import numpy as np from scipy.special import erf def robintemperature(heatflux,accumrate,thickness,surftemp,z): ''' Compute vertical temperature profile of an ice sheet (Robin, 1955) This routine computes the vertical temperature profile of an ice sheet according to the solution of Robin (1955), neglecting friction and horizontal advection. The solution is thus most appropriate at an ice divide. The coordinate system for the solution runs from z=0 at the base to z=H at the surface of the ice. Parameters (SI units): -heatflux Geothermal heat flux (W m^-2) -accumrate Surface accumulation rate (m s^-1 ice equivalent) -thickness Ice thickness (m) -surftemp Surface temperature (K) -z Vertical position at which to calculate temperature (z can be a scalar or a vector) Returns a vector the same length as z containing the temperature in K Usage: tprofile=robintemperature(heatflux,accumrate,thickness,surftemp,z) ''' # some constants (from Holland and Jenkins, 1999) alphaT=1.14e-6 # thermal diffusivity (m^2 s^-1) c=2009. # specific heat capacity (J kg^-1 K^-1) rho=917. # ice density (kg m^-3) #create vertical coordinate variable zstar=np.sqrt(2.*alphaT*thickness/accumrate) tprofile=surftemp+np.sqrt(2.*thickness*np.pi/accumrate/alphaT)*(-heatflux)/2./rho/c*(erf(z/zstar)-erf(thickness/zstar)) return tprofile # difference between surface and base temperature for check (Cuffey2010 p412): # print tprofile-surftemp