1 | %This test is a test from the ISMP-HOM Intercomparison project
2 | %Pattyn and Payne 2006
3 | printingflag=false;
4 |
5 | L_list={5000,10000,20000,40000,80000,160000};
6 | results={};
7 | minvx=[];
8 | maxvx=[];
9 |
10 | for i=1:length(L_list),
11 | L=L_list{i};
12 | nx=20; %numberof nodes in x direction
13 | ny=20;
14 | md=model;
15 | md=squaremesh(md,L,L,nx,ny);
16 | md=setmask(md,'',''); %ice sheet test
17 |
18 | % %Find elements at the corner and extract model
19 | % posnodes=find((md.mesh.x==0 | md.mesh.x==max(md.mesh.x)) & (md.mesh.y==0 | md.mesh.y==max(md.mesh.y)));
20 | % [a,b]=find(ismember(md.mesh.elements,posnodes));
21 | % elements=ones(md.mesh.numberofelements,1);
22 | % elements(a)=0;
23 | % md=modelextract(md,elements);
24 |
25 | md=parameterize(md,'../Par/ISMIPA.par');
26 | md=extrude(md,10,1);
27 | md=setflowequation(md,'stokes','all');
28 |
29 | %Create dirichlet on the bed only
30 | pos=find(md.mesh.vertexonbed);
31 | md.diagnostic.spcvx(pos)=0;
32 | md.diagnostic.spcvy(pos)=0;
33 | md.diagnostic.spcvz(pos)=0;
34 |
35 | %Create MPCs to have periodic boundary conditions
36 | %posx=find(md.mesh.x==0);
37 | %posx2=find(md.mesh.x==max(md.mesh.x));
38 | %posx=find(md.mesh.x==0 & md.mesh.y~=0 & md.mesh.y~=max(md.mesh.y) & ~md.mesh.vertexonbed);
39 | %posx2=find(md.mesh.x==max(md.mesh.x) & md.mesh.y~=0 & md.mesh.y~=max(md.mesh.y) & ~md.mesh.vertexonbed);
40 |
41 | %posy=find(md.mesh.y==0 & md.mesh.x~=0 & md.mesh.x~=max(md.mesh.x) & ~md.mesh.vertexonbed); %Don't take the same nodes two times
42 | %posy2=find(md.mesh.y==max(md.mesh.y) & md.mesh.x~=0 & md.mesh.x~=max(md.mesh.x) & ~md.mesh.vertexonbed);
43 |
44 | %md.diagnostic.vertex_pairing=[posx,posx2;posy,posy2];
45 |
46 | %Compute the diagnostic
47 | md.diagnostic.abstol=NaN;
48 | md.diagnostic.reltol=NaN;
49 | md.diagnostic.restol=1;
50 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname(),'np',8);
51 | md=solve(md,DiagnosticSolutionEnum);
52 |
53 | %Plot the results and save them
54 | vx=(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vx);
55 | vy=(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vy);
56 | vz=(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Vz);
57 | pressure=(md.results.DiagnosticSolution.Pressure);
58 | results{i}=md.results.DiagnosticSolution;
59 | minvx(i)=min(vx(end-md.mesh.numberofvertices2d+1:end));
60 | maxvx(i)=max(vx(end-md.mesh.numberofvertices2d+1:end));
61 |
62 | %Now plot vx, vy, vz and vx on a cross section
63 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'layer#all',md.mesh.numberoflayers,'xlim',[0 L/10^3],'ylim',[0 L/10^3],'unit','km','figure',2)
64 | if printingflag,
65 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
66 | printmodel(['ismipastokesvx' num2str(L)],'png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
67 | system(['mv ismipastokesvx' num2str(L) '.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
68 | end
69 | plotmodel(md,'data',vy,'layer#all',md.mesh.numberoflayers,'xlim',[0 L/10^3],'ylim',[0 L/10^3],'unit','km','figure',3)
70 | if printingflag,
71 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
72 | printmodel(['ismipastokesvy' num2str(L)],'png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
73 | system(['mv ismipastokesvy' num2str(L) '.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
74 | end
75 | plotmodel(md,'data',vz,'layer#all',md.mesh.numberoflayers,'xlim',[0 L/10^3],'ylim',[0 L/10^3],'unit','km','figure',4)
76 | if printingflag,
77 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
78 | printmodel(['ismipastokesvz' num2str(L)],'png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
79 | system(['mv ismipastokesvz' num2str(L) '.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
80 | end
81 |
82 | if(L==5000),
83 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP5000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
84 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[10 18],'xlim',[0 5000],'title','','xlabel','')
85 | elseif(L==10000),
86 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP10000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
87 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[10 30],'xlim',[0 10000],'title','','xlabel','')
88 | elseif(L==20000),
89 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP20000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
90 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[0 50],'xlim',[0 20000],'title','','xlabel','')
91 | elseif(L==40000),
92 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP40000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
93 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[0 80],'xlim',[0 40000],'title','','xlabel','')
94 | elseif(L==80000),
95 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP80000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
96 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[0 100],'xlim',[0 80000],'title','','xlabel','')
97 | elseif(L==160000),
98 | plotmodel(md,'data',vx,'sectionvalue','../Exp/ISMIP160000.exp','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,...
99 | 'resolution',[10 10],'ylim',[0 120],'xlim',[0 160000],'title','','xlabel','')
100 | end
101 | if printingflag,
102 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
103 | printmodel(['ismipastokesvxsec' num2str(L)],'png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
104 | system(['mv ismipastokesvxsec' num2str(L) '.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
105 | end
106 | end
107 |
108 | %Now plot the min and max values of vx for each size of the square
109 | plot([5 10 20 40 80 160],minvx);ylim([0 18])
110 | if printingflag,
111 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
112 | printmodel('ismipastokesminvx','png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
113 | system(['mv ismipastokesminvx.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
114 | end
115 | plot([5 10 20 40 80 160],maxvx);ylim([0 120])
116 | if printingflag,
117 | set(gcf,'Color','w')
118 | printmodel('ismipastokesmaxvx','png','margin','on','marginsize',25,'frame','off','resolution',1.5,'hardcopy','off');
119 | system(['mv ismipastokesmaxvx.png ' ISSM_DIR '/website/doc_pdf/validation/Images/ISMIP/TestA ']);
120 | end
121 | %Fields and tolerances to track changes
122 | field_names ={...
123 | 'Vx5km','Vy5km','Vz5km',...
124 | 'Vx10km','Vy10km','Vz10km',...
125 | 'Vx20km','Vy20km','Vz20km',...
126 | 'Vx40km','Vy40km','Vz40km',...
127 | 'Vx80km','Vy80km','Vz80km',...
128 | 'Vx160km','Vy160km','Vz160km'
129 | }
130 | field_tolerances={...
131 | 1e-12,1e-12,1e-12,...
132 | 1e-12,1e-12,1e-12,...
133 | 1e-12,1e-11,1e-12,...
134 | 1e-12,1e-11,1e-12,...
135 | 1e-12,1e-11,1e-12,...
136 | 1e-12,1e-11,1e-12,...
137 | };
138 | field_values={};
139 | for i=1:6,
140 | result=results{i};
141 | field_values={field_values{:},...
142 | (result.Vx),...
143 | (result.Vy),...
144 | (result.Vz),...
145 | };
146 | end