt; // determine mean (harmonic mean) of K/dz for u, d, & p Au = xNew(m); Ad = xNew(m); Ap = xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m); Nd = xNewZeroInit(m); Np = xNewZeroInit(m); for(int i=0;i(m); for(int i=0;i(m); for(int i=0;i(m+2); Tu=xNew(m); Td=xNew(m); /* CALCULATE ENERGY SOURCES AND DIFFUSION FOR EVERY TIME STEP [dt]*/ for (IssmDouble i=1;i<=dt0;i+=dt){ // PART OF ENERGY CONSERVATION CHECK // store initial temperature //T_init = T; // calculate temperature of snow surface (Ts) Ts = T[0]; Ts = min(CtoK,Ts); // don't allow Ts to exceed 273.15 K (0 degC) //TURBULENT HEAT FLUX // Monin-Obukhov Stability Correction // Reference: // Ohmura, A., 1982: Climate and Energy-Balance on the Arctic Tundra. // Journal of Climatology, 2, 65-84. // calculate the Bulk Richardson Number (Ri) Ri = pow(100000/pAir,0.286)*(2.0*9.81*(Ta - Ts)) / (Tz*(Ta + Ts)* pow(V/(Vz),2.0)); IssmDouble PhiM; IssmDouble PhiH; // calculate Monin-Obukhov stability factors 'coefM' and 'coefH' if (false){ // do not allow Ri to exceed 0.16 Ri = min(Ri, 0.16); //Ohmura, 1982 // calculate momentum 'coefM' stability factor if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){ // if stable coefM = 1.0/(1.0-5.2*Ri); } else { coefM =pow (1.0-18*Ri,-0.25); } // calculate heat/wind 'coef_H' stability factor if (Ri <= -0.03+Ttol) coefH = coefM/1.3; else coefH = coefM; coefHT = coefH*An_den_T; coefHQ = coefH*An_den_Q; } else if(false){ // do not allow Ri to exceed 0.19 Ri = min(Ri, 0.19); //Ohmura, 1982 // calculate momentum 'coefM' stability factor if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){ // if stable //coefM = pow(1.0-5.0*Ri,2.0); //Fitzpatrick et al., 2017, from Brock et al., 2010 coefM=1+5.3*min((Ri/(1-5*Ri)),0.5); coefH=1+8*min((Ri/(1-5*Ri)),0.5); } else { //coefM =pow(1.0-16.0*max(Ri,-1.0),0.75); //Fitzpatrick et al., 2017, from Brock et al., 2010 coefM=pow(1-19*max(Ri/1.5,-2.0),-0.25); coefH=0.95*pow(1-11.6*max(Ri/1.5,-2.0),-0.5); } coefHT = coefH*An_den_T; coefHQ = coefH*An_den_Q; } else if (false){ // Greuell and Konzelman, 1994 // calculate momentum 'coefM' stability factor if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){ // if stable coefM=1+15*Ri*pow(1+Ri,1/2); coefH=1; } else { coefM=pow(1-15*Ri/(1+75*pow(0.4/log(Tz/zT),2)*pow(Tz/zT*fabs(Ri),1/2)),-1); coefH=1; } coefHT = coefH*An_den_T; coefHQ = coefH*An_den_Q; } else { IssmDouble a1=1.0; IssmDouble b1=2/3; IssmDouble c1=5.0; IssmDouble d1=0.35; IssmDouble PhiMz; IssmDouble PhiHz; IssmDouble PhiMz0=0.0; IssmDouble PhiHzT=0.0; IssmDouble PhiHzQ=0.0; IssmDouble zL; IssmDouble zLT; IssmDouble zLM; if (Ri > 0.0+Ttol){ // if stable if(Ri < 0.2-Ttol){ zL = Ri/(1-5*Ri); } else{ zL=Ri; } //zL = min(zL, 0.5); //Sjoblom, 2014 zLM=max(zL/Vz*z0,1e-3); zLT=max(zL/Tz*zT,1e-3); //Ding et al. 2020, from Beljaars and Holtslag (1991) PhiMz=-1*(a1*zL + b1*(zL-c1/d1)*exp(-1*d1*zL) + b1*c1/d1); PhiHz=-1*(pow(1+2*a1*zL/3,1.5) + b1*(zL-c1/d1)*exp(-1*d1*zL) + b1*c1/d1 - 1); PhiMz0=-1*(a1*zLM + b1*(zLM-c1/d1)*exp(-1*d1*zLM) + b1*c1/d1); PhiHzT=-1*(pow(1+2*a1*zLT/3,1.5) + b1*(zLT-c1/d1)*exp(-1*d1*zLT) + b1*c1/d1 - 1); PhiHzQ=PhiHzT; } else { IssmDouble xm; IssmDouble xh; IssmDouble xmT; IssmDouble xmM; zL = Ri/1.5; //max(Ri, -0.5+Ttol)/1.5; //Hogstrom (1996) //zL = max(zL, -2.0); //Sjoblom, 2014 zLM=min(zL/Vz*z0,-1e-3); zLT=min(zL/Tz*zT,-1e-3); if (true){ //Sjoblom, 2014 xm=pow(1.0-19*zL,-0.25); PhiMz=2*log((1+xm)/2.0) + log((1+pow(xm,2))/2.0) - 2*atan(xm) + Pi/2; xh=0.95*pow(1.0-11.6*zL,-0.5); PhiHz=2*log((1+pow(xh,2))/2.0); } else{ //Ding et al., 2020 xm=pow(1.0-16*zL,0.25); xmM=pow(1.0-16*zLM,0.25); xmT=pow(1.0-16*zLT,0.25); PhiMz=2*log((1+xm)/2.0) + log((1+pow(xm,2))/2.0) - 2*atan(xm) + Pi/2; PhiMz0=2*log((1+xmM)/2.0) + log((1+pow(xmM,2))/2.0) - 2*atan(xmM) + Pi/2; PhiHz=2*log((1+pow(xm,2))/2.0); PhiHzT=2*log((1+pow(xmT,2))/2.0); PhiHzQ=PhiHzT; } } PhiM=PhiMz; PhiH=PhiHz; coefM = log(Vz/z0) - PhiMz + PhiMz0; //Ding et al., 2019 coefHT = log(Tz/zT) - PhiHz + PhiHzT; //Sjoblom, 2014, after Foken 2008 coefHQ = log(Tz/zQ) - PhiHz + PhiHzQ; //Sjoblom, 2014, after Foken 2008 } //// Sensible Heat // calculate the sensible heat flux [W m-2](Patterson, 1998) shf = dAir * C * CA * (Ta - Ts) * pow(100000/pAir,0.286); // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory shf = shf/(coefM*coefHT); //// Latent Heat // determine if snow pack is melting & calcualte surface vapour pressure over ice or liquid water if (Ts >= CtoK-Ttol){ L = LV; //for liquid water at 273.15 k to vapor //for liquid surface (assume liquid on surface when Ts == 0 deg C) // Wright (1997), US Meteorological Handbook from Murphy and Koop, 2005 Appendix A //eS = 611.21 * exp(17.502 * (Ts - CtoK) / (240.97 + Ts - CtoK)); // Murray 1967, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/humidity/vignettes/humidity-measures.html eS = 610.78 * exp(17.2693882 * (Ts - CtoK - 0.01) / (Ts - 35.86)); } else{ L = LS; // latent heat of sublimation // for an ice surface Murphy and Koop, 2005 [Equation 7] //eS = exp(9.550426 - 5723.265/Ts + 3.53068 * log(Ts) - 0.00728332 * Ts); // for an ice surface Ding et al., 2019 after Bolton, 1980 eS = 610.78 * exp(21.8745584 * (Ts - CtoK - 0.01) / (Ts - 7.66)); } // Latent heat flux [W m-2] lhf = C * L * (eAir - eS) / (461.9*(Ta+Ts)/2); // adjust using Monin-Obukhov stability theory (if lhf '+' then there is energy and mass gained at the surface, // if '-' then there is mass and energy loss at the surface. lhf = lhf/(coefM*coefHQ); //mass loss (-)/acreation(+) due to evaporation/condensation [kg] EC_day = lhf * dts / L; // temperature change due turbulent fluxes turb = (shf + lhf)* dt; dT_turb = turb / TCs; // upward longwave contribution IssmDouble deltaULW=0.0; IssmDouble emissivity=1.0; //If user wants to set a upward long wave bias if(isdeltaLWup) deltaULW = dulwrfValue; //If user wants to directly set emissivity, or grain radius is larger than the // threshold, or eIdx is 2 and we have wet snow or ice, use prescribed emissivity if(eIdx==0 || (teThresh - re[0])0.001)) emissivity = teValue; ulw = - (SB * pow(Ts,4.0)* emissivity + deltaULW) * dt; ulwrf = ulwrf - ulw/dt0; dT_ulw = ulw / TCs; // new grid point temperature //SW penetrates surface if(!isconstrainsurfaceT){ for(int j=0;j 1E-6 || isnan(E_diff) disp(T(1)) _error_("energy not conserved in thermodynamics equations"); */ } /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(K); xDelete(KU); xDelete(KD); xDelete(KP); xDelete(Au); xDelete(Ad); xDelete(Ap); xDelete(Nu); xDelete(Nd); xDelete(Np); xDelete(dzU); xDelete(dzD); xDelete(sw); xDelete(dT_sw); xDelete(T0); xDelete(Tu); xDelete(Td); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pEC=EC; *plhf=lhf_cum; *pshf=shf_cum; *pT=T; *pulwrf=ulwrf; } /*}}}*/ void shortwave(IssmDouble** pswf, int swIdx, int aIdx, IssmDouble dsw, IssmDouble dswdiff, IssmDouble as, IssmDouble asdiff, IssmDouble* d, IssmDouble* dz, IssmDouble* re, IssmDouble dIce, int m, int sid){ /*{{{*/ // DISTRIBUTES ABSORBED SHORTWAVE RADIATION WITHIN SNOW/ICE // swIdx = 0 : all absorbed SW energy is assigned to the top grid cell // swIdx = 1 : absorbed SW is distributed with depth as a function of: // default : snow density (taken from Bassford, 2002) // if aIdx=2 : grain size in 3 spectral bands (Brun et al., 1992) // Inputs // swIdx = shortwave allowed to penetrate surface (0 = No, 1 = Yes) // aIdx = method for calculating albedo (1-4) // dsw = downward shortwave radiative flux [w m-2] // dswdiff = downward shortwave diffuse radiative flux [w m-2] // as = surface albedo // asdiff = surface albedo for diffuse radiation // d = grid cell density [kg m-3] // dz = grid cell depth [m] // re = grid cell effective grain radius [mm] // Outputs // swf = absorbed shortwave radiation [W m-2] // /*outputs: */ IssmDouble* swf=NULL; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" shortwave module\n"); /*Initialize and allocate: */ swf=xNewZeroInit(m); // SHORTWAVE FUNCTION if (swIdx == 0 | (dIce - d[0])(m); for(int i=0;i(m+1); B2_cum=xNew(m+1); for(int i=0;i(m); B1 =xNew(m); B2 =xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m); exp2 = xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m+1); Qs2 = xNew(m+1); for(int i=0;i(gsz); xDelete(B1_cum); xDelete(B2_cum); xDelete(h); xDelete(B1); xDelete(B2); xDelete(exp1); xDelete(exp2); xDelete(Qs1); xDelete(Qs2); } else{ //function of grid cell density /*intermediary: */ IssmDouble* B_cum = NULL; IssmDouble* exp_B = NULL; IssmDouble* Qs = NULL; IssmDouble* B = NULL; // fraction of sw radiation absorbed in top grid cell (wavelength > 0.8um) IssmDouble SWs = 0.36; // SWs and SWss coefficients need to be better constranted. Greuell // and Konzelmann 1994 used SWs = 0.36 and SWss = 0.64 as this the // the % of SW radiation with wavelengths > and < 800 nm // respectively. This, however, may not account for the fact that // the albedo of wavelengths > 800 nm has a much lower albedo. // calculate surface shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2] IssmDouble swf_s = SWs * (1.0 - as) * dsw; // calculate surface shortwave radiation fluxes [W m-2] IssmDouble swf_ss = (1.0-SWs) * (1.0 - as) * dsw; // SW allowed to penetrate into snowpack IssmDouble Bs = 10.0; // snow SW extinction coefficient [m-1] (Bassford,2006) IssmDouble Bi = 1.3; // ice SW extinction coefficient [m-1] (Bassford,2006) // calculate extinction coefficient B [m-1] vector B=xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m+1); exp_B = xNew(m); for(int i=0;i(m+1); for(int i=0;i(B_cum); xDelete(exp_B); xDelete(Qs); xDelete(B); } } /*Assign output pointers: */ *pswf=swf; } /*}}}*/ void accumulation(IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble** pd, IssmDouble** pW, IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** padiff, IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, IssmDouble* pRa, int* pm, int aIdx, int dsnowIdx, IssmDouble Tmean, IssmDouble T_air, IssmDouble P, IssmDouble dzMin, IssmDouble aSnow, IssmDouble C, IssmDouble V, IssmDouble Vmean, IssmDouble dIce, int sid){ /*{{{*/ // Adds precipitation and deposition to the model grid // Author: Alex Gardner, University of Alberta // Date last modified: JAN, 2008 /* Description: adjusts the properties of the top grid cell to account for accumulation T_air & T = Air and top grid cell temperatures [K] Tmean = average surface temperature [K] Vmean = average wind velocity [m s-1] V = wind velocity [m s-1] C = average accumulation rate [kg m-2 yr-1] dz = topgrid cell length [m] d = density of top grid gell [kg m-3] P = precipitation [mm w.e.] or [kg m-3] Ra = rainfall [mm w.e.] or [kg m-3] re = effective grain radius [mm] gdn = grain dentricity gsp = grain sphericity*/ // MAIN FUNCTION // specify constants IssmDouble dSnow = 150; // density of snow [kg m-3] IssmDouble reNew = 0.05; // new snow grain size [mm] IssmDouble gdnNew = 1.0; // new snow dendricity IssmDouble gspNew = 0.5; // new snow sphericity /*intermediary: */ IssmDouble* mInit=NULL; bool top=true; IssmDouble mass=0; IssmDouble massinit=0; IssmDouble mass_diff=0; /*output: */ IssmDouble* T=NULL; IssmDouble* dz=NULL; IssmDouble* d=NULL; IssmDouble* W=NULL; IssmDouble* a=NULL; IssmDouble* adiff=NULL; IssmDouble* re=NULL; IssmDouble* gdn=NULL; IssmDouble* gsp=NULL; IssmDouble ra=0.0; int m=0; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" accumulation module\n"); /*Recover pointers: */ T=*pT; dz=*pdz; d=*pd; W=*pW; a=*pa; adiff=*padiff; re=*pre; gdn=*pgdn; gsp=*pgsp; m=*pm; ra=*pRa; //Density of fresh snow [kg m-3] switch (dsnowIdx){ case 0: // Default value defined above break; case 1: // Density of Antarctica snow dSnow = 350; //dSnow = 360; //FirnMICE Lundin et al., 2017 break; case 2: // Density of Greenland snow, Fausto et al., 2018 dSnow = 315; //From Vionnet et al., 2012 (Crocus) gdnNew = min(max(1.29 - 0.17*V,0.20),1.0); gspNew = min(max(0.08*V + 0.38,0.5),0.9); reNew=max(1e-1*(gdnNew/.99+(1-1*gdnNew/.99)*(gspNew/.99*3+(1-gspNew/.99)*4))/2,Gdntol); break; case 3: //Surface snow accumulation density from Kaspers et al., 2004, Antarctica //dSnow = alpha1 + beta1*T + delta1*C + epsilon1*W // 7.36x10-2 1.06x10-3 6.69x10-2 4.77x10-3 dSnow=(7.36e-2 + 1.06e-3*min(Tmean,CtoK-Ttol) + 6.69e-2*C/1000 + 4.77e-3*Vmean)*1000; break; case 4: // Kuipers Munneke and others (2015), Greenland dSnow = 481.0 + 4.834*(Tmean-CtoK); break; } // determine initial mass mInit=xNew(m); for(int i=0;i 0.0+Ptol){ if (T_air <= CtoK+Ttol){ // if snow IssmDouble z_snow = P/dSnow; // depth of snow IssmDouble dfall = gdnNew; IssmDouble sfall = gspNew; IssmDouble refall = reNew; // if snow depth is greater than specified min dz, new cell created if (z_snow > dzMin+Dtol){ newcell(&T,T_air,top,m); //new cell T newcell(&dz,z_snow,top,m); //new cell dz newcell(&d,dSnow,top,m); //new cell d newcell(&W,0.0,top,m); //new cell W newcell(&a,aSnow,top,m); //new cell a newcell(&adiff,aSnow,top,m); //new cell a newcell(&re,refall,top,m); //new cell grain size newcell(&gdn,dfall,top,m); //new cell grain dendricity newcell(&gsp,sfall,top,m); //new cell grain sphericity m=m+1; } else { // if snow depth is less than specified minimum dz snow mass = mInit[0] + P; // grid cell adjust mass dz[0] = dz[0] + P/dSnow; // adjust grid cell depth d[0] = mass / dz[0]; // adjust grid cell density // adjust variables as a linearly weighted function of mass // adjust temperature (assume P is same temp as air) T[0] = (T_air * P + T[0] * mInit[0])/mass; // adjust a, re, gdn & gsp if(aIdx>0)a[0] = (aSnow * P + a[0] * mInit[0])/mass; gdn[0] = dfall; gsp[0] = sfall; re[0] = max(1e-1*(gdn[0]/.99+(1-1*gdn[0]/.99)*(gsp[0]/.99*3+(1-gsp[0]/.99)*4))/2,Gdntol); } } else{ // if rain /*rain is added by increasing the mass and temperature of the ice of the top grid cell. Temperatures are set artifically high to account for the latent heat of fusion. This is the same as directly adding liquid water to the the snow pack surface but makes the numerics easier.*/ // grid cell adjust mass mass = mInit[0] + P; // adjust temperature // liquid: must account for latent heat of fusion T[0] = (P *(T_air + LF/CI) + T[0] * mInit[0]) / mass; // adjust grid cell density d[0] = mass / dz[0]; // if d > the density of ice, d = dIce if (d[0] > dIce-Dtol){ d[0] = dIce; // adjust d dz[0] = mass / d[0]; // dz is adjusted to conserve mass } ra=P; } // check for conservation of mass mass=0; for(int i=0;i 0) _error_("mass not conserved in accumulation function"); #endif } /*Free resources:*/ if(mInit)xDelete(mInit); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pT=T; *pdz=dz; *pd=d; *pW=W; *pa=a; *padiff=adiff; *pre=re; *pgdn=gdn; *pgsp=gsp; *pm=m; *pRa=ra; } /*}}}*/ void melt(IssmDouble* pM, IssmDouble* pMs, IssmDouble* pR, IssmDouble* pF, IssmDouble* pmAdd, IssmDouble* pdz_add, IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble** pd, IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble** pW, IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** padiff, IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, int* pn, IssmDouble Ra, IssmDouble dzMin, IssmDouble zMax, IssmDouble zMin, IssmDouble zTop, IssmDouble zY, IssmDouble dIce, int sid){ /*{{{*/ //// MELT ROUTINE // Description: // computes the quantity of meltwater due to snow temperature in excess of // 0 deg C, determines pore water content and adjusts grid spacing /*intermediary:*/ IssmDouble* m=NULL; IssmDouble* maxF=NULL; IssmDouble* dW=NULL; IssmDouble* exsW=NULL; IssmDouble* exsT=NULL; IssmDouble* surpT=NULL; IssmDouble* surpE=NULL; IssmDouble* flxDn=NULL; IssmDouble ER=0.0; IssmDouble* EI=NULL; IssmDouble* EW=NULL; IssmDouble* M=NULL; int* D=NULL; IssmDouble sumM=0.0; IssmDouble sumER=0.0; IssmDouble addE=0.0; IssmDouble mSum0=0.0; IssmDouble sumE0=0.0; IssmDouble mSum1=0.0; IssmDouble sumE1=0.0; IssmDouble dE=0.0; IssmDouble dm=0.0; IssmDouble X=0.0; IssmDouble Wi=0.0; int D_size = 0; /*outputs:*/ IssmDouble Msurf = 0.0; IssmDouble mAdd = 0.0; IssmDouble surplusE = 0.0; IssmDouble surplusT = 0.0; IssmDouble dz_add = 0.0; IssmDouble Rsum = 0.0; IssmDouble Fsum = 0.0; IssmDouble* T=*pT; IssmDouble* d=*pd; IssmDouble* dz=*pdz; IssmDouble* W=*pW; IssmDouble* a=*pa; IssmDouble* adiff=*padiff; IssmDouble* re=*pre; IssmDouble* gdn=*pgdn; IssmDouble* gsp=*pgsp; int n=*pn; IssmDouble* R=NULL; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" melt module\n"); //// INITIALIZATION /*Allocations: */ M=xNewZeroInit(n); maxF=xNewZeroInit(n); dW=xNewZeroInit(n); // store initial mass [kg] and energy [J] m=xNew(n); for(int i=0;i(n); for(int i=0;i(n); for(int i=0;i(n); for(int i=0;i0.0+Wtol){ if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" pore water refreeze\n"); // calculate maximum freeze amount, maxF [kg] for(int i=0;iWtol) T[i] = T[i] + (dW[i]*(LF+(CtoK - T[i])*CI)/(m[i]*CI)); // temperature [K] // if pore water froze in ice then adjust d and dz thickness for(int i=0;i dIce-Dtol)d[i]=dIce; for(int i=0;i(n); for(int i=0;i(n); // Add previous refreeze to F and reset dW for(int i=0;i 0.0+Ttol) || (cellsum(exsW,n) > 0.0+Wtol)){ // _printf_(""MELT OCCURS"); // check to see if thermal energy exceeds energy to melt entire cell // if so redistribute temperature to lower cells (temperature surplus) // (maximum T of snow before entire grid cell melts is a constant // LF/CI = 159.1342) surpT=xNew(n); for(int i=0;i 0.0+Ttol ){ // _printf_("T Surplus"); // calculate surplus energy surpE=xNew(n); for(int i=0;i 0.0+Ttol && i(n); flxDn=xNewZeroInit(n+1); // determine the deepest grid cell where melt/pore water is generated X = 0; for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){ if(M[i]> 0.0+Wtol || exsW[i]> 0.0+Wtol){ X=i; break; } } IssmDouble depthice=0.0; int Xi=0; //// meltwater percolation for(int i=0;i= dPHC-Dtol){ for(int l=i;(l=dPHC-Dtol);l++) depthice=depthice+dz[l]; } // break loop if there is no meltwater and if depth is > mw_depth if (fabs(inM) < Wtol && i > X){ break; } // if reaches impermeable ice layer all liquid water runs off (R) else if (d[i] >= dIce-Dtol || (d[i] >= dPHC-Dtol && depthice>0.1)){ // dPHC = pore hole close off [kg m-3] // _printf_("ICE LAYER"); // no water freezes in this cell // no water percolates to lower cell // cell ice temperature & density do not change m[i] = m[i] - M[i]; // mass after melt Wi = (dIce-d[i]) * Swi * (m[i]/d[i]); // irreducible water dW[i] = max(min(inM, Wi - W[i]),-1*W[i]); // change in pore water R[i] = max(0.0, inM - dW[i]); // runoff } // check if no energy to refreeze meltwater else if (fabs(maxF[i]) < Dtol){ // _printf_("REFREEZE == 0"); // no water freezes in this cell // cell ice temperature & density do not change m[i] = m[i] - M[i]; // mass after melt Wi = (dIce-d[i]) * Swi * (m[i]/d[i]); // irreducible water dW[i] = max(min(inM, Wi - W[i]),-1*W[i]); // change in pore water flxDn[i+1] = max(0.0, inM - dW[i]); // meltwater out R[i] = 0.0; } // some or all meltwater refreezes else{ // change in density and temperature // _printf_("MELT REFREEZE"); //-----------------------melt water----------------------------- m[i] = m[i] - M[i]; IssmDouble dz_0 = m[i]/d[i]; IssmDouble dMax = (dIce - d[i])*dz_0; // d max = dIce IssmDouble F1 = min(min(inM,dMax),maxF[i]); // maximum refreeze m[i] = m[i] + F1; // mass after refreeze d[i] = m[i]/dz_0; //-----------------------pore water----------------------------- Wi = (dIce-d[i])* Swi * dz_0; // irreducible water dW[i] = max(min(inM - F1, Wi-W[i]),-1*W[i]); // change in pore water IssmDouble F2 = 0.0; if (dW[i] < 0.0-Wtol){ // excess pore water dMax = (dIce - d[i])*dz_0; // maximum refreeze IssmDouble maxF2 = min(dMax, maxF[i]-F1); // maximum refreeze F2 = min(-1*dW[i], maxF2); // pore water refreeze m[i] = m[i] + F2; // mass after refreeze d[i] = m[i]/dz_0; } F[i] = F[i] + F1 + F2; flxDn[i+1] = max(0.0,inM - F1 - dW[i]); // meltwater out if (m[i]>Wtol){ T[i] = T[i] + ((F1+F2)*(LF+(CtoK - T[i])*CI)/(m[i]*CI));// change in temperature } // check if an ice layer forms if (fabs(d[i] - dIce) < Dtol){ // _printf_("ICE LAYER FORMS"); // excess water runs off R[i] = flxDn[i+1]; // no water percolates to lower cell flxDn[i+1] = 0.0; } } Xi=Xi+1; } //// GRID CELL SPACING AND MODEL DEPTH for(int i=0;i (0.0+Wtol))D_size++; D=xNew(D_size); D_size=0; for(int i=0;i (0.0+Wtol)){ D[D_size] = i; D_size++;} celldelete(&m,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&W,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&d,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&dz,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&T,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&a,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&adiff,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&re,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&gdn,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&gsp,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&EI,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&EW,n,D,D_size); n=D_size; xDelete(D); // calculate new grid lengths for(int i=0;i(R); } //calculate Fsum: Fsum=cellsum(F,n); /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(F); //Manage the layering to match the user defined requirements managelayers(&mAdd, &dz_add, &addE, &m, &EI, &EW, &T, &d, &dz, &W, &a, &adiff, &re, &gdn, &gsp, &n, dzMin, zMax, zMin, zTop, zY); //// CHECK FOR MASS AND ENERGY CONSERVATION // calculate final mass [kg] and energy [J] sumER = Rsum * (LF + CtoK * CI); for(int i=0;i(m); if(EI)xDelete(EI); if(EW)xDelete(EW); if(maxF)xDelete(maxF); if(dW)xDelete(dW); if(exsW)xDelete(exsW); if(exsT)xDelete(exsT); if(surpT)xDelete(surpT); if(surpE)xDelete(surpE); if(flxDn)xDelete(flxDn); if(D)xDelete(D); if(M)xDelete(M); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pMs=Msurf; *pM=sumM; *pR=Rsum; *pF=Fsum; *pmAdd=mAdd; *pdz_add=dz_add; *pT=T; *pd=d; *pdz=dz; *pW=W; *pa=a; *padiff=adiff; *pre=re; *pgdn=gdn; *pgsp=gsp; *pn=n; } /*}}}*/ void managelayers(IssmDouble* pmAdd, IssmDouble* pdz_add, IssmDouble* paddE, IssmDouble** pm, IssmDouble** pEI, IssmDouble** pEW, IssmDouble** pT, IssmDouble** pd, IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble** pW, IssmDouble** pa, IssmDouble** padiff, IssmDouble** pre, IssmDouble** pgdn, IssmDouble** pgsp, int* pn, IssmDouble dzMin, IssmDouble zMax, IssmDouble zMin, IssmDouble zTop, IssmDouble zY){ /*{{{*/ /*intermediary:*/ IssmDouble* Zcum=NULL; IssmDouble* dzMin2=NULL; IssmDouble* dzMax2=NULL; int* D=NULL; IssmDouble zY2=zY; IssmDouble X=0.0; int X1=0; int X2=0; int D_size = 0; IssmDouble Ztot=0.0; IssmDouble T_bot=0.0; IssmDouble m_bot=0.0; IssmDouble dz_bot=0.0; IssmDouble d_bot=0.0; IssmDouble W_bot=0.0; IssmDouble a_bot=0.0; IssmDouble adiff_bot=0.0; IssmDouble re_bot=0.0; IssmDouble gdn_bot=0.0; IssmDouble gsp_bot=0.0; IssmDouble EI_bot=0.0; IssmDouble EW_bot=0.0; bool top=false; /*outputs:*/ IssmDouble mAdd = 0.0; IssmDouble addE = 0.0; IssmDouble dz_add = 0.0; IssmDouble* T=*pT; IssmDouble* d=*pd; IssmDouble* dz=*pdz; IssmDouble* W=*pW; IssmDouble* a=*pa; IssmDouble* adiff=*padiff; IssmDouble* re=*pre; IssmDouble* gdn=*pgdn; IssmDouble* gsp=*pgsp; IssmDouble* m=*pm; IssmDouble* EI=*pEI; IssmDouble* EW=*pEW; int n=*pn; //Merging of cells as they are burried under snow. Zcum=xNew(n); dzMin2=xNew(n); dzMax2=xNew(n); X=0; Zcum[0]=dz[0]; // Compute a cumulative depth vector for (int i=0;iX && dz[i]=0;j--){ if(m[j]!=Delflag){ X1=j; break; } } } else{ X1=i+1; X2=i; } // adjust variables as a linearly weighted function of mass IssmDouble m_new = m[X2] + m[X1]; T[X1] = (T[X2]*m[X2] + T[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new; a[X1] = (a[X2]*m[X2] + a[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new; adiff[X1] = (adiff[X2]*m[X2] + adiff[X1]*m[X1]) / m_new; //use grain properties from lower cell re[X1] = re[X2]; gdn[X1] = gdn[X2]; gsp[X1] = gsp[X2]; // merge with underlying grid cell and delete old cell dz[X1] = dz[X2] + dz[X1]; // combine cell depths d[X1] = m_new / dz[X1]; // combine top densities W[X1] = W[X1] + W[X2]; // combine liquid water m[X1] = m_new; // combine top masses // set cell to -99999 for deletion m[X2] = Delflag; } } // delete combined cells D_size=0; for(int i=0;i Delflag+Wtol)D_size++; D=xNew(D_size); D_size=0; for(int i=0;i Delflag+Wtol){ D[D_size] = i; D_size++;} celldelete(&m,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&W,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&dz,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&d,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&T,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&a,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&adiff,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&re,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&gdn,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&gsp,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&EI,n,D,D_size); celldelete(&EW,n,D,D_size); n=D_size; xDelete(D); // check if any of the cell depths are too large X=0; Zcum[0]=dz[0]; // Compute a cumulative depth vector for (int i=0;i=0;j--){ if ((j dzMax2[j]+Dtol) || (dz[j] > dzMax2[j]*zY2+Dtol)){ // _printf_("dz > dzMin * 2"); // split in two cellsplit(&dz, n, j,.5); cellsplit(&W, n, j,.5); cellsplit(&m, n, j,.5); cellsplit(&T, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&d, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&a, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&adiff, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&EI, n, j,.5); cellsplit(&EW, n, j,.5); cellsplit(&re, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&gdn, n, j,1.0); cellsplit(&gsp, n, j,1.0); n++; } } //// CORRECT FOR TOTAL MODEL DEPTH // WORKS FINE BUT HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR CONVIENCE OF MODEL OUTPUT // INTERPRETATION // calculate total model depth Ztot = cellsum(dz,n); if (Ztot < zMin-Dtol){ // printf("Total depth < zMin %f \n", Ztot); // mass and energy to be added mAdd = m[n-1]+W[n-1]; addE = T[n-1]*m[n-1]*CI + W[n-1]*(LF+CtoK*CI); // add a grid cell of the same size and temperature to the bottom dz_bot=dz[n-1]; T_bot=T[n-1]; W_bot=W[n-1]; m_bot=m[n-1]; d_bot=d[n-1]; a_bot=a[n-1]; adiff_bot=adiff[n-1]; re_bot=re[n-1]; gdn_bot=gdn[n-1]; gsp_bot=gsp[n-1]; EI_bot=EI[n-1]; EW_bot=EW[n-1]; dz_add=dz_bot; newcell(&dz,dz_bot,top,n); newcell(&T,T_bot,top,n); newcell(&W,W_bot,top,n); newcell(&m,m_bot,top,n); newcell(&d,d_bot,top,n); newcell(&a,a_bot,top,n); newcell(&adiff,adiff_bot,top,n); newcell(&re,re_bot,top,n); newcell(&gdn,gdn_bot,top,n); newcell(&gsp,gsp_bot,top,n); newcell(&EI,EI_bot,top,n); newcell(&EW,EW_bot,top,n); n=n+1; } else if (Ztot > zMax+Dtol){ // printf("Total depth > zMax %f \n", Ztot); // mass and energy loss mAdd = -(m[n-1]+W[n-1]); addE = -(T[n-1]*m[n-1]*CI) - (W[n-1]*(LF+CtoK*CI)); dz_add=-(dz[n-1]); // remove a grid cell from the bottom D_size=n-1; D=xNew(D_size); for(int i=0;i(D); } /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(Zcum); xDelete(dzMin2); xDelete(dzMax2); if(D)xDelete(D); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pT=T; *pd=d; *pdz=dz; *pW=W; *pa=a; *padiff=adiff; *pre=re; *pgdn=gdn; *pgsp=gsp; *pn=n; *pm=m; *pEI=EI; *pEW=EW; *pmAdd=mAdd; *paddE=addE; *pdz_add=dz_add; } /*}}}*/ void densification(IssmDouble** pd,IssmDouble** pdz, IssmDouble* T, IssmDouble* re, int denIdx, int aIdx, int swIdx, IssmDouble adThresh, IssmDouble C, IssmDouble dt, IssmDouble Tmean, IssmDouble dIce, int m, int sid){ /*{{{*/ //// THIS NEEDS TO BE DOUBLE CHECKED AS THERE SEAMS TO BE LITTLE DENSIFICATION IN THE MODEL OUTOUT [MAYBE COMPACTION IS COMPENSATED FOR BY TRACES OF SNOW???] //// FUNCTION INFO // Author: Alex Gardner, University of Alberta // Date last modified: FEB, 2008 // Description: // computes the densification of snow/firn using the emperical model of // Herron and Langway (1980) or the semi-emperical model of Anthern et al. // (2010) // Inputs: // denIdx = densification model to use: // 1 = emperical model of Herron and Langway (1980) // 2 = semi-imerical model of Anthern et al. (2010) // 3 = physical model from Appendix B of Anthern et al. (2010) // d = initial snow/firn density [kg m-3] // T = temperature [K] // dz = grid cell size [m] // C = average accumulation rate [kg m-2 yr-1] // dt = time lapsed [s] // re = effective grain radius [mm]; // Ta = mean annual temperature // Reference: // Herron and Langway (1980), Anthern et al. (2010) //// FOR TESTING // denIdx = 2; // d = 800; // T = 270; // dz = 0.005; // C = 200; // dt = 60*60; // re = 0.7; // Tmean = 273.15-18; //// MAIN FUNCTION // specify constants dt = dt / dts; // convert from [s] to [d] // R = 8.314 // gas constant [mol-1 K-1] // Ec = 60 // activation energy for self-diffusion of water // // molecules through the ice tattice [kJ mol-1] // Eg = 42.4 // activation energy for grain growth [kJ mol-1] /*intermediary: */ IssmDouble c0=0.0; IssmDouble c1=0.0; IssmDouble c2=0.0; IssmDouble H=0.0; IssmDouble M0=0.0; IssmDouble M1=0.0; IssmDouble M2=0.0; IssmDouble c0arth=0.0; IssmDouble c1arth=0.0; /*output: */ IssmDouble* dz=NULL; IssmDouble* d=NULL; if(VerboseSmb() && sid==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0)_printf0_(" densification module\n"); /*Recover pointers: */ dz=*pdz; d=*pd; // initial mass IssmDouble* mass_init = xNew(m);for(int i=0;i(m-1); cumdz[0]=dz[0]; for(int i=1;i(m); obp[0]=0.0; for(int i=1;i 550 [kg m-3] for(int i=0;i0){ M0 = max(2.2191 - (0.2301 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(2.2917 - (0.2710 * log(C)),0.25); } // ERA5 new aIdx=2, swIdx=0 //else if (aIdx==2){ //} //From Ligtenberg //H = exp((-60000.0/(Tmean * R)) + (42400.0/(Tmean * R))) * (C * 9.81); //M0 = max(1.435 - (0.151 * log(C)),0.25); //M1 = max(2.366 - (0.293 * log(C)),0.25); //RACMO M0 = max(1.6383 - (0.1691 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(1.9991 - (0.2414 * log(C)),0.25); c0 = M0*c0arth; c1 = M1*c1arth; c2 = M2*c1arth; break; case 7: // Kuipers Munneke and others (2015) [semi-emperical], Greenland // common variable // From literature: H = exp((-60000.0/(T[i] * R)) + (42400.0/(T[i] * R))) * (C * 9.81); H = exp((-60000.0/(T[i] * R)) + (42400.0/(Tmean * R))) * (C * 9.81); c0arth = 0.07 * H; c1arth = 0.03 * H; // ERA5 old //M0 = max(1.8554 - (0.1316 * log(C)),0.25); //M1 = max(2.8901 - (0.3014 * log(C)),0.25); // ERA5 new aIdx=1, swIdx=0 if (aIdx==1 && swIdx==0){ if (fabs(adThresh - 820) < Dtol){ // ERA5 v4 M0 = max(1.3566 - (0.1350 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(1.8705 - (0.2290 * log(C)),0.25); } else{ // ERA5 new aIdx=1, swIdx=0 //M0 = max(1.4574 - (0.1123 * log(C)),0.25); //M1 = max(2.0238 - (0.2070 * log(C)),0.25); // ERA5 new aIdx=1, swIdx=0, bare ice M0 = max(1.4318 - (0.1055 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(2.0453 - (0.2137 * log(C)),0.25); } } // ERA5 new aIdx=2, swIdx=1 else if (aIdx<3 && swIdx>0){ M0 = max(1.7834 - (0.1409 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(1.9260 - (0.1527 * log(C)),0.25); } // ERA5 new aIdx=2, swIdx=0 //else if (aIdx==2){ //} // From Kuipers Munneke //M0 = max(1.042 - (0.0916 * log(C)),0.25); //M1 = max(1.734 - (0.2039 * log(C)),0.25); // RACMO M0 = max(1.2691 - (0.1184 * log(C)),0.25); M1 = max(1.9983 - (0.2511 * log(C)),0.25); c0 = M0*c0arth; c1 = M1*c1arth; c2 = M2*c1arth; break; } // new snow density if(d[i] <= 550.0+Dtol) d[i] = d[i] + (c0 * (dIce - d[i]) / 365.0 * dt); else if(d[i] <= 830.0+Dtol | fabs(c2) dIce-Ptol) d[i]=dIce; // calculate new grid cell length dz[i] = mass_init[i] / d[i]; } /*Free resources:*/ xDelete(mass_init); xDelete(cumdz); xDelete(obp); /*Assign output pointers:*/ *pdz=dz; *pd=d; } /*}}}*/