function solve(md,solutionenum){ //SOLVE - apply solution sequence for this model // // Usage: // solve(md,solutionenum,varargin) // where varargin is a lit of paired arguments of string OR enums // // solution types available comprise: // - StressbalanceSolutionEnum // - MasstransportSolutionEnum // - ThermalSolutionEnum // - SteadystateSolutionEnum // - TransientSolutionEnum // - BalancethicknessSolutionEnum // - BedSlopeSolutionEnum // - SurfaceSlopeSolutionEnum // - HydrologySolutionEnum // - FlaimSolutionEnum // // extra options: // - loadonly : does not solve. only load results // - runtimename : true or false (default is true), makes name unique // - checkconsistency : 'yes' or 'no' (default is 'yes'), ensures checks on consistency of model // - restart: 'directory name (relative to the execution directory) where the restart file is located. // - callback: callback function to be called upon receiving the results from the server, or local computations. // // Examples: // md=solve(md,StressbalanceSolutionEnum); solutionstring=EnumToString(solutionenum); //recover and process solve options if (solutionstring.slice(-8) !== 'Solution'){ throw Error(sprintf("%s%s%s\n",'solutionenum ',solutionstring,' not supported!')); } //Process options var args =; var options = new pairoptions(args.slice(2,args.length)); options.addfield('solutionenum',solutionenum); //recover some fields md.priv.solution=solutionenum; cluster=md.cluster; //check model consistency if (options.getfieldvalue('checkconsistency','yes') == 'yes'){ if (md.verbose.solution){ console.log('checking model consistency'); } if (solutionenum == FlaimSolutionEnum()){ md.priv.isconsistent=true; md.mesh.checkconsistency(md,solutionenum); md.flaim.checkconsistency(md,solutionenum); if (md.priv.isconsistent==false){ throw error('solve error message: model not consistent, see messages above'); } } else{ ismodelselfconsistent(md); } } //If we are restarting, actually use the provided runtime name: restart=options.getfieldvalue('restart',''); //First, build a runtime name that is unique if (restart==1 ){ //Leave the runtimename as is } else{ if (!(restart == '')){ md.priv.runtimename=restart; } else if (options.getfieldvalue('runtimename',true)){ c=new Date().getTime(); md.priv.runtimename=sprintf('%s-%g',,c); } else{; } } //if running qmu analysis, some preprocessing of dakota files using models //fields needs to be carried out. if (md.qmu.isdakota){ throw Error("solve error message: qmu runs not supported yet!"); //md.preqmu(options); } //Do we load results only? if (options.getfieldvalue('loadonly',false)){ loadresultsfromcluster(md); return; } //Marshall into a binary array (fid) all the fields of model. var fid = marshall(md); // bin file //deal with toolkits options: toolkitsstring= md.toolkits.ToolkitsFile( + '.toolkits'); // toolkits file //callback function: function callbackfunction(){solving=false;}; //default, do nothing if no callback function requested. if (options.getfieldvalue('callbackfunction',false)){ callbackfunction=options.getfieldvalue('callbackfunction'); } //callback error function: function callbackerrorfunction(){solving=false;}; //default, do nothing if no callback function requested. if (options.getfieldvalue('callbackerrorfunction',false)){ callbackerrorfunction=options.getfieldvalue('callbackerrorfunction'); } //callback id: var callbackid = '.run-button'; //default, update .run-button elements with progress updates. if (options.getfieldvalue('callbackid',false)){ callbackid=options.getfieldvalue('callbackid'); } if (cluster.classname() == 'local'){ //{{{ /*We are running locally on the machine, using the issm module:*/ console.log('running issm locally'); //Call issm: var outputs = issm(fid, toolkitsstring, solutionstring,; //Recover output arguments: var outputbuffer = outputs[0]; var outputbuffersize = outputs[1]; //Load results: md = loadresultsfrombuffer(md,outputbuffer,outputbuffersize); //Call back? callbackfunction(); return md; } //}}} else { //{{{ /*We are running somewhere else on a computational server. Send the buffer to that server and retrieve output: */ cluster.UploadAndRun(md,callbackfunction,callbackerrorfunction,callbackid,fid,toolkitsstring,solutionstring,,md.priv.runtimename); return md; } //}}} }