/*\file VerticesDof.c *\brief: build degrees of freedom for every vertex */ #include "./VerticesDof.h" void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ /*input datasets: */ Vertices* vertices=NULL; Parameters* parameters=NULL; /*Boot module: */ MODULEBOOT(); /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */ CheckNumMatlabArguments(nlhs,NLHS,nrhs,NRHS,__FUNCT__,&VerticesDofUsage); /*Input datasets: */ FetchMatlabData((DataSet**)&vertices,VERTICESIN); FetchMatlabData(¶meters,PARAMETERS); /*!Generate internal degree of freedom numbers: */ VerticesDofx(vertices, parameters); /*write output datasets: */ WriteMatlabData(VERTICES,vertices); /*Free ressources: */ delete vertices; delete parameters; /*end module: */ MODULEEND(); } void VerticesDofUsage(void) { _printf_(true,"\n"); _printf_(true," usage: [vertices] = %s(vertices,parameters);\n",__FUNCT__); _printf_(true,"\n"); }