1 | /*!\file: IssmDirectApplicInterface.* This code is only valid for Dakota versions lower than 5!
2 | *
3 | * \brief: derived DirectApplicInterface class declaration and implementation, taylored to the ISSM cores.
4 | * This class is registered into the interface database of Dakota, and is used to directly call ISSM cores
5 | * from Dakota.
6 | *
7 | * This routine helps running ISSM and Dakota in library mode, for Dakota versions that are <=5, and which
8 | * do not really support parallelism. In library mode, Dakota does not
9 | * run as an execuatble. Its capabilities are linked into the ISSM software, and ISSM calls dakota routines
10 | * directly from the dakota library. dakota_core.cpp is the code that is in charge of calling those routines.
11 | *
12 | * Prior to versions 6 and more, Dakota had its own way of running in parallel (for embarassingly parallel jobs).
13 | * We do not want that, as ISSM knows exactly how to run "really parallel" jobs that use all CPUS. To bypass Dakota's parallelism,
14 | * we overloaded the constructor for the parallel library (see the Dakota patch in the externalpackages/dakota
15 | * directory). This overloaded constructor fires up Dakota serially on CPU 0 only! We take care of broadcasting
16 | * to the other CPUS, hence ISSM is running in parallel, and Dakota serially on CPU0.
17 | *
18 | * Now, how does CPU 0 drive all other CPUS to carry out sensitivity analysese? By synchronizing its call to
19 | * our ISSM cores (stressbalance_core, thermal_core, transient_core, etc ...) on CPU 0 with all other CPUS.
20 | * This explains the structure of dakota_core.cpp, where cpu 0 runs Dakota, the Dakota pluggin fires up DakotaSpawnCore.cpp,
21 | * while the other CPUS are waiting for a broadcast from CPU0, once they get it, they also fire up
22 | * DakotaSpawnCore. In the end, DakotaSpawnCore is fired up on all CPUS, with CPU0 having Dakota inputs, that it will
23 | * broacast to other CPUS.
24 | *
25 | * Now, how does dakota call the DakotaSpawnCore routine? The DakotaSpawnCore is embedded into the IssmDirectApplicInterface object
26 | * which is derived from the Direct Interface Dakota objct. This is the only way to run Dakota in library
27 | * mode (see their developper guide for more info). Dakota registers the IssmDirectApplicInterface object into its own
28 | * database, and calls on the embedded DakotaSpawnCore from CPU0.
29 | *
30 | */
31 |
32 | /*Issm Configuration: {{{*/
33 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
34 | #include <config.h>
35 | #else
36 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
37 | #endif
38 | /*}}}*/
39 |
40 | #if !defined(_WRAPPERS_) && defined(_HAVE_DAKOTA_) && (_DAKOTA_MAJOR_ <= 5) //this only works for Dakota <=5, which had no effective parallel capabilities yet.
41 |
42 | /*Dakota include files:{{{*/
43 | #if (_DAKOTA_MAJOR_ < 5 || (_DAKOTA_MAJOR_ == 5 && _DAKOTA_MINOR_ < 3))
44 | #include <DirectApplicInterface.H>
45 | #include <DakotaResponse.H>
46 | #include <ParamResponsePair.H>
47 | #include <system_defs.h>
48 | #include <ProblemDescDB.H>
49 | #include <ParallelLibrary.H>
50 | #else
51 | #include <DirectApplicInterface.hpp>
52 | #include <DakotaResponse.hpp>
53 | #include <ParamResponsePair.hpp>
54 | #include <ProblemDescDB.hpp>
55 | #include <ParallelLibrary.hpp>
56 | #endif
57 | /*}}}*/
58 |
59 | int DakotaSpawnCore(double* d_responses, int d_numresponses, double* d_variables, char** d_variables_descriptors,int d_numvariables, void* void_femmodel,int counter);
60 |
61 | /*IssmDirectApplicInterface class */
62 | namespace SIM {
63 | class IssmDirectApplicInterface: public Dakota::DirectApplicInterface{
64 | public:
65 | /*these fields are used by core solutions: */
66 | void *femmodel;
67 | int counter;
68 | /*Constructors/Destructors*/
69 | IssmDirectApplicInterface(const Dakota::ProblemDescDB& problem_db,void* in_femmodel):Dakota::DirectApplicInterface(problem_db){/*{{{*/
70 | femmodel = in_femmodel;
71 | counter = 0;
72 | }/*}}}*/
73 | ~IssmDirectApplicInterface(){/*{{{*/
74 | /* Virtual destructor handles referenceCount at Interface level. */
75 | }/*}}}*/
76 | protected:
77 | /*execute the input filter portion of a direct evaluation invocation*/
78 | //int derived_map_if(const Dakota::String& if_name);
79 | /*execute an analysis code portion of a direct evaluation invocation*/
80 | int derived_map_ac(const Dakota::String& driver){/*{{{*/
81 |
82 | int i;
83 | IssmDouble* variables=NULL;
84 | char** variable_descriptors=NULL;
85 | char* variable_descriptor=NULL;
86 | IssmDouble* responses=NULL;
87 |
88 | /*increae counter: */
89 | counter++;
90 |
91 | /*Before launching analysis, we need to transfer the dakota inputs into Issm
92 | *readable variables: */
93 |
94 | /*First, the variables: */
95 | variables=xNew<IssmDouble>(numACV);
96 | for(i=0;i<numACV;i++){
97 | variables[i]=xC[i];
98 | }
99 | /*The descriptors: */
100 | variable_descriptors=xNew<char*>(numACV);
101 | for(i=0;i<numACV;i++){
102 | std::string label=xCLabels[i];
103 | variable_descriptor=xNew<char>(strlen(label.c_str())+1);
104 | memcpy(variable_descriptor,label.c_str(),(strlen(label.c_str())+1)*sizeof(char));
105 |
106 | variable_descriptors[i]=variable_descriptor;
107 | }
108 |
109 | /*Initialize responses: */
110 | responses=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(numFns);
111 |
112 | /*run core solution: */
113 | DakotaSpawnCore(responses,numFns, variables,variable_descriptors,numACV,femmodel,counter);
114 |
115 | /*populate responses: */
116 | for(i=0;i<numFns;i++){
117 | fnVals[i]=responses[i];
118 | }
119 |
120 | /*Free resources:*/
121 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(variables);
122 | for(i=0;i<numACV;i++){
123 | variable_descriptor=variable_descriptors[i];
124 | xDelete<char>(variable_descriptor);
125 | }
126 | xDelete<char*>(variable_descriptors);
127 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(responses);
128 |
129 | return 0;
130 | }/*}}}*/
131 | /*execute the output filter portion of a direct evaluation invocation*/
132 | //int derived_map_of(const Dakota::String& of_name);
133 | /*add for issm: */
134 | int GetCounter(){/*{{{*/
135 | return counter;
136 | }/*}}}*/
137 | private:
138 | };
139 | }
140 | #endif