from collections import OrderedDict from os import path try: import shapefile except ImportError: print("could not import shapefile, PyShp has not been installed, no shapefile reading capabilities enabled") from pairoptions import pairoptions def shpread(filename, *args): #{{{ """SHPREAD - read a shapefile and build a list of shapes This routine reads a shapefile and builds a list of OrderedDict objects containing the fields x and y corresponding to the coordinates, one for the filename of the shp file, for the density, for the nodes, and a field closed to indicate if the domain is closed. If this initial shapefile is point only, the fields closed and points are ommitted. The first argument is the shapefile to be read and the second argument (optional) indicates if the last point shall be read (1 to read it, 0 not to). The current implementation of shpread depends on PyShp. Usage: list = shpread(filename) Example: From underling PyShp implementation, "The shapefile format is actually a collection of three files. You specify the base filename of the shapefile or the complete filename of any of the shapefile component files." list = shpread('domainoutline.shp') OR list = shpread('domainoutline.dbf') OR list = shpread('domainoutline') "OR any of the other 5+ formats which are potentially part of a shapefile. The library does not care about file extensions". We do, however, check that a file with the base filename or base filename with .shp extension exists. Sources: - NOTE: - OrderedDict objects are used instead of OrderedStruct objects (although addressing in the latter case is closer to the MATLAB struct type) in order to remain consistent with the pattern established by src/m/exp/ TODO: - Create class that can be used to store and pretty print shape structs (ala OrderedStruct from src/m/qmu/ - Convert returned data structure from list of OrderedDict objects to list of OrderedStruct objects and remove corresponding note (see also src/m/exp/ Also, modify handling of returned data structure in, - src/m/classes/ - src/m/classes/ - src/m/modules/ - src/m/mesh/ May also need to modify addressing in corresponding FetchData function, or create new one, in src/wrappers/ContoursToNodes/ContoursToNodes.cpp. """ #recover options options = pairoptions(*args) #some checks if not (path.isfile(filename) or path.isfile(filename + '.shp')): raise RuntimeError('shpread error message: file {} or {}.shp not found!'.format(filename, filename)) #read shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader(filename) Structs = [] shapes = sf.shapes() for i in range(len(shapes)): Struct = OrderedDict() shape = shapes[i] if shape.shapeType == shapefile.POINT: Struct['x'] = shape.points[0][0] Struct['y'] = shape.points[0][1] Struct['density'] = 1 Struct['Geometry'] = 'Point' elif shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYLINE: num_points = len(shape.points) x = [] y = [] for j in range(num_points): point = shape.points[j] x.append(point[0]) y.append(point[1]) Struct['x'] = x Struct['y'] = y Struct['nods'] = num_points Struct['density'] = 1 Struct['closed'] = 1 Struct['BoundingBox'] = shape.bbox Struct['Geometry'] = 'Line' elif shape.shapeType == shapefile.POLYGON: num_points = len(shape.points) x = [] y = [] for j in range(num_points): point = shape.points[j] x.append(point[0]) y.append(point[1]) Struct['x'] = x Struct['y'] = y Struct['nods'] = num_points Struct['density'] = 1 Struct['closed'] = 1 Struct['BoundingBox'] = shape.bbox Struct['Geometry'] = 'Polygon' else: # NOTE: We could do this once before looping over shapes as all # shapes in the file must be of the same type, but we would # need to have a second check anyway in order to know how to # parse the points. So, let's just assume the file is not # malformed. # raise Exception('shpread error: geometry {} is not currently supported'.format(shape.shapeTypeName)) name = '' fields = sf.fields for j in range(1, len(fields)): # skip over first field, which is "DeletionFlag" fieldname = fields[j][0] # 'id' field gets special treatment if fieldname == 'id': name = str(sf.record(i)[j - 1]) # record index is offset by one, again, because of "DeletionFlag" else: setattr(Struct, str(fieldname), sf.record(i)[j - 1]) # cast to string removes "u" from "u'fieldname'" Struct['name'] = name Structs.append(Struct) invert = options.getfieldvalue('invert', 0) if invert: for i in range(len(Structs)): Structs[i]['x'] = np.flipud(Structs[i]['x']) Structs[i]['y'] = np.flipud(Structs[i]['y']) return Structs #}}}