1 | /*
2 | * CreateElementsNodesAndMaterialsPrognostic2.c:
3 | */
4 |
5 |
6 | #include "../../DataSet/DataSet.h"
7 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
8 | #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
9 | #include "../../objects/objects.h"
10 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
11 | #include "../../include/macros.h"
12 | #include "../../MeshPartitionx/MeshPartitionx.h"
13 | #include "../IoModel.h"
14 |
15 |
16 | void CreateElementsNodesAndMaterialsPrognostic2(DataSet** pelements,DataSet** pnodes, DataSet** pmaterials, IoModel* iomodel,ConstDataHandle iomodel_handle){
17 |
18 | int i,j,k,n;
19 | extern int my_rank;
20 | extern int num_procs;
21 |
22 | /*DataSets: */
23 | DataSet* elements = NULL;
24 | DataSet* nodes = NULL;
25 | DataSet* materials = NULL;
26 |
27 | /*Objects: */
28 | Node* node = NULL;
29 | Tria* tria = NULL;
30 | Penta* penta = NULL;
31 | Matice* matice = NULL;
32 | Matpar* matpar = NULL;
33 |
34 | /*output: */
35 | int* epart=NULL; //element partitioning.
36 | int* npart=NULL; //node partitioning.
37 | int* my_grids=NULL;
38 | double* my_bordergrids=NULL;
39 |
40 | /*intermediary: */
41 | int elements_width; //size of elements
42 | double B_avg;
43 |
44 | /*tria constructor input: */
45 | int tria_id;
46 | int tria_mid;
47 | int tria_mparid;
48 | int tria_numparid;
49 | int tria_g[3];
50 | double tria_h[3];
51 | double tria_s[3];
52 | double tria_b[3];
53 | double tria_k[3];
54 | double tria_melting[3];
55 | double tria_accumulation[3];
56 | double tria_geothermalflux[3];
57 | int tria_friction_type;
58 | double tria_p;
59 | double tria_q;
60 | int tria_shelf;
61 | bool tria_onwater;
62 |
63 | /*matice constructor input: */
64 | int matice_mid;
65 | double matice_B;
66 | double matice_n;
67 |
68 | /*penta constructor input: */
69 |
70 | int penta_id;
71 | int penta_mid;
72 | int penta_mparid;
73 | int penta_numparid;
74 | int penta_g[6];
75 | double penta_h[6];
76 | double penta_s[6];
77 | double penta_b[6];
78 | double penta_k[6];
79 | int penta_friction_type;
80 | double penta_p;
81 | double penta_q;
82 | int penta_shelf;
83 | int penta_onbed;
84 | int penta_onsurface;
85 | int penta_collapse;
86 | double penta_melting[6];
87 | double penta_accumulation[6];
88 | double penta_geothermalflux[6];
89 | int penta_thermal_steadystate;
90 | bool penta_onwater;
91 |
92 | /*matpar constructor input: */
93 | int matpar_mid;
94 | double matpar_rho_ice;
95 | double matpar_rho_water;
96 | double matpar_heatcapacity;
97 | double matpar_thermalconductivity;
98 | double matpar_latentheat;
99 | double matpar_beta;
100 | double matpar_meltingpoint;
101 | double matpar_mixed_layer_capacity;
102 | double matpar_thermal_exchange_velocity;
103 | double matpar_g;
104 |
105 | /* node constructor input: */
106 | int node_id;
107 | int node_partitionborder=0;
108 | double node_x[3];
109 | double node_sigma;
110 | int node_onbed;
111 | int node_onsurface;
112 | int node_onshelf;
113 | int node_onsheet;
114 | int node_upper_node_id;
115 | int node_numdofs;
116 |
117 |
118 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
119 | /*Metis partitioning: */
120 | int range;
121 | Vec gridborder=NULL;
122 | int my_numgrids;
123 | int* all_numgrids=NULL;
124 | int gridcount;
125 | int count;
126 | #endif
127 | int first_grid_index;
128 |
129 | /*First create the elements, nodes and material properties: */
130 | elements = new DataSet(ElementsEnum());
131 | nodes = new DataSet(NodesEnum());
132 | materials = new DataSet(MaterialsEnum());
133 |
134 | /*Width of elements: */
135 | if(strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"2d")==0){
136 | elements_width=3; //tria elements
137 | }
138 | else{
139 | ISSMERROR("not implemented yet!");
140 | elements_width=6; //penta elements
141 | }
142 |
143 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
144 | /*Determine parallel partitioning of elements: we use Metis for now. First load the data, then partition*/
145 | if(strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"2d")==0){
146 | /*load elements: */
147 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elements,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elements");
148 | }
149 | else{
150 | /*load elements2d: */
151 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elements2d,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elements2d");
152 | }
153 |
154 |
155 | MeshPartitionx(&epart, &npart,iomodel->numberofelements,iomodel->numberofnodes,iomodel->elements, iomodel->numberofelements2d,iomodel->numberofnodes2d,iomodel->elements2d,iomodel->numlayers,elements_width, iomodel->meshtype,num_procs);
156 |
157 | /*Free elements and elements2d: */
158 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elements);
159 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elements2d);
160 |
161 | /*Used later on: */
162 | my_grids=(int*)xcalloc(iomodel->numberofnodes,sizeof(int));
163 | #endif
164 |
165 | /*elements created vary if we are dealing with a 2d mesh, or a 3d mesh: */
166 |
167 | /*2d mesh: */
168 | if (strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"2d")==0){
169 |
170 | /*Fetch data needed: */
171 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elements,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elements");
172 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->thickness,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"thickness");
173 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->surface,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"surface");
174 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->bed,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"bed");
175 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementoniceshelf,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementoniceshelf");
176 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementonwater,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementonwater");
177 |
178 | for (i=0;i<iomodel->numberofelements;i++){
179 |
180 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
181 | /*!All elements have been partitioned above, only create elements for this CPU: */
182 | if(my_rank==epart[i]){
183 | #endif
184 |
185 |
186 | /*ids: */
187 | tria_id=i+1; //matlab indexing.
188 | tria_mid=-1; //no need for materials
189 | tria_mparid=-1; //no need for materials
190 | tria_numparid=1;
191 |
192 | /*vertices offsets: */
193 | tria_g[0]=(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0);
194 | tria_g[1]=(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1);
195 | tria_g[2]=(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2);
196 |
197 | /*thickness,surface and bed:*/
198 | tria_h[0]= *(iomodel->thickness+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0)-1)); //remember, elements is an index of vertices offsets, in matlab indexing.
199 | tria_h[1]=*(iomodel->thickness+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1)-1));
200 | tria_h[2]=*(iomodel->thickness+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2)-1)) ;
201 |
202 | tria_s[0]=*(iomodel->surface+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0)-1));
203 | tria_s[1]=*(iomodel->surface+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1)-1));
204 | tria_s[2]=*(iomodel->surface+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2)-1));
205 |
206 | tria_b[0]=*(iomodel->bed+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0)-1));
207 | tria_b[1]=*(iomodel->bed+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1)-1));
208 | tria_b[2]=*(iomodel->bed+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2)-1));
209 |
210 | /*element on iceshelf?:*/
211 | tria_shelf=(int)*(iomodel->elementoniceshelf+i);
212 | tria_onwater=(bool)*(iomodel->elementonwater+i);
213 |
214 | /*Create tria element using its constructor:*/
215 | tria=new Tria(tria_id, tria_mid, tria_mparid, tria_numparid,tria_g, tria_h, tria_s, tria_b, tria_k, tria_melting,tria_accumulation,tria_geothermalflux,tria_friction_type, tria_p, tria_q, tria_shelf, tria_onwater);
216 |
217 | /*Add tria element to elements dataset: */
218 | elements->AddObject(tria);
219 |
220 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
221 | /*Now that we are here, we can also start building the list of grids belonging to this node partition: we use
222 | *the element index to do this. For each element n, we know index[n][0:2] holds the indices (matlab indexing)
223 | into the grid coordinates. If we start plugging 1 into my_grids for each index[n][i] (i=0:2), then my_grids
224 | will hold which grids belong to this partition*/
225 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0)-1]=1;
226 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1)-1]=1;
227 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2)-1]=1;
228 | #endif
229 |
230 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
231 | }//if(my_rank==epart[i])
232 | #endif
233 |
234 | }//for (i=0;i<numberofelements;i++)
235 |
236 |
237 | /*Free data : */
238 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elements);
239 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->thickness);
240 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->surface);
241 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->bed);
242 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementoniceshelf);
243 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementonwater);
244 |
245 | }
246 | else{ // if (strcmp(meshtype,"2d")==0)
247 | ISSMERROR(exprintf("not implemented yet"));
248 |
249 | /*Fetch data needed: */
250 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elements,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elements");
251 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->thickness,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"thickness");
252 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->surface,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"surface");
253 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->bed,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"bed");
254 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementoniceshelf,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementoniceshelf");
255 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementonbed,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementonbed");
256 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementonsurface,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementonsurface");
257 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->elementonwater,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"elementonwater");
258 |
259 | for (i=0;i<iomodel->numberofelements;i++){
260 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
261 | /*We are using our element partition to decide which elements will be created on this node: */
262 | if(my_rank==epart[i]){
263 | #endif
264 |
265 |
266 | /*name and id: */
267 | penta_id=i+1; //matlab indexing.
268 | penta_mid=-1;
269 | penta_mparid=-1; //no need for materials
270 | penta_numparid=1;
271 |
272 | /*vertices,thickness,surface,bed and drag: */
273 | for(j=0;j<6;j++){
274 | penta_g[j]=(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+j);
275 | penta_h[j]=*(iomodel->thickness+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+j)-1));
276 | penta_s[j]=*(iomodel->surface+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+j)-1));
277 | penta_b[j]=*(iomodel->bed+ ((int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+j)-1));
278 | }
279 |
280 | /*diverse: */
281 | penta_shelf=(int)*(iomodel->elementoniceshelf+i);
282 | penta_onbed=(int)*(iomodel->elementonbed+i);
283 | penta_onsurface=(int)*(iomodel->elementonsurface+i);
284 | penta_collapse=1;
285 | penta_onwater=(bool)*(iomodel->elementonwater+i);
286 |
287 |
288 | /*Create Penta using its constructor:*/
289 | penta= new Penta( penta_id,penta_mid,penta_mparid,penta_numparid,penta_g,penta_h,penta_s,penta_b,penta_k,penta_friction_type,
290 | penta_p,penta_q,penta_shelf,penta_onbed,penta_onsurface,
291 | penta_collapse,penta_melting,penta_accumulation,penta_geothermalflux,
292 | penta_thermal_steadystate,penta_onwater);
293 |
294 | /*Add penta element to elements dataset: */
295 | elements->AddObject(penta);
296 |
297 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
298 | /*Now that we are here, we can also start building the list of grids belonging to this node partition: we use
299 | *the element index to do this. For each element n, we know index[n][0:2] holds the indices (matlab indexing)
300 | into the grid coordinates. If we start plugging 1 into my_grids for each index[n][i] (i=0:2), then my_grids
301 | will hold which grids belong to this partition*/
302 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+0)-1]=1;
303 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+1)-1]=1;
304 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+2)-1]=1;
305 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+3)-1]=1;
306 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+4)-1]=1;
307 | my_grids[(int)*(iomodel->elements+elements_width*i+5)-1]=1;
308 | #endif
309 |
310 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
311 | }//if(my_rank==epart[i])
312 | #endif
313 |
314 | }//for (i=0;i<numberofelements;i++)
315 |
316 | /*Free data: */
317 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elements);
318 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->thickness);
319 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->surface);
320 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->bed);
321 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementoniceshelf);
322 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementonbed);
323 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementonsurface);
324 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->elementonwater);
325 |
326 | } //if (strcmp(meshtype,"2d")==0)
327 |
328 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
329 | /*From the element partitioning, we can determine which grids are on the inside of this cpu's
330 | *element partition, and which are on its border with other nodes:*/
331 | gridborder=NewVec(iomodel->numberofnodes);
332 |
333 | for (i=0;i<iomodel->numberofnodes;i++){
334 | if(my_grids[i])VecSetValue(gridborder,i,1,ADD_VALUES);
335 | }
336 | VecAssemblyBegin(gridborder);
337 | VecAssemblyEnd(gridborder);
338 |
339 | #ifdef _ISSM_DEBUG_
340 | VecView(gridborder,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD);
341 | #endif
342 |
343 | VecToMPISerial(&my_bordergrids,gridborder);
344 |
345 | #ifdef _ISSM_DEBUG_
346 | if(my_rank==0){
347 | for (i=0;i<iomodel->numberofnodes;i++){
348 | printf("Grid id %i Border grid %lf\n",i+1,my_bordergrids[i]);
349 | }
350 | }
351 | #endif
352 | #endif
353 |
354 | /*Add one constant material property to materials: */
355 | matpar_mid=1; //put it at the end of the materials
356 | matpar_g=iomodel->g;
357 | matpar_rho_ice=iomodel->rho_ice;
358 | matpar_rho_water=iomodel->rho_water;
359 | matpar_thermalconductivity=iomodel->thermalconductivity;
360 | matpar_heatcapacity=iomodel->heatcapacity;
361 | matpar_latentheat=iomodel->latentheat;
362 | matpar_beta=iomodel->beta;
363 | matpar_meltingpoint=iomodel->meltingpoint;
364 | matpar_mixed_layer_capacity=iomodel->mixed_layer_capacity;
365 | matpar_thermal_exchange_velocity=iomodel->thermal_exchange_velocity;
366 |
367 | /*Create matpar object using its constructor: */
368 | matpar=new Matpar(matpar_mid,matpar_rho_ice,matpar_rho_water,matpar_heatcapacity,matpar_thermalconductivity,
369 | matpar_latentheat,matpar_beta,matpar_meltingpoint,matpar_mixed_layer_capacity,
370 | matpar_thermal_exchange_velocity,matpar_g);
371 |
372 | /*Add to materials datset: */
373 | materials->AddObject(matpar);
374 |
375 | /*Partition penalties in 3d: */
376 | if(strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"3d")==0){
377 |
378 | /*Get penalties: */
379 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->penalties,&iomodel->numpenalties,NULL,iomodel_handle,"penalties");
380 |
381 | if(iomodel->numpenalties){
382 |
383 | iomodel->penaltypartitioning=(int*)xmalloc(iomodel->numpenalties*sizeof(int));
384 | #ifdef _SERIAL_
385 | for(i=0;i<iomodel->numpenalties;i++)iomodel->penaltypartitioning[i]=1;
386 | #else
387 | for(i=0;i<iomodel->numpenalties;i++)iomodel->penaltypartitioning[i]=-1;
388 |
389 | for(i=0;i<iomodel->numpenalties;i++){
390 | first_grid_index=(int)(*(iomodel->penalties+i*iomodel->numlayers+0)-1);
391 | if((my_grids[first_grid_index]==1) && (my_bordergrids[first_grid_index]<=1.0) ) { //this grid belongs to this node's internal partition grids
392 | /*All grids that are being penalised belong to this node's internal grid partition.:*/
393 | iomodel->penaltypartitioning[i]=1;
394 | }
395 | if(my_bordergrids[first_grid_index]>1.0) { //this grid belongs to a partition border
396 | iomodel->penaltypartitioning[i]=0;
397 | }
398 | }
399 | #endif
400 | }
401 |
402 | /*Free penalties: */
403 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->penalties);
404 | }
405 |
406 | /*Ok, let's summarise. Now, every CPU has the following two arrays: my_grids, and my_bordergrids.
407 | We can therefore determine which grids are internal to this node's partition
408 | and which ones are shared with other nodes because they are on the border of this node's partition. Knowing
409 | that, go and create the grids*/
410 |
411 | /*Create nodes from x,y,z, as well as the spc values on those grids: */
412 |
413 | /*First fetch data: */
414 | if (strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"3d")==0){
415 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->deadgrids,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"deadgrids");
416 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->uppernodes,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"uppergrids");
417 | }
418 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->x,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"x");
419 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->y,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"y");
420 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->z,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"z");
421 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->thickness,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"thickness");
422 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->bed,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"bed");
423 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->gridonbed,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"gridonbed");
424 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->gridonsurface,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"gridonsurface");
425 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->gridonicesheet,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"gridonicesheet");
426 | IoModelFetchData(&iomodel->gridoniceshelf,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,"gridoniceshelf");
427 |
428 |
429 | /*Get number of dofs per node: */
430 | DistributeNumDofs(&node_numdofs,iomodel->analysis_type,iomodel->sub_analysis_type);
431 |
432 | for (i=0;i<iomodel->numberofnodes;i++){
433 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
434 | /*keep only this partition's nodes:*/
435 | if((my_grids[i]==1)){
436 | #endif
437 |
438 | node_id=i+1; //matlab indexing
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
443 | if(my_bordergrids[i]>1.0) { //this grid belongs to a partition border
444 | node_partitionborder=1;
445 | }
446 | else{
447 | node_partitionborder=0;
448 | }
449 | #else
450 | node_partitionborder=0;
451 | #endif
452 |
453 | node_x[0]=iomodel->x[i];
454 | node_x[1]=iomodel->y[i];
455 | node_x[2]=iomodel->z[i];
456 | node_sigma=(iomodel->z[i]-iomodel->bed[i])/(iomodel->thickness[i]);
457 |
458 | node_onbed=(int)iomodel->gridonbed[i];
459 | node_onsurface=(int)iomodel->gridonsurface[i];
460 | node_onshelf=(int)iomodel->gridoniceshelf[i];
461 | node_onsheet=(int)iomodel->gridonicesheet[i];
462 |
463 | if (strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"3d")==0){
464 | if (isnan(iomodel->uppernodes[i])){
465 | node_upper_node_id=node_id; //nodes on surface do not have upper nodes, only themselves.
466 | }
467 | else{
468 | node_upper_node_id=(int)iomodel->uppernodes[i];
469 | }
470 | }
471 | else{
472 | /*If we are running 2d, upper_node does not mean much. Just point towards itself!:*/
473 | node_upper_node_id=node_id;
474 | }
475 |
476 | /*Create node using its constructor: */
477 | node=new Node(node_id,node_partitionborder,node_numdofs,node_x,node_sigma,node_onbed,node_onsurface,node_upper_node_id,node_onshelf,node_onsheet);
478 |
479 | /*set single point constraints.: */
480 | if (strcmp(iomodel->meshtype,"3d")==0){
481 | /*On a 3d mesh, we may have collapsed elements, hence dead grids. Freeze them out: */
482 | if (!iomodel->gridonbed[i]){
483 | for(k=1;k<=node_numdofs;k++){
484 | node->FreezeDof(k);
485 | }
486 | }
487 | }
488 | /*Add node to nodes dataset: */
489 | nodes->AddObject(node);
490 |
491 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
492 | } //if((my_grids[i]==1))
493 | #endif
494 | }
495 |
496 | /*All our datasets are already order by ids. Set presort flag so that later on, when sorting is requested on these
497 | * datasets, it will not be redone: */
498 | elements->Presort();
499 | nodes->Presort();
500 | materials->Presort();
501 |
502 | /*Clean fetched data: */
503 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->deadgrids);
504 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->x);
505 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->y);
506 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->z);
507 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->thickness);
508 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->bed);
509 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->gridonbed);
510 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->gridonsurface);
511 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->uppernodes);
512 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->gridonicesheet);
513 | xfree((void**)&iomodel->gridoniceshelf);
514 |
515 |
516 | /*Keep partitioning information into iomodel*/
517 | iomodel->epart=epart;
518 | iomodel->my_grids=my_grids;
519 | iomodel->my_bordergrids=my_bordergrids;
520 |
521 | /*Free ressources:*/
522 | #ifdef _PARALLEL_
523 | xfree((void**)&all_numgrids);
524 | xfree((void**)&npart);
525 | VecFree(&gridborder);
526 | #endif
527 |
528 | cleanup_and_return:
529 |
530 | /*Assign output pointer: */
531 | *pelements=elements;
532 | *pnodes=nodes;
533 | *pmaterials=materials;
534 |
535 | }