1 | function sens=sensitivies(md,variablename,responsename)
2 | %SENSITIVIES - compute sensitivities for a certain variable and response.
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % sens=sensitivities(md,variablename,responsename)
6 | %
7 | %
8 | % Example: sens=sensitivities(md,'DragCoefficient','MaxVel');
9 | %
10 |
11 | variablenamelength=length(variablename);
12 |
13 | %go through all response functions and find the one corresponding to the correct responsename
14 | responsefunctions=md.qmu.results.dresp_out;
15 | found=0;
16 | for i=1:length(responsefunctions),
17 | if strcmpi(responsefunctions(i).descriptor,responsename),
18 | found=i;
19 | break;
20 | end
21 | end
22 | if ~found,
23 | error('importancefactors error message: could not find correct response function');
24 | end
25 | responsefunctions=responsefunctions(found);
26 | nfun=size(responsefunctions.var,1);
27 |
28 | %Now recover response to the correct design variable
29 | rawsens=zeros(0,1);
30 | count=0;
31 | for i=1:nfun,
32 | desvar=responsefunctions.var{i};
33 | if strncmpi(desvar,variablename,variablenamelength),
34 | rawsens(end+1,1)=responsefunctions.sens(i);
35 | count=count+1;
36 | end
37 | end
38 |
39 | %Now, if this was a distributed variable, the sensitivities need to be scaled by means of the input variable.
40 | if IsScaled(variablename),
41 |
42 | %ipick up the variable in the model
43 | switch variablename,
44 | case 'thickness', variable = md.geometry.thickness;
45 | otherwise, error(['scaled variable ' variablename ' not associated to any model field']);
46 | end
47 |
48 | %average it onto the partition
49 | average_variable=AreaAverageOntoPartition(md,variable);
50 |
51 | %scale the sensitivities: only where the average_variable is not 0
52 | if ~isempty(rawsens),
53 | pos=find(average_variable);
54 | rawsens(pos)=rawsens(pos)./average_variable(pos);
55 | end
56 | end
57 |
58 | if count==0,
59 | error('sensitivities error message: either response does not exist, or sensitivities are empty');
60 | end
61 |
62 | if count==1, %we have scalar
63 | sens=rawsens;
64 | return;
65 | else
66 | %project the sensitivities from the partition onto the mesh
67 | sens=rawsens(md.qmu.partition'+1); %md.qmu.partition was created to index "c" style
68 | end