1 | %Test Name: SquareShelfSMBarma
2 | md=triangle(model(),'../Exp/Square.exp',80000.);
3 | md=setmask(md,'all','');
4 | md=parameterize(md,'../Par/SquareShelfConstrained.par');
5 | md=setflowequation(md,'SSA','all');
6 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',3);
7 | md.transient.requested_outputs={'default','IceVolume','SmbMassBalance'};
8 |
9 | ymax = max(md.mesh.y);
10 | xmax = max(md.mesh.x);
11 | %Generate basin IDs for 3 basins
12 | idbasin = zeros(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
13 | iid1 = find(md.mesh.y>=2/3*ymax);
14 | iid2 = intersect(find(md.mesh.y<2/3*ymax),find(md.mesh.x>=1/3*xmax));
15 | iid3 = intersect(find(md.mesh.y<2/3*ymax),find(md.mesh.x<1/3*xmax));
16 | for ii=1:md.mesh.numberofelements
17 | for vertex=1:3
18 | if any(iid1==md.mesh.elements(ii,vertex)) %one vertex in basin 1
19 | idbasin(ii) = 1;
20 | end
21 | end
22 | if idbasin(ii)==0 %no vertex was found in basin 1
23 | for vertex=1:3
24 | if any(iid2==md.mesh.elements(ii,vertex)) %one vertex in basin 2
25 | idbasin(ii) = 2;
26 | end
27 | end
28 | end
29 | if idbasin(ii)==0 %no vertex was found in basin 1 and 2
30 | idbasin(ii) = 3;
31 | end
32 | end
33 |
34 | %SMB parameters
35 | numparams = 2;
36 | numbreaks = 1;
37 | intercept = [0.5,1.0;1.0,0.6;,2.0,3.0]; %intercept values of SMB in basins [m ice eq./yr]
38 | trendlin = [0.0,0.0;0.01,0.001;-0.01,0]; %trend values of SMB in basins [m ice eq./yr^2]
39 | polynomialparams = cat(3,intercept,trendlin);
40 | datebreaks = [3;3;3];
41 |
42 | md.timestepping.start_time = 0;
43 | md.timestepping.time_step = 1;
44 | md.timestepping.final_time = 7;
45 | md.smb = SMBarma();
46 | md.smb.num_basins = 3; %number of basins
47 | md.smb.basin_id = idbasin; %prescribe basin ID number to elements
48 | md.smb.num_params = numparams; %number of parameters in the polynomial
49 | md.smb.num_breaks = numbreaks; %number of breakpoints
50 | md.smb.polynomialparams = polynomialparams;
51 | md.smb.datebreaks = datebreaks;
52 | md.smb.ar_order = 4;
53 | md.smb.ma_order = 1;
54 | md.smb.arma_timestep = 2.0; %timestep of the ARMA model [yr]
55 | md.smb.arlag_coefs = [[0.2,0.1,0.05,0.01];[0.4,0.2,-0.2,0.1];[0.4,-0.4,0.1,-0.1]];
56 | md.smb.malag_coefs = [1.0;0;0.2];
57 | md.smb.lapserates = [0.01,0.0;0.01,-0.01;0.0,-0.01];
58 | md.smb.elevationbins = [100;150;100];
59 |
60 | %Stochastic forcing
61 | md.stochasticforcing.isstochasticforcing = 1;
62 | md.stochasticforcing.fields = [{'SMBarma'}];
63 | md.stochasticforcing.covariance = [[0.15 0.08 -0.02];[0.08 0.12 -0.05];[-0.02 -0.05 0.1]]; %global covariance among- and between-fields
64 | md.stochasticforcing.randomflag = 0; %fixed random seeds
65 | md.stochasticforcing.stochastictimestep = 1.0;
66 |
67 | md=solve(md,'Transient');
68 |
69 | %Fields and tolerances to track changes
70 | field_names ={'Vx1','Vy1','Vel1','Thickness1','Volume1','SmbMassBalance1','Vx2','Vy2','Vel2','Thickness2','Volume2','SmbMassBalance2','Vx3','Vy3','Vel3','Thickness3','Volume3','SmbMassBalance3'};
71 | field_tolerances={1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,...
72 | 1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13,1e-13...
73 | 1e-12,1e-12,1e-12,1e-12,1e-12,1e-12};
74 | field_values={...
75 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).Vx),...
76 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).Vy),...
77 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).Vel),...
78 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).Thickness),...
79 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).IceVolume),...
80 | (md.results.TransientSolution(1).SmbMassBalance),...
81 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).Vx),...
82 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).Vy),...
83 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).Vel),...
84 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).Thickness),...
85 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).IceVolume),...
86 | (md.results.TransientSolution(2).SmbMassBalance),...
87 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).Vx),...
88 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).Vy),...
89 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).Vel),...
90 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).Thickness),...
91 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).IceVolume),...
92 | (md.results.TransientSolution(7).SmbMassBalance),...
93 | };