1 | /*!\file: CreateParametersControl.cpp
2 | * \brief driver for creating parameters dataset, for control analysis.
3 | */
4 |
5 | #undef __FUNCT__
6 | #define __FUNCT__ "CreateParameters"
7 |
8 | #include "../../DataSet/DataSet.h"
9 | #include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
10 | #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h"
11 | #include "../../objects/objects.h"
12 | #include "../../shared/shared.h"
13 | #include "../Model.h"
14 |
15 | void CreateParametersControl(DataSet** pparameters,Model* model,ConstDataHandle model_handle){
16 |
17 | int i;
18 |
19 | DataSet* parameters=NULL;
20 | Param* param = NULL;
21 | int count;
22 | int analysis_type;
23 | int numberofdofspernode;
24 |
25 | double* fit=NULL;
26 | double* optscal=NULL;
27 | double* maxiter=NULL;
28 | double* control_parameter=NULL;
29 | double* param_g=NULL;
30 |
31 | double* vx_obs=NULL;
32 | double* vy_obs=NULL;
33 | double* u_g_obs=NULL;
34 |
35 | double* vx=NULL;
36 | double* vy=NULL;
37 | double* vz=NULL;
38 | double* u_g=NULL;
39 |
40 | /*Get parameters: */
41 | parameters=*pparameters;
42 | count=parameters->Size();
43 |
44 | /*control_type: */
45 | count++;
46 | param= new Param(count,"control_type",STRING);
47 | param->SetString(model->control_type);
48 | parameters->AddObject(param);
49 |
50 | /*nsteps: */
51 | count++;
52 | param= new Param(count,"nsteps",INTEGER);
53 | param->SetInteger(model->nsteps);
54 | parameters->AddObject(param);
55 |
56 | /*tolx: */
57 | count++;
58 | param= new Param(count,"tolx",DOUBLE);
59 | param->SetDouble(model->tolx);
60 | parameters->AddObject(param);
61 |
62 | /*mincontrolconstraint: */
63 | count++;
64 | param= new Param(count,"mincontrolconstraint",DOUBLE);
65 | param->SetDouble(model->mincontrolconstraint);
66 | parameters->AddObject(param);
67 |
68 | /*maxcontrolconstraint: */
69 | count++;
70 | param= new Param(count,"maxcontrolconstraint",DOUBLE);
71 | param->SetDouble(model->maxcontrolconstraint);
72 | parameters->AddObject(param);
73 |
74 | /*epsvel: */
75 | count++;
76 | param= new Param(count,"epsvel",DOUBLE);
77 | param->SetDouble(model->epsvel);
78 | parameters->AddObject(param);
79 |
80 | /*meanvel: */
81 | count++;
82 | param= new Param(count,"meanvel",DOUBLE);
83 | param->SetDouble(model->meanvel);
84 | parameters->AddObject(param);
85 |
86 | /*Now, recover fit, optscal and maxiter as vectors: */
87 | ModelFetchData((void**)&model->fit,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"fit","Matrix","Mat");
88 | ModelFetchData((void**)&model->optscal,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"optscal","Matrix","Mat");
89 | ModelFetchData((void**)&model->maxiter,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"maxiter","Matrix","Mat");
90 |
91 | count++;
92 | param= new Param(count,"fit",DOUBLEVEC);
93 | param->SetDoubleVec(model->fit,model->nsteps);
94 | parameters->AddObject(param);
95 |
96 | count++;
97 | param= new Param(count,"optscal",DOUBLEVEC);
98 | param->SetDoubleVec(model->optscal,model->nsteps);
99 | parameters->AddObject(param);
100 |
101 | count++;
102 | param= new Param(count,"maxiter",DOUBLEVEC);
103 | param->SetDoubleVec(model->maxiter,model->nsteps);
104 | parameters->AddObject(param);
105 |
106 | xfree((void**)&model->fit);
107 | xfree((void**)&model->optscal);
108 | xfree((void**)&model->maxiter);
109 |
110 | /*Get vx, vx_obs, vy, vy_obs, and the parameter value: */
111 | ModelFetchData((void**)&vx,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"vx","Matrix","Mat");
112 | ModelFetchData((void**)&vy,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"vy","Matrix","Mat");
113 | ModelFetchData((void**)&vz,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"vz","Matrix","Mat");
114 | ModelFetchData((void**)&vx_obs,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"vx_obs","Matrix","Mat");
115 | ModelFetchData((void**)&vy_obs,NULL,NULL,model_handle,"vy_obs","Matrix","Mat");
116 | ModelFetchData((void**)&control_parameter,NULL,NULL,model_handle,model->control_type,"Matrix","Mat");
117 |
118 | u_g=(double*)xcalloc(model->numberofnodes*3,sizeof(double));
119 | if(vx)for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)u_g[3*i+0]=vx[i]/model->yts;
120 | if(vy)for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)u_g[3*i+1]=vy[i]/model->yts;
121 | if(vz)for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)u_g[3*i+2]=vz[i]/model->yts;
122 |
123 | count++;
124 | param= new Param(count,"u_g",DOUBLEVEC);
125 | param->SetDoubleVec(u_g,3*model->numberofnodes,3);
126 | parameters->AddObject(param);
127 |
128 | u_g_obs=(double*)xcalloc(model->numberofnodes*2,sizeof(double));
129 | if(vx_obs)for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)u_g_obs[2*i+0]=vx_obs[i]/model->yts;
130 | if(vy_obs)for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)u_g_obs[2*i+1]=vy_obs[i]/model->yts;
131 |
132 | count++;
133 | param= new Param(count,"u_g_obs",DOUBLEVEC);
134 | param->SetDoubleVec(u_g_obs,2*model->numberofnodes,2);
135 | parameters->AddObject(param);
136 |
137 | param_g=(double*)xcalloc(model->numberofnodes*2,sizeof(double));
138 | for(i=0;i<model->numberofnodes;i++)param_g[2*i+0]=control_parameter[i];
139 |
140 | count++;
141 | param= new Param(count,"param_g",DOUBLEVEC);
142 | param->SetDoubleVec(param_g,2*model->numberofnodes,2);
143 | parameters->AddObject(param);
144 |
145 | xfree((void**)&vx);
146 | xfree((void**)&vy);
147 | xfree((void**)&vz);
148 | xfree((void**)&u_g);
149 | xfree((void**)&vx_obs);
150 | xfree((void**)&vy_obs);
151 | xfree((void**)&u_g_obs);
152 | xfree((void**)¶m_g);
153 | xfree((void**)&control_parameter);
154 |
155 | /*Assign output pointer: */
156 | *pparameters=parameters;
157 | }