1 | /*!\file GroundinglineMigrationx
2 | * \brief: migration grounding line position.
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "./GroundinglineMigrationx.h"
6 | #include "./GroundinglineMigrationxLocal.h"
7 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
8 | #include "../../io/io.h"
9 | #include "../../io/io.h"
10 | #include "../../include/include.h"
11 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
12 | #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
13 |
14 | /*FUNCTION AgressiveMigration{{{1*/
15 | void AgressiveMigration(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads,Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters){
16 | /*Here, whatever nodes inside the ice sheet want to unground, we allow -> instantaneous transmission of water through the bedrock: */
17 |
18 | int i;
19 | Element* element=NULL;
20 |
21 | _printf_(VerboseModule()," Migrating grounding line\n");
22 |
23 | /*Carry out grounding line migration for those elements: */
24 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
25 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
26 | element->AgressiveMigration();
27 | }
28 |
29 | /*Synchronize shelf status: */
30 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
31 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
32 | element->ShelfSync();
33 | }
34 |
35 | }
36 | /*}}}*/
37 | /*FUNCTION SoftMigration {{{1*/
38 | void SoftMigration(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads,Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters){
39 |
40 | /*intermediary: */
41 | int i;
42 | double* potential_sheet_ungrounding=NULL;
43 | double* sheet_ungrounding=NULL;
44 | Element* element=NULL;
45 |
46 | _printf_(VerboseModule()," Migrating grounding line\n");
47 |
48 | /*First, figure out which nodes that are on the ice sheet want to unground. Build a flags vector for this (size number of nodes: */
49 | potential_sheet_ungrounding=PotentialSheetUngrounding(elements,nodes,parameters);
50 |
51 | /*Now, propagate ice shelf into connex areas of the ice sheet that potentially want to unground: */
52 | sheet_ungrounding=PropagateShelfIntoConnexIceSheet(elements,nodes,parameters,potential_sheet_ungrounding);
53 |
54 | /*Now, use the sheet_ungrounding flags to unground the ice sheet (at the same time, take care of grounding elements of the ice shelf
55 | * that want to: */
56 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
57 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
58 | element->SoftMigration(sheet_ungrounding);
59 | }
60 |
61 | /*Synchronize shelf status: */
62 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
63 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
64 | element->ShelfSync();
65 | }
66 |
67 | /*free ressouces: */
68 | xfree((void**)&potential_sheet_ungrounding);
69 | xfree((void**)&sheet_ungrounding);
70 |
71 | }
72 | /*}}}*/
73 | /*FUNCTION PotentialSheetUngrounding {{{1*/
74 | double* PotentialSheetUngrounding(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes,Parameters* parameters){
75 |
76 | int i;
77 | Element* element=NULL;
78 | Vec vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding=NULL;
79 | double* potential_sheet_ungrounding=NULL;
80 | int numnods;
81 | int configuration_type;
82 |
83 | /*recover parameters: */
84 | parameters->FindParam(&configuration_type,ConfigurationTypeEnum);
85 |
86 | /*First, initialize vec_new_shelf_nodes, which will track which nodes have changed status: */
87 | numnods=nodes->NumberOfNodes(configuration_type);
88 | vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding=NewVec(numnods);
89 |
90 | /*Loop through elements, and fill vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding: */
91 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
92 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
93 | element->PotentialSheetUngrounding(vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding);
94 | }
95 |
96 | /*Assemble vector: */
97 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding);
98 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding);
99 |
100 | /*Serialize vector: */
101 | VecToMPISerial(&potential_sheet_ungrounding,vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding);
102 |
103 | /*free ressouces: */
104 | VecFree(&vec_potential_sheet_ungrounding);
105 |
106 | return potential_sheet_ungrounding;
107 | }
108 | /*}}}*/
109 | /*FUNCTION PropagateShelfIntoConnexIceSheet {{{1*/
110 | double* PropagateShelfIntoConnexIceSheet(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes,Parameters* parameters,double* potential_sheet_ungrounding){
111 |
112 | int i;
113 | Element* element=NULL;
114 | int numnods;
115 | int analysis_type;
116 | Vec vec_nodes_on_iceshelf=NULL;
117 | double* nodes_on_iceshelf=NULL;
118 | int nflipped,local_nflipped;
119 | double* elements_touching_iceshelf=NULL;
120 |
121 | /*recover parameters: */
122 | parameters->FindParam(&analysis_type,AnalysisTypeEnum);
123 |
124 | /*recover vec_nodes_on_iceshelf: */
125 | vec_nodes_on_iceshelf=CreateNodesOnIceShelf(nodes,analysis_type);
126 |
127 | nflipped=1; //bootstrap
128 | while(nflipped){
129 |
130 | /*get a list of potential elements that have nodes on ice shelf: */
131 | elements_touching_iceshelf=CreateElementTouchingIceShelf(elements,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
132 |
133 | /*now, go through elements_touching_iceshelf, and if they have nodes inside potential_sheet_ungrounding,
134 | * flag it: */
135 | local_nflipped=0;
136 |
137 | /*serialize vec_nodes_on_iceshelf, needed by element's UpdatePotentialSheetUngrounding routine, to figure out if
138 | * nodes have flipped from grounded to ungrounded: */
139 | VecToMPISerial(&nodes_on_iceshelf,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
140 |
141 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
142 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
143 | if(elements_touching_iceshelf[element->Sid()]){
144 | local_nflipped+=element->UpdatePotentialSheetUngrounding(potential_sheet_ungrounding,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,nodes_on_iceshelf);
145 | }
146 | }
147 |
148 | MPI_Allreduce(&local_nflipped,&nflipped,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
149 | _printf_(VerboseConvergence()," number of grounded vertices connected to grounding line: %i\n",nflipped);
150 |
151 | /*Avoid leaks: */
152 | xfree((void**)&nodes_on_iceshelf);
153 | xfree((void**)&elements_touching_iceshelf);
154 |
155 | /*Assemble:*/
156 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
157 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
158 | }
159 |
160 | /*Serialize: */
161 | VecToMPISerial(&nodes_on_iceshelf,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
162 |
163 | /*Free ressources:*/
164 | VecFree(&vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
165 | xfree((void**)&elements_touching_iceshelf);
166 |
167 | return nodes_on_iceshelf;
168 | }
169 | /*}}}*/
170 | /*FUNCTION CreateElementOnGroundingnine {{{1*/
171 | bool* CreateElementOnGroundingline(Elements* elements,double* element_on_iceshelf){
172 |
173 | int i;
174 | int j;
175 | Element *element = NULL;
176 | bool *element_on_gl = NULL;
177 | bool ongl=false;
178 | int *neighboorsids = NULL;
179 | int sid;
180 | int shelf;
181 |
182 | /*Go through elements, and look for elements that can possibly have a grounding line migration. These
183 | * are elements that touch the grounding line: */
184 | element_on_gl=(bool*)xmalloc(elements->Size()*sizeof(bool));
185 |
186 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
187 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
188 |
189 | sid=element->Sid();
190 | neighboorsids=element->GetHorizontalNeighboorSids();
191 |
192 | shelf=(int)element_on_iceshelf[sid];
193 | ongl=false;
194 | for(j=0;j<3;j++){
195 | if (neighboorsids[j]<0)continue; //this neighboor does not exist
196 | if ((shelf==1) & (element_on_iceshelf[neighboorsids[j]]==1))continue; //both this element and this neighboor are on th ice shelf
197 | if ((shelf==0) & (element_on_iceshelf[neighboorsids[j]]==0))continue; //both this element and this neighboor are on the ice sheet
198 | ongl=true; //neighboor j is on a different location than us, ie we are touching the grounding line.
199 | }
200 | element_on_gl[i]=ongl;
201 | }
202 |
203 | return element_on_gl;
204 | }
205 | /*}}}*/
206 | /*FUNCTION CreateElementOnIceShelf {{{1*/
207 | double* CreateElementOnIceShelf(Elements* elements){
208 |
209 | int i;
210 | Element* element=NULL;
211 | Vec vec_element_on_iceshelf=NULL;
212 | double* element_on_iceshelf=NULL;
213 |
214 | /*Create vector holding all the elements IsFloating flags: */
215 | vec_element_on_iceshelf=NewVec(elements->NumberOfElements(),true);
216 |
217 | /*Loop through elements, and fill vec_element_on_iceshelf: */
218 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
219 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
220 | VecSetValue(vec_element_on_iceshelf,element->Sid(),(int)element->IsFloating(),INSERT_VALUES);
221 | }
222 |
223 | /*Assemble vector: */
224 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_element_on_iceshelf);
225 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_element_on_iceshelf);
226 |
227 | /*Serialize vector: */
228 | VecToMPISerial(&element_on_iceshelf,vec_element_on_iceshelf);
229 |
230 | /*free ressouces: */
231 | VecFree(&vec_element_on_iceshelf);
232 |
233 | return element_on_iceshelf;
234 | }
235 | /*}}}*/
236 | /*FUNCTION CreateElementTouchingIceShelf {{{1*/
237 | double* CreateElementTouchingIceShelf(Elements* elements,Vec vec_nodes_on_iceshelf){
238 |
239 | int i;
240 | Element* element=NULL;
241 | Vec vec_element_touching_iceshelf=NULL;
242 | double* nodes_on_iceshelf=NULL;
243 |
244 | /*output: */
245 | double* element_touching_iceshelf=NULL;
246 |
247 | /*serialize: */
248 | VecToMPISerial(&nodes_on_iceshelf,vec_nodes_on_iceshelf);
249 |
250 | /*Create vector holding all the elements IsFloating flags: */
251 | vec_element_touching_iceshelf=NewVec(elements->NumberOfElements(),true);
252 |
253 | /*Loop through elements, and fill vec_element_touching_iceshelf: */
254 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
255 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
256 | VecSetValue(vec_element_touching_iceshelf,element->Sid(),element->IsNodeOnShelfFromFlags(nodes_on_iceshelf)?1.0:0.0,INSERT_VALUES);
257 | }
258 |
259 | /*Assemble vector: */
260 | VecAssemblyBegin(vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
261 | VecAssemblyEnd(vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
262 |
263 | /*Serialize vector: */
264 | VecToMPISerial(&element_touching_iceshelf,vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
265 |
266 | /*free ressouces: */
267 | VecFree(&vec_element_touching_iceshelf);
268 | xfree((void**)&nodes_on_iceshelf);
269 |
270 | return element_touching_iceshelf;
271 | }
272 | /*}}}*/
273 | /*FUNCTION UpdateShelfStatus {{{1*/
274 | int UpdateShelfStatus(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes,Parameters* parameters,double* element_touching_iceshelf){
275 |
276 | int i;
277 | Element* element=NULL;
278 | int configuration_type;
279 | int numnods;
280 | Vec vec_new_shelf_nodes=NULL;
281 | double* new_shelf_nodes=NULL;
282 |
283 | /*output: */
284 | int local_nflipped=0;
285 | int nflipped=0;
286 |
287 | /*recover parameters: */
288 | parameters->FindParam(&configuration_type,ConfigurationTypeEnum);
289 |
290 | /*First, initialize vec_new_shelf_nodes, which will track which nodes have changed status: */
291 | numnods=nodes->NumberOfNodes(configuration_type);
292 | vec_new_shelf_nodes=NewVec(numnods);
293 |
294 | /*Ok, now go through the elements that have gone through grounding line migration,
295 | * and update their flags: */
296 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
297 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
298 | if(element_touching_iceshelf[element->Sid()]){
299 | local_nflipped+=element->UpdateShelfStatus(vec_new_shelf_nodes);
300 | }
301 | }
302 | MPI_Allreduce(&local_nflipped,&nflipped,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
303 |
304 | /*Serialize vec_new_shelf_nodes: */
305 | VecToMPISerial(&new_shelf_nodes,vec_new_shelf_nodes);
306 |
307 | /*Now, go through ALL elements, and update the status of the nodes, to propagate what happened at the grounding line: */
308 | /*Carry out grounding line migration for those elements: */
309 | for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
310 | element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i);
311 | element->UpdateShelfFlags(new_shelf_nodes);
312 | }
313 |
314 | /*Free ressources: */
315 | VecFree(&vec_new_shelf_nodes);
316 | xfree((void**)&new_shelf_nodes);
317 |
318 | return nflipped;
319 | }
320 | /*}}}*/
321 | /*FUNCTION CreateNodesOnIceShelf {{{1*/
322 | Vec CreateNodesOnIceShelf(Nodes* nodes,int configuration_type){
323 |
324 | /*output: */
325 | Vec nodes_on_iceshelf=NULL;
326 |
327 | /*intermediary: */
328 | int numnods;
329 | int i;
330 | Node* node=NULL;
331 |
332 |
333 | /*First, initialize nodes_on_iceshelf, which will track which nodes have changed status: */
334 | numnods=nodes->NumberOfNodes(configuration_type);
335 | nodes_on_iceshelf=NewVec(numnods);
336 |
337 | /*Loop through nodes, and fill nodes_on_iceshelf: */
338 | for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){
339 | node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i);
340 | if(node->InAnalysis(configuration_type)){
341 | if(node->IsFloating()){
342 | VecSetValue(nodes_on_iceshelf,node->Sid(),1.0,INSERT_VALUES);
343 | }
344 | }
345 | }
346 |
347 | /*Assemble vector: */
348 | VecAssemblyBegin(nodes_on_iceshelf);
349 | VecAssemblyEnd(nodes_on_iceshelf);
350 |
351 | return nodes_on_iceshelf;
352 | }
353 | /*}}}*/