/*!\file InterpFromGridToMesh.c * \brief: data interpolation from a list of (x,y,values) into mesh vertices InterpFromGridToMesh.c usage: data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh); where: input: x,y: coordinates of matrix data data - matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh. x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate. output: data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data. */ #include "./InterpFromGridToMesh.h" void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { int i,j; /*input: */ double* x=NULL; double* y=NULL; int x_rows,y_rows; double* data=NULL; int data_rows,data_cols; double* x_mesh=NULL; double* y_mesh=NULL; int x_mesh_rows,y_mesh_rows; double default_value; int interpolationenum; /* output: */ Vector* data_mesh=NULL; /*Boot module: */ MODULEBOOT(); /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */ //CheckNumMatlabArguments(nlhs,NLHS,nrhs,NRHS,__FUNCT__,&InterpFromGridToMeshUsage); if((nlhs!=NLHS) || (nrhs!=6 && nrhs!=7)){ InterpFromGridToMeshUsage(); _error_("usage. See above"); } /*Input datasets: */ FetchData(&x,&x_rows,NULL,XHANDLE); FetchData(&y,&y_rows,NULL,YHANDLE); FetchData(&data,&data_rows,&data_cols,DATAHANDLE); FetchData(&x_mesh,&x_mesh_rows,NULL,XMESHHANDLE); FetchData(&y_mesh,&y_mesh_rows,NULL,YMESHHANDLE); FetchData(&default_value,DEFAULTHANDLE); /* Run core computations: */ if(nrhs==7){ FetchData(&interpolationenum,INTERPENUM); InterpFromGridToMeshx(&data_mesh, x, x_rows, y, y_rows, data, data_rows,data_cols, x_mesh, y_mesh, x_mesh_rows,default_value,interpolationenum); } else{ InterpFromGridToMeshx(&data_mesh, x, x_rows, y, y_rows, data, data_rows,data_cols, x_mesh, y_mesh, x_mesh_rows,default_value); } /*Write data: */ WriteData(DATAMESH,data_mesh); /*end module: */ MODULEEND(); } void InterpFromGridToMeshUsage(void) { _printf_(true,"INTERPFROMGRIDTOMESH - interpolation from a grid onto a list of points\n"); _printf_(true,"\n"); _printf_(true," This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field\n"); _printf_(true," defined on a grid onto a list of points\n"); _printf_(true,"\n"); _printf_(true," Usage:\n"); _printf_(true," data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value);\n"); _printf_(true,"\n"); _printf_(true," data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.\n"); _printf_(true," x,y: coordinates of matrix data. (x and y must be in increasing order)\n"); _printf_(true," x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate.\n"); _printf_(true," default_value: default value if no data is found (holes).\n"); _printf_(true," data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data.\n"); _printf_(true,"\n"); _printf_(true," Example:\n"); _printf_(true," load('velocities.mat');\n"); _printf_(true," md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x_n,y_m,vx,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0);\n"); _printf_(true,"\n"); }