1 | /*!\file GroundinglineMigrationx
2 | * \brief: migration grounding line position.
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "./GroundinglineMigrationx.h"
6 | #include "./GroundinglineMigrationxLocal.h"
7 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
8 | #include "../../io/io.h"
9 | #include "../../include/include.h"
10 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
11 | #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
12 |
13 | /*FUNCTION PotentialSheetUngrounding {{{1*/
14 | double* PotentialSheetUngrounding(Elements* elements,Vertices* vertices,Parameters* parameters){
15 |
16 | int i,numberofvertices;
17 | double* vertices_potentially_ungrounding = NULL;
18 | Vec vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding = NULL;
19 | Element* element = NULL;
20 |
21 | /*Initialize vector with number of vertices*/
22 | numberofvertices=vertices->NumberOfVertices();
23 | vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding=NewVec(numberofvertices); //grounded vertex that could start floating
24 |
25 | /*Fill vector vertices_potentially_floating: */
26 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
27 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
28 | element->PotentialSheetUngrounding(vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding);
29 | }
30 |
31 | /*Assemble vector: */
32 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding);
33 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding);
34 |
35 | /*Serialize vector: */
36 | VecToMPISerial(&vertices_potentially_ungrounding,vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding);
37 |
38 | /*free ressouces and return: */
39 | VecFree(&vec_vertices_potentially_ungrounding);
40 | return vertices_potentially_ungrounding;
41 | }
42 | /*}}}*/
43 | /*FUNCTION PropagateShelfIntoConnexIceSheet {{{1*/
44 | double* PropagateShelfIntoConnexIceSheet(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Parameters* parameters,double* vertices_potentially_ungrounding){
45 |
46 | int i,analysis_type;
47 | int numberofvertices;
48 | int nflipped,local_nflipped;
49 | double* nodes_on_iceshelf = NULL;
50 | double* elements_touching_iceshelf = NULL;
51 | Vec vec_element_touching_iceshelf = NULL;
52 | Vec vec_nodes_on_iceshelf = NULL;
53 | Node* node = NULL;
54 | Element* element = NULL;
55 |
56 |
57 | /*recover parameters: */
58 | parameters->FindParam(&analysis_type,AnalysisTypeEnum);
59 | numberofvertices=vertices->NumberOfVertices();
60 |
61 | /*recover vec_nodes_on_iceshelf*/
62 | vec_nodes_on_iceshelf=NewVec(numberofvertices);
63 |
64 | /*Loop through nodes, and fill nodes_on_iceshelf: */
65 | for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){
66 | node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i);
67 | if(node->InAnalysis(analysis_type)){
68 | if(node->IsFloating()){
69 | VecSetValue(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,node->Sid(),1.0,INSERT_VALUES);
70 | }
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | /*Assemble vector and serialize: */
75 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
76 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
77 | VecToMPISerial(&nodes_on_iceshelf,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
78 |
79 | nflipped=1; //bootstrap
80 | while(nflipped){
81 |
82 | /*Vector of size number of elements*/
83 | vec_element_touching_iceshelf=NewVec(elements->NumberOfElements(),true);
84 |
85 | /*Figure out if any of the nodes of the element will be floating -> elements neighbouting the floating ice*/
86 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
87 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
88 | VecSetValue(vec_element_touching_iceshelf,element->Sid(),element->IsNodeOnShelfFromFlags(nodes_on_iceshelf)?1.0:0.0,INSERT_VALUES);
89 | }
90 |
91 | /*Assemble vector and serialize: */
92 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
93 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
94 | VecToMPISerial(&elements_touching_iceshelf,vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
95 |
96 | /*Go through elements_touching_iceshelf, and flag their nodes that can unground inside potential_sheet_ungrounding*/
97 | local_nflipped=0;
98 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
99 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
100 | if(elements_touching_iceshelf[element->Sid()]){
101 | local_nflipped+=element->UpdatePotentialSheetUngrounding(vertices_potentially_ungrounding,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,nodes_on_iceshelf);
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | MPI_Allreduce(&local_nflipped,&nflipped,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
106 | _printf_(VerboseConvergence()," number of grounded vertices connected to grounding line: %i\n",nflipped);
107 |
108 | /*Avoid leaks: */
109 | xfree((void**)&elements_touching_iceshelf);
110 | xfree((void**)&nodes_on_iceshelf);
111 |
112 | /*Assemble and serialize:*/
113 | VecFree(&vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
114 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
115 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
116 | VecToMPISerial(&nodes_on_iceshelf,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
117 | }
118 |
119 | /*Free ressources:*/
120 | VecFree(&vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
121 | xfree((void**)&elements_touching_iceshelf);
122 |
123 | return nodes_on_iceshelf;
124 | }
125 | /*}}}*/