1 | %Test Name: Earth_Antarctica_GIA
2 |
3 | testagainst2002=1;
4 |
5 | %Data paths: {{{
6 | modeldatapath='/Users/larour/ModelData';
7 | shppath='/Users/larour/issm-jpl/proj-group/qgis/NightlyRun';
8 | gshhsshapefile=[modeldatapath '/Gshhg/Shp/GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1-NightlyRun.shp'];
9 | %}}}
10 |
11 | %create sealevel model to hold our information:
12 | sl=sealevelmodel();
13 |
14 | %Create basins using boundaries from shapefile:
15 | %some projections we'll rely on: %{{{
16 | proj4326=epsg2proj(4326);
17 | proj3031=epsg2proj(3031);
18 | %}}}
19 | %HemisphereWest: {{{
20 | sl.addbasin(basin('continent','hemispherewest','name','hemispherewest','proj',laea(0,-90),'boundaries',{... %Peru projection 3587
21 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','HemisphereSplit','proj',proj4326,'orientation','reverse'),...
22 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','NorthAntarctica','proj',proj3031),...
23 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneBrunt','proj',proj3031,'orientation','reverse'),...
24 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneEastSummit','proj',proj3031),...
25 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneFront','proj',proj3031,'orientation','reverse'),...
26 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneWestSummit','proj',proj3031),...
27 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','WestAntarctica2','proj',proj3031,'orientation','reverse'),...
28 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','SouthAntarctica','proj',proj3031)...
29 | }));
30 | %}}}
31 | %HemisphereEast: {{{
32 | sl.addbasin(basin('continent','hemisphereeast','name','hemisphereeast','proj',laea(0,+90),'boundaries',{... %Australian projection lat,long
33 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','HemisphereSplit','proj',proj4326),...
34 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','SouthAntarctica','proj',proj3031),...
35 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','EastAntarctica2','proj',proj3031,'orientation','reverse'),...
36 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','NorthAntarctica','proj',proj3031)...
37 | }));
38 | %}}}
39 | %Antarctica excluding Ronne: {{{
40 | sl.addbasin(basin('continent','antarctica','name','antarctica-grounded','proj',proj3031,'boundaries',{...
41 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','NorthAntarctica','proj',proj3031),...
42 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','EastAntarctica2','proj',proj3031),...
43 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','SouthAntarctica','proj',proj3031),...
44 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','WestAntarctica2','proj',proj3031)...
45 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneWestSummit','proj',proj3031)...
46 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneIceShelf','proj',proj3031)...
47 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneEastSummit','proj',proj3031)...
48 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneBrunt','proj',proj3031)...
49 | }));
50 | %}}}
51 | %Ronne: {{{
52 | sl.addbasin(basin('continent','antarctica','name','ronne','proj',proj3031,'boundaries',{...
53 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneWestSummit','proj',proj3031),...
54 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneIceShelf','proj',proj3031),...
55 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneEastSummit','proj',proj3031),...
56 | boundary('shppath',shppath,'shpfilename','RonneFront','proj',proj3031,'orientation','reverse')...
57 | }));
58 | %}}}
59 |
60 | %Meshing
61 | %Go through basins and mesh: %{{{
62 | %meshing parameters: {{{
63 | hmin=2000; hmax=10000; hmin=hmin*1000; hmax=hmax*1000;
64 | tolerance=100; %tolerance of 100m on Earth position when mergin 3d meshes
65 | threshold=5;
66 | defaultoptions={'KeepVertices',0,'MaxCornerAngle',0.0000000001,'NoBoundaryRefinment',1};
67 | alreadyloaded=0;
68 | %}}}
69 | for i=sl.basinindx('basin','all'),
70 |
71 | bas=sl.basins{i};
72 | disp(sprintf('Meshing basin %s\n',bas.name));
73 |
74 | %recover basin domain:
75 | domain=bas.contour();
76 |
77 | %recover coastline inside basin, using GSHHS_c_L1. It's a lat,long file, hence epsg 4326
78 | coastline=bas.shapefilecrop('shapefile',gshhsshapefile,'epsgshapefile',4326,'threshold',threshold);
79 |
80 | %mesh:
81 | md=bamg(model,'domain',domain,'subdomains',coastline,'hmin',hmin,'hmax',hmax,defaultoptions{:});
82 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh');pause(1);
83 |
84 | %miscellaneous:
85 | md.mesh.proj=bas.proj; md.miscellaneous.name=bas.name;
86 |
87 | %recover mask where we have land:
88 | md.private.bamg.landmask=double(md.private.bamg.mesh.Triangles(:,4)>=1);
89 |
90 | %vertex connectivity:
91 | md.mesh.vertexconnectivity=NodeConnectivity(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.numberofvertices);
92 |
93 | %add model to sl icecaps:
94 | sl.addicecap(md);
95 | end
96 | %}}}
97 |
98 | %Parameterization:
99 | %Parameterize ice sheets : {{{
100 |
101 | for ind=sl.basinindx('continent',{'antarctica'}),
102 | disp(sprintf('Parameterizing basin %s\n', sl.icecaps{ind}.miscellaneous.name));
103 |
104 | md=sl.icecaps{ind}; bas=sl.basins{ind};
105 | %masks : %{{{
106 | %new type of mask:
107 | md.mask=maskpsl;
108 |
109 | %land and ocean:
110 | md.mask.land_levelset=ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
111 | md.mask.ocean_levelset=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
112 |
113 | %ice levelset from domain outlines:
114 | md.mask.ice_levelset=-ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
115 | pos=find(md.mesh.vertexonboundary); md.mask.ice_levelset(pos)=0;
116 |
117 | %ice front:
118 | pos=find(md.mask.ice_levelset==0); md.mask.ocean_levelset(pos)=-1; md.mask.land_levelset(pos)=1;
119 |
120 | %now, glaciers:
121 | md.mask.glacier_levelset=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
122 | %}}}
123 | %initial grounding line position: {{{
124 | if bas.isnameany('antarctica-grounded'),
125 |
126 | md.mask.groundedice_levelset=ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
127 | end
128 | if bas.isnameany('ronne'),
129 |
130 | md.mask.groundedice_levelset=-ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
131 |
132 | %correction to land and ocean levelset: ice shelf is not on land!
133 | pos=find(md.mask.ice_levelset<=0 & md.mask.groundedice_levelset<=0);
134 | md.mask.ocean_levelset(pos)=1;
135 | md.mask.land_levelset(pos)=-1;
136 | end
137 | %}}}
138 | %latlong: % {{{
139 | [md.mesh.long,md.mesh.lat]=gdaltransform(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.proj,'EPSG:4326');
140 | %}}}
141 | %geometry: {{{
142 | if bas.iscontinentany('antarctica'),
143 | di=md.materials.rho_ice/md.materials.rho_water;
144 |
145 | disp(' reading bedrock');
146 | md.geometry.bed=interpBedmap2(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,'bed');
147 | end % }}}
148 | %Slr: {{{
149 | if bas.iscontinentany('antarctica'),
150 | if testagainst2002,
151 | md.slr.deltathickness=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
152 | %antarctica
153 | late=sum(md.mesh.lat(md.mesh.elements),2)/3;
154 | longe=sum(md.mesh.long(md.mesh.elements),2)/3;
155 | pos=find(late <-80);
156 | md.slr.deltathickness(pos)=-100;
157 | else
158 | delH=textread([modeldatapath '/AdhikariSciAdvTrends/AIS_delH_trend.txt']);
159 | longAIS=delH(:,1);
160 | latAIS=delH(:,2);
161 | delHAIS=delH(:,3);
162 | index=delaunay(latAIS,longAIS);
163 |
164 | lat=md.mesh.lat;
165 | long=md.mesh.long+360;
166 | pos=find(long>360);long(pos)=long(pos)-360;
167 |
168 | delHAIS=InterpFromMesh2d(index,longAIS,latAIS,delHAIS,long,lat);
169 | northpole=find_point(md.mesh.long,md.mesh.lat,0,90); delHAIS(northpole)=0;
170 |
171 | md.slr.deltathickness=delHAIS(md.mesh.elements)*[1;1;1]/3/100;
172 | end
173 |
174 | md.slr.sealevel=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
175 | md.slr.spcthickness=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
176 | md.slr.Ngia=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
177 | md.slr.Ugia=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
178 |
179 | md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change=[0;0];
180 | md.dsl.sea_surface_height_change_above_geoid=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices+1,1);
181 | md.dsl.sea_water_pressure_change_at_sea_floor=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices+1,1);
182 | md.slr.hydro_rate = zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
183 |
184 | end %}}}
185 | % material properties: {{{
186 | md.materials=materials('hydro');
187 | %}}}
188 | %diverse: {{{
189 | md.miscellaneous.name=bas.name;
190 | % }}}
191 |
192 | sl.icecaps{ind}=md;
193 | end
194 | %}}}
195 | % ParameterizeContinents {{{
196 |
197 | sl.basinindx('continent',{'hemisphereeast','hemispherewest'})
198 |
199 | for ind=sl.basinindx('continent',{'hemisphereeast','hemispherewest'}),
200 | disp(sprintf('Masks for basin %s\n', sl.icecaps{ind}.miscellaneous.name));
201 | md=sl.icecaps{ind}; bas=sl.basins{ind};
202 |
203 | %recover lat,long:
204 | [md.mesh.long,md.mesh.lat]=gdaltransform(md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.proj,'EPSG:4326');
205 |
206 | %mask: %{{{
207 | %new type of mask:
208 | md.mask=maskpsl;
209 | %Figure out mask from initial mesh: deal with land and ocean masks (land include grounded ice). %{{{
210 | %first, transform land element mask into vertex driven one.
211 | land=md.private.bamg.landmask;
212 | land_mask=-ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
213 |
214 | landels=find(land);
215 | land_mask(md.mesh.elements(landels,:))=1;
216 |
217 | %gothrough edges of each land element
218 | connectedels=md.mesh.elementconnectivity(landels,:);
219 | connectedisonocean=~land(connectedels);
220 | sumconnectedisonocean=sum(connectedisonocean,2);
221 |
222 | %figure out which land elements are connected to the ocean:
223 | landelsconocean=landels(find(sumconnectedisonocean));
224 |
225 | ind1=[md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,1); md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,2); md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,3)];
226 | ind2=[md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,2); md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,3); md.mesh.elements(landelsconocean,1)];
227 |
228 | h=waitbar(0,'Starting mask processing');
229 |
230 | %edge ind1 and ind2:
231 | for i=1:length(ind1),
232 | if ~mod(i,100),
233 | waitbar(i/length(ind1),h,sprintf('%.2i%% along...',i/length(ind1)*100));
234 | end
235 |
236 | els1=md.mesh.vertexconnectivity(ind1(i),1: md.mesh.vertexconnectivity(ind1(i),end));
237 | els2=md.mesh.vertexconnectivity(ind2(i),1: md.mesh.vertexconnectivity(ind2(i),end));
238 | els=intersect(els1,els2);
239 |
240 | if length(find(land(els)))==1,
241 | %this edge is on the beach, 0 the edge:
242 | land_mask(ind1(i))=0;
243 | land_mask(ind2(i))=0;
244 | end
245 | end
246 | md.mask.land_levelset=land_mask;
247 | close(h);
248 | %}}}
249 | %work on ocean, glaciers and ice: {{{
250 | %ocean: opposite of land:
251 | md.mask.ocean_levelset=-md.mask.land_levelset;
252 |
253 | %initliaze:
254 | md.mask.ice_levelset=ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
255 |
256 | %grounded ice:
257 | md.mask.groundedice_levelset=-ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
258 |
259 | md.mask.glacier_levelset=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
260 |
261 | % }}}
262 | %}}}
263 | %slr loading/calibration: {{{
264 |
265 | if testagainst2002,
266 | md.slr.deltathickness=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
267 | %greenland
268 | late=sum(md.mesh.lat(md.mesh.elements),2)/3;
269 | longe=sum(md.mesh.long(md.mesh.elements),2)/3;
270 | pos=find(late > 70 & late < 80 & longe>-60 & longe<-30);
271 | md.slr.deltathickness(pos)=-100;
272 |
273 | %correct mask:
274 | md.mask.ice_levelset(md.mesh.elements(pos,:))=-1;
275 | else
276 | md.slr.deltathickness=zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
277 | end
278 |
279 | md.slr.sealevel=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
280 | md.slr.spcthickness=NaN*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
281 | md.slr.Ngia=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
282 | md.slr.Ugia=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
283 |
284 | md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change=[0;0];
285 | %md.slr.steric_rate=(1.1+.38)*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); %steric + water storage.
286 | md.dsl.sea_surface_height_change_above_geoid=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices+1,1);
287 | md.dsl.sea_water_pressure_change_at_sea_floor=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices+1,1);
288 | md.slr.hydro_rate = zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
289 |
290 | %love numbers:
291 | md.slr.ocean_area_scaling=1;
292 | %}}}
293 | %geometry: {{{
294 | di=md.materials.rho_ice/md.materials.rho_water;
295 | md.geometry.bed=-ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
296 | % }}}
297 | %materials: {{{
298 | md.materials=materials('hydro');
299 | % }}}
300 | sl.icecaps{ind}=md;
301 | end
302 | % }}}
303 |
304 | %%Assemble Earth in 3D {{{
305 |
306 | %parameters:
307 | plotting=1;
308 | tolerance=100;
309 | loneedgesdetect=0;
310 |
311 | %create earth model by concatenating all the icecaps in 3d:
312 | sl.caticecaps('tolerance',tolerance,'loneedgesdetect',loneedgesdetect);
313 |
314 | %figure out how each icecap's mesh connects to the larger earth mesh:
315 | sl.intersections('force',1);
316 |
317 | %figure out connectivity:
318 | disp('Mesh connectivity');
319 | sl.earth.mesh.vertexconnectivity=NodeConnectivity(sl.earth.mesh.elements,sl.earth.mesh.numberofvertices);
320 |
321 | %areas:
322 | disp('Mesh nodal areas');
323 | sl.earth.mesh.area=averaging(sl.earth,GetAreas3DTria(sl.earth.mesh.elements,sl.earth.mesh.x,sl.earth.mesh.y,sl.earth.mesh.z),4);
324 |
325 | %transfer a list of fields from each icecap and continent back to Earth:
326 | sl.transfer('mask.groundedice_levelset');
327 | sl.transfer('mask.ice_levelset');
328 | sl.transfer('mask.ocean_levelset');
329 | sl.transfer('mask.land_levelset');
330 | sl.transfer('mask.glacier_levelset');
331 | sl.transfer('geometry.bed');
332 | sl.transfer('mesh.lat');
333 | sl.transfer('mesh.long');
334 | sl.transfer('slr.deltathickness');
335 | sl.transfer('slr.spcthickness');
336 | sl.transfer('slr.Ngia');
337 | sl.transfer('slr.Ugia');
338 | sl.transfer('slr.hydro_rate');
339 | sl.transfer('slr.sealevel');
340 | sl.transfer('dsl.sea_surface_height_change_above_geoid');
341 | sl.transfer('dsl.sea_water_pressure_change_at_sea_floor');
342 |
343 | %radius:
344 | sl.earth.mesh.r=sqrt(sl.earth.mesh.x.^2+sl.earth.mesh.y.^2+sl.earth.mesh.z.^2);
345 |
346 | %check on the mesh transitions: {{{
347 | plotting=1;
348 | if plotting,
349 | flags=ones(sl.earth.mesh.numberofelements,1);
350 | for i=1:length(sl.eltransitions),
351 | flags(sl.eltransitions{i})=i;
352 | end
353 | plotmodel(sl.earth,'data',flags,'shading','faceted','coastline','on','coast_color','g')
354 | end
355 | %}}}}
356 |
357 | % }}}
358 |
359 | %Solve Sea-level equation on Earth only: {{{
360 | md=sl.earth; %we don't do computations on ice sheets or land.
361 |
362 | %Materials:
363 | md.materials=materials('hydro');
364 |
365 | %elastic loading from love numbers:
366 | nlov=1001;
367 | md.slr.love_h = love_numbers('h'); md.slr.love_h(nlov+1:end)=[];
368 | md.slr.love_k = love_numbers('k'); md.slr.love_k(nlov+1:end)=[];
369 | md.slr.love_l = love_numbers('l'); md.slr.love_l(nlov+1:end)=[];
370 | md.slr.ocean_area_scaling = 0;
371 |
372 | %Miscellaneous
373 | md.miscellaneous.name='test2004';
374 |
375 | %New stuff
376 | md.dsl.global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change=[0;0];
377 |
378 | %Solution parameters
379 | md.slr.reltol=NaN;
380 | md.slr.abstol=1e-3;
381 | md.slr.geodetic=1;
382 |
383 | % max number of iteration reverted back to 10 (i.e., the original default value)
384 | md.slr.maxiter=10;
385 |
386 | %eustatic run:
387 | md.slr.rigid=0; md.slr.elastic=0;md.slr.rotation=0;
388 | md=solve(md,'Sealevelrise');
389 | Seustatic=md.results.SealevelriseSolution.Sealevel;
390 |
391 | %eustatic + rigid run:
392 | md.slr.rigid=1; md.slr.elastic=0;md.slr.rotation=0;
393 | md=solve(md,'Sealevelrise');
394 | Srigid=md.results.SealevelriseSolution.Sealevel;
395 |
396 | %eustatic + rigid + elastic run:
397 | md.slr.rigid=1; md.slr.elastic=1;md.slr.rotation=0;
398 | md=solve(md,'Sealevelrise');
399 | Selastic=md.results.SealevelriseSolution.Sealevel;
400 |
401 | %eustatic + rigid + elastic + rotation run:
402 | md.slr.rigid=1; md.slr.elastic=1; md.slr.rotation=1;
403 | md=solve(md,'Sealevelrise');
404 | Srotation=md.results.SealevelriseSolution.Sealevel;
405 |
406 | %}}}