1 | import numpy as np
2 | from triangle import triangle
3 | from model import *
4 | from netCDF4 import Dataset
5 | from InterpFromGridToMesh import InterpFromGridToMesh
6 | from bamg import bamg
7 | from xy2ll import xy2ll
8 | from plotmodel import plotmodel
9 | from export_netCDF import export_netCDF
10 | from loadmodel import loadmodel
11 | from setmask import setmask
12 | from parameterize import parameterize
13 | from setflowequation import setflowequation
14 | from socket import gethostname
15 | from solve import solve
16 | from ll2xy import ll2xy
17 | from BamgTriangulate import BamgTriangulate
18 | from InterpFromMeshToMesh2d import InterpFromMeshToMesh2d
19 | from scipy.interpolate import griddata
20 |
21 | steps = [1]
22 |
23 | if 1 in steps:
24 | # Step 1: Mesh creation {{{
25 | print(' Step 1: Mesh creation')
26 |
27 | #Generate initial uniform mesh (resolution = 20000 m)
28 | md = triangle(model(), './DomainOutline.exp', 20000)
29 |
30 | ncdata = Dataset('../Data/Greenland_5km_dev1.2.nc', mode='r')
31 |
32 | # Get velocities (Note: You can use ncprint('file') to see an ncdump)
33 | x1 = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['x1'][:].data)
34 | y1 = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['y1'][:].data)
35 | velx = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['surfvelx'][:].data)
36 | vely = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['surfvely'][:].data)
37 | ncdata.close()
38 |
39 | vx = InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, velx, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)
40 | vy = InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, vely, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)
41 | vel = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
42 |
43 | #Mesh Greenland
44 | md = bamg(md, 'hmax', 400000, 'hmin', 5000, 'gradation', 1.4, 'field', vel, 'err', 8)
45 |
46 | #convert x, y coordinates (Polar stereo) to lat / lon
47 | [md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long] = xy2ll(md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, + 1, 39, 71)
48 |
49 | export_netCDF(md, './Models/Greenland.Mesh_generation.nc')
50 | plotmodel(md, 'data', 'mesh')
51 | # }}}
52 |
53 | if 2 in steps:
54 | # Step 2: Parameterization{{{
55 | print(' Step 2: Parameterization')
56 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Mesh_generation.nc')
57 |
58 | md = setmask(md, '', '')
59 | md = parameterize(md, './Greenland.py')
60 | md = setflowequation(md, 'SSA', 'all')
61 |
62 | export_netCDF(md, "./Models/Greenland.Parameterization.nc")
63 | # }}}
64 |
65 | if 3 in steps:
66 | # Step 3: Control method friction {{{
67 | print(' Step 3: Control method friction')
68 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Parameterization.nc')
69 | #Control general
70 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 1
71 | md.inversion.nsteps = 30
72 | md.inversion.step_threshold = 0.99 * np.ones((md.inversion.nsteps))
73 | md.inversion.maxiter_per_step = 5 * np.ones((md.inversion.nsteps))
74 |
75 | #Cost functions
76 | md.inversion.cost_functions = [101, 103, 501]
77 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 3))
78 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 0] = 350
79 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 1] = 0.2
80 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 2] = 2e-6
81 |
82 | #Controls
83 | md.inversion.control_parameters = ['FrictionCoefficient']
84 | md.inversion.gradient_scaling = 50 * np.ones((md.inversion.nsteps, 1))
85 | md.inversion.min_parameters = 1 * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1))
86 | md.inversion.max_parameters = 200 * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1))
87 |
88 | #Additional parameters
89 | md.stressbalance.restol = 0.01
90 | md.stressbalance.reltol = 0.1
91 | md.stressbalance.abstol = np.nan
92 | md.stressbalance.loadingforce = np.zeros((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 3))
93 |
94 | #Go solve
95 | md.cluster = generic('name', gethostname(), 'np', 2)
96 | md.toolkits = toolkits()
97 | md.verbose = verbose('solution', True, 'control', True)
98 | md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance')
99 |
100 | #Update model friction fields accordingly
101 | md.friction.coefficient = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient
102 |
103 | export_netCDF(md, "./Models/Greenland.Control_drag.nc")
104 | # }}}
105 |
106 | if 4 in steps:
107 | # Step 4: Transient run {{{
108 | print(' Step 4: Transient run')
109 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Control_drag.nc')
110 |
111 | #Set surface mass balance
112 | ncdata = Dataset('../Data/Greenland_5km_dev1.2.nc', mode='r')
113 | x1 = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['x1'][:].data)
114 | y1 = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['y1'][:].data)
115 | smb = np.squeeze(ncdata.variables['smb'][:].data)
116 | ncdata.close()
117 |
118 | smb = InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, smb, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)
119 | smb = smb * md.materials.rho_freshwater / md.materials.rho_ice
120 | smb = np.vstack((smb, smb, smb - 1.0)).T
121 | md.smb.mass_balance = np.vstack((smb, np.asarray([[1, 10, 20]])))
122 | #Set transient options, run for 20 years, saving every timestep
123 | md.timestepping.time_step = 0.2
124 | md.timestepping.final_time = 20
125 | md.settings.output_frequency = 1
126 |
127 | #Additional options
128 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 0
129 | md.transient.requested_outputs = ['IceVolume', 'TotalSmb', 'SmbMassBalance']
130 | md.verbose = verbose('solution', True, 'module', True, 'convergence', True)
131 |
132 | #Go solve
133 | md.cluster = generic('name', gethostname(), 'np', 2)
134 | md = solve(md, 'Transient')
135 |
136 | export_netCDF(md, './Models/Greenland.Transient.nc')
137 | # }}}
138 |
139 | if 5 in steps:
140 | # Step 5: Plotting {{{
141 | print(' Step 5: Plotting')
142 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Transient.nc')
143 |
144 | #Planview plots
145 | plotmodel(md, 'data', md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Vel, 'log#1', 1e-1,
146 | 'caxis#1', [1e-1, 1e4], 'title#1', 'Velocity (m / y)',
147 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution[1].SmbMassBalance,
148 | 'title#2', 'Surface Mass Balance (m / y)',
149 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Thickness,
150 | 'title', 'Thickness (m)',
151 | 'data', md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Surface,
152 | 'title', 'Surface (m)')
153 |
154 | #Line Plots
155 | figure
156 |
157 | #Plot surface mass balance, velocity and volume
158 | surfmb = []
159 | vel = []
160 | volume = []
161 | for i in range(0, 100):
162 | surfmb.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].SmbMassBalance)
163 | vel.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].Vel)
164 | volume.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].IceVolume)
165 |
166 | layout, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(5, 5))
167 | ax[0].plot(np.arange(0.2, 20.2, 0.2), np.nanmean(surfmb, axis=1))
168 | ax[0].set_title('Mean Surface mass balance')
169 | ax[1].plot(np.arange(0.2, 20.2, 0.2), np.nanmean(vel, axis=1))
170 | ax[1].set_title('Mean Velocity')
171 | ax[2].plot(np.arange(0.2, 20.2, 0.2), volume)
172 | ax[2].set_title('Ice Volume')
173 | ax[2].set_xlabel('years')
174 | # }}}
175 |
176 | if 6 in steps:
177 | # Step 6: Extract Box SMB{{{
178 | print(' Step 6: Extract Box SMB')
179 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Transient.nc')
180 |
181 | #Set surface mass balance
182 | ncbox = Dataset('../Data/Box_Greenland_SMB_monthly_1840-2012_5km_cal_ver20141007.nc', mode='r')
183 | lat = np.squeeze(ncbox.variables['lat'][:].data)
184 | lon = np.squeeze(ncbox.variables['lon'][:].data)
185 | smbbox = np.squeeze(ncbox.variables['MassFlux'][:].data)
186 | ncbox.close()
187 | [x1, y1] = ll2xy(lat, lon, + 1, 45, 70)
188 |
189 | years_of_simulation = np.arange(1840, 2012 + 1)
190 | t = np.arange(years_of_simulation[0], years_of_simulation[-1] + 11 / 12, 1 / 12)
191 | #Area of grid for 5km box
192 | area_of_grid = 5000 * 5000
193 | totalsmb = reshape(np.nansum(smbbox / 1000, axis=(-2, -1)), (len(t), 1)) * area_of_grid
194 |
195 | #save surface mass balance mat dataset
196 | smbmean = np.nanmean(smbbox, axis=(0, 1))
197 | SMB = {}
198 | SMB['smbmean'] = smbmean
199 | SMB['totalsmb '] = totalsmb
200 | SMB['smbbox'] = smbbox
201 | SMB['x1'] = x1
202 | SMB['y1'] = y1
203 | SMB['t'] = t
204 |
205 | np.savez('./smbbox.npz', **SMB)
206 |
207 | #plot a time series of total SMB
208 | fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True)
209 | ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
210 | ax.plot(t, totalsmb / 1e9)
211 | ax.set_title('Total Surface mass balance, Gt')
212 | ax.set_xlabel('year')
213 | ax.set_ylabel('Gt/yr')
214 |
215 | del smbbox
216 | # }}}
217 |
218 | if 7 in steps:
219 | # Step 7: Historical Relaxation run {{{
220 | print(' Step 7: Historical Relaxation run')
221 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Control_drag.nc')
222 |
223 | with open('./smbbox.npz', "rb") as smbFile:
224 | SMB = np.load(smbFile)
225 | x1 = np.squeeze(SMB['x1'])
226 | y1 = np.squeeze(SMB['y1'])
227 | smbmean = np.squeeze(SMB['smbmean'])
228 |
229 | #convert mesh x, y into the Box projection
230 | [md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long] = xy2ll(md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, + 1, 39, 71)
231 | [xi, yi] = ll2xy(md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long, + 1, 45, 70)
232 |
233 | #Interpolate and set surface mass balance
234 | x1 = x1.flatten()
235 | y1 = y1.flatten()
236 | smbmean = smbmean.flatten()
237 | index = BamgTriangulate(x1, y1)
238 | smb_mo = InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index, x1, y1, smbmean, xi, yi)
239 | smb = smb_mo * 12 / 1000 * md.materials.rho_freshwater / md.materials.rho_ice
240 | md.smb.mass_balance = np.append(smb, 1)
241 |
242 | #Set transient options, run for 20 years, saving every timestep
243 | md.timestepping.time_step = 0.2
244 | md.timestepping.final_time = 20
245 | md.settings.output_frequency = 1
246 |
247 | #Additional options
248 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 0
249 | md.transient.requested_outputs = ['IceVolume', 'TotalSmb', 'SmbMassBalance']
250 | md.verbose = verbose('solution', True, 'module', True)
251 |
252 | #Go solve
253 | md.cluster = generic('name', gethostname(), 'np', 2)
254 | md = solve(md, 'Transient')
255 |
256 | export_netCDF(md, './Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient.nc')
257 | # }}}
258 |
259 | if 8 in steps:
260 | # Step 8: Plotting exercise {{{
261 | print(' Step 8: Plotting exercise')
262 | #Load historic transient model
263 |
264 | #Create Line Plots of relaxation run. Create a figure.
265 |
266 | #Save surface mass balance, by looping through 200 years (1000 steps)
267 | #Note, the first output will always contain output from time step 1
268 |
269 | #Plot surface mass balance time series in first subplot
270 |
271 | #Title this plot Mean surface mass balance
272 |
273 | #Save velocity by looping through 200 years
274 |
275 | #Plot velocity time series in second subplot
276 |
277 | #Title this plot Mean Velocity
278 |
279 | #Save Ice Volume by looping through 200 years
280 |
281 | #Plot volume time series in third subplot
282 |
283 | #Title this plot Mean Velocity and add an x label of years
284 | # }}}
285 |
286 | if 9 in steps:
287 | # Step 9: Box Transient run{{{
288 | print(' Step 9: Box Transient run')
289 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient.nc')
290 |
291 | #load past transient results
292 | md.geometry.base = md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Base
293 | md.geometry.thickness = md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Thickness
294 | md.geometry.surface = md.geometry.base + md.geometry.thickness
295 | md.initialization.vx = md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Vx
296 | md.initialization.vy = md.results.TransientSolution[-1].Vy
297 | md.results = []
298 |
299 | #convert mesh x, y into the Box projection
300 | [md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long] = xy2ll(md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, + 1, 39, 71)
301 | [xi, yi] = ll2xy(md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long, + 1, 45, 70)
302 |
303 | #Set surface mass balance
304 | with open('./smbbox.npz', "rb") as smbFile:
305 | SMB = np.load(smbFile)
306 | x1 = np.squeeze(SMB['x1'])
307 | y1 = np.squeeze(SMB['y1'])
308 | smbbox = np.squeeze(SMB['smbbox'])
309 |
310 | x1 = x1.flatten()
311 | y1 = y1.flatten()
312 | index = BamgTriangulate(x1, y1)
313 | #Set years to run
314 | years_of_simulation = np.arange(2003, 2012 + 1)
315 |
316 | #initialize surface mass balance matrix
317 | smb = np.nan * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, len(years_of_simulation) * 12))
318 |
319 | #Interpolate and set surface mass balance
320 | for year in years_of_simulation:
321 | for month in range(0, 12):
322 | smb_mo = griddata((np.double(x1), np.double(y1)), np.double(smbbox[year - 1840, month, :, :].flatten()), (xi, yi), method='nearest')
323 | smb[:, (year - years_of_simulation[0]) * 12 + month] = smb_mo
324 | smb = smb * 12 / 1000 * md.materials.rho_freshwater / md.materials.rho_ice
325 | timer = np.arange(1 / 24, len(years_of_simulation), 1 / 12)
326 | md.smb.mass_balance = np.vstack((smb, timer))
327 |
328 | #Set transient options, monthly timestep, saving every month
329 | md.timestepping.time_step = 1 / 12
330 | md.timestepping.final_time = len(years_of_simulation)
331 | md.settings.output_frequency = 1
332 |
333 | #Additional options
334 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 0
335 | md.transient.requested_outputs = ['IceVolume', 'TotalSmb', 'SmbMassBalance']
336 | md.verbose = verbose('solution', True, 'module', True)
337 |
338 | #Go solve
339 | md.cluster = generic('name', gethostname(), 'np', 2)
340 | md = solve(md, 'Transient')
341 |
342 | export_netCDF(md, './Models/Greenland.BoxTransient.nc')
343 | # }}}
344 |
345 | if 10 in steps:
346 | print(' Step 10: Plot Box Transient')
347 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.BoxTransient.nc')
348 |
349 | #Set years run
350 | years_of_simulation = np.arange(2003, 2012 + 1)
351 | t = np.arange(years_of_simulation[0], years_of_simulation[-1] + 11 / 12, 1 / 12)
352 |
353 | #Line Plots
354 | layout, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(5, 5))
355 | #Plot surface mass balance
356 | surfmb = []
357 | vel = []
358 | volume = []
359 | for i in range(0, len(t)):
360 | surfmb.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].TotalSmb)
361 | vel.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].Vel)
362 | volume.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].IceVolume)
363 | ax[0].plot(t, surfmb)
364 | ax[0].set_title('Total Surface mass balance')
365 | ax[1].plot(t, np.nanmax(vel, axis=1))
366 | ax[1].set_title('Max Velocity')
367 | ax[2].plot(t, volume)
368 | ax[2].set_title('Ice Volume')
369 | ax[2].set_xlabel('years')