3 |
4 | /*Includes*/
5 | /*{{{*/
6 | /*Common includes*/
7 | #include <iostream>
8 | #include <fstream>
9 | #include <string>
10 | #include <climits>
11 | #include <cfloat>
12 |
13 | /*NeoPZ includes*/
14 | #include <pz_config.h>
15 | #include <pzreal.h>
16 | #include <pzgmesh.h>
17 | #include <pzvec.h>
18 | #include <pzeltype.h>
19 |
20 | #include <TPZRefPatternTools.h>
21 | #include <TPZRefPatternDataBase.h>
22 | #include <TPZRefPattern.h>
23 |
24 | #include <tpzchangeel.h>
25 | #include <TPZGeoElement.h>
26 | #include <pzreftriangle.h>
27 | #include <pzgeotriangle.h>
28 | #include <tpzgeoelrefpattern.h>
29 | #include <pzgraphmesh.h>
30 | #include <TPZVTKGeoMesh.h>
31 |
32 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
33 |
34 | /*}}}*/
35 |
36 | class AdaptiveMeshRefinement{
37 |
38 | public:
39 | /*Public attributes{{{*/
40 | /*
41 | * to refine:
42 | * distance_h = initial_distance * gradation ^ (level_max-h)
43 | * to unrefine:
44 | * distance_h = lag * initial_distance * gradation ^ (level_max-h)
45 | */
46 | int refinement_type; //0 uniform (faster); 1 refpattern
47 | int level_max; //max level of refinement
48 | double gradation; //geometric progression ratio to calculate radius of level h
49 | double lag; //lag used in the unrefine process
50 | /*Target and estimators*/
51 | double groundingline_distance; //all elements with distance from grounding line <= groundingline_distance will be refined
52 | double icefront_distance; //all elements with distance from ice front <= icefront_distance will be refined
53 | double thicknesserror_threshold; //if ==0, it will not be used
54 | double thicknesserror_groupthreshold;//group threshold
55 | double thicknesserror_maximum; //max value of the error estimator; in general, it is defined in the first time step. Attention with restart
56 | double deviatoricerror_threshold; //if ==0, it will not be used
57 | double deviatoricerror_groupthreshold;//group threshold
58 | double deviatoricerror_maximum; //max value of the error estimator; in general, it is defined in the first time step. Attention with restart
59 | /*}}}*/
60 | /*Public methods{{{*/
61 | /* Constructor, destructor etc*/
62 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement();
63 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp);
64 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement & operator= (const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp);
65 | virtual ~AdaptiveMeshRefinement();
66 | /*General methods*/
67 | void CleanUp();
68 | void Initialize();
69 | void ExecuteRefinement(double* gl_distance,double* if_distance,double* deviatoricerror,double* thicknesserror,int** pdatalist,double** pxy,int** pelementslist);
70 | void SetMesh(int** elementslist_in,IssmDouble** x_in,IssmDouble** y_in,int* numberofvertices,int* numberofelements);
71 | void GetMesh(int** elementslist_out,IssmDouble** x_out,IssmDouble** y_out,int* numberofvertices,int* numberofelements);
72 | void CheckMesh(int** pdata,double** pxy,int** pelements);
73 | void ReadMesh();
74 | void WriteMesh();
75 | /*}}}*/
76 | private:
77 | /*Private attributes{{{*/
78 | std::vector<int> sid2index; // Vector that keeps index of PZGeoMesh elements used in the ISSM mesh (sid)
79 | std::vector<int> index2sid; // Vector that keeps sid of issm mesh elements used in the neopz mesh (index)
80 | std::vector<int> specialelementsindex; // Vector that keeps index of the special elements (created to avoid haning nodes)
81 | TPZGeoMesh *fathermesh; // Entire mesh without refinement if refinement_type==1; refined with hanging nodes if efinement_type==0
82 | TPZGeoMesh *previousmesh; // Refined mesh without hanging nodes (it is always refpattern type), used to generate ISSM mesh
83 | IssmDouble* x; // Entire mesh
84 | IssmDouble* y;
85 | int* elementslist;
86 | int numberofvertices;
87 | int numberofelements;
88 | /*}}}*/
89 | /*Private methods{{{*/
90 | void RefineMeshOneLevel(bool &verbose,double* gl_distance,double* if_distance,double* deviatoricerror,double* thicknesserror);
91 | void RefineMeshWithSmoothing(bool &verbose,TPZGeoMesh* gmesh);
92 | void RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(bool &verbose,TPZGeoMesh* gmesh);
93 | void DeleteSpecialElements(bool &verbose,TPZGeoMesh* gmesh);
94 | void GetMesh(TPZGeoMesh* gmesh,int** pdata,double** pxy,int** pelements);
95 | TPZGeoMesh* CreateRefPatternMesh(TPZGeoMesh* gmesh);
96 | inline int GetElemMaterialID(){return 1;}
97 | inline int GetNumberOfNodes(){return 3;}
98 | void PrintGMeshVTK(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::ofstream &file,bool matColor=true);
99 | int GetVTK_ElType(TPZGeoEl* gel);
100 | int VerifyRefinementType(TPZGeoEl* geoel,TPZGeoMesh* gmesh);
101 | /*}}}*/
102 | };
103 |
104 | #endif