1 | /*\file matlabio.h
2 | *\brief: I/O for ISSM in matlab mode
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifndef _MATLAB_IO_H_
6 | #define _MATLAB_IO_H_
7 |
8 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
9 | #include <config.h>
10 | #else
11 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | #include "../../objects/objects.h"
15 | #include "../../Container/Container.h"
16 | #include "../../include/include.h"
17 |
18 | #include <mex.h>
19 |
20 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,Matrix* matrix);
21 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,double* matrix, int M,int N);
22 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,int* matrix, int M,int N);
23 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,Vector* vector);
24 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,double* vector, int M);
25 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,int integer);
26 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,bool boolean);
27 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,double scalar);
28 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,char* string);
29 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,BamgGeom* bamggeom);
30 | void WriteData(mxArray** pdataref,BamgMesh* bamgmesh);
31 |
32 | void FetchData(double** pmatrix,int* pM,int *pN,const mxArray* dataref);
33 | void FetchData(double** pmatrix,int* pnumel,int* pndims,int** psize,const mxArray* dataref);
34 | void FetchData(int** pmatrix,int* pM,int *pN,const mxArray* dataref);
35 | void FetchData(bool** pmatrix,int* pM,int *pN,const mxArray* dataref);
36 | void FetchData(bool** pmatrix,int* pnumel,int* pndims,int** psize,const mxArray* dataref);
37 | void FetchData(Matrix** pmatrix,const mxArray* dataref);
38 | void FetchData(int** pvector,int* pM,const mxArray* dataref);
39 | void FetchData(float** pvector,int* pM,const mxArray* dataref);
40 | void FetchData(double** pvector,int* pM,const mxArray* dataref);
41 | void FetchData(bool** pvector,int* pM,const mxArray* dataref);
42 | void FetchData(Vector** pvector,const mxArray* dataref);
43 | void FetchData(char** pstring,const mxArray* dataref);
44 | void FetchData(char** pmatrix,int* pnumel,int* pndims,int** psize,const mxArray* dataref);
45 | void FetchData(double* pscalar,const mxArray* dataref);
46 | void FetchData(int* pinteger,const mxArray* dataref);
47 | void FetchData(bool* pbool,const mxArray* dataref);
48 | void FetchData(BamgGeom** bamggeom,const mxArray* dataref);
49 | void FetchData(BamgMesh** bamgmesh,const mxArray* dataref);
50 | void FetchData(BamgOpts** bamgopts,const mxArray* dataref);
51 | void FetchData(Options** poptions,int istart, int nrhs,const mxArray** pdataref);
52 |
53 | Option* OptionParse(char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
54 | OptionDouble* OptionDoubleParse( char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
55 | OptionLogical* OptionLogicalParse( char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
56 | OptionChar* OptionCharParse( char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
57 | OptionStruct* OptionStructParse( char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
58 | OptionCell* OptionCellParse( char* name, const mxArray* prhs[]);
59 |
60 | mxArray* mxGetAssignedField(const mxArray* pmxa_array,int number, const char* field);
61 | void SetStructureField(mxArray* dataref,const char* fieldname,int fieldrows,int fieldcols,double* fieldpointer);
62 | int CheckNumMatlabArguments(int nlhs,int NLHS, int nrhs,int NRHS, const char* THISFUNCTION, void (*function)( void ));
63 |
64 | /*Matlab to Matrix routines: */
65 | Matrix* MatlabMatrixToMatrix(const mxArray* mxmatrix);
66 | Vector* MatlabVectorToVector(const mxArray* mxvector);
67 |
68 | /*Matlab to double* routines: */
69 | int MatlabVectorToDoubleVector(double** pvector,int* pvector_rows,const mxArray* mxvector);
70 | int MatlabMatrixToDoubleMatrix(double** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_rows,int* pmatrix_cols,const mxArray* mxmatrix);
71 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(double** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix);
72 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(bool** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix);
73 | int MatlabNArrayToNArray(char** pmatrix,int* pmatrix_numel,int* pmatrix_ndims,int** pmatrix_size,const mxArray* mxmatrix);
74 |
75 | /*Matlab to SeqMat routines: */
76 | SeqMat* MatlabMatrixToSeqMat(const mxArray* dataref);
77 | SeqVec* MatlabVectorToSeqVec(const mxArray* dataref);
78 |
79 | /*Matlab to Petsc routines: */
80 | #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_
81 | int MatlabMatrixToPetscMatrix(Mat* matrix,int* prows,int* pcols, const mxArray* mxmatrix);
82 | int MatlabVectorToPetscVector(Vec* pvector,int* pvector_rows,const mxArray* mxvector);
83 | #endif
84 |
85 |
86 | #endif /* _IO_H_ */