1 | %Test on the stressbalance model and the masstransport in 2d
2 | printingflag=false;
3 |
4 | %test 5 and 6:
5 | md=model();
6 | md=triangle(md,'../Exp/SquareEISMINT.exp',5100.); %test3
7 | md=setmask(md,'all','');
8 | md=parameterize(md,'../Par/SquareEISMINT.par');
9 | md=setflowequation(md,'SSA','all'); %SSA's model and 2d
10 |
11 | %Impose a non zero velocity on the upper boundary condition (y=max(y))
12 | pos=find(md.mesh.y==max(md.mesh.y));
13 | md.stressbalance.spcvy(pos)=400.*(((md.mesh.x(pos)-100000.)/25000.).^2-ones(size(pos,1),1)).*heaviside((1.+eps)*ones(size(pos,1),1)-((md.mesh.x(pos)-100000.)/25000.).^2);
14 |
15 | %Compute solution for SSA's model
16 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',8);
17 | md=solve(md,StressbalanceSolutionEnum());
18 |
19 | vx=(md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx);
20 | vy=(md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy);
21 |
22 | %plot results
23 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'contourlevels',{0,20,40,60,80,100,-20,-40,-60,-80,-100},...
24 | 'contourcolor','k')
25 | if printingflag,
26 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
27 | printmodel('eismintdiag2vx','png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',2,'hardcopy','off');
28 | system(['mv eismintdiag2vx.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/EISMINT/IceShelf ']);
29 | end
30 | plotmodel(md,'data',vy,'contourlevels',{-100,-200,-300,-400,-500,-600,-700,-800,-900,-1000},...
31 | 'contourcolor','k')
32 | if printingflag,
33 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
34 | printmodel('eismintdiag2vy','png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',2,'hardcopy','off');
35 | system(['mv eismintdiag2vy.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/EISMINT/IceShelf ']);
36 | end
37 |
38 | %Fields and tolerances to track changes
39 | field_names ={'Vx','Vy'};
40 | field_tolerances={1e-13,1e-13};
41 | field_values={...
42 | vx, ...
43 | vy, ...
44 | };