1 | /*!\file: PartitionSets.cpp
2 | * \brief partition degree of freedome sets
3 | */
4 |
5 | #include "stdio.h"
6 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
7 | #include "../include/include.h"
8 |
9 | void PartitionSets(Vec* ppartitionb, Vec* ppartitionc,Vec flags_a,Vec flags_b,Vec flags_c,int gsize){
10 |
11 | int i;
12 |
13 | /*output: */
14 | Vec partitionb=NULL;
15 | Vec partitionb_vec=NULL;
16 | double* partitionb_local=NULL;
17 | Vec partitionc=NULL;
18 | Vec partitionc_vec=NULL;
19 | double* partitionc_local=NULL;
20 |
21 | /*intermediary: */
22 | int local_size;
23 | int* idxm=NULL;
24 | double* flags_a_local=NULL;
25 | double* flags_b_local=NULL;
26 | double* flags_c_local=NULL;
27 | int lower_row, upper_row, range;
28 | int asize, bsize, csize;
29 | int acount, bcount, ccount, dummy;
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 | /*First recover flags locally on each cpu: */
34 | VecGetOwnershipRange(flags_a,&lower_row,&upper_row); upper_row--; range=upper_row-lower_row+1;
35 |
36 | if(range){
37 | idxm=(int*)xmalloc(range*sizeof(int));
38 | flags_a_local=(double*)xmalloc(range*sizeof(double));
39 | flags_b_local=(double*)xmalloc(range*sizeof(double));
40 | flags_c_local=(double*)xmalloc(range*sizeof(double));
41 | }
42 | for(i=0;i<range;i++)idxm[i]=lower_row+i;
43 |
44 | VecGetValues(flags_a,range,idxm,flags_a_local);
45 | VecGetValues(flags_b,range,idxm,flags_b_local);
46 | VecGetValues(flags_c,range,idxm,flags_c_local);
47 |
48 |
49 | /*Figure out local size of a, b and c sets on each cpu: */
50 | asize=0;
51 | bsize=0;
52 | csize=0;
53 | for(i=0;i<range;i++){
54 | if (flags_a_local[i]){
55 | if (flags_b_local[i])bsize++;
56 | if (flags_c_local[i])csize++;
57 | asize++;
58 | }
59 | }
60 |
61 | /*Figure out start of "a" set local cpu counter: */
62 | GetOwnershipBoundariesFromRange(&acount,&dummy,asize);
63 |
64 | /*Allocate local partitioning vectors: */
65 | if(bsize)partitionb_local=(double*)xmalloc(bsize*sizeof(double));
66 | if(csize)partitionc_local=(double*)xmalloc(csize*sizeof(double));
67 |
68 | /*Loop again, and plug values: */
69 | bcount=0;
70 | ccount=0;
71 | for(i=0;i<range;i++){
72 | if (flags_a_local[i]){
73 | if (flags_b_local[i]){
74 | partitionb_local[bcount]=acount+1; //matlab indexing
75 | bcount++;
76 | }
77 | if (flags_c_local[i]){
78 | partitionc_local[ccount]=acount+1; //matlab indexing
79 | ccount++;
80 | }
81 | if (flags_b_local[i] && flags_c_local[i]) ISSMERROR("%s%i%s"," for dof ",i,": breach of exclusive partitioning between sets");
82 |
83 | acount++;
84 | }
85 | }
86 |
87 | /*Now, using the local partitions for b and c, create parallel vectors: */
88 | VecCreateMPIWithArray(MPI_COMM_WORLD,bsize,PETSC_DECIDE,partitionb_local,&partitionb_vec);
89 | VecCreateMPIWithArray(MPI_COMM_WORLD,csize,PETSC_DECIDE,partitionc_local,&partitionc_vec);
90 |
91 | VecAssemblyBegin(partitionb_vec);
92 | VecAssemblyEnd(partitionb_vec);
93 |
94 | VecAssemblyBegin(partitionc_vec);
95 | VecAssemblyEnd(partitionc_vec);
96 |
97 | /*Now we must duplicate these vectors because:
98 | *
99 | * Petsc specifies on http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/snapshots/petsc-current/docs/manualpages/Vec/VecCreateMPIWithArray.html
100 | * "PETSc does NOT free the array when the vector is destroyed via VecDestroy().
101 | * The user should not free the array until the vector is destroyed"
102 | *
103 | * The only way we can keep the vector partitionb_vec while destroying the array partitionb_local
104 | * is to duplicate the vector and then destroy the initial vector as well as the array*/
105 | VecDuplicate(partitionb_vec,&partitionb); VecCopy(partitionb_vec,partitionb); VecFree(&partitionb_vec); xfree((void**)&partitionb_local);
106 | VecDuplicate(partitionc_vec,&partitionc); VecCopy(partitionc_vec,partitionc); VecFree(&partitionc_vec); xfree((void**)&partitionc_local);
107 |
108 | /*Free ressources:*/
109 | xfree((void**)&idxm);
110 | xfree((void**)&flags_a_local);
111 | xfree((void**)&flags_b_local);
112 | xfree((void**)&flags_c_local);
113 |
114 | /*Assign output pointers*/
115 | *ppartitionb=partitionb;
116 | *ppartitionc=partitionc;
117 |
118 | }