1 | /*! \file Tria.h
2 | * \brief: header file for tria object
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifndef _TRIA_H_
6 | #define _TRIA_H_
7 |
8 | /*Headers:*/
9 | /*{{{*/
10 | #include "./Element.h"
11 | #include "./ElementHook.h"
12 | #include "./TriaRef.h"
13 | class Parameters;
14 | class Inputs;
15 | class IoModel;
16 | class Results;
17 | class Node;
18 | class Material;
19 | class Matpar;
20 | class Seg;
21 | class ElementMatrix;
22 | class ElementVector;
23 | class Vertex;
24 |
25 | #include "../../shared/Exceptions/exceptions.h"
26 | #include "../../shared/Enum/Enum.h"
27 | /*}}}*/
28 |
29 | class Tria: public Element,public ElementHook,public TriaRef{
30 |
31 | public:
32 |
33 | int id;
34 | int sid;
35 |
36 | Node **nodes; // nodes
37 | Vertex **vertices; // 3 vertices
38 | Material *material; // 1 material ice
39 | Matpar *matpar; // 1 material parameter
40 |
41 | Parameters *parameters; //pointer to solution parameters
42 | Inputs *inputs;
43 |
44 | /*Tria constructors, destructors {{{*/
45 | Tria();
46 | Tria(int tria_id,int tria_sid,int i, IoModel* iomodel,int nummodels);
47 | ~Tria();
48 | /*}}}*/
49 | /*Object virtual functions definitions:{{{ */
50 | void Echo();
51 | void DeepEcho();
52 | int Id();
53 | int ObjectEnum();
54 | Object *copy();
55 | /*}}}*/
56 | /*Update virtual functions resolution: {{{*/
57 | void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solutiong);
58 | void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type);
59 | #ifdef _HAVE_DAKOTA_
60 | void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type);
61 | void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nows, int ncols, int name, int type);
62 | #endif
63 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name);
64 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name);
65 | void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name);
66 | void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel);
67 | /*}}}*/
68 | /*Element virtual functions definitions: {{{*/
69 | void ComputeBasalStress(Vector<IssmDouble>* sigma_b);
70 | void ComputeStrainRate(Vector<IssmDouble>* eps);
71 | void ComputeStressTensor();
72 | void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodesin,Vertices* verticesin,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters);
73 | void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters);
74 | void SetwiseNodeConnectivity(int* d_nz,int* o_nz,Node* node,bool* flags,int* flagsindices,int set1_enum,int set2_enum);
75 | void CreateKMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Kff, Matrix<IssmDouble>* Kfs);
76 | void CreateDVector(Vector<IssmDouble>* df);
77 | void CreatePVector(Vector<IssmDouble>* pf);
78 | void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix<IssmDouble>* Jff);
79 | void Delta18oParameterization(void);
80 | int GetNodeIndex(Node* node);
81 | void GetNodesSidList(int* sidlist);
82 | void GetNodesLidList(int* lidlist);
83 | int GetNumberOfNodes(void);
84 | int Sid();
85 | bool IsOnBed();
86 | bool HasEdgeOnBed();
87 | bool HasEdgeOnSurface();
88 | void EdgeOnSurfaceIndices(int* pindex1,int* pindex);
89 | void EdgeOnBedIndices(int* pindex1,int* pindex);
90 | int EdgeOnBedIndex();
91 | int EdgeOnSurfaceIndex();
92 | bool IsFloating();
93 | bool IsNodeOnShelfFromFlags(IssmDouble* flags);
94 | bool NoIceInElement();
95 | void GetSolutionFromInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution);
96 | void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector, int name_enum);
97 | void InputCreate(IssmDouble* vector,IoModel* iomodel,int M,int N,int vector_type,int vector_enum,int code);
98 | void InputDepthAverageAtBase(int enum_type,int average_enum_type,int object_enum=MeshElementsEnum);
99 | void InputDuplicate(int original_enum,int new_enum);
100 | void InputScale(int enum_type,IssmDouble scale_factor);
101 | void MaterialUpdateFromTemperature(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
102 | int NodalValue(IssmDouble* pvalue, int index, int natureofdataenum);
103 | void PositiveDegreeDay(IssmDouble* pdds,IssmDouble* pds,IssmDouble signorm);
104 | void ResultInterpolation(int* pinterpolation,int output_enum);
105 | void ResultToVector(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector,int output_enum);
106 | void ResetCoordinateSystem(void);
107 | void SmbGradients();
108 | IssmDouble SurfaceArea(void);
109 | void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type,int finitelement);
110 | IssmDouble TimeAdapt();
111 |
112 | #ifdef _HAVE_RESPONSES_
113 | void AverageOntoPartition(Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_contributions,Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_areas,IssmDouble* vertex_response,IssmDouble* qmu_part);
114 | IssmDouble IceVolume(void);
115 | IssmDouble IceVolumeAboveFloatation(void);
116 | IssmDouble TotalSmb(void);
117 | void MinVel(IssmDouble* pminvel);
118 | void MinVx(IssmDouble* pminvx);
119 | void MinVy(IssmDouble* pminvy);
120 | void MinVz(IssmDouble* pminvz);
121 | IssmDouble MassFlux(IssmDouble* segment);
122 | IssmDouble MassFlux(IssmDouble x1,IssmDouble y1, IssmDouble x2, IssmDouble y2,int segment_id);
123 | void MaxAbsVx(IssmDouble* pmaxabsvx);
124 | void MaxAbsVy(IssmDouble* pmaxabsvy);
125 | void MaxAbsVz(IssmDouble* pmaxabsvz);
126 | void ElementResponse(IssmDouble* presponse,int response_enum);
127 | void MaxVel(IssmDouble* pmaxvel);
128 | void MaxVx(IssmDouble* pmaxvx);
129 | void MaxVy(IssmDouble* pmaxvy);
130 | void MaxVz(IssmDouble* pmaxvz);
131 | #endif
132 |
133 | #ifdef _HAVE_GIA_
134 | void GiaDeflection(Vector<IssmDouble>* wg,Vector<IssmDouble>* dwgdt,IssmDouble* x,IssmDouble* y);
135 | #endif
136 |
137 | #ifdef _HAVE_CONTROL_
138 | IssmDouble DragCoefficientAbsGradient(void);
139 | void GradientIndexing(int* indexing,int control_index);
140 | void Gradj(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_type,int control_index);
141 | void GradjBGradient(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
142 | void GradjDGradient(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
143 | void GradjBSSA(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
144 | void GradjDSSA(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
145 | void GradjDragSSA(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
146 | void GradjDragFS(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
147 | void GradjDragGradient(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
148 | void GradjDhDtBalancedthickness(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
149 | void GradjVxBalancedthickness(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
150 | void GradjVyBalancedthickness(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
151 | void GradjThicknessBalancethicknessSoft(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_index);
152 | void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data);
153 | void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index);
154 | void ControlInputGetGradient(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index);
155 | void ControlInputScaleGradient(int enum_type,IssmDouble scale);
156 | void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index);
157 | void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum);
158 | IssmDouble RheologyBbarAbsGradient(void);
159 | IssmDouble ThicknessAbsMisfit(void);
160 | IssmDouble SurfaceAbsVelMisfit(void);
161 | IssmDouble ThicknessAbsGradient(void);
162 | IssmDouble ThicknessAlongGradient(void);
163 | IssmDouble ThicknessAcrossGradient(void);
164 | IssmDouble BalancethicknessMisfit(void);
165 | IssmDouble SurfaceRelVelMisfit(void);
166 | IssmDouble SurfaceLogVelMisfit(void);
167 | IssmDouble SurfaceLogVxVyMisfit(void);
168 | IssmDouble SurfaceAverageVelMisfit(void);
169 | void InputControlUpdate(IssmDouble scalar,bool save_parameter);
170 | #endif
171 |
173 | void PotentialUngrounding(Vector<IssmDouble>* potential_sheet_ungrounding);
174 | void MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding);
175 | int UpdatePotentialUngrounding(IssmDouble* vertices_potentially_ungrounding,Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_nodes_on_iceshelf,IssmDouble* nodes_on_iceshelf);
176 | #endif
177 |
178 | /*}}}*/
179 | /*Tria specific routines:{{{*/
180 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrix(void);
181 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixBalancethickness(void);
182 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixBalancethickness_DG(void);
183 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixBalancethickness_CG(void);
184 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixBalancevelocity(void);
185 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixSmoothedSlope(void);
186 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixMelting(void);
187 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixMasstransport(void);
188 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixMasstransport_CG(void);
189 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixMasstransport_DG(void);
190 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixExtrusion(void);
191 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixExtrusionVolume(void);
192 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixExtrusionSurface(void);
193 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixExtrusionBed(void);
194 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixFreeSurfaceTop(void);
195 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixFreeSurfaceTop1D(void);
196 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixFreeSurfaceBase(void);
197 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixFreeSurfaceBase1D(void);
198 | ElementMatrix* CreateMassMatrix(void);
199 | ElementMatrix* CreateBasalMassMatrix(void);
200 | ElementVector* CreatePVector(void);
201 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorBalancethickness(void);
202 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorBalancethickness_DG(void);
203 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorBalancethickness_CG(void);
204 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorBalancevelocity(void);
205 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorSmoothedSlopeX(void);
206 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorSmoothedSlopeY(void);
207 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorMasstransport(void);
208 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorMasstransport_CG(void);
209 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorMasstransport_DG(void);
210 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorFreeSurfaceTop(void);
211 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorFreeSurfaceTop1D(void);
212 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorFreeSurfaceBase(void);
213 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorFreeSurfaceBase1D(void);
214 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorL2Projection(void);
215 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorL2ProjectionBase(void);
216 | IssmDouble GetArea(void);
217 | void GetAreaCoordinates(IssmDouble *area_coordinates,IssmDouble xyz_zero[3][3],IssmDouble xyz_list[3][3],int numpoints);
218 | int GetElementType(void);
219 | void GetDofList(int** pdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum);
220 | void GetDofListVelocity(int** pdoflist,int setenum);
221 | void GetDofListPressure(int** pdoflist,int setenum);
222 | void GetVertexPidList(int* doflist);
223 | void GetVertexSidList(int* sidlist);
224 | void GetConnectivityList(int* connectivity);
225 | void GetGroundedPart(int* point1,IssmDouble* fraction1, IssmDouble* fraction2,bool* mainlyfloating);
226 | IssmDouble GetGroundedPortion(IssmDouble* xyz_list);
227 | void GetSegmentNormal(IssmDouble* normal,IssmDouble xyz_list[2][3]);
228 | void GetZeroLevelsetCoordinates(IssmDouble* xyz_zero,IssmDouble xyz_list[3][3],int levelsetenum);
229 | void GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype);
230 | void GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue);
231 | void GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue,int index); //TO BE REMOVED
232 | void GetInputListOnNodes(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype);
233 | void GetInputListOnNodes(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue);
234 | void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,Node* node,int enumtype);
235 | void GetMaterialInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,Node* node,int enumtype);
236 | void GetStrainRate2d(IssmDouble* epsilon,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss, Input* vx_input, Input* vy_input);
237 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDof(IssmDouble* solution,int enum_type);
238 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionMasstransport(IssmDouble* solution);
239 | bool IsInput(int name);
240 | void SetClone(int* minranks);
241 | Seg* SpawnSeg(int index1,int index2);
242 | void SurfaceNormal(IssmDouble* surface_normal, IssmDouble xyz_list[3][3]);
243 |
245 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceSSA(void);
246 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceSSAViscous(void);
247 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceSSAFriction(void);
248 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceSIA(void);
249 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceFS(void);
250 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceFSViscous(void);
251 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixStressbalanceFSFriction(void);
252 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceSSA(void);
253 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceSSADrivingStress(void);
254 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceSSAFront(void);
255 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceSIA(void);
256 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceFS(void);
257 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceFSFront(void);
258 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceFSViscous(void);
259 | void PVectorGLSstabilization(ElementVector* pe);
260 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorStressbalanceFSShelf(void);
261 | ElementMatrix* CreateJacobianStressbalanceSSA(void);
262 | void GetSolutionFromInputsStressbalanceFS(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution);
263 | void GetSolutionFromInputsStressbalanceHoriz(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution);
264 | void GetSolutionFromInputsStressbalanceSIA(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution);
265 | IssmDouble GetYcoord(GaussTria* gauss);
266 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionStressbalanceHoriz( IssmDouble* solution);
267 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionStressbalanceFS( IssmDouble* solution);
268 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionStressbalanceSIA( IssmDouble* solution);
269 | #endif
270 |
271 | #ifdef _HAVE_CONTROL_
272 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixAdjointBalancethickness(void);
273 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixAdjointSSA(void);
274 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorAdjointHoriz(void);
275 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorAdjointBalancethickness(void);
276 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionAdjointHoriz( IssmDouble* solution);
277 | #endif
278 |
279 | void UpdateConstraintsExtrudeFromBase(void);
280 | void UpdateConstraintsExtrudeFromTop(void);
281 | #ifdef _HAVE_THERMAL_
282 | void UpdateBasalConstraintsEnthalpy(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
283 | void ComputeBasalMeltingrate(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
284 | void DrainWaterfraction(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
285 | #endif
286 |
287 | #ifdef _HAVE_HYDROLOGY_
288 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixHydrologyShreve(void);
289 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixHydrologyDCInefficient(void);
290 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixHydrologyDCEfficient(void);
291 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorHydrologyShreve(void);
292 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorHydrologyDCInefficient(void);
293 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorHydrologyDCEfficient(void);
294 | void GetSolutionFromInputsOneDof(Vector<IssmDouble>* solution,int enum_type);
295 | void CreateHydrologyWaterVelocityInput(void);
296 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionHydrology(IssmDouble* solution);
297 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionHydrologyShreve(IssmDouble* solution);
298 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionHydrologyDC(IssmDouble* solution);
299 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionHydrologyDCInefficient(IssmDouble* solution);
300 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionHydrologyDCEfficient(IssmDouble* solution);
301 | void GetHydrologyDCInefficientHmax(IssmDouble* ph_max, Node* innode);
302 | void GetHydrologyTransfer(Vector<IssmDouble>* transfer);
303 | void HydrologyEPLGetActive(Vector<IssmDouble>* active_vec);
304 | void HydrologyEPLGetMask(Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_mask);
305 | bool AllActive(void);
306 | bool AnyActive(void);
307 | #endif
308 |
309 | #ifdef _HAVE_DAMAGE_
310 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixDamageEvolution(void);
311 | ElementMatrix* CreateKMatrixDamageEvolution_CG(void);
312 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorDamageEvolution(void);
313 | ElementVector* CreatePVectorDamageEvolution_CG(void);
314 | void DamageEvolutionF(IssmDouble* flist);
315 | void InputUpdateFromSolutionDamageEvolution(IssmDouble* solution);
316 | #endif
317 |
318 |
319 | /*}}}*/
320 |
321 | };
322 | #endif /* _TRIA_H */