[11881] | 1 | /*
| 2 | * TriMesh: mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 3 | */
| 4 |
| 5 | #include "./TriMesh.h"
| 6 |
| 7 | void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ){
| 8 |
| 9 | /* input: */
| 10 | char* domainname=NULL;
| 11 | double area;
| 12 | bool order;
| 13 |
| 14 | /*intermediary: */
| 15 | DataSet* domain=NULL;
| 16 |
| 17 | /* output: */
| 18 | Matrix* index=NULL;
| 19 | Vector* x=NULL;
| 20 | Vector* y=NULL;
| 21 | Matrix* segments=NULL;
| 22 | Vector* segmentmarkerlist=NULL;
| 23 |
| 24 | /*Boot module: */
| 25 | MODULEBOOT();
| 26 | printf("ok1\n");
| 27 |
| 28 | /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */
| 29 | CheckNumMatlabArguments(nlhs,NLHS,nrhs,NRHS,__FUNCT__,&TriMeshUsage);
| 30 | printf("ok2\n");
| 31 |
| 32 | /*Fetch data needed for meshing: */
| 33 |
| 34 | FetchMatlabData(&domainname,DOMAINOUTLINE);
| 35 | FetchMatlabData(&area,AREA);
| 36 | FetchMatlabData(&order,ORDER);
| 37 | printf("ok3 %g %s\n",area,domainname);
| 38 |
| 39 | /*Read domain outline: */
| 40 | domain=DomainOutlineRead(domainname,false);
| 41 | printf("ok4\n");
| 42 |
| 43 | /*call x core: */
| 44 | TriMeshx(&index,&x,&y,&segments,&segmentmarkerlist,domain,area,order);
| 45 | printf("ok5\n");
| 46 |
| 47 | /*write outputs: */
| 48 | /*WriteMatlabData(INDEX,index);
| 49 | WriteMatlabData(X,x);
| 50 | WriteMatlabData(Y,y);
| 51 | WriteMatlabData(SEGMENTS,segments);
| 52 | WriteMatlabData(SEGMENTMARKERLIST,segmentmarkerlist);*/
| 53 |
| 54 | /*free ressources: */
| 55 | delete domain;
| 56 | /*
| 57 | xdelete(&index);
| 58 | xdelete(&x);
| 59 | xdelete(&y);
| 60 | xdelete(&segments);
| 61 | xdelete(&segmentmarkerlist);*/
| 62 |
| 63 | /*end module: */
| 64 | MODULEEND();
| 65 | }
| 66 |
| 67 | void TriMeshUsage(void)
| 68 | {
| 69 | printf("\n");
| 70 | printf(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,area,ordered) \n");
| 71 | printf(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made \n");
| 72 | printf(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, \n");
| 73 | printf(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, \n");
| 74 | printf(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, \n");
| 75 | printf(" and ordered is a bool that determines whether segments are output in the \n");
| 76 | printf(" order they are made by Triangle (ie none), or ordered counter clockwise around the domain outline.\n");
| 77 | printf("\n");
| 78 | }