1 | /*! \file ContourToMeshx.c
2 | */
3 |
4 | #include "./ContourToMeshx.h"
5 |
6 | #undef __FUNCT__
7 | #define __FUNCT__ "ContourToMeshx"
8 |
9 | int ContourToMeshx( Vec* pin_nod,Vec* pin_elem, double* index, double* x, double* y,Contour** contours,int numcontours,char* interptype,int nel,int nods, int edgevalue) {
10 |
11 | int noerr=1;
12 | int i;
13 | int m,n;
14 |
15 | /*Contour:*/
16 | Contour* contouri=NULL;
17 | int numgrids;
18 | double* xc=NULL;
19 | double* yc=NULL;
20 | double* in_nod_serial;
21 | double value;
22 |
23 | /*output: */
24 | Vec in_nod=NULL;
25 | Vec in_elem=NULL;
26 |
27 | in_nod=NewVec(nods);
28 | in_elem=NewVec(nel);
29 |
30 | /*Loop through all contours: */
31 | for (i=0;i<numcontours;i++){
32 | #ifdef _DEBUG_
33 | printf("\nHandling contour %i/%i\n",i,numcontours);
34 | #endif
35 | contouri=*(contours+i);
36 | numgrids=contouri->nods;
37 | xc=contouri->x;
38 | yc=contouri->y;
39 | IsInPoly(in_nod,xc,yc,numgrids,x,y,nods,edgevalue);
40 | }
41 |
42 | /*Get in_nod serialised for next operation: */
43 | VecToMPISerial(&in_nod_serial,in_nod);
44 |
45 | /*Take care of the case where an element interpolation has been requested: */
46 | if ((strcmp(interptype,"element")==0) || (strcmp(interptype,"element and node")==0)){
47 | for (n=0;n<nel;n++){
48 | if ( (in_nod_serial[ (int)*(index+3*n+0) -1] == 1) && (in_nod_serial[ (int)*(index+3*n+1) -1] == 1) && (in_nod_serial[ (int)*(index+3*n+2) -1] == 1) ){
49 | value=1; VecSetValues(in_elem,1,&n,&value,INSERT_VALUES);
50 | }
51 | }
52 | }
53 |
54 | /*Assemble vectors: */
55 | VecAssemblyBegin(in_nod);
56 | VecAssemblyEnd(in_nod);
57 | VecAssemblyBegin(in_elem);
58 | VecAssemblyEnd(in_elem);
59 |
60 | /*Assign output pointers: */
61 | *pin_nod=in_nod;
62 | *pin_elem=in_elem;
63 |
64 | /*Free ressources:*/
65 | xfree((void**)&in_nod_serial);
66 |
67 | return noerr;
68 | }