1 | /*!\file Moulin.h
2 | * \brief: header file for pengrid object */
3 |
4 | #ifndef _MOULIN_H_
5 | #define _MOULIN_H_
6 |
7 | /*Headers:*/
8 | /*{{{*/
9 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
10 | #include <config.h>
11 | #else
12 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
13 | #endif
14 | #include "./Load.h"
15 | class Hook;
16 | class Inputs;
17 | class Parameters;
18 | class IoModel;
19 | /*}}}*/
20 |
21 | class Moulin: public Load{
22 |
23 | private:
24 |
25 | int id;
26 | int analysis_type;
27 |
28 | /*Hooks*/
29 | Hook* hnode; //hook to 1 node
30 | Hook* helement; //hook to 1 element
31 | Hook* hmatpar; //hook to 1 matpar
32 |
33 | /*Corresponding fields*/
34 | Node *node;
35 | Element *element;
36 | Matpar *matpar;
37 |
38 | Parameters* parameters; //pointer to solution parameters
39 |
40 | public:
41 |
42 | /*Moulin constructors, destructors {{{*/
43 | Moulin();
44 | Moulin(int index, int id, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_type);
45 | ~Moulin();
46 | /*}}}*/
47 | /*Object virtual functions definitions:{{{ */
48 | void Echo();
49 | void DeepEcho();
50 | int Id();
51 | int ObjectEnum();
52 | Object* copy();
53 | void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction);
54 | /*}}}*/
55 | /*Update virtual functions resolution: {{{*/
56 | void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type);
57 | void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix ,int nrows, int ncols, int name, int type);
58 | void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type);
59 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name);
60 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
61 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name);
62 | void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error_("not implemented yet");};
63 | /*}}}*/
64 | /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/
65 | void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters);
66 | void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters);
67 | void ResetHooks();
68 | void CreateKMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Kff, Matrix<IssmDouble>* Kfs);
69 | void CreatePVector(Vector<IssmDouble>* pf);
70 | void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Jff){_error_("Not implemented yet");};
71 | void GetNodesSidList(int* sidlist);
72 | void GetNodesLidList(int* lidlist);
73 | int GetNumberOfNodes(void);
74 | bool IsPenalty(void);
75 | void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error_("Not implemented yet");};
76 | void PenaltyCreateKMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Kff, Matrix<IssmDouble>* kfs, IssmDouble kmax);
77 | void PenaltyCreatePVector(Vector<IssmDouble>* pf, IssmDouble kmax);
78 | void SetwiseNodeConnectivity(int* d_nz,int* o_nz,Node* node,bool* flags,int* flagsindices,int set1_enum,int set2_enum);
79 | bool InAnalysis(int analysis_type);
80 | /*}}}*/
81 |
82 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorMoulin(void);
83 | };
84 |
85 | #endif /* _MOULIN_H_ */