1 | import numpy as np
2 | from model import *
3 | from solve import solve
4 | from hydrologyshakti import hydrologyshakti
5 | from parameterize import parameterize
6 | from export_netCDF import export_netCDF
7 | from transient import transient
8 | from setmask import setmask
9 | from triangle import triangle
10 |
11 |
12 | steps = [1, 2, 3]
13 |
14 | if 1 in steps:
15 | print(' Step 1: Mesh')
16 | #Generate unstructured mesh on 1, 000 m square with typical element edge length of 20 m
17 | md = triangle(model(), './outline.exp', 20)
18 | export_netCDF(md, 'MoulinMesh.nc')
19 |
20 |
21 | if 2 in steps:
22 | print(' Step 2: Parameterization')
23 | md = loadmodel('MoulinMesh.nc')
24 | md = setmask(md, '', '')
25 |
26 | # Run parameterization script to set up geometry, velocity, material properties, etc.
27 | md = parameterize(md, 'moulin.py')
28 |
30 | # Change hydrology class to Sommers' SHaKTI model
31 | md.hydrology = hydrologyshakti()
32 |
33 | # Define initial water head such that water pressure is 50% of ice overburden pressure
34 | md.hydrology.head = 0.5 * md.materials.rho_ice / md.materials.rho_freshwater * md.geometry.thickness + md.geometry.base
35 |
36 | # Initial subglacial gap height of 0.01m everywhere
37 | md.hydrology.gap_height = 0.01 * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofelements)
38 |
39 | # Typical bed bump bump spacing (2m)
40 | md.hydrology.bump_spacing = 2 * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofelements)
41 |
42 | # Typical bed bump height (0.1m)
43 | md.hydrology.bump_height = 0.1 * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofelements)
44 |
45 | # Define distributed englacial input to the subglacial system (m / yr)
46 | # Change the value 0.0 to add distributed input
47 | md.hydrology.englacial_input = 0.0 * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices)
48 |
49 | # Initial Reynolds number (start at Re = 1000 everywhere)
50 | md.hydrology.reynolds = 1000. * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofelements)
51 |
52 | # Set up atmospheric pressure Type I boundary condition at left edge of
53 | # domain (outflow, i.e. h = zb at x = xmin)
54 | md.hydrology.spchead = np.nan * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices)
55 | pos = np.where(np.logical_and(md.mesh.vertexonboundary, md.mesh.x == np.nanmin(md.mesh.x)))
56 | md.hydrology.spchead[pos] = md.geometry.base[pos]
57 |
58 | export_netCDF(md, 'MoulinParam.nc')
59 |
60 | if 3 in steps:
61 | print(' Step 3: Solve!')
62 | md = loadmodel('MoulinParam.nc')
63 |
64 | md.transient = transient.deactivateall(md.transient)
65 | md.transient.ishydrology = 1
66 |
67 | # Specify that you want to run the model on your current computer
68 | # Change the number of processors according to your machine (here np = 4)
69 | md.cluster = generic('np', 2)
70 |
71 | # Define the time stepping scheme: run for 90 days with a time step of 1 hr
72 | md.timestepping.time_step = 3600. / md.constants.yts # Time step (in years)
73 | md.timestepping.final_time = 30. / 365.
74 |
75 | #Add one moulin with steady input at x = 500, y = 500
76 | DistToCenter = np.sqrt((md.mesh.x - 500)**2 + (md.mesh.y - 500)**2)
77 | loc = np.where(np.nanmin(DistToCenter) == DistToCenter)
78 | time = np.arange(0, md.timestepping.final_time + md.timestepping.time_step, md.timestepping.time_step)
79 | md.hydrology.moulin_input = np.zeros((md.mesh.numberofvertices, len(time)))
80 | md.hydrology.moulin_input = np.vstack((md.hydrology.moulin_input, time))
81 | md.hydrology.moulin_input[loc, :] = 4
82 |
83 | # Specify no - flux Type 2 boundary conditions on all edges (except
84 | # the Type 1 condition set at the outflow above)
85 | md.hydrology.neumannflux = np.zeros((md.mesh.numberofelements, len(time)))
86 | md.hydrology.neumannflux = np.vstack((md.hydrology.neumannflux, time))
87 |
88 | md.verbose.solution = 1
89 | md = solve(md, 'Transient')
90 |
91 | export_netCDF(md, 'MoulinTransient.nc')