1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #generate html report from nightly.log output file
3 |
4 | cd $ISSM_DIR/test/Verification/NightlyRun/
5 |
6 | #process nightly.log
7 | TODAY=` cat nightly.log | grep "today" | awk '{printf("%s %s",$2,$3);}'`
8 | USER=` cat nightly.log | grep "user" | awk '{print $2}'`
9 | HOST_NAME=` cat nightly.log | grep "host" | awk '{print $2}'`
10 | OS=` cat nightly.log | grep "OS" | awk '{print $2}'`
11 | RELEASE=` cat nightly.log | grep "release" | awk '{print $2}'`
12 | EL_INSTALL=`cat nightly.log | grep "elapsed_install" | awk '{print $2}'`
13 | EL_RUN=` cat nightly.log | grep "elapsed_run" | awk '{print $2}'`
14 | EL_TOTAL=` cat nightly.log | grep "elapsed_total" | awk '{print $2}'`
15 |
16 | #Process matlab_log.log
17 | cat matlab_log.log | egrep 'ERROR|SUCCESS|FAILURE' > matlab.log
18 | NUM_TOT=`wc -l matlab.log | awk '{print $1}'`
19 | NUM_ERR=`cat matlab.log | grep 'ERROR' | grep -v "PETSC ERROR" | wc -l`
20 | NUM_SUC=`cat matlab.log | grep 'SUCCESS' | wc -l`
21 | NUM_FAI=`cat matlab.log | grep 'FAILURE' | wc -l`
22 |
23 | #style
24 | H1_STYLE='width="1000px" cellpadding="20"'
25 | H1_FONT='style="color:#6495ed; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-weight: bold; font-size:35px;" align="center"'
26 |
27 | H2_STYLE='width="900px" cellpadding="20"'
28 | H2_FONT='style="color:#6495ed; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:28px; font-weight: bold;" align="left"'
29 |
30 | TABLE_STYLE='width="800px" rules=none bgcolor="#ffffdd" border=1 bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3"'
31 | TABLE_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14; font-weight: normal;" align="left"'
32 |
33 | MATLAB_STYLE='width="1000px" rules=none'
34 | MATLAB_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px; font-weight: normal;" align="left"'
35 |
36 | BODY_STYLE='width="1000px"'
37 | BODY_FONT="style=\"color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px;\""
38 |
39 | FOOTER_STYLE='width="800px" cellpadding="10"'
40 | FOOTER_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:12px; font-weight: normal;" align="center"'
41 |
42 | #style 2
43 | BODY_FONTC=`echo $BODY_FONT | sed -e "s/style=\"/style=\"text-align:center; /g"`
44 | BODY_FONTL=`echo $BODY_FONT | sed -e "s/style=\"/style=\"text-align:left; /g"`
45 |
46 | #create some variables
47 | if [ $(ls -1 $ISSM_DIR/bin | wc -l) -le 20 ];
48 | then
50 | else
52 | fi
53 | if [ $(wc -l matlab.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}') -eq 0 ]
54 | then
55 | IS_RUN=0
56 | else
57 | IS_RUN=1
58 | fi
59 |
60 | #build report.html
61 |
62 | #first: summary
63 | cat << END > summary.html
64 | <div align="center">
65 | <table $H1_STYLE><tr><td $H1_FONT>ISSM Nightly run report</td></tr></table>
66 |
67 | <table $TABLE_STYLE>
68 | <tr>
69 | <td $TABLE_FONT>host: $HOST_NAME</td>
70 | <td $TABLE_FONT>date: $TODAY</td>
71 | </tr>
72 | <tr>
73 | <td $TABLE_FONT>OS: $OS</td>
74 | <td $TABLE_FONT>user: $USER</td>
75 | </tr>
76 | <tr>
77 | <td $TABLE_FONT>status: STATUS</td>
78 | <td $TABLE_FONT>release: $RELEASE</td>
79 | </tr>
80 | <tr>
81 | <td $TABLE_FONT>number of success: $NUM_SUC/$NUM_TOT
82 | <td $TABLE_FONT>total elapsed time: $EL_TOTAL</td>
83 | </tr>
84 | <tr>
85 | <td $TABLE_FONT>number of errors: $NUM_ERR/$NUM_TOT
86 |
87 | <td $TABLE_FONT>installation elapsed time: $EL_INSTALL</td>
88 | </tr>
89 | <tr>
90 | <td $TABLE_FONT>number of failures: $NUM_FAI/$NUM_TOT
91 | <td $TABLE_FONT>execution elapsed time: $EL_RUN</td>
92 | </tr>
93 | </table>
94 | <br><hr width="1000px">
95 | END
96 |
97 | #update status
98 | if [ $IS_RUN -eq 1 ]
99 | then
100 | cat summary.html | sed -e "s/STATUS/<span style=\"color:#008000\">all test desks have been run<\/span>/g" > summary2.html
101 | mv summary2.html summary.html
102 | else
103 | if [ $IS_INSTALL -eq 1 ]
104 | then
105 | cat summary.html | sed -e "s/STATUS/<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">installation successful but tests runs failed<\/span>/g" > summary2.html
106 | mv summary2.html summary.html
107 | else
108 | cat summary.html | sed -e "s/STATUS/<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">installation failed<\/span>/g" > summary2.html
109 | mv summary2.html summary.html
110 | fi
111 | fi
112 |
113 | #Matlab error report
114 | if [ -e matlaberror.log ]
115 | then
116 | cat << END > matlaberror.html
117 | <table $H2_STYLE><tr><td $H2_FONT>Matlab error</td></tr></table>
118 | <table $MATLAB_STYLE><tr><td $MATLAB_FONT>
119 | <pre>$(cat matlaberror.log)</pre>
120 | </td></tr></table>
121 | END
122 | else
123 | mktemp matlaberror.html
124 | fi
125 |
126 | #report content
127 | if [ $IS_RUN -eq 1 ];
128 | then
129 | cat << END > content.html
130 | <table $(echo $H2_STYLE)><tr><td $(echo $H2_FONT)>List of tests</td></tr></table>
131 | <table $(echo $BODY_STYLE) cellspacing="-1">
132 | <tr>
133 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Result</th>
134 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Tolerance</th>
135 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Test name</th>
136 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Analysis</th>
137 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Subanalysis </th>
138 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Qmu</th>
139 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Control</th>
140 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Control fit</th>
141 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Parallel</th>
142 | <th $(echo $BODY_FONT)>Field checked</th>
143 | </tr>
144 | $(cat matlab.log | while read line
145 | do
146 | echo "<tr>"
147 |
148 | #get status
149 | STATUS=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
150 |
151 | #FAILURE
152 | if [ "$STATUS" = "FAILURE" ]
153 | then
154 |
155 | FONTC=$(echo "$BODY_FONTC bgcolor=#ffff00");
156 | FONTL=$(echo "$BODY_FONTL bgcolor=#ffff00");
157 | echo $line | awk -v FONTC="$FONTC" -v FONTL="$FONTL" '
158 | { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n",FONTL,$1,FONTC,"N/A",FONTL,$3,FONTL,$5,FONTL,$7,FONTC,$9,FONTC,$11,FONTC,$13,FONTC,$15,FONTC,"N/A");}
159 | ';
160 |
161 | else
162 |
163 | #SUCCESS
164 | if [ "$STATUS" = "SUCCESS" ]
165 | then
166 | color="bgcolor=#ddffdd";
167 |
168 | #ERROR
169 | else
170 | color="bgcolor=#ffdddd";
171 | fi
172 |
173 | FONTC=$(echo "$BODY_FONTC $color")
174 | FONTL=$(echo "$BODY_FONTL $color")
175 | echo $line | awk -v FONTC="$FONTC" -v FONTL="$FONTL" '
176 | { printf("<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s%s%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n<td %s>%s</td>\n",FONTL,$1,FONTL,$3,$4,$5,FONTL,$7,FONTL,$9,FONTL,$11,FONTC,$13,FONTC,$15,FONTC,$17,FONTC,$19,FONTL,$21);}
177 | ';
178 | fi
179 |
180 | echo "</tr>"
181 |
182 | done
183 | )
184 | </table>
185 | <br>
186 | END
187 | else
188 | mktemp content.html
189 | fi
190 |
191 | #last footer
192 | cat << END > footer.html
193 | <br>
194 | <table $FOOTER_STYLE><tr><td $FOOTER_FONT><a href="http://issm.jpl.nasa.gov" title="ISSM website" target="_blank">ISSM</a> nightly run report</td></tr></table>
195 | </div>
196 | END
197 |
198 | #concatenate files
199 | cat summary.html matlaberror.html content.html footer.html > report.html
200 | rm summary.html content.html footer.html matlaberror.html matlab.log