1 | /*!\file ModelProcessorx
2 | * \brief: create datasets using input binary file and a set of requested analyses
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "../../classes/classes.h"
12 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
13 | #include "./ModelProcessorx.h"
14 |
15 | void ModelProcessorx(Elements** pelements, Nodes*** pnodes, Vertices** pvertices, Materials** pmaterials, Constraints*** pconstraints, Loads*** ploads, Parameters** pparameters,Inputs** pinputs,IoModel* iomodel,FILE* toolkitfile, char* rootpath,const int solution_enum,const int nummodels,const int* analysis_enum_list){
16 | _assert_(nummodels>0);
17 |
18 | /*Set Verbosity once for all*/
19 | int verbose;
20 | iomodel->FindConstant(&verbose,"md.verbose");
21 | SetVerbosityLevel(verbose);
22 |
23 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" starting model processor \n");
24 |
25 | /*Initialize datasets*/
26 | Elements *elements = new Elements();
27 | Vertices *vertices = new Vertices();
28 | Materials *materials = new Materials();
29 | Parameters *parameters = new Parameters();
30 | Constraints **constraints = xNew<Constraints*>(nummodels);
31 | Loads **loads = xNew<Loads*>(nummodels);
32 | Nodes **nodes = xNew<Nodes*>(nummodels);
33 | for(int i = 0;i<nummodels;i++) constraints[i] = new Constraints();
34 | for(int i = 0;i<nummodels;i++) loads[i] = new Loads();
35 | for(int i = 0;i<nummodels;i++) nodes[i] = new Nodes();
36 |
37 | /*Partition Elements and Nodes*/
38 | if (iomodel->numberofelements > 0) ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(iomodel);
39 |
40 | /*Create elements, vertices and materials, independent of analysis_enum: */
41 | CreateElements(elements,iomodel,nummodels);
42 | CreateVertices(elements,vertices,iomodel,solution_enum);
43 | CreateParameters(parameters,iomodel,rootpath,toolkitfile,solution_enum);
44 |
45 | /*Should move to CreateInputs*/
46 | Inputs *inputs = new Inputs(elements->Size(),vertices->Size());
47 | if (iomodel->domaintype != Domain3DsurfaceEnum) iomodel->FetchDataToInput(inputs,elements,"md.mesh.scale_factor",MeshScaleFactorEnum,1.);
48 |
49 | /*Can now do Materials since we have created Inputs*/
50 | CreateMaterials(elements,inputs,materials,iomodel,nummodels);
51 |
52 | /*Update datasets based on each analysis (and add nodes, constrains and loads)*/
53 | for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++){
54 |
55 | int analysis_enum=analysis_enum_list[i];
56 | parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(AnalysisCounterEnum,i));
57 |
58 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" creating datasets for analysis " << EnumToStringx(analysis_enum) << "\n");
59 | Analysis* analysis = EnumToAnalysis(analysis_enum);
60 | analysis->UpdateParameters(parameters,iomodel,solution_enum,analysis_enum);
61 | analysis->CreateNodes(nodes[i],iomodel);
62 | analysis->UpdateElements(elements,inputs,iomodel,i,analysis_enum);
63 | analysis->CreateConstraints(constraints[i],iomodel);
64 | analysis->CreateLoads(loads[i],iomodel);
65 | delete analysis;
66 |
67 | /*Tell datasets that Ids are already sorted*/
68 | constraints[i]->Presort();
69 | loads[i]->Presort();
70 | nodes[i]->Presort();
71 |
72 | /*Finalize loads (count pengrids,penpairs,rifts,etc)*/
73 | loads[i]->Finalize();
74 | }
75 |
76 | /*Solution specific updates*/
77 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" updating elements and materials for control parameters" << "\n");
78 | UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(elements,parameters,inputs,materials,iomodel);
79 | #ifdef _HAVE_DAKOTA_
80 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" updating elements and materials for uncertainty quantification" << "\n");
81 | UpdateElementsAndMaterialsDakota(elements,inputs,materials,iomodel);
82 | #endif
83 | if(solution_enum==TransientSolutionEnum) UpdateElementsTransient(elements,parameters,inputs,iomodel);
84 |
85 | /*Output definitions dataset: */
86 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" creating output definitions" << "\n");
87 | CreateOutputDefinitions(elements,parameters,inputs,iomodel);
88 |
89 | /* Sort datasets:
90 | * All our datasets are already ordered by ids. Set presort flag so that
91 | * later on, when sorting is requested on these datasets, it will not be
92 | * redone: */
93 | elements->Presort();
94 | vertices->Presort();
95 | materials->Presort();
96 |
97 | /*Assign output pointers:*/
98 | *pelements = elements;
99 | *pnodes = nodes;
100 | *pvertices = vertices;
101 | *pmaterials = materials;
102 | *pconstraints = constraints;
103 | *ploads = loads;
104 | *pparameters = parameters;
105 | *pinputs = inputs;
106 |
107 | if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" done with model processor \n");
108 | }