#!/bin/bash #generate html report from nightly.log output file #Process log cat nightly.log | grep 'package: macayeal' | grep -v "not supported yet" > macayeal.log cat nightly.log | grep 'package: ice' | grep -v "not supported yet" > ice.log cat nightly.log | grep 'package: cielo_serial' | grep -v "not supported yet" > cielo_serial.log cat nightly.log | grep 'package: cielo_parallel'| grep -v "not supported yet" > cielo_parallel.log cat nightly.log | grep 'NIGHTLYRUNTERMINATEDCORRECTLY' > check.log cat nightly.log | grep 'ERROR' | grep -v "PETSC ERROR" > errors.log cat nightly.log | grep 'SUCCESS' > success.log cat errors.log success.log > tests.log #create some variables if [ $(ls -1 $ISSM_DIR/bin | wc -l) -le 20 ]; then IS_INSTALL=0 else IS_INSTALL=1 fi if [ $(wc -l nightly.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}') -eq 0 ] then IS_RUN=0 else IS_RUN=1 fi if [ $(wc -l check.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}') -eq 0 ] then IS_END=0 else IS_END=1 fi #style H1_STYLE='width="800px" cellpadding="20"' H1_FONT='style="color:#6495ed; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-weight: bold; font-size:35px;" align="center"' H2_STYLE='width="840px" cellpadding="20"' H2_FONT='style="color:#6495ed; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:28px; font-weight: bold;" align="left"' TABLE_STYLE='width="820px" rules=none bgcolor="#ffffdd" border=1 bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3"' TABLE_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14; font-weight: normal;" align="left"' BODY_STYLE='width="820px"' BODY_FONT="style=\"color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px;\"" NOTEST_STYLE='width="650px"' NOTEST_FONT='style="color:#FF0000; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:14px;" align="left"' FOOTER_STYLE='width="800px" cellpadding="10"' FOOTER_FONT='style="color:#404040; font-family:Arial, Verdana, Tahoma; font-size:12px; font-weight: normal;" align="center"' #build report.html #first: summary cat << END > summary.html
ISSM Nightly run report
$(#print status if [ $(echo $IS_INSTALL) = 0 ]; then #installation failed, end of report echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "
host: $HOST_NAME date: $TODAY
OS: $OS total elapsed time: $ELAPSED_TOTAL
release: $ISSM_RELEASE installation elapsed time: $ELAPSED_INSTAL
status: installation failedexecution elapsed time: $ELAPSED_RUN
" rm check.log errors.log success.log tests.log else #installation successful. Did we go to the end? if [ $(echo $IS_RUN) -eq 0 ]; then #run failed, end of report echo "status: installation successful but tests runs failed" echo "execution elapsed time: $ELAPSED_RUN" echo "" echo "" rm check.log errors.log success.log tests.log else if [ $(echo $IS_END) -eq 0 ]; then echo "status: stopped before the end" else echo "status: all test desks have been run" fi echo "execution elapsed time: $ELAPSED_RUN" echo "" echo "" echo "number of errors: $(wc -l errors.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}')/$(wc -l tests.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}'; rm errors.log)" echo " " echo "" echo "" echo "number of success: $(wc -l success.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}')/$(wc -l tests.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}'; rm success.log tests.log)" echo " " echo "" echo "" #draw a line and clean up echo "

" rm check.log fi fi) END #report content if [ $(echo $IS_INSTALL) = 1 ]; then cat << END > content.html $(for package in "macayeal" "ice" "cielo_serial" "cielo_parallel"; do #enter title if [ $package == "macayeal" ]; then echo "
Macayeal package
" fi if [ $package == "ice" ]; then echo "
Ice package
" fi if [ $package == "cielo_serial" ]; then echo "
Cielo serial package
" fi if [ $package == "cielo_parallel" ]; then echo "
Cielo parallel package
" fi #check that at least one Test exists if [ `wc -l $package.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}'` = "0" ]; then #No Test: use a table to fix entourage bug. echo "
No test found.
" else echo "" echo "" # go through the lines of $package.log COUNTER=0 MAX=`wc -l $package.log | awk '{printf("%s",$1);}'` while [ $COUNTER -lt $MAX ]; do let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 echo "" #see wether it is success or error (get color: red or green) if [ "`cat $package.log | awk '{ printf "line%so %s\n", NR, $0 }' | awk '/line'$COUNTER'o/ {printf("%s\n",$2);}';`" == "SUCCESS" ]; then color="bgcolor=#ddffdd"; else color="bgcolor=#ffdddd"; fi FONT=$(echo "$BODY_FONT $color") #build html corresponding line cat $package.log | awk '{ printf "line%so %s\n", NR, $0 }' | awk -v FONT="$FONT" ' /line'$COUNTER'o/ { printf("",FONT,$2,FONT,$4,$5,$6,FONT,$8,FONT,$10,FONT,$14);} '; echo "" done echo "
Result Tolerance Test Solution Field
%s %s%s%s %s %s %s
" fi #remove log file rm $package.log done)
END else for package in "macayeal" "ice" "cielo_serial" "cielo_parallel"; do rm $package.log done fi #last footer cat << END > footer.html
ISSM nightly run report
END #concatenate files if [ $IS_INSTALL -eq 1 ]; then if [ $IS_RUN -eq 1 ]; then cat summary.html content.html footer.html > report.html rm summary.html content.html footer.html else cat summary.html footer.html > report.html rm summary.html footer.html fi else cat summary.html footer.html > report.html rm summary.html footer.html fi