1 | #include <cstdio>
2 | #include <cstring>
3 | #include <cmath>
4 | #include <ctime>
5 |
6 | #include "./bamgobjects.h"
7 | #include "../shared/shared.h"
8 | #include "./det.h"
9 |
10 | namespace bamg {
11 |
12 | /*Constructors Destructors*/
13 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::ListofIntersectionTriangles{{{*/
14 | ListofIntersectionTriangles::ListofIntersectionTriangles(int n,int m)
15 | : MaxSize(n), Size(0), len(-1),state(-1),lIntTria(new IntersectionTriangles[n]) ,
16 | NbSeg(0), MaxNbSeg(m), lSegsI(new SegInterpolation[m]){
17 | }
18 | /*}}}*/
19 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::~ListofIntersectionTriangles{{{*/
20 | ListofIntersectionTriangles::~ListofIntersectionTriangles(){
21 | if (lIntTria) delete [] lIntTria,lIntTria=0;
22 | if (lSegsI) delete [] lSegsI,lSegsI=0;
23 | }
24 | /*}}}*/
25 |
26 | /*Methods*/
27 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::Init{{{*/
28 | void ListofIntersectionTriangles::Init(void){
29 | state=0;
30 | len=0;
31 | Size=0;
32 | }
33 | /*}}}*/
34 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::Length{{{*/
35 | double ListofIntersectionTriangles::Length(){
36 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/Length)*/
37 |
38 | // computation of the length
39 |
40 | // check Size
41 | if (Size<=0){
42 | _error_("Size<=0");
43 | }
44 |
45 | Metric Mx,My;
46 | int ii,jj;
47 | R2 x,y,xy;
48 |
49 | SegInterpolation* SegI=lSegsI;
50 | lSegsI[NbSeg].last=Size;
51 | int EndSeg=Size;
52 |
53 | y = lIntTria[0].x;
54 | double sxy, s = 0;
55 | lIntTria[0].s =0;
56 | SegI->lBegin=s;
57 |
58 | for (jj=0,ii=1;ii<Size;jj=ii++) {
59 | // seg jj,ii
60 | x = y;
61 | y = lIntTria[ii].x;
62 | xy = y-x;
63 | Mx = lIntTria[ii].m;
64 | My = lIntTria[jj].m;
65 | sxy= LengthInterpole(Mx,My,xy);
66 | s += sxy;
67 | lIntTria[ii].s = s;
68 | if (ii == EndSeg){
69 | SegI->lEnd=s;
70 | SegI++;
71 | EndSeg=SegI->last;
72 | SegI->lBegin=s;
73 | }
74 | }
75 | len = s;
76 | SegI->lEnd=s;
77 |
78 | return s;
79 | }
80 | /*}}}*/
81 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewItem(Triangle * tt,double d0,double d1,double d2) {{{*/
82 | int ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewItem(Triangle * tt,double d0,double d1,double d2) {
83 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/NewItem)*/
84 |
85 | int n;
86 | R2 x(0,0);
87 | if ( d0) x = (*tt)[0].r * d0;
88 | if ( d1) x = x + (*tt)[1].r * d1;
89 | if ( d2) x = x + (*tt)[2].r * d2;
90 | // newer add same point
91 | if(!Size || Norme2_2(lIntTria[Size-1].x-x)) {
92 | if (Size==MaxSize) ReShape();
93 | lIntTria[Size].t=tt;
94 | lIntTria[Size].bary[0]=d0;
95 | lIntTria[Size].bary[1]=d1;
96 | lIntTria[Size].bary[2]=d2;
97 | lIntTria[Size].x = x;
98 | Metric m0,m1,m2;
99 | BamgVertex * v;
100 | if ((v=(*tt)(0))) m0 = v->m;
101 | if ((v=(*tt)(1))) m1 = v->m;
102 | if ((v=(*tt)(2))) m2 = v->m;
103 | lIntTria[Size].m = Metric(lIntTria[Size].bary,m0,m1,m2);
104 | n=Size++;}
105 | else n=Size-1;
106 | return n;
107 | }
108 | /*}}}*/
109 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewItem(R2 A,const Metric & mm){{{*/
110 | int ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewItem(R2 A,const Metric & mm) {
111 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/NewItem)*/
112 |
113 | int n;
114 | if(!Size || Norme2_2(lIntTria[Size-1].x-A)) {
115 | if (Size==MaxSize) ReShape();
116 | lIntTria[Size].t=0;
117 | lIntTria[Size].x=A;
118 | lIntTria[Size].m=mm;
119 | n=Size++;
120 | }
121 | else n=Size-1;
122 | return n;
123 | }
124 | /*}}}*/
125 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewPoints{{{*/
126 | long ListofIntersectionTriangles::NewPoints(BamgVertex* vertices,long &nbv,long maxnbv){
127 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/NewPoints)*/
128 |
129 | //If length<1.5, do nothing
130 | double s=Length();
131 | if (s<1.5) return 0;
132 |
133 | const long nbvold=nbv;
134 | int ii = 1 ;
135 | R2 y,x;
136 | Metric My,Mx ;
137 | double sx =0,sy;
138 | int nbi=Max(2,(int) (s+0.5));
139 | double sint=s/nbi;
140 | double si =sint;
141 |
142 | int EndSeg=Size;
143 | SegInterpolation* SegI=NULL;
144 | if (NbSeg) SegI=lSegsI,EndSeg=SegI->last;
145 |
146 | for (int k=1;k<nbi;k++){
147 | while ((ii < Size) && ( lIntTria[ii].s <= si )){
148 | if (ii++ == EndSeg){
149 | SegI++;
150 | EndSeg=SegI->last;
151 | }
152 | }
153 |
154 | int ii1=ii-1;
155 | x =lIntTria[ii1].x;
156 | sx =lIntTria[ii1].s;
157 | Metric Mx=lIntTria[ii1].m;
158 | y =lIntTria[ii].x;
159 | sy =lIntTria[ii].s;
160 | Metric My=lIntTria[ii].m;
161 | double lxy = sy-sx;
162 | double cy = abscisseInterpole(Mx,My,y-x,(si-sx)/lxy);
163 |
164 | R2 C;
165 | double cx = 1-cy;
166 | C = SegI ? SegI->F(si): x * cx + y *cy;
167 | //C.Echo();
168 | //x.Echo();
169 | //y.Echo();
170 | //_printf_("cx = " << cx << ", cy=" << cy << "\n");
171 |
172 | si += sint;
173 | if ( nbv<maxnbv) {
174 | vertices[nbv].r = C;
175 | vertices[nbv++].m = Metric(cx,lIntTria[ii-1].m,cy,lIntTria[ii].m);
176 | }
177 | else return nbv-nbvold;
178 | }
179 | return nbv-nbvold;
180 | }
181 | /*}}}*/
182 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::ReShape{{{*/
183 | void ListofIntersectionTriangles::ReShape(){
184 |
185 | int newsize = MaxSize*2;
186 | IntersectionTriangles* nw = new IntersectionTriangles[newsize];
187 | _assert_(nw);
188 |
189 | // recopy
190 | for (int i=0;i<MaxSize;i++) nw[i] = lIntTria[i];
191 | long int verbosity=0;
192 | if(verbosity>3) _printf_(" ListofIntersectionTriangles ReShape Maxsize " << MaxSize << " -> " << MaxNbSeg << "\n");
193 | MaxSize = newsize;
194 | delete [] lIntTria;// remove old
195 | lIntTria = nw; // copy pointer
196 | }
197 | /*}}}*/
198 | /*FUNCTION ListofIntersectionTriangles::SplitEdge{{{*/
199 | void ListofIntersectionTriangles::SplitEdge(const Mesh & Bh, const R2 &A,const R2 &B,int nbegin) {
200 | /*Original code from Frederic Hecht <hecht@ann.jussieu.fr> (BAMG v1.01, Mesh2.cpp/ListofIntersectionTriangles)*/
201 |
202 | Triangle *tbegin, *t;
203 |
204 | Icoor2 deta[3], deti,detj;
205 | double ba[3];
206 | int ifirst=-1,ilast;
207 | int i0,i1,i2;
208 | int ocut,i,j,k=-1;
209 | // int OnAVertices =0;
210 | Icoor2 dt[3];
211 | I2 a = Bh.R2ToI2(A) ,b= Bh.R2ToI2(B);// compute the Icoor a,b
212 | I2 vi,vj;
213 | int iedge =-1;// not a edge
214 |
215 | if(nbegin) {// optimisation
216 | // we suppose knowing the starting triangle
217 | t=tbegin=lIntTria[ilast=(Size-1)].t;
218 | if (tbegin->det>=0)
219 | ifirst = ilast;}
220 | else {// not optimisation
221 | Init();
222 | t=tbegin = Bh.TriangleFindFromCoord(a,deta);
223 | if( t->det>=0)
224 | ilast=NewItem(t,double(deta[0])/t->det,double(deta[1])/t->det,double(deta[2])/t->det);
225 | else
226 | {// find the nearest boundary edge of the vertex A
227 | // find a edge or such normal projection a the edge IJ is on the edge
228 | // <=> IJ.IA >=0 && IJ.AJ >=0
229 | ilast=ifirst;
230 | double ba,bb;
231 | AdjacentTriangle edge=CloseBoundaryEdge(a,t,ba,bb);
232 | BamgVertex & v0 = *edge.EdgeVertex(0), & v1 = *edge.EdgeVertex(1);
233 | NewItem(A,Metric(ba,v0,bb,v1));
234 | t=edge;
235 | // test if the point b is in the same side
236 | if (det(v0.i,v1.i,b)>=0) {
237 | AdjacentTriangle edge=CloseBoundaryEdge(a,t,ba,bb);
238 | BamgVertex & v0 = *edge.EdgeVertex(0), & v1 = *edge.EdgeVertex(1);
239 | NewItem(A,Metric(ba,v0,bb,v1));
240 | return;
241 | }
242 | } // find the nearest boundary edge of the vertex A
243 | } // end not optimisation
244 | if (t->det<0) { // outside departure
245 | while (t->det <0) { // intersection boundary edge and a,b,
246 | k=(*t)(0) ? (( (*t)(1) ? ( (*t)(2) ? -1 : 2) : 1 )) : 0;
247 | if (k<0){
248 | _error_("k<0");
249 | }
250 | ocut = OppositeEdge[k];
251 | i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[ocut][0];
252 | j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[ocut][1];
253 | vi=(*t)[i];
254 | vj=(*t)[j];
255 | deti = bamg::det(a,b,vi);
256 | detj = bamg::det(a,b,vj);
257 | if (deti>0) // go to i direction on gamma
258 | ocut = PreviousEdge[ocut];
259 | else if (detj<=0) // go to j direction on gamma
260 | ocut = NextEdge[ocut];
261 | AdjacentTriangle tadj =t->Adj(ocut);
262 | t = tadj;
263 | iedge= tadj;
264 | if (t == tbegin) { //
265 | double ba,bb;
266 | AdjacentTriangle edge=CloseBoundaryEdge(a,t,ba,bb);
267 | BamgVertex & v0 = *edge.EdgeVertex(0), & v1 = *edge.EdgeVertex(1);
268 | NewItem(A,Metric(ba,v0,bb,v1));
269 | return;
270 | }
271 | } // end while (t->det <0)
272 | // theoriticaly we have: deti =<0 and detj>0
273 |
274 | // computation of barycentric coor
275 | // test if the point b is on size on t
276 | // we revert vi,vj because vi,vj is def in Adj triangle
277 | if ( det(vi,vj,b)>=0) {
278 | t=tbegin;
279 | double ba,bb;
280 | AdjacentTriangle edge=CloseBoundaryEdge(b,t,ba,bb);
281 | NewItem(B,Metric(ba,*edge.EdgeVertex(0),bb,*edge.EdgeVertex(1)));
282 | return;
283 | }
284 | else
285 | {
286 | k = OppositeVertex[iedge];
287 | i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[iedge][0];
288 | j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[iedge][1];
289 | double dij = detj-deti;
290 | if (i+j+k != 0 + 1 +2){
291 | _error_("i+j+k != 0 + 1 +2");
292 | }
293 | ba[j] = detj/dij;
294 | ba[i] = -deti/dij;
295 | ba[k] = 0;
296 | ilast=NewItem(t,ba[0],ba[1],ba[2]); }
297 | } // outside departure
298 |
299 | // recherche the intersection of [a,b] with Bh Mesh.
300 | // we know a triangle ta contening the vertex a
301 | // we have 2 case for intersection [a,b] with a edge [A,B] of Bh
302 | // 1) the intersection point is in ]A,B[
303 | // 2) is A or B
304 | // first version ---
305 | for (;;) {
306 | // t->Draw();
307 | if (iedge < 0) {
308 | i0 =0;i1=1;i2=2;
309 | dt[0] =bamg::det(a,b,(*t)[0]);
310 | dt[1] =bamg::det(a,b,(*t)[1]);
311 | dt[2] =bamg::det(a,b,(*t)[2]);}
312 | else {
313 | i2 = iedge;
314 | i0 = NextEdge[i2];
315 | i1 = NextEdge[i0];
316 | dt[VerticesOfTriangularEdge[iedge][0]] = detj;// we revert i,j because
317 | dt[VerticesOfTriangularEdge[iedge][1]] = deti;// we take the Triangle by the other side
318 | dt[iedge] = det(a,b,(*t)[OppositeVertex[iedge]]);}
319 |
320 | // so we have just to see the transition from - to + of the det0..2 on edge of t
321 | // because we are going from a to b
322 | if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][0]] < 0) &&
323 | ( dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][1]] > 0))
324 | ocut =i0;
325 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][0]] < 0) &&
326 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][1]] > 0))
327 | ocut =i1;
328 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][0]] < 0) &&
329 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][1]] > 0))
330 | ocut =i2;
331 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][0]] == 0) &&
332 | ( dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][1]] > 0))
333 | ocut =i0;
334 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][0]] == 0) &&
335 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][1]] > 0))
336 | ocut =i1;
337 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][0]] == 0) &&
338 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][1]] > 0))
339 | ocut =i2;
340 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][0]] < 0) &&
341 | ( dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i0][1]] == 0))
342 | ocut =i0;
343 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][0]] < 0) &&
344 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i1][1]] == 0))
345 | ocut =i1;
346 | else if ((dt[i=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][0]] < 0) &&
347 | (dt[j=VerticesOfTriangularEdge[i2][1]] == 0))
348 | ocut =i2;
349 | else { // On a edge (2 zero)
350 | k =0;
351 | if (dt[0]) ocut=0,k++;
352 | if (dt[1]) ocut=1,k++;
353 | if (dt[2]) ocut=2,k++;
354 | if(k == 1) {
355 | if (dt[ocut] >0) // triangle upper AB
356 | ocut = NextEdge[ocut];
357 | i= VerticesOfTriangularEdge[ocut][0];
358 | j= VerticesOfTriangularEdge[ocut][1];
359 | }
360 | else {
361 | _error_("Bug Split Edge");
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | k = OppositeVertex[ocut];
366 |
367 | Icoor2 detbij = bamg::det((*t)[i],(*t)[j],b);
368 |
369 | if (detbij >= 0) { //we find the triangle contening b
370 | dt[0]=bamg::det((*t)[1],(*t)[2],b);
371 | dt[1]=bamg::det((*t)[2],(*t)[0],b);
372 | dt[2]=bamg::det((*t)[0],(*t)[1],b);
373 | double dd = t->det;
374 | NewItem(t,dt[0]/dd,dt[1]/dd,dt[2]/dd);
375 | return ;}
376 | else { // next triangle by adjacent by edge ocut
377 | deti = dt[i];
378 | detj = dt[j];
379 | double dij = detj-deti;
380 | ba[i] = detj/dij;
381 | ba[j] = -deti/dij;
382 | ba[3-i-j ] = 0;
383 | ilast=NewItem(t, ba[0],ba[1],ba[2]);
384 |
385 | AdjacentTriangle ta =t->Adj(ocut);
386 | t = ta;
387 | iedge= ta;
388 | if (t->det <= 0) {
389 | double ba,bb;
390 | AdjacentTriangle edge=CloseBoundaryEdge(b,t,ba,bb);
391 | NewItem(B,Metric(ba,*edge.EdgeVertex(0),bb,*edge.EdgeVertex(1)));
392 | return;
393 | }
394 | }// we go outside of omega
395 | } // for(;;)
396 | }
397 | /*}}}*/
398 |
399 | }