1 | function solve(md, solutionstring) { //{{{
2 | /**
3 | * SOLVE - apply solution sequence for this model
4 | *
5 | * Usage:
6 | * solve(md, solutionstring, varargin);
7 | * where varargin is a list of paired arguments of string OR enums
8 | *
9 | * solution types available comprise:
10 | * - 'Stressbalance' or 'sb'
11 | * - 'Masstransport' or 'mt'
12 | * - 'Thermal' or 'th'
13 | * - 'Steadystate' or 'ss'
14 | * - 'Transient' or 'tr'
15 | * - 'Balancethickness' or 'mc'
16 | * - 'Balancevelocity' or 'bv'
17 | * - 'BedSlope' or 'bsl'
18 | * - 'SurfaceSlope' or 'ssl'
19 | * - 'Hydrology' or 'hy'
20 | * - 'DamageEvolution' or 'da'
21 | * - 'Gia' or 'gia'
22 | * - 'Sealevelrise' or 'slr'
23 | *
24 | * extra options:
25 | * - loadonly : do not solve, only load results
26 | * - runtimename : true or false (default is true), makes name unique
27 | * - checkconsistency : 'yes' or 'no' (default is 'yes'), ensures checks on consistency of model
28 | * - restart : directory name (relative to the execution directory) where the restart file is located
29 | * - successCallback : callback function to be called on success
30 | * - errorCallback : callback function to be called on error
31 | *
32 | * reporting:
33 | * With no optional arguments for reporting, progress and error reporting is written to the DOM element with ID 'solve-button'.
34 | * - solveButtonId : overrides default solve button ID
35 | * - callout : Callout to report progress/errors to; overrides reporting to solve button
36 | * - withProgressBar : reports progress of certain solution stages with a progress bar; will not display if a Callout has not been provided
37 | *
38 | * Examples:
39 | * md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance');
40 | * md = solve(md, 'sb');
41 | */
42 | if (typeof solutionstring !== 'string') {
43 | throw Error(sprintf("%s\n", "ISSM's solve function only accepts strings for solution sequences. Type help solve to get a list of supported solutions."));
44 | }
45 |
46 | //recover and process solve options
47 | if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'sb') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'stressbalance')) {
48 | solutionstring = 'StressbalanceSolution';
49 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'mt') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'masstransport')) {
50 | solutionstring = 'MasstransportSolution';
51 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'th') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'thermal')) {
52 | solutionstring = 'ThermalSolution';
53 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'st') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'steadystate')) {
54 | solutionstring = 'SteadystateSolution';
55 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'tr') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'transient')) {
56 | solutionstring = 'TransientSolution';
57 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'mc') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'balancethickness')) {
58 | solutionstring = 'BalancethicknessSolution';
59 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'bv') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'balancevelocity')) {
60 | solutionstring = 'BalancevelocitySolution';
61 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'bsl') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'bedslope')) {
62 | solutionstring = 'BedSlopeSolution';
63 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'ssl') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'surfaceslope')) {
64 | solutionstring = 'SurfaceSlopeSolution';
65 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'hy') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'hydrology')) {
66 | solutionstring = 'HydrologySolution';
67 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'da') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'damageevolution')) {
68 | solutionstring = 'DamageEvolutionSolution';
69 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'gia') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'gia')) {
70 | solutionstring = 'GiaSolution';
71 | } else if ((solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'slr') || (solutionstring.toLowerCase() === 'sealevelrise')) {
72 | solutionstring = 'SealevelriseSolution';
73 | } else {
74 | throw Error(sprintf("%s%s%s\n",'solutionstring ',solutionstring,' not supported!'));
75 | }
76 |
77 | //Process options
78 | var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
79 | var options = new pairoptions(args.slice(2,args.length));
80 | options.addfield('solutionstring',solutionstring);
81 |
82 | //recover some fields
83 | md.priv.solution=solutionstring;
84 | cluster=md.cluster;
85 |
86 | //check model consistency
87 | if (options.getfieldvalue('checkconsistency','yes') == 'yes'){
88 | if (md.verbose.solution){
89 | console.log('checking model consistency');
90 | }
91 | ismodelselfconsistent(md);
92 | }
93 |
94 | //If we are restarting, actually use the provided runtime name:
95 | restart=options.getfieldvalue('restart','');
96 |
97 | //First, build a runtime name that is unique
98 | if (restart==1 ){
99 | //Leave the runtimename as is
100 | }
101 | else{
102 | if (!(restart == '')){
103 | md.priv.runtimename=restart;
104 | }
105 | else if (options.getfieldvalue('runtimename',true)){
106 | c=new Date().getTime();
107 | md.priv.runtimename=sprintf('%s-%g',md.miscellaneous.name,c);
108 | }
109 | else{
110 | md.priv.runtimename=md.miscellaneous.name;
111 | }
112 | }
113 |
114 | //if running qmu analysis, some preprocessing of dakota files using models
115 | //fields needs to be carried out.
116 | if (md.qmu.isdakota){
117 | throw Error("solve error message: qmu runs not supported yet!");
118 | //md.preqmu(options);
119 | }
120 |
121 |
122 | //Do we load results only?
123 | if (options.getfieldvalue('loadonly',false)){
124 | loadresultsfromcluster(md);
125 | return;
126 | }
127 |
128 | //Marshall into a binary array (fid) all the fields of model.
129 | var fid = marshall(md); // bin file
130 |
131 | //deal with toolkits options:
132 | toolkitsstring= md.toolkits.ToolkitsFile(md.miscellaneous.name + '.toolkits'); // toolkits file
133 |
134 |
135 | /*
136 | Set success callback function
137 | */
138 | //{{{
139 |
140 | // Default: do nothing if no success callback function requested
141 | function successCallbackDefault() {
142 | solving = false;
143 | };
144 |
145 | let successCallback = options.getfieldvalue('successCallback', successCallbackDefault);
146 | //}}}
147 |
148 |
149 | /*
150 | Set error callback function
151 | */
152 | //{{{
153 |
154 | // Default: do nothing if no error callback function requested
155 | function errorCallbackDefault() {
156 | solving = false;
157 | };
158 |
159 | let errorCallback = options.getfieldvalue('errorCallback', errorCallbackDefault);
160 | //}}}
161 |
162 |
163 | /*
164 | Set solve button ID
165 | */
166 | //{{{
167 |
168 | // Default: update #solve-button element with progress updates
169 | let solveButtonId = options.getfieldvalue('solveButtonId', '#solve-button');
170 | //}}}
171 |
172 |
173 | /*
174 | Set Callout
175 | */
176 | //{{{
177 | var callout = {};
178 |
179 | // Default: Callout is an empty object
180 | callout = options.getfieldvalue('callout', {});
181 | //}}}
182 |
183 |
184 | /*
185 | Set progress bar display boolean
186 | */
187 | //{{{
188 | // Default: no progress bar; NOTE: must have supplied a callout for progress bar to display
189 | let withProgressBar = options.getfieldvalue('withProgressBar', false);
190 | //}}}
191 |
192 |
193 | if (cluster.classname() == 'local'){ //{{{
194 |
195 | /*We are running locally on the machine, using the issm module:*/
196 | console.log('running issm locally');
197 |
198 | //Call issm:
199 | var outputs = issm(fid, toolkitsstring, solutionstring, md.miscellaneous.name);
200 |
201 | //Recover output arguments:
202 | var outputbuffer = outputs[0]; var outputbuffersize = outputs[1];
203 |
204 | //Load results:
205 | md = loadresultsfrombuffer(md, outputbuffer, outputbuffersize);
206 |
207 | // Call success callback
208 | successCallback();
209 |
210 | return md;
211 | //}}}
212 | } else { //{{{
213 | // We are running somewhere else on a computational server. Send the buffer to that server and retrieve output.
214 | console.log('running issm remotely');
215 |
216 | cluster.UploadAndRun(
217 | md,
218 | fid,
219 | toolkitsstring,
220 | solutionstring,
221 | md.miscellaneous.name,
222 | md.priv.runtimename,
223 | successCallback,
224 | errorCallback,
225 | solveButtonId,
226 | callout,
227 | withProgressBar
228 | );
229 |
230 | return md;
231 | //}}}
232 | }
233 | //}}}
234 | }