1 | /*!\file AdaptiveMeshrefinement.cpp
2 | * \brief: implementation of the adaptive mesh refinement tool based on NeoPZ library: github.com/labmec/neopz
3 | */
4 |
5 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 | #include <config.h>
7 | #else
8 | #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
9 | #endif
10 |
11 | #include "./AdaptiveMeshRefinement.h"
12 |
13 | /*Constructor, copy, clean up and destructor*/
14 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement::AdaptiveMeshRefinement(){/*{{{*/
15 | this->Initialize();
16 | }
17 | /*}}}*/
18 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement::AdaptiveMeshRefinement(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp){/*{{{*/
19 | this->Initialize();
20 | this->operator =(cp);
21 | }
22 | /*}}}*/
23 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement & AdaptiveMeshRefinement::operator =(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp){/*{{{*/
24 |
25 | /*Clean all attributes*/
26 | this->CleanUp();
27 |
28 | /*Copy all data*/
29 | this->fathermesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.fathermesh);
30 | this->previousmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.previousmesh);
31 | this->levelmax = cp.levelmax;
32 | this->elementswidth = cp.elementswidth;
33 | this->regionlevel1 = cp.regionlevel1;
34 | this->regionlevelmax = cp.regionlevelmax;
35 | return *this;
36 |
37 | }
38 | /*}}}*/
39 | AdaptiveMeshRefinement::~AdaptiveMeshRefinement(){/*{{{*/
40 |
41 | bool ismismip = true;
42 | if(ismismip){//itapopo
43 | TPZFileStream fstr;
44 | std::stringstream ss;
45 |
46 | ss << this->levelmax;
47 | std::string AMRfile = "/home/santos/Misomip2/L" + ss.str() + "_tsai/amr.txt";
48 |
49 | fstr.OpenWrite(AMRfile.c_str());
50 | int withclassid = 1;
51 | this->Write(fstr,withclassid);
52 | }
53 | this->CleanUp();
54 | gRefDBase.clear();
55 | }
56 | /*}}}*/
57 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CleanUp(){/*{{{*/
58 |
59 | /*Verify and delete all data*/
60 | if(this->fathermesh) delete this->fathermesh;
61 | if(this->previousmesh) delete this->previousmesh;
62 | this->levelmax = -1;
63 | this->elementswidth = -1;
64 | this->regionlevel1 = -1;
65 | this->regionlevelmax = -1;
66 | }
67 | /*}}}*/
68 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Initialize(){/*{{{*/
69 |
70 | /*Set pointers to NULL*/
71 | this->fathermesh = NULL;
72 | this->previousmesh = NULL;
73 | this->levelmax = -1;
74 | this->elementswidth = -1;
75 | this->regionlevel1 = -1;
76 | this->regionlevelmax = -1;
77 | }
78 | /*}}}*/
79 | int AdaptiveMeshRefinement::ClassId() const{/*{{{*/
80 | return 13829430; //Antartic area with ice shelves (km^2)
81 | }
82 | /*}}}*/
83 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context){/*{{{*/
84 |
85 | try
86 | {
87 | /* Read the id context*/
88 | TPZSaveable::Read(buf,context);
89 |
90 | /* Read class id*/
91 | int classid;
92 | buf.Read(&classid,1);
93 |
94 | /* Verify the class id*/
95 | if (classid != this->ClassId() )
96 | {
97 | std::cout << "Error in restoring AdaptiveMeshRefinement!\n";
98 | std::cout.flush();
99 | DebugStop();
100 | }
101 |
102 | /* Read simple attributes */
103 | buf.Read(&this->levelmax,1);
104 | buf.Read(&this->elementswidth,1);
105 | buf.Read(&this->regionlevel1,1);
106 | buf.Read(&this->regionlevelmax,1);
107 |
108 | /* Read geometric mesh*/
109 | TPZSaveable *sv1 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0);
110 | this->fathermesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv1);
111 |
112 | TPZSaveable *sv2 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0);
113 | this->previousmesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv2);
114 | }
115 | catch(const std::exception& e)
116 | {
117 | std::cout << "Exception catched! " << e.what() << std::endl;
118 | std::cout.flush();
119 | DebugStop();
120 | }
121 | }
122 | /*}}}*/
123 | template class TPZRestoreClass<AdaptiveMeshRefinement,13829430>;/*{{{*/
124 | /*}}}*/
125 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid){/*{{{*/
126 |
127 | try
128 | {
129 | /* Write context (this class) class ID*/
130 | TPZSaveable::Write(buf,withclassid);
131 |
132 | /* Write this class id*/
133 | int classid = ClassId();
134 | buf.Write(&classid,1);
135 |
136 | /* Write simple attributes */
137 | buf.Write(&this->levelmax,1);
138 | buf.Write(&this->elementswidth,1);
139 | buf.Write(&this->regionlevel1,1);
140 | buf.Write(&this->regionlevelmax,1);
141 |
142 | /* Write the geometric mesh*/
143 | this->fathermesh->Write(buf, this->ClassId());
144 | this->previousmesh->Write(buf, this->ClassId());
145 | }
146 | catch(const std::exception& e)
147 | {
148 | std::cout << "Exception catched! " << e.what() << std::endl;
149 | std::cout.flush();
150 | DebugStop();
151 | }
152 | }
153 | /*}}}*/
154 |
155 | /*Mesh refinement methods*/
156 | #include "TPZVTKGeoMesh.h" //itapopo
157 | #include "../shared/shared.h" //itapopo
158 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::ExecuteRefinement(int &type_process,double *vx, double *vy, double *masklevelset, int &nvertices, int &nelements, int &nsegments, double** px, double** py, double** pz, int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/
159 |
160 | /*IMPORTANT! pelements (and psegments) are in Matlab indexing*/
161 | /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/
162 |
163 | _assert_(this->fathermesh);
164 | _assert_(this->previousmesh);
165 |
166 | /*Calculate the position of the grounding line using previous mesh*/
167 | std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > GLvec;
168 | this->CalcGroundingLinePosition(masklevelset, GLvec);
169 |
170 | // std::ofstream file1("/home/santos/mesh0.vtk");
171 | // TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->fathermesh,file1 );
172 |
173 | /*run refinement or unrefinement process*/
174 | TPZGeoMesh *newmesh;
175 | switch (type_process) {
176 | case 0: newmesh = this->previousmesh; break; // refine previous mesh
177 | case 1: newmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*this->fathermesh); break; // refine mesh 0 (unrefine process)
178 | default: DebugStop(); break;//itapopo verificar se irá usar _assert_
179 | }
180 |
181 | this->RefinementProcess(newmesh,GLvec);
182 |
183 | //std::ofstream file2("/home/santos/mesh1.vtk");
184 | //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->previousmesh,file2 );
185 |
186 | /*Set new mesh pointer. Previous mesh just have uniform elements*/
187 | if(type_process==1){
188 | if(this->previousmesh) delete this->previousmesh;
189 | this->previousmesh = newmesh;
190 | }
191 |
192 | /*Refine elements to avoid hanging nodes*/
193 | //TPZGeoMesh *nohangingnodesmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*newmesh);//itapopo testando, este era o original
194 | TPZGeoMesh *nohangingnodesmesh = this->CreateRefPatternMesh(newmesh);//itapopo testando, este eh novo metodo
195 |
196 | //std::ofstream file3("/home/santos/mesh2.vtk");
197 | //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->previousmesh,file3);
198 |
199 | this->RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(nohangingnodesmesh);
200 |
201 | //std::ofstream file4("/home/santos/mesh3.vtk");
202 | //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(nohangingnodesmesh,file4);
203 |
204 | /*Get new geometric mesh in ISSM data structure*/
205 | this->GetMesh(nohangingnodesmesh,nvertices,nelements,nsegments,px,py,pz,pelements,psegments);
206 |
207 | /*Verify the new geometry*/
208 | this->CheckMesh(nvertices,nelements,nsegments,this->elementswidth,px,py,pz,pelements,psegments);
209 |
210 | _printf_("\trefinement process done!\n\n");
211 |
212 | delete nohangingnodesmesh;
213 | }
214 | /*}}}*/
215 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefinementProcess(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec){/*{{{*/
216 |
217 | /*Refine mesh levelmax times*/
218 | _printf_("\n\trefinement process (level max = " << this->levelmax << ")\n");
219 | _printf_("\tprogress: ");
220 | for(int hlevel=1;hlevel<=this->levelmax;hlevel++){
221 |
222 | /*Set elements to be refined using some criteria*/
223 | std::vector<int> ElemVec; //elements without children
224 | this->SetElementsToRefine(gmesh,GLvec,hlevel,ElemVec);
225 |
226 | /*Refine the mesh*/
227 | this->RefineMesh(gmesh, ElemVec);
228 |
229 | _printf_("* ");
230 | }
231 | _printf_("\n");
232 | }
233 | /*}}}*/
234 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefineMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh, std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/
235 |
236 | /*Refine elements in ElemVec: uniform pattern refinement*/
237 | for(int i = 0; i < ElemVec.size(); i++){
238 |
239 | /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined*/
240 | int index = ElemVec[i];
241 | TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(index);
242 | if(geoel->HasSubElement()) DebugStop(); //itapopo _assert_(!geoel->HasSubElement());
243 | if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se usará _assert_
244 |
245 | /*Divide geoel*/
246 | TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons;
247 | geoel->Divide(Sons);
248 |
249 | /*If a 1D segment is neighbor, it must be divided too*/
250 | if(this->elementswidth != 3) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar o segment para malha 3D
251 |
252 | std::vector<int> sides(3);
253 | sides[0] = 3; sides[1] = 4; sides[2] = 5;
254 | for(int j = 0; j < sides.size(); j++ ){
255 |
256 | TPZGeoElSide Neighbour = geoel->Neighbour(sides[j]);
257 |
258 | if( Neighbour.Element()->MaterialId() == this->GetBoundaryMaterialID() && !Neighbour.Element()->HasSubElement() ){
259 | TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> pv2;
260 | Neighbour.Element()->Divide(pv2);
261 | }
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | gmesh->BuildConnectivity();
266 |
267 | }
268 | /*}}}*/
269 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh){/*{{{*/
270 |
271 | _printf_("\trefine to avoid hanging nodes...\n");
272 | /*Refine elements to avoid hanging nodes: non-uniform refinement*/
273 | const int NElem = gmesh->NElements();
274 | for(int i = 0; i < NElem; i++){
275 |
276 | /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined. Geoel may not have been previously refined*/
277 | TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(i);
278 | if(!geoel) continue;
279 | if(geoel->HasSubElement()) continue;
280 | if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue;
281 |
282 | /*Get the refinement pattern for this element and refine it*/
283 | TPZAutoPointer<TPZRefPattern> refp = TPZRefPatternTools::PerfectMatchRefPattern(geoel);
284 | if(refp){
285 | TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons;
286 | geoel->SetRefPattern(refp);
287 | geoel->Divide(Sons);
288 | }
289 |
290 | }
291 |
292 | gmesh->BuildConnectivity();
293 |
294 | }
295 | /*}}}*/
296 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::GetMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,double** px,double** py,double** pz, int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/
297 |
298 | /*IMPORTANT! pelements (and psegments) are in Matlab indexing*/
299 | /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/
300 |
301 | /* vertices */
302 | int ntotalvertices = gmesh->NNodes();//total
303 |
304 | /* mesh coords */
305 | double* newmeshX = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices);
306 | double* newmeshY = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices);
307 | double* newmeshZ = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices);
308 |
309 | /* getting mesh coords */
310 | for(int i = 0; i < ntotalvertices; i++ ){
311 | TPZVec<REAL> coords(3,0.);
312 | gmesh->NodeVec()[i].GetCoordinates(coords);
313 | newmeshX[i] = coords[0];
314 | newmeshY[i] = coords[1];
315 | newmeshZ[i] = coords[2];
316 | }
317 |
318 | /* elements */
319 | std::vector<TPZGeoEl*> GeoVec; GeoVec.clear();
320 | for(int i = 0; i < gmesh->NElements(); i++){
321 | if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->HasSubElement() ) continue;
322 | if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID() ) continue;
323 | GeoVec.push_back( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]);
324 | }
325 |
326 | int ntotalelements = (int)GeoVec.size();
327 | int* newelements = xNew<int>(ntotalelements*this->elementswidth);
328 |
329 | if ( !(this->elementswidth == 3) && !(this->elementswidth == 4) && !(this->elementswidth == 6) ) DebugStop();
330 |
331 | for(int i=0;i<GeoVec.size();i++){
332 | for(int j=0;j<this->elementswidth;j++) newelements[i*this->elementswidth+j]=(int)GeoVec[i]->NodeIndex(j)+1;//C to Matlab indexing
333 | }
334 |
335 | /* segments */
336 | std::vector<TPZGeoEl*> SegVec; SegVec.clear();
337 | for(int i = 0; i < gmesh->NElements(); i++){
338 | if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->HasSubElement() ) continue;
339 | if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->MaterialId() != this->GetBoundaryMaterialID() ) continue;
340 | SegVec.push_back( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]);
341 | }
342 |
343 | int ntotalsegments = (int)SegVec.size();
344 | int *newsegments=NULL;
345 | if(ntotalsegments>0) newsegments=xNew<int>(ntotalsegments*3);
346 |
347 | for(int i=0;i<SegVec.size();i++){
348 |
349 | for(int j=0;j<2;j++) newsegments[i*3+j]=(int)SegVec[i]->NodeIndex(j)+1;//C to Matlab indexing
350 |
351 | int neighborindex = SegVec[i]->Neighbour(2).Element()->Index();
352 | int neighbourid = -1;
353 |
354 | for(int j = 0; j < GeoVec.size(); j++){
355 | if( GeoVec[j]->Index() == neighborindex || GeoVec[j]->FatherIndex() == neighborindex){
356 | neighbourid = j;
357 | break;
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | if(neighbourid==-1) DebugStop(); //itapopo talvez passar para _assert_
362 | newsegments[i*3+2] = neighbourid+1;//C to Matlab indexing
363 | }
364 |
365 | //setting outputs
366 | nvertices = ntotalvertices;
367 | nelements = ntotalelements;
368 | nsegments = ntotalsegments;
369 | *px = newmeshX;
370 | *py = newmeshY;
371 | *pz = newmeshZ;
372 | *pelements = newelements;
373 | *psegments = newsegments;
374 |
375 | }
376 | /*}}}*/
377 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CalcGroundingLinePosition(double *masklevelset,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec){/*{{{*/
378 |
379 | /* Find grounding line using elments center point */
380 | GLvec.clear();
381 | for(int i=0;i<this->previousmesh->NElements();i++){
382 |
383 | if(this->previousmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue;
384 | if(this->previousmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue;
385 |
386 | //itapopo apenas malha 2D triangular!
387 | int vertex0 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(0);
388 | int vertex1 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(1);
389 | int vertex2 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(2);
390 |
391 | //itapopo inserir uma verificação para não acessar fora da memória
392 | double mls0 = masklevelset[vertex0];
393 | double mls1 = masklevelset[vertex1];
394 | double mls2 = masklevelset[vertex2];
395 |
396 | if( mls0*mls1 < 0. || mls1*mls2 < 0. ){
397 | const int side = 6;
398 | TPZVec<double> qsi(2,0.);
399 | TPZVec<double> X(3,0.);
400 | this->previousmesh->Element(i)->CenterPoint(side, qsi);
401 | this->previousmesh->Element(i)->X(qsi, X);
402 | GLvec.push_back(X);
403 | }
404 | }
405 |
406 | // itapopo apenas para debugar
407 | // std::ofstream fileGL("/Users/santos/Desktop/gl.nb");
408 | // fileGL << "ListPlot[{";
409 | // for(int i = 0; i < GLvec.size(); i++){
410 | // fileGL << "{" << GLvec[i][0] << "," << GLvec[i][1] << /*"," << 0. << */"}";
411 | // if(i != GLvec.size()-1) fileGL << ",";
412 | // }
413 | // fileGL << "}]";
414 | // fileGL.flush();
415 | // fileGL.close();
416 |
417 | }
418 | /*}}}*/
419 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetElementsToRefine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/
420 |
421 | if(!gmesh) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se usará _assert_
422 |
423 | ElemVec.clear();
424 |
425 | // itapopo inserir modo de encontrar criterio TESTING!!!! Come to false!
426 | if(false) this->TagAllElements(gmesh,ElemVec); //uniform, refine all elements!
427 |
428 | /* Adaptive refinement. This refines some elements following some criteria*/
429 | this->TagElementsNearGroundingLine(gmesh, GLvec, hlevel, ElemVec);
430 |
431 | }
432 | /*}}}*/
433 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::TagAllElements(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/
434 |
435 | /* Uniform refinement. This refines the entire mesh */
436 | int nelements = gmesh->NElements();
437 | for(int i=0;i<nelements;i++){
438 | if(gmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue;
439 | if(gmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue;
440 | ElemVec.push_back(i);
441 | }
442 | }
443 | /*}}}*/
444 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::TagElementsNearGroundingLine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/
445 |
446 | /* Tag elements near grounding line */
447 | double D1 = this->regionlevel1;
448 | double Dhmax = this->regionlevelmax;
449 | int hmax = this->levelmax;
450 | double alpha = (hmax==1) ? 0. : log(D1/Dhmax)/(hmax-1.);
451 | double Di = D1/exp(alpha*(hlevel-1));
452 |
453 | for(int i=0;i<gmesh->NElements();i++){
454 |
455 | if(gmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue;
456 | if(gmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue;
457 | if(gmesh->Element(i)->Level()>=hlevel) continue;
458 |
459 | const int side2D = 6;
460 | TPZVec<REAL> qsi(2,0.);
461 | TPZVec<REAL> centerPoint(3,0.);
462 | gmesh->Element(i)->CenterPoint(side2D, qsi);
463 | gmesh->Element(i)->X(qsi, centerPoint);
464 |
465 | REAL distance = Di;
466 |
467 | for (int j = 0; j < GLvec.size(); j++) {
468 |
469 | REAL value = ( GLvec[j][0] - centerPoint[0] ) * ( GLvec[j][0] - centerPoint[0] ); // (x2-x1)^2
470 | value += ( GLvec[j][1] - centerPoint[1] ) * ( GLvec[j][1] - centerPoint[1] );// (y2-y1)^2
471 | value = std::sqrt(value); //Radius
472 |
473 | //finding the min distance to the grounding line
474 | if(value < distance) distance = value;
475 |
476 | }
477 |
478 | if(distance < Di) ElemVec.push_back(i);
479 | }
480 |
481 | }
482 | /*}}}*/
483 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CreateInitialMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,int &width,double* x,double* y,double* z,int* elements,int* segments){/*{{{*/
484 |
485 | /*IMPORTANT! elements come in Matlab indexing*/
486 | /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/
487 |
488 | _assert_(nvertices>0);
489 | _assert_(nelements>0);
490 | this->SetElementWidth(width);
491 |
492 | /*Verify and creating initial mesh*/
493 | if(this->fathermesh) _error_("Initial mesh already exists!");
494 |
495 | this->fathermesh = new TPZGeoMesh();
496 | this->fathermesh->NodeVec().Resize( nvertices );
497 |
498 | /*Set the vertices (geometric nodes in NeoPZ context)*/
499 | for(int i=0;i<nvertices;i++){
500 | /*x,y,z coords*/
501 | TPZManVector<REAL,3> coord(3,0.);
502 | coord[0]= x[i];
503 | coord[1]= y[i];
504 | coord[2]= z[i];
505 | /*Insert in the mesh*/
506 | this->fathermesh->NodeVec()[i].SetCoord(coord);
507 | this->fathermesh->NodeVec()[i].SetNodeId(i);
508 | }
509 |
510 | /*Generate the elements*/
511 | long index;
512 | const int mat = this->GetElemMaterialID();
513 | TPZManVector<long> elem(this->elementswidth,0);
514 |
515 | for(int iel=0;iel<nelements;iel++){
516 |
517 | for(int jel=0;jel<this->elementswidth;jel++) elem[jel]=elements[iel*this->elementswidth+jel]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing
518 |
519 | /*reftype = 0: uniform, fast / reftype = 1: uniform and non-uniform (avoid hanging nodes), it is not too fast */
520 | const int reftype = 0;
521 | switch(this->elementswidth){
522 | case 3: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(ETriangle, elem, mat, index, reftype); break;
523 | case 4: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(ETetraedro, elem, mat, index, reftype); DebugStop(); break;
524 | case 6: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(EPrisma, elem, mat, index, reftype); DebugStop(); break;
525 | default: DebugStop();//itapopo _error_("mesh not supported yet");
526 | }
527 |
528 | /*Define the element ID*/
529 | this->fathermesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(iel);
530 | }
531 |
532 | /*Generate the 1D segments elements (boundary)*/
533 | const int matboundary = this->GetBoundaryMaterialID();
534 | TPZManVector<long> boundary(2,0.);
535 |
536 | for(int iel=nelements;iel<nelements+nsegments;iel++){
537 | boundary[0] = segments[(iel-nelements)*2+0]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing
538 | boundary[1] = segments[(iel-nelements)*2+1]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing
539 | /*reftype = 0: uniform, fast / reftype = 1: uniform and non-uniform (avoid hanging nodes), it is not too fast */
540 | const int reftype = 0;
541 | this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(EOned, boundary, matboundary, index, reftype);//cria elemento unidimensional
542 | this->fathermesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(iel);
543 | }
544 |
545 | /*Build element and node connectivities*/
546 | this->fathermesh->BuildConnectivity();
547 |
548 | /*Create previous mesh as a copy of father mesh*/
549 | this->previousmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*this->fathermesh);
550 |
551 | }
552 | /*}}}*/
553 | #include "pzgeotriangle.h" //itapopo
554 | #include "pzreftriangle.h" //itapopo
555 | using namespace pzgeom;
556 | TPZGeoMesh* AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CreateRefPatternMesh(TPZGeoMesh* gmesh){/*{{{*/
557 |
558 | TPZGeoMesh *newgmesh = new TPZGeoMesh();
559 | newgmesh->CleanUp();
560 |
561 | int nnodes = gmesh->NNodes();
562 | int nelem = gmesh->NElements();
563 | int mat = this->GetElemMaterialID();;
564 | int reftype = 1;
565 | long index;
566 |
567 | //nodes
568 | newgmesh->NodeVec().Resize(nnodes);
569 | for(int i=0;i<nnodes;i++) newgmesh->NodeVec()[i] = gmesh->NodeVec()[i];
570 |
571 | //elements
572 | for(int i=0;i<nelem;i++){
573 | TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(i);
574 | TPZManVector<long> elem(3,0);
575 | for(int j=0;j<3;j++) elem[j] = geoel->NodeIndex(j);
576 |
577 | newgmesh->CreateGeoElement(ETriangle,elem,mat,index,reftype);
578 | newgmesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(geoel->Id());
579 |
580 | TPZGeoElRefPattern<TPZGeoTriangle>* newgeoel = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoElRefPattern<TPZGeoTriangle>*>(newgmesh->ElementVec()[index]);
581 |
582 | //old neighbourhood
583 | const int nsides = TPZGeoTriangle::NSides;
584 | TPZVec< std::vector<TPZGeoElSide> > neighbourhood(nsides);
585 | TPZVec<long> NodesSequence(0);
586 | for(int s = 0; s < nsides; s++){
587 | neighbourhood[s].resize(0);
588 | TPZGeoElSide mySide(geoel,s);
589 | TPZGeoElSide neighS = mySide.Neighbour();
590 | if(mySide.Dimension() == 0){
591 | long oldSz = NodesSequence.NElements();
592 | NodesSequence.resize(oldSz+1);
593 | NodesSequence[oldSz] = geoel->NodeIndex(s);
594 | }
595 | while(mySide != neighS){
596 | neighbourhood[s].push_back(neighS);
597 | neighS = neighS.Neighbour();
598 | }
599 | }
600 |
601 | //inserting in new element
602 | for(int s = 0; s < nsides; s++){
603 | TPZGeoEl * tempEl = newgeoel;
604 | TPZGeoElSide tempSide(newgeoel,s);
605 | int byside = s;
606 | for(unsigned long n = 0; n < neighbourhood[s].size(); n++){
607 | TPZGeoElSide neighS = neighbourhood[s][n];
608 | tempEl->SetNeighbour(byside, neighS);
609 | tempEl = neighS.Element();
610 | byside = neighS.Side();
611 | }
612 | tempEl->SetNeighbour(byside, tempSide);
613 | }
614 |
615 | long fatherindex = geoel->FatherIndex();
616 | if(fatherindex>-1) newgeoel->SetFather(fatherindex);
617 |
618 | if(!geoel->HasSubElement()) continue;
619 |
620 | int nsons = geoel->NSubElements();
621 |
622 | TPZAutoPointer<TPZRefPattern> ref = gRefDBase.GetUniformRefPattern(ETriangle);
623 | newgeoel->SetRefPattern(ref);
624 |
625 | for(int j=0;j<nsons;j++){
626 | TPZGeoEl* son = geoel->SubElement(j);
627 | if(!son){
628 | DebugStop();
629 | }
630 | newgeoel->SetSubElement(j,son);
631 | }
632 | }
633 | newgmesh->BuildConnectivity();
634 |
635 | return newgmesh;
636 | }
637 | /*}}}*/
638 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetLevelMax(int &h){/*{{{*/
639 | this->levelmax = h;
640 | }
641 | /*}}}*/
642 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetRegions(double &D1,double Dhmax){/*{{{*/
643 | this->regionlevel1 = D1;
644 | this->regionlevelmax = Dhmax;
645 | }
646 | /*}}}*/
647 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetElementWidth(int &width){/*{{{*/
648 | this->elementswidth = width;
649 | }
650 | /*}}}*/
651 | void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CheckMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,int &width,double** px,double** py,double** pz,int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/
652 |
653 | /*Basic verification*/
654 | if( !(nvertices > 0) || !(nelements > 0) ) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se irá usar o _assert_
655 |
656 | if ( !(width == 3) && !(width == 4) && !(width == 6) ) DebugStop(); // itapopo verifcar se irá usar o _assert_
657 |
658 | if( !px || !py || !pz || !pelements ) DebugStop(); // itapopo verifcar se irá usar o _assert_
659 |
660 | /*Verify if there are orphan nodes*/
661 | std::set<int> elemvertices;
662 | elemvertices.clear();
663 | for(int i = 0; i < nelements; i++){
664 | for(int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
665 | elemvertices.insert((*pelements)[i*width+j]);
666 | }
667 | }
668 |
669 | if( elemvertices.size() != nvertices ) DebugStop();//itapopo verificar se irá usar o _assert_
670 |
671 | //Verify if there are inf or NaN in coords
672 | for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*px)[i]) || isinf((*px)[i])) DebugStop();
673 | for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*py)[i]) || isinf((*py)[i])) DebugStop();
674 | for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*pz)[i]) || isinf((*pz)[i])) DebugStop();
675 |
676 | for(int i = 0; i < nelements; i++){
677 | for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
678 | if( isnan((*pelements)[i*width+j]) || isinf((*pelements)[i*width+j]) ) DebugStop();
679 | }
680 | }
681 |
682 | }
683 | /*}}}*/