1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | set -u # NOTE: Do not set -e as it will cause this script to fail when there are errors in underlying Python scripts
3 |
4 |
5 | ## Constants
6 | #
7 | VER="3.12.3"
8 |
9 | PETSC_DIR="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/src" # DO NOT CHANGE THIS
10 | PREFIX="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install" # Set to location where external package should be installed
11 |
12 | # Download source
13 | $ISSM_DIR/scripts/DownloadExternalPackage.sh "https://issm.ess.uci.edu/files/externalpackages/petsc-lite-${VER}.tar.gz" "petsc-${VER}.tar.gz"
14 |
15 | # Unpack source
16 | tar -zxvf petsc-${VER}.tar.gz
17 |
18 | # Cleanup
19 | rm -rf ${PREFIX} ${PETSC_DIR}
20 | mkdir ${PETSC_DIR}
21 |
22 | # Move source to $PETSC_DIR
23 | mv petsc-${VER}/* ${PETSC_DIR}
24 | rm -rf petsc-${VER}
25 |
26 | # Configure
27 | #
28 | # - Added -fallow-argument-mismatch option to FFLAGS in order to clear "Error:
29 | # Rank mismatch between actual argument at [...]"
30 | # - Added -fallow-invalid-boz option to FFLAGS in order to clear "Error: BOZ
31 | # literal constant at [...]"
32 | #
33 | cd ${PETSC_DIR}
34 | ./config/configure.py \
35 | --prefix="${PREFIX}" \
36 | --PETSC_DIR="${PETSC_DIR}" \
37 | --FFLAGS="-fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz" \
38 | --with-debugging=0 \
39 | --with-valgrind=0 \
40 | --with-x=0 \
41 | --with-ssl=0 \
42 | --with-pic=1 \
43 | --with-mpiexec="/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1/Bin/mpiexec.exe" \
44 | --with-mpi-lib="-L${MSMPI_ROOT}/lib -lmsmpi" \
45 | --with-mpi-include="${MSMPI_ROOT}/include" \
46 | --with-metis-dir=${METIS_ROOT} \
47 | --with-parmetis-dir=${PARMETIS_ROOT} \
48 | --with-blas-lib="-L${BLAS_ROOT}/lib -lblas" \
49 | --known-64-bit-blas-indices=0 \
50 | --with-lapack-lib="-L${LAPACK_ROOT}/lib -llapack" \
51 | --with-scalapack-dir=${SCALAPACK_ROOT} \
52 | --with-mumps-dir=${MUMPS_ROOT}
53 |
54 | # Compile and install
55 | make
56 | make install
57 |
58 | # NOTE:
59 | # - Hack to recover from failed installation (appears to happen only on Windows
60 | # when reproducing symbolic links in destination directory) rather than
61 | # trying to patch src/config/install.py
62 | #
63 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
64 | make install
65 | fi