1 | from os import path
2 | try:
3 | import shapefile
4 | except ImportError:
5 | print("could not import shapefile, PyShp has not been installed, no shapefile reading capabilities enabled")
6 |
7 | from helpers import OrderedStruct
8 | from pairoptions import pairoptions
9 |
10 |
11 | def shpread(filename, *args): #{{{
12 | '''
13 | SHPREAD - read a shape file and build a dict
14 |
15 | This routine reads a shape file .shp and builds a dict array containing the
16 | fields x and y corresponding to the coordinates, one for the filename
17 | of the shp file, for the density, for the nodes, and a field closed to
18 | indicate if the domain is closed. If this initial shapefile is point only,
19 | the fields closed and points are ommited.
20 | The first argument is the .shp file to be read and the second one
21 | (optional) indicates if the last point shall be read (1 to read it, 0 not
22 | to).
23 |
24 | The current implementation of shpread depends on PyShp.
25 |
26 | Usage:
27 | dict = shpread(filename)
28 |
29 | Example:
30 | From underling PyShp implementation, "The shapefile format is actually
31 | a collection of three files. You specify the base filename of the
32 | shapefile or the complete filename of any of the shapefile component
33 | files.""
34 |
35 | dict = shpread('domainoutline.shp')
36 | OR
37 | dict = shpread('domainoutline.dbf')
38 | OR
39 | dict = shpread('domainoutline')
40 |
41 | "OR any of the other 5+ formats which are potentially part of a
42 | shapefile. The library does not care about file extensions". We do,
43 | however, check that a file with the base filename or base filename with
44 | .shp extension exists.
45 |
47 |
48 | Sources:
49 | - https://github.com/GeospatialPython/pyshp
50 |
51 | TODO:
52 | - Create class that can be used to store and pretty print shape structs
53 | (ala OrderedStruct from src/m/qmu/helpers.py).
54 | '''
55 |
56 | #recover options
57 | options = pairoptions(*args)
58 |
59 | #some checks
60 | if not (path.isfile(filename) or path.isfile(filename + '.shp')):
61 | raise RuntimeError('shpread error message: file {} or {}.shp not found!'.format(filename, filename))
62 |
63 | #read shapefile
64 | sf = shapefile.Reader(filename)
65 |
66 | Structs = []
67 | shapes = sf.shapes()
68 | for i in range(len(shapes)):
69 | Struct = OrderedStruct()
70 | shape = shapes[i]
71 | if shape.shapeType == shapefile.POINT:
72 | Struct.x = shape.points[0][0]
73 | Struct.y = shape.points[0][1]
74 | Struct.density = 1
75 | Struct.Geometry = 'Point'
76 | elif shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYLINE:
77 | num_points = len(shape.points)
78 | x = []
79 | y = []
80 | for j in range(num_points):
81 | point = shape.points[j]
82 | x.append(point[0])
83 | y.append(point[1])
84 | Struct.x = x
85 | Struct.y = y
86 | Struct.nods = num_points
87 | Struct.density = 1
88 | Struct.closed = 1
89 | Struct.BoundingBox = shape.bbox
90 | Struct.Geometry = 'Line'
91 | elif shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON:
92 | num_points = len(shape.points)
93 | x = []
94 | y = []
95 | for j in range(num_points):
96 | point = shape.points[j]
97 | x.append(point[0])
98 | y.append(point[1])
99 | Struct.x = x
100 | Struct.y = y
101 | Struct.nods = num_points
102 | Struct.density = 1
103 | Struct.closed = 1
104 | Struct.BoundingBox = shape.bbox
105 | Struct.Geometry = 'Polygon'
106 | else:
107 | # NOTE: We could do this once before looping over shapes as all
108 | # shapes in the file must be of the same type, but we would
109 | # need to have a second check anyway in order to know how to
110 | # parse the points. So, let's just assume the file is not
111 | # malformed.
112 | #
113 | raise Exception('shpread error: geometry {} is not currently supported'.format(shape.shapeTypeName))
114 |
115 | name = ''
116 | fields = sf.fields
117 | for j in range(1, len(fields)): # skip over first field, which is "DeletionFlag"
118 | fieldname = fields[j][0]
119 | # 'id' field gets special treatment
120 | if fieldname == 'id':
121 | name = str(sf.record(i)[j - 1]) # record index is offset by one, again, because of "DeletionFlag"
122 | else:
123 | setattr(Struct, str(fieldname), sf.record(i)[j - 1]) # cast to string removes "u" from "u'fieldname'"
124 | Struct.name = name
125 | Structs.append(Struct)
126 |
127 | invert = options.getfieldvalue('invert', 0)
128 | if invert:
129 | for i in range(len(Structs)):
130 | Structs[i].x = np.flipud(Structs[i].x)
131 | Structs[i].y = np.flipud(Structs[i].y)
132 |
133 | return Structs
134 | #}}}