1 | #move this stuff elsewhere
2 | from helpers import *
3 |
4 | from dakota_in_write import *
5 | from dakota_in_params import *
6 | from MatlabFuncs import *
7 |
8 |
9 | def dakota_in_data(dmeth, variables, responses, dparams, filei, *args):
10 | '''
11 | DAKOTA_IN_DATA - define the data to write the dakota .in and .m files.
12 |
13 | Usage:
14 | [] = dakota_in_data(dmeth, variables, responses, dparams, filei, *args)
15 |
16 | where the required input is:
17 | dmeth (dakota_method, method class object)
18 | variables (structure array, variable class objects)
19 | responses (structure array, response class objects)
20 | dparams (structure array, method - independent parameters)
21 | filei (character, name of .in and .m files)
22 |
23 | Params may be empty, in which case defaults will be used.
24 |
25 | The optional args are passed directly through to the QmuUpdateFunctions
26 | brancher to be used by the analysis package. For example, this could be
27 | model information.
28 |
29 | This function defines the data to write the dakota .in and .m files. It is
30 | necessary for multiple reasons. First, it collects the parameters and
31 | applies some defaults that are unique to the environment. Second, some
32 | analysis package ariables and/or responses may be treated differently by
33 | Dakota. For example, an analysis package variable may be defined as an
34 | array, so the QmuSetupDesign brancher will create Dakota variables for each
35 | element of the array. Finally, it calls the functions to write the .in and
36 | .m files. this function is independent of the particular analysis package.
37 |
38 | This data would typically be generated by a MATLAB script for a specific
39 | model, using the method, variable, and response class objects.
40 | '''
41 |
42 | # parameters
43 | # get default set of parameters
44 | params = dakota_in_params(struct())
45 | # merge specified parameters into default set, whether or not
46 | # they already exist
47 | fnames = fieldnames(dparams)
48 |
49 | for fieldname in fnames:
50 | if not isfield(params, fieldname):
51 | print('WARNING: dakota_in_data:unknown_param: No parameter {} in default parameter set.'.format(str(fieldname)))
52 | exec('params.{} = vars(dparams)[fieldname]'.format(fieldname))
53 |
54 | # use matlab even though we are running python
55 | if params.direct and params.analysis_driver == '':
56 | params.analysis_driver = 'matlab'
57 |
58 | if strcmpi(params.analysis_driver, 'matlab') and params.analysis_components == '':
59 | pathstr, name, ext = fileparts(filei)
60 | params.analysis_components = fullfile(pathstr, name + '.py')
61 |
62 | # merge method parameters, though they shouldn't be in dparams
63 | # dmeth = dmeth_params_merge(dmeth, dparams)
64 |
65 | # variables
66 | fnames = fieldnames(variables)
67 |
68 | # works like matlab arbitrary structs / classes, remembers order of input attributes
69 | dvar = OrderedStruct()
70 | dresp = OrderedStruct()
71 |
72 | for i in range(len(fnames)):
73 | # currently all variable types can just be copied
74 | exec(('dvar.%s = vars(variables)[fnames[i]]') % (fnames[i]))
75 |
76 | # responses
77 | fnames = fieldnames(responses)
78 |
79 | for i in range(len(fnames)):
80 | # currently all response types can just be copied
81 | exec(('dresp.%s = vars(responses)[fnames[i]]') % (fnames[i]))
82 |
83 | # write files
84 | #Write in file
85 | dakota_in_write(dmeth, dvar, dresp, params, filei, *args)